Welcome to the forum! We hope you enjoy your stay here and enjoy interacting with other fans like yourself! We do have a few rules here to keep the peace and make this place a positive environment.
Please be sure to follow these rules so we all can have a wonderful time! Please note that this forum is an English speaking forum. Many of us, our primary language on both the website and forum is English.
Account activation from the Administrator is required in order for you to participate on this forum. This is done to keep away bots from spamming the forum up with ads and useless crap. Please answer the questions and wait for the Administrator to activate the account. PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. Thank you.
1. Be kind, Be Courteous, most of all: Be Chill
Maintaining a healthy and welcoming apartment is number one here, so let's treat everyone with respect and civility. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required always around here. If you're rude you're going to get talked to and you need to realize text does not always properly convey emotion. We do not encourage elitist attitudes and pervasively negative attitudes. It is important always to remember the human on the other end of the computer has thoughts, feelings, and aspirations just like you. Most important thing that you should ask yourself is "If I said this, how will it make others feel?" in short: Don't be a jerk about things. We're here to relax, make friends, and form meaningful connections that can even turn into life-long friendships.
2. No Hate Speech, no drama. and no bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated. This is a pro-LGBTQIA+ place, if you're not down with that - you should leave because bigotry sucks and ergo we think bigots suck. Hazing of new members or anyone is strictly prohibited and dealt with either via a warning or ban if it is continual. Tolerance is a social contract, if you refuse to behave by the terms of the contract with hate and intolerance, we're going to show you the door and not be nice to you either. Freedom of speech and self-expression works on a social contract, when you are clearly attacking a group of people by insulting them you are in violation of said social contract and will be dealt with accordingly (permanently).
3. Be constructive, open, and mindful
Complaining for the sake of complaining is not welcome as is constant and even pervasive negativity. An example of this is parroting the jaded movie fan persona. To put it bluntly, no one cares if all you wish to do is complain. It makes the environment tense and chases people off because of an overall lack of enjoyment. Usually, a common example of this is, if one thinks "Everything new sucks and is nothing like the originals" and is constantly going on about nostalgic feelings and how the franchise just hasn't felt the same since then (these are called 'member berries'). We're not going to like everything, but let's focus on what we do like instead because that's how we can all bond around here. One more important caveat, DO NOT antagonize people who like something you personally do not. Remember that there is an old saying that goes, "If you have nothing nice or constructive to say then it is best to say nothing at all" and it is very much implied in practice here to keep the environment chill and the mellow flowing like it should.
Restricted Topics/Discussions
There are some restricted topics and discussions here we have to point out that will be deleted.
- Asking for Downloads and Torrents of Copy-Written Material will not be allowed here unless the material is out of print and used for educational purposes only. This includes the newer games that are on the market as well as asking for downloads of the movies and original novels too. A good rule of thumb is if it is available still on the retail market, odds are you shouldn't ask for a copy unless you fully intend to purchase it. This includes rule includes distributing widely available media as well.
- Political Posts aren't exactly prohibited, as matters of science can and do influence public policy. The reality is though that this is not an arena for partisan politics and debating what is a fact and what isn't if one has a personal disagreement, climate change for instance is a fact that's happening. There are areas of discussion impacting scientific study in the fields of genomic research, the field of study of paleontology & evolution, climate change, and geology that should and are allowed to be discussed openly here.
An example here of topics that are welcome are things like the private ownership versus public ownership of fossilized material, the evolution of life on Earth for the last 4.5 billion years, and the effects of climate change being brought upon by human industrialization in the late 20th century. Jurassic Park is a series about science and if you reject science in all of its forms then you must leave. There will be no "alternative facts" here in these discussions, at all. Try to remember we encourage a pro-science type of environment here.
- Religious/Creationist-aligned posts are not allowed under any circumstance whatsoever here. So you found Jesus, we don't care. The subject of Evolution is considered an indisputable, well-documented, and proven fact in all areas of science and science learning and that is just reality, get over it. We will not tolerate and do not accept any form of discussion related to Intelligent Design and/or Young-Earth Creationism at all (positive or negative). It's OK to believe in a higher power if one does, spirituality is a private matter. Understand that this forum strictly operates in an exclusively pro-science and pro-intellectual environment. If this is a problem for you then you should close your browser from this forum and leave now.
-Age Restriction: If you are under 13 years of age understand the forum itself is centered around and for much older fans of the series. This isn't anything personal by any means, we just simply do not wish to be considered a baby-sitting service by would-be parents looking for a place for their kids to come online and post. Not all content discussed here will be suitable for children of all ages for that matter. While it’s not up to us to decide what other people’s children can handle, we also don’t want to expose children to anything that might not be considered age-appropriate, as Jurassic Park series itself is a PG-13 film series.
The goal of this forum is to be a nice place to come, hang out, and share in your fandom as well as to have a wholesomely positive experience. Fandom is meant to be a place where you come to feel good about the things you love and share in those positive vibes with others. We wish to not have anything to do with drama, toxicity, and even pervasive negativity around here. We aim to be a place for you to chill and share your love for the Jurassic Park/Jurassic World series with others. If you disagree with any of our rules you're going to have an unpleasant time.
Thanks and enjoy your stay with us!
Welcome to Jurassic-Pedia!
- TyrannosaurTJ
- Administrator
- Posts: 174
- Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:07 pm
- Location: Bloomsburg, PA
- Favorite Jurassic Series Film: Jurassic World Dominion
- Favorite prehistoric animal in the series: Tyrannosaurus
- Favorite piece of Jurassic Park/World merchandise or collectible: Hammond Collection Tyrannosaurus rex