Dinosaurs as Latrine Animals (C/N)

Latrine animals are animals, such as Rhinoceros, deer, humans, etc, who find preference in setting designated locations for the expulsion of solid and liquid bodily waste. The act is often performed as a method of large scale territorial marking for herds, but can be for other purposes such as hygiene as seen in humans.

In 1995, Dr. Richard Levine observed a herd of genetically engineered Parasaurolophus on Isla Sorna performing the act. While observing the herd’s vocal behavior, Dr. Levine attempted replicating the calls he heard. The act coincided with the Parasaurolophus time to expel their waste, which made Levine believe, for a short time, that he may have inadvertently disrupted their normal behavior. The Parasaurolophus herd formed a single file line, which made marching through the thick jungle to reach their latrine location easier. Once at their latrine location, a small expanse of flattened brush within the jungle, the Parasaurolophus performed both synchronized urination and defecation. Once relieved, the Parasaurolophus drank their urine. The precise reason for this last act is unclear, however possible motives include attempts at recovering lost nutrients such as sodium, or perhaps it is linked to hormonal reason.