Join Our Message Board!

We at Jurassic-Pedia have been hard at work on developing ourselves into more of a fandom powerhouse for everyone to enjoy. We have recently put a lot of work into the modernization of message board to upgrade the look and feel of it. With our redesigns, we hope you feel both appreciation for the community’s history, and simultaneously a fresh sense of hope for the fandom as we move into the future. Our staff has decided to focus less on the social media integration of our interaction features and more on turning inward with the idea of creating a safe space for fans to interact with each other directly on our website with our own improved and revitalized message board. There are a lot of advantages to interacting…

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Jurassic-Pedia Public Discussion Group on Facebook Now Open

We have created a public discussion group for the site via Facebook groups. While we welcome everybody to partake we would like to stress that this group is science-friendly first and foremost. The Jurassic-Pedia Discussion group is meant for people to come and discuss the Jurassic Park/World series in a pro-science/pro-intellectual environment. While we are welcoming of everybody we would like to stress that Young-Earth Creationism and anti-science topics and debating of those topics are not welcome here. We will be discussing the subjects of the franchise in-depth from paleontology, geology, and biology on down to genetics and other related concepts here. This group is focused on learning and empowering oneself through the acquisition of knowledge. The Jurassic Park/World series opens the door to scientific enrichment and we…

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Jurassic-Pedia Celebrates One Year

While we celebrate another anniversary for The Lost World: Jurassic Park, we are also celebrating our first two years into operation here at Jurassic-Pedia. We’ve been doing a ton of improvements behind the scenes with appointing some important, familiar faces from the Jurassic Park Legacy days in order to streamline the operation of the site on the back end and behind the scenes. We are also planning to add more features cosmetically to the front page as well in those revisions. One such change already, for example, our random entry that pops up along the right-hand side now features an image that comes from the article it is linking to, pretty neat, huh? That said most of the other changes have been focusing internally on the operations of…

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The Lost World’s 20th and Our Official Opening!

Welcome to Jurassic-Pedia! Our official opening is today on May 23rd, 2017 even though we’ve been online and building up steam since March 3rd, 2017. Why did we pick this day to announce ourselves? Because it is also the 20th anniversary of the second Jurassic Park film, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, and we wish to celebrate the 20th anniversary of one of best and yet under appreciated sequels around! If you would like to know about us, please check our Introduction page, if you’d like to offer to help catalog the canons or just want to generally help out on the site please submit a contributor application, have you found an error on a page? Let us know with the error report form. Welcome to Jurassic-Pedia!

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Jurassic-Pedia Website Acquisition & Official Launch Date Announced

This post is to signify the purchase and subsequent acquisition of the rebirth of the Jurassic Park Encyclopedia from Jurassic Park Legacy. The official launch of the Jurassic-Pedia will coincide with The Lost World: Jurassic Park’s 20th anniversary. We look forward to bringing a majority of the content back to the public that was once on Jurassic Park Legacy and serving the fandom from now and into the future. Welcome!

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