Aztec Gold Plates (S/F-JWE)

Gold plates are sometimes used for ornamental purposes in Aztec culture. Although these plates can resemble coins and are often mistaken for coins by Western societies (especially the conquistadors of Spain, during the conquest of the Americas), they have never been used as currency anywhere in Mesoamerican civilization.

These plates appear in Jurassic World: Evolution 2 as a discoverable item during paleontological expeditions, where they are simply called “Buried Treasure” and may or may not represent the Aztec items they are based on. Rather than taking direction from real-life Aztec art, the game items’ design appears to be a reference to pieces of Aztec gold featured in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. It is implied that paleontologists in the game are discovering lost treasure once pilfered and hidden by pirates, rather than artifacts from Mesoamerican archaeological sites.