Tyrannosaurus rex (IDW-JPR)

Disambiguation Links – Tyrannosaurus rex (S/F-Ride), Tyrannosaurus rex (IDW-DG), Tyrannosaurus rex (IDW-DitD), Tyrannosaurus rex (T/C), Tyrannosaurus rex (JN), Tyrannosaurus rex (CB-Topps), Tyrannosaurus rex (C/N), Tyrannosaurus rex (S/F)

Tyrannosaurus rex appears a few times, mostly in images, in the Jurassic Park: Redemption series. It’s used once during Lex’s United Nations address, and is seen once on Dr. Bakker’s computer screen (although it is red instead of gray/green like before.) Almost the same exact Tyrannosaurus image used at the UN is seen later on in a newspaper that Lex has. In issue four of Redemption both the male Tyrannosaur and the juvenile from The Lost World: Jurassic Park is scene in Ludlow’s flashback explaining how he survived and was rescued by InGen.

In issue five there is an unknown, large carnivore that attacks the group of humans and actually almost kills Delgado. At first one would not suspect this to be a Tyrannosaurus rex and probably just another Allosaurus (due to the fact that it has three digits on its hand and not two, and because it

looks similar to the Allosaurus,) but then something else roars in the distance and Tim makes the comment of hoping that it isn’t another T. rex . This proves to be one of the main problems in the Redemption series, the fact that almost all the dinosaur (specifically the carnivores) look almost all the same.