Michael Crichton Mistakes

Come discuss the original Michael Crichton novels here along with the other literature in the series like the comics too!
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Michael Crichton Mistakes

Post by EdRegisPR »

I’m sure many of you have read the novels multiple times. What are some mistakes you’ve noticed (not typos) that you’ve picked up on over the years? I remember reading in the first book that the compies had 5 fingers when in real life they would only have 3. Also the restaurant was to be named “Les Gigantes,” which mixes up French and Spanish. The restaurant was headed by a French chef, and in French giants is spelled géants, whereas in Spanish it’s gigantes. Thus, the French name would have been Les Géants, but if the name was supposed to be in Spanish or should have been LOS Gigantes.
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Re: Michael Crichton Mistakes

Post by TyrannosaurTJ »

One of the biggest mistakes that comes to mind for me is that Costa Rica doesn't have an Air Force, they're actually de-militarized.
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