Sasquatch (S/F-T/G)

The sasquatch, also called the bigfoot, is a cryptid species of hominid reported from much of North America. Sightings are most common in the Pacific Northwest, though claims also come from other northern forest environments. It is a part of a broader cultural tradition of depicting non-human hominids, typically portrayed as large and hairy, still persisting in areas of the world not densely inhabited by human societies. The sasquatch itself is described as being six to nine feet in height. While the sasquatch of modern pop culture is derived from European wildman legends, it is also partly rooted in Indigenous American traditions of hairy humanoid beings. These stories are all quite different from one another, and also different from bigfoot stories told by European-Americans. Cryptozoologists generally agree that most sasquatch sightings are misidentifications of known animals, or deliberate hoaxes. Most biologists believe there are no non-human hominids indigenous to North America.