In-game animals' scientiffic name (genus and species)

Jurassic World Evolution was a great game, so great it received a sequel! It improved upon what was already there and became something much more amazing, be sure to discuss it here
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In-game animals' scientiffic name (genus and species)

Post by Push2Close »

I've noticed the user Sarcopterygian did a lot of entries about the animals that appear in the JEW2 game. He/She even includes the entire scientiffic name and although I appreciate this a lot I am wondering where he/she got that information from. Is there a game file that lists them? Is it professional experience and observation?

I'm just genuinely curious.
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Re: In-game animals' scientiffic name (genus and species)

Post by Troodon_formosus »

Hi, I'm the person who's created a lot of these pages! For some animal genera there's just one known species, but for those with multiple species we can sometimes tell which one it is based on the anatomy. The JW Evolution games are also helpful in that they tell us which fossil formations the animals actually come from, which can often narrow it down to just one particular species. For a lot of the in-game animals, that's the determining factor in which species it appears to be.
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