Compsognathus “triassicus” (*) (JN)

“Elegant Jaw” discovered in the late 1850’s in Bavaria, Germany by Dr. Oberndorfer & described by Johann A. Wagner in 1959. Compsognathus lived during the Late Jurassic Period about 150 to 140 million years ago. It was 1 meter (3 ft.) in length, 0.3 meters (1 foot) in height at the hips, & 7.7 pounds (3.5 Kilos) in weight, also worthy of note is that the JP3 Dinosaur guide disputes this size as it claims the animal was 1.5 meters (5 ft) in length and 0.6 meters (2 ft) in height. Compsognathus can be found on Isla Sorna as well as possibly Isla Nublar. Dr. Robert Burke, the Paleonotologist of the InGen Expedition to Isla Sorna in 1997, either mistook Compsognathus to be Procompsognathus triassicus or both genus are present on Sorna.