Ben Pincus (S/F)

Ben with the other Campers on his way to Camp Cretaceous

Ben is fourteen years old, and was chosen as one of the six one of the six campers attending the inaugural week of Camp Cretaceous at Jurassic World on Isla Nublar. Ben was enrolled in camp, as his parents viewed it as an opportunity for him to toughen up and overcome his own fears. In the initial press release, Ben Pincus’s personality is described as a sensitive and bookish kid who hates and is terrified of the outdoors. He suffers from severe anxiety, and is also extremely shy.


Ben Arriving at the Docks

Ben’s mom works for Simon Masrani, and enrolled him in the camp as she saw it as an opportunity for him to face his fears. Ben would arrive on Isla Nublar via the Ferry Landing along with the other campers, and be greeted by Dave and Roxie. After initial introductions, the campers are driven to Camp Cretaceous by their co-counselors, only stopping briefly as the counselors attempt to recapture an escaped Compsognathus. Reaching the camp, they are given a brief overview of the camp rules, before they get a chance to unpack. That night, all of the campers, Ben included, get a chance to ride a zipline over the dinosaur herd in Gyrosphere Valley, although he is visibly nervous when ziplining over the herd.

Ben Meeting Bumpy for the first time

The next day, the campers visit the Field Genetics Lab, where they are given a tour of the facilities, including a dinosaur nursery. Ben is present for the birth of the Baby ankylosaur, and promptly names him Bumpy due to his asymmetrical head bumps. Ben seems to form a quick affinity with Bumpy, however, he along with the rest of the group are abruptly kicked out by Dr. Henry Wu in retaliation for Brooklynn‘s invasion of his office despite his protests over leaving Bumpy. The group return back to the camp for the night, after picking up Darius and Kenji. That night, he is among the group listening to campfire stories, before rain forces them inside.

Ben Driving the Gyrosphere

The next morning, the Campers are taken to Gyrosphere Valley, to help the park personnel lead the herd to their grazing pens. Ben is paired with Ken in his Gyrosphere, much to Kenji’s consternation at not being allowed to drive. Ben drives slowly and carefully, and is initially mocked by Ken for it. Meanwhile, the counselors cut the activity short due to an approaching storm, and ride out to warn the other employees.  Initially planning to stay put, Ben and Kenji end up attempting to assist the others in herding a lone Sinoceratops back to it’s enclosure.

As the campers attempt to corral the Sinoceratops, Kenji and Ben argue over the controls as he is frustrated with the other kid’s driving.. The lack of coordination from the campers results in the Sinoceratops sending Darius and Brooklynn’s gyrosphere into the thick of the herd, disrupting the entire herd and causing a stampede. The campers continue to get jostled by the stampeding herd, as they attempt to outrun it. After an argument, Ben allows Kenji to drive, and he immediately wrecks the gyrosphere.

Ben and Kenji are forced to ride with Yasmina and Sammy in one Gyrosphere after catching up to them, and they eventually find Darius and Brooklynn’s gyrosphere trapped in the sinkhole. The group manages to free the other children with assistance from the Gyrosphere, and are greeted by Dave and Roxie, who admonish them for their actions before sending them back to the camp for the night.

Jurassic World Incident:

The next morning, the campers are left alone by their counselors, as they head to the main park in an attempt to contact Claire Dearing regarding the recent incidents. Ben and Kenji blame Darius for the events of the following day, even as he tries to convince the group to stay in the camp and participate in inside activities such as coloring. The group is distracted by the sound of an approaching dinosaur, and they decide to head to the observation tower to try to determine where the roar is coming from. Ben initially stays behind, but quickly becomes scared, running to chase after his fellow campers. The campers successfully break into the tower and climb it, seemingly relieved to see the noise is only a Brachiosaurus feeding.

Just then, two employees emerge from the jungle and alert the children to come down. Initially refusing, the kids watch horrified as the Indominus Rex ambushes and kills the two men. As the hybrid attacks the tower, the group attempts to use the zip line to escape, although the emergency brake trips, leaving some of the group stranded in the center. The Indominus succeeds in knocking down the first tower, along with the line, sending the campers, Ben included, falling down to earth.

The Campers find the Camp destroyed

The campers awaken after being briefly disoriented, and make a run for the camp, only to find that it has been destroyed. Ben would agree along with the other campers that Darius’s plan of heading towards the main park for assistance was the best course of action. As the campers make their way towards the park, they pass by the Carnotaurus paddock, where Ben accidentally reveals that Kenji told all the rest of the group about his misadventure with Darius. Before the group leaves for the park, Darius is comforted by Ben, as he is worried that the adults will be unable to fix their situation.

The Campers find the ACU van

Ben lags behind the group a bit, as he finds Bumpy, and attempts to convince the rest of the campers to let him follow along with them. When they argue that he would be too slow to follow, he points out a nearby van that Bumpy could join them in. As the group climb into the van, they are suddenly chased and pursued by the Indominus Rex, and manage to evade it by driving the van up to the Field Genetics Lab.

The campers take shelter within the relative safety of the Field Genetics Lab, as they encounter Eddie. The scientist promptly attempts to commandeer their vehicle but quickly crashes it and is eaten by the Indominus soon afterwards. The Indominus then stalks the campers as they try their best to evade it, eventually escaping via the van as they attempt to drive the van directly to the park. However, the van crashes soon after as Yasmina is distracted.

The Parasaurs attack the Campers

The campers begin to argue, but are interrupted by the arrival of Simon Masrani‘s helicopter pursuing the Indominus Rex before it breaks open the Aviary. The pteranadons are released, crashing the helicopter, and proceed to pursue the group. The children run to the safety of the Kayak River, as they decide to attempt to row to safety. As they row in the underground caverb, Yasmina argues with Ben regarding Bumpy, but they are interrupted by Parasaurolphus who have become agitated by Bumpy’s cries before abruptly fleeing.

The group is then sucked into a side tunnel due to a strong current, which expels them into the Mosasaur Lagoon. The Mosasaur begins circling them, even as the kids row furiously towards the safety of the spectator stands. Yasmina creates a distraction so that Ben is safely able to get to the safety of the platform, even as Kenji rescues her. The campers recoup on the stands, even as they hear the sound of a siren alerting any remaining survivors about an evacuation.

As the group hears the sirens, they attempt to reach the evacuation ferry which departs in two hours, and thus decide to use the Monorail to reach it, as Ben points out that the ferry landing is at the south point of the island and they would have difficulty reaching it otherwise.. As they approach the Monorail, they are intercepted by the Carnotaurus, who gives chase to them. Ben and the others manage to evade it, waiting in the monorail for Darius and Yasmina to catch up.

As the group escapes in the Monorai, the celebrate as they believe their rescue and evacuation is imminent. Ben offers the survivors Carob bars as snacks, but no one else likes his treat. The campers start to discuss what their plans are for after they are rescued, but this is cut short by a distant explosion. Shortly afterwards, the group discover that the Monorail is under attack by pteranodons, who are drawn to the train because of the many lights, the group arms themselves with flashlights as they attempt to destroy the light fixtures to try to ward off the attack. As the attack continues, Darius leads the group to another train car in their attempt to evade. They then see the up ahead, that the pteranodons are attacking another monorail car which has broken down in the middle of the track.

Darius realizes they need to switch tracks or stop the car to avoid a collision. They run to the front of the train to try to get to the controls. Finding it locked, they realize they have to go outside of the train to access it. Darius initially offers to be the one to go after he is knocked down, finds that Ben has volunteered, and had already exited the car via the top. Darius implores Ben to come back into the car, but he refuses, asking Darius to create a distraction.

Ben falling from the Train

Ben manages to get inside the access panel, and get to the front of the train car. Ben narrowly manages to get the tracks to switch, as the monorail car narrowly passes by the crashed one, sending it falling to the jungle below. As Ben opens the front door from the other side, he embraces Bumpy as the group cheers him on. Just then, a Pteranadon crashes through the train car, attempting to fly off with Ben, although Darius manages to wrest him free, and the episode ends as Ben is slipping out of his grasp. Despite the best efforts of Darius, Ben falls into the jungle below, as the Pteranodons dive after him to the horror of his fellow campers. However, Ben survives his fall, as at an undisclosed time later, Bumpy approaches a prone Ben, and his arm twitches in response. Ben is awoken by Bumpy licking his face, as he is still very injured from his fall. Embracing Bumpy, he takes stock of his situation, realizing that he is alone for the moment, after calling out without an answer.

Bumpy defends Ben from the Compys

He is ambushed by a flock of Compys, which start to close in on his position, and Darius is about to give up, but bumpy manages to defend him against the predators. He believes that they are waiting for him at the ferry, but is unsure how to get there. Realizing he has no map or other supplies, he passes out again, awoken by Bumpy. He believes they may have already gotten off the island, and determines to activate the emergency beacon, but not before attempting to take stock of his location by climbing a tree.

However, he changes his mind after getting a splinter and decides to follow the path, becoming intimidated by the sound of distant roars. After climbing some rocks, he becomes frightened at reaching a dead end and tries another route, but changes his mind again after hearing a roar. He tries several other routes, becoming increasingly tired, as he is excited to finally find a road.

Ben and Bumpy hide from Toro

As he looks around and notices scattered dinosaur bones, he notices Toro approaching him and roaring as it charges him. Bumpy manages to push him out of the way, as the two flee. They are pursued by the Carnotaur until they manage to lose it by hiding behind a rock face. Frustrated at apparently missing it’s prey, the dinosaur leaves, even as Ben sighs in relief and breaks down crying. Going back to the path, he becomes increasingly frustrated, and decides to make a makeshift shelter, resting inside it with Bumpy.

Ben rests in the makeshift shelter

He is awoken after a fitful night’s sleep by Bumpy, realizing that he is hungry, he decides to follow the Ankylosaurus. Reaching a bush full of berries, he reluctantly tries one, only to spit it out, and decides to take instead from the berries that he witnesses Bumpy eating. He follows Bumpy to a stream, where he manages to quench his thirst, even as he is frightened of a Parasaurolophus wading in the water. The pair return to the shelter, and in the next few days he settles into a routine of foraging for food, and returning to the shelter each day.

Eventually he works up the courage to try and tell Bumpy to give him space, accidently ruining his shelter in the process. Standing up for himself, he causes Bumpy to run away crying. Remaking his shelter, Ben attempts to apologize but doesn’t see Bumpy anywhere. He runs around searching for him fruitlessly. He flees back to the shelter after running into a Compy again, this time deciding to go out and forage for himself before the Compys send him running back to his base. However, he realizes that they are following him every time he attemptss to leave.

Ben challenges the Carnotaurus

Ben breaks down crying at the loss of Bumpy, even as a rainstorm begins to fall, and the Compys begin to invade his Shelter. Ben is about to give up, before he gains a burst of bravery, scaring them away. As time passes, ben has become more acclimated at survival, even to the point of climbing the tree that had frightened him before, and fashioning a spear. He attempts to confront Toro alone with the spear, and the Carnotaur charges him, even as Ben feints, and makes a run for the path. However, Toro circles him, as Ben attempts to stab him with his spear, he falls down and loses it, being quickly cornered, but not before Ben takes hold of its horns and regains the spear, managing to wound it.

Ben and Bumpy fight Toro

Just then, a grown up Bumpy charges through the trees, managing to knock Toro over. Ben and Bumpy jointly managed to scare Toro away, causing it to back up to the point where it falls down a cliff, screaming in pain as it lands. The pair would go down the path together, until they see smoke, coming across Mitch, Tiff and Hap talking about the rest of the campers.

Ben would soon meet up with Brooklynn and Kenji as they were being pursued by Hap. However he is knocked out by Ben and Bumpy, and tied up, as Ben catches up with the others.

The campers Interrogate Hap

Ben ties Hap up, as he fills the two of them on what he has been up to. While they debate what to do with the couple, Hap wakes up, and confronts Ben, before Brooklynn attempts to calm everyone down.  He attempts to intimidate Hap, but is so unsuccessful, and so Brooklynn takes over. The group would set out to investigate the garage that Hap informed them of, although Bumpy has a bad reaction, even as a dinosaur growls nearby.

The group escape into the garage just as the Baryonyx trio nearly find them. Attempting to make a distraction as the Baryonyx charge the door, Brooklynn and Kenji ride the motorbike, with Hap in the sidecar, while Ben escapes with Bumpy. The garage explodes, stunning the Baryonyx, so that the group can get away. Ben veers off road attempting to distract them, but is unsuccessful as the Baryonyx maintain their course on the other children.

Ben and Bumpy walk together through the tunnels

Ben and Bumpy reconnect with the other remaining campers, even as Yasmina embraces him glad that he is alive. They inform him of Darius’s plan, and all of them decide to attempt to help them as they travel to Main Street, taking a short cut through the maintenance tunnels. Making their way through the dark maze, they eventually reach what appears to be a dead end. Ben utilizes Bumpy in an attempt to break the gate.

As the group attempts to break through, Brooklynn hears a noise, as they follow the source down a tunnel to a locked door. She uses her keypad to open the door, revealing a hidden corridor that is at a much lower temperature. They follow the tunnels to another locked door, and upon opening it, are able to access a control room. They begin to try to activate the controls, believing it to be a secret power center. They utilize this power center to be able to reactivate some of the power within the park, as well as assist Darius by calling out to him over the intercom at crucial points.

Meanwhile, Ben informs Sammy and Darius that he and Bumpy are still alive. The group resolves to work together to foil the hunter’s plot. Ben, Bumpy, and Yasmina break into a garage, which enables Yasmina to utilize a car. The rest of the campers arrive at the watering hole, using their vehicles to scare the dinosaurs away, and cause a stampede. As the other campers celebrate their apparent victory, they realize that the herd has turned around, and is stampeding in their direction, fleeing from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the group flees as well.

The campers evade the Trex

The Rex pursues the campers, attempting to attack Bumpy, and by extension Sammy, Ben, and Yasmina, who are riding on top. They manage to evade the animal for the moment by winding their way though the herd. Ben and the rest of the campers would later meet up with Brooklynn and Darius at the Dock after they failed to catch up with Tiff.

The children attempt escape from Isla Nublar upon a makeshift raft. However, the group’s raft is destroyed after a large wave, and the group dejectedly walks back to the Camp, even as Ben happily reunites with Bumpy. The children, led by Darius addresses the other campers in a group roundtable, attempting to assess what escape plans worked, and which didn’t.

As Darius asks for ideas, the group eventually decides that a raft is the way to go. Kenji brings up that there are Hang Gliders at Lookout Point to the mountains. The group uses the Sky Gondolas to be able to reach the lookout point. Darius stays behind with Ben as the others go up to the Lookout Point. Darius questions Ben., believing him to be upset about something, but is not met with a straight answer.

Elsewhere, a Ceratosaurus is attacked by a unseen dinosaur, and the roar is heard by the pair of them in the distance. Ben responds he does not wish to leave Bumpy alone on the Island. On the ground, Bumpy attacks a Dimorphodon in self-defense as it attempts to attack the children, and the combined trio manage to scare it away.

The Poacher Yacht

As the group reconnects, they are excited to be able to have found Mitch and Tiff’s abandoned boat, deciding to use it as an escape vehicle. The campers changed into bathing gear, cautiously approaching the boat from the ocean. They begin to carefully search the boat, finding claw marks, but finding no sign of anyone or any animals in the boat. They uncover the pilots room, and determine that Tiff was attacked by an animal. The radio and the controls are busted up, and they determine that its out of gas.

Ben heads back to the shore, even as Kenji offers to drive the boat to the dock. He manages to get the engine to work just enough to take them to the dock. Ben greets them at the dock, and he notes that he locked the fence around the dock so that they will have some safety. Kenji floats the idea of having a party on the yacht to the group, even as the rest of the group readily agree. As the Campers investigate, they determine that there is a large hole on the side of the yacht. They decide to head to the docks to attempt to find supplies to patch the boat.

Ben joins the group at the Northwest Dock

They meet up with Ben, even as they hear a dinosaur roaring. It is revealed to be a pair of Ouranosaurs. They begin to roar, pursuing the children. Upon seeing an opening, the group attempts to escape, only to realize that Sammy is missing. After finding Sammy, the entire group makes a run for the yacht. The Ouranosaurs attempt to board the boat, but the campers scare them off with fireworks, as they cheer in celebration.

As the campers worry about not having a dock to be able to go ashore in, Kenji indicates that he knows of a private dock for his father’s penthouse. Just as they dock, the boat runs out of gas. Kenji leads the way for the camper, taking them to the Penthouse on segways. On their way, they encounter a Monolophosaurus. Darius disregards it as being a loner, so they pass by it, unaware that there is a second individual. The group reaches the penthouse without further incident, coming across a large building. Brooklynn uses the keycard to gain access to the building, and they take the stairs to the private penthouse.

Ben addresses the group in the Penthouse

Kenji welcomes them to the Penthouse, as the group begins to be diverted by the luxuries of the penthouse on offer. Ben attempts to bring the group on track to find supplies, but is distracted by an offer of a water bottle. Ben calls the group to the window, as he observes Bumpy is extremely agitated, noting it’s a sign of danger. A scouting party led by Ben and Yaz confirms that the animals are already inside the building, and the children escape through the vents.

Ben and Yaz go down to the Garage, with Sammy following shortly after. Ben hears a noise, and as they cautiously look out at the hallway, they uncover the Monopholosaurs attempting to break through the door, and run back to the penthouse. The children escape through the ceiling, even as the Monopholosaurs roar in frustration.

They decide to stay with their original plan of going to the garage, even as they head through the vents. However, the carnivores follow them through the vents, forcing the campers to head down a vent to escape them, landing into another floor of the penthouse. They reach the garage, finding sealant, and having an idea to siphon gas from the cars.

The group is suddenly alerted to the presence of two Monolophosaurs, as they hide in the limos to attempt to evade them. They realize that they may be trapped by the dinosaurs, as they determine to run to the last limo, and run in just enough time, even as one tries to break in. Yaz drives the limo out of the garage, even as the others are chased by the animals, and the other group just barely manages to jump in. Bumpy is present to knock the carnivores to the side, allowing them to escape.

The children utilize the sealant to be able to patch the hole, however Darius notes that it takes 48 hours for the sealant to set. Ben stays behind with the yacht as the other children go off on their separate errands. Later as Ben arrives back at the camp, Kenji immediately attempts to delegate the responsibility of packing to him, as he celebrates the possibility of leaving the Island.

Ben leaves the camp temporarily, and is found by Kenji and Yaz who discover that Ben  A  has introduced Bumpy to a new group of Ankylosaurs. The group head back to the camp, gathering up their supplies just as a storm sets in. The Scorpios Rex stalks the perimeter of the camp, brushing against the electrified fence, and becoming agitated, attacking the fence and causing the campers to scream.

Ben and the group face down the Scorpios

It is able to utilize it’s infrared vision to see the campers, before it disappears, having climbed to the top of the camp to catch them by surprise. E750 leaps down, and the camps attempt to evade it to little avail, even as lightning strikes a nearby tree, and the fire distracts the predator long enough for them to be able to run away. he campers are cornered by the electrified fence, as the E750 roars at them. It is met by an answering roar in the distance, as it rushes to meet the challenge, running off into the jungle, as the campers sigh in relief, just as they realize that Sammy has been hit by the quills, just as she faints.

Darius and Ben blow up Lookout Point

The campers rush to attend to Sammy, who is still severely poisoned by the Scorpios Rex.  As Yaz runs off to get a cure, Darius and Ben run into the jungle to create a diversion, with Ben leading them to a place he knows from his travels with Bumpy. They spot some Pteranodons, proceeding cautiously to ensure they do not get attacked. Ben reaches a location by a river, where he produces a can of gasoline. They return to the Gondola lift,utilizing the gondolas to create a makeshift bomb as it heads up to Lookout point. The first attempt fizzles out. However, just as they argue over it failing, the bomb explodes spectacularly, causing the Scorpios to be distracted from attacking Yaz.

The campers watch over Sammy’s recovery after taking the antidote. The campers decide to leave the island as soon as possible, and gather supplies to be ready for the journey. As the campers are busy, Ben runs off into the Jungle after Bumpy. Later, Ben manages to save Darius in the nick of time from falling off a cliff by catching him. Ben is worried about Bumpy’s whereabouts, telling Darius to return to the boat if he wants, but he follows him instead.

They come across Bumpy after a short period of searching. Ben hesitates, claiming he does not want to leave the Island. Darius insists they can all go together, but Ben claims to be happy on the island. The two argue, and it escalates into a physical fight, as Darius tries to convince him to stay. Just as Ben is about to hit him, Darius cries out that he is not abandoning him again, as Bumpy cries.

Ben and Bumpy walk back to the Ankylosaurus herd, as Bumpy receives a warm welcome. Darius receives a call from Brooklynn informing him of the attack. Just as Darius is about to leave, the Scorpios attacks the Ankylosaur herd, but the Ankylosaurs mobilize in formation to protect Bumpy. Scorpios circles the herd looking for an opening, even as Darius prevents Ben from running to Bumpy’s defense. Scorpios finally gives up and stalks away.

Darius and Ben are trapped by the Two Hybrids

Ben realizes that the herd can protect Bumpy better than he can, but still resolves to stay, on the condition that he go to the boat to say goodbye to everyone. As the sun rises, Darius and Ben race for the boat. However as the episode ends, it is revealed that the dock is empty, and Scorpios rex stalks out of the jungle as it proceeds to attack the children, as a second one appears from behind a tree.

The Two Scorpios Rex circle each other, roaring in agitation, even as Ben and Darius look on horrified. Instead of attacking the children, the two hybrids proceed to attack each other. As they fight, Ben and Darius take refuge in the nearby limousine, hoping to seek shelter. The fight knocks the car over until it is standing almost upright against a nearby tree, as Ben reflects that Kenji forgot his hat.

As they climb out of the battered Limo, Darius speculates that there are two Scorpios due to them possessing asexual reproduction due to the tree frog dna encoded inside them. Dariuis resolves to try and disable the dinosaurs, and tells Ben that they are going back to where it all began, as Ben reluctantly follows. They run through the jungle, pursued by a stampede of Brachiosaurs, as they try to outrun them but fail, Darius being narrowly saved from being trampled by Ben.

Darius and Ben reach the Visitor’s Center, and are about to grab the tranquilizer gun when they encounter the others. The other group is dismayed to find out about the two Scorpios. They group decides to hunt down the Scorpios, even as Darius realizes that its right above them, and runs for the safety of the Visitor’s Center.

The group turns as they see a flock of Compys fleeing, and realize that they are now trapped with the other Scorpios Rex. Darius fires at the Scorpios, but misses, causing it to attack as he frantically reloads, but the gun is yanked away from him. The group runs into the old kitchen The Scorpios initially passes by the door, before bursting in, breaking through the room. Kenji turns on the Gas burners on the stove, causing the animal to roar in agitation, as they try to leave, only for Blue to lunge at them.

Ben and the campers watch the destruction of the visitors center

They run back, as Blue breaks down the door, and the Two Scorpios roar at Blue, and each other. Blue leaps on one Scorpios as the other roars, with the children attempting to bring the Visitor’s center down, as a three way fight between the two Scorpios and Blue commences. The roof collapses, and the two Scorios are buried alive as the children and Blue manage to escape. Blue leaves as the children walk away in silence.

The children make it back to the Yacht without further incident, as they ask Ben whether or not he wishes to stay behind. The group embraces him and wishes him goodbye, as they decide to set sail as a new storm is approaching. As the yacht departs, Ben heads out into the jungle, but not before running off into the jungle begging for them to stop, as he swims to the boat, and they depart the Island. The group starts to cheer, just two helicopters hover, ordering them to return to the dock.

The helicopter orders the children to return to the Island. The other campers bring up their concerns regarding their potential ‘rescuers’, although the current storm and rough state of the ocean convinces them to take their chances with the chopper crew. As the Helicopter lands, several armed mercenaries disembark, as the children climb onto the helicopter even as the sound of a large animal approaching is nearby. The Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly runs out of the foliage, causing the pilot to ascend in panic, just as the Rex chomps down on the chopper, pulling it back down. Sammy and Ben almost fall out of the chopper, but are saved by Kenji. The chopper pilot manages to wrest the chopper free, and the Rex eats the mercenary as the Chopper flies off.

The Helicopter Pilot and the children

Sammy, Ben and Kenji beg the pilot to take them back but she refuses. Just then, the Helicopter is attacked by a flock of Pteranodons, The pilot takes Ben’s advice to turn the lights off, and the attack stops, allowing the chopper to continue in peace. The pilot is distracted by talking to the campers, swerving to avoid a sudden Brachiosaur, and the chopper crashes.

The children, including Ben, awaken as they discover the chopper is suspended from a tree upside down with no sign of the pilot. Sammy and Ben struggle free, just as the chopper starts to fall. Ben sees a nearby tree limb and reaches for it, but it causes the chopper to slip further. More cautiously, he pulls it to them, as they tentatively try to utilize the vine to get to the floor. The chopper continues to fall, and explodes as it crashes, but the children manage to survive via the vine. They embrace each other in relief as they are safe on shore, determined to get back to the docks and wait for the others.

As they regroup at the camp, the rest of the group formulates a plan to deal with the intruders. Ben states his plan to use Bumpy as a distraction. The rest of the group ponder on potentially leaving the island without Brooklynn. The others realize that Kenji ran off with the laptop, just as Ben arrives with Bumpy to the rendezvous point in preparation.

Ben arrives at the head of the stampede

Just as Hawkes is informing Wu to inspect the laptop, Ben comes in with a herd of Ankylosaurs while riding Bumpy as a distraction. Darius manages to lead the group to safety as they escape the herd. Dr. Wu escapes the Island with Hawkes after being informed that the mission to retrieve the Indominus sample was a success. However, Hawkes pursues the children in the helicopter, as Wu successfully dissuades him, and the chopper flies off.As the group recuperates, Ben wishes Bumpy goodbye again, as the group embraces. Ben would later join the group on the Yacht as they seemingly finally leave Isla Nublar for good.

As the yacht sets sail,  Ben would join the campers for a meal in which he attempts to serve them grubs. Their meal would be interrupted by the presence of a stowaway Compy, and Ben and most of the group swiftly organize to try to capture it. They almost trap it as the boat rocks, which prompts the group to get Darius to tie himself to a rope and check on the propellers, Ben being one of the children to hold onto the rope. However, the Mosasaurus attacks the boat shortly afterwards, causing it to sink and capsize. The campers are knocked out as the Mosasaurus slams on the boat, and they wake up on the shore of Mantah Corp Island.

Seeing a tunnel on the shore, Ben and the campers walk through it, unknowingly entering the private research facility on the Island. . The campers express disbelief that they could have gone this far, as Ben sees something in the distance and they decide to check it out. Ben rallies the group to head out to the desert, as the Compy behind them.

The campers begin to express relief that they do not have to worry about dinosaurs, as they quickly begin to get tired of the blazing heat of the desert. Sammy alerts the group to a nearby Sandstorm, as the group runs for shelter. The sandstorm catches up to them, and the children become disoriented in the storm, and lose Kenji and Brooklynn, who have fallen down a ravine. As the sandstorm dissaptes, the others start to look for their missing cohorts.

Ben begins to get discouraged, until the group catches up with Kenji and Brooklynn, and the group finds a watering hole and berry bushes. Ben dissuades the group from eating the berries, afraid that they might be poisonous. He races to find the shiny metal thing he spotted from afar, and as they reach it, it appears to be a metal rectangle on the desert floor.

The campers rest near a fire as night falls. Sammy starts yelling around the fire, and the rest of the group follow suit to vent their frustrations, although Ben does not join in. In the middle of the night, Ben wakes up, trying to restart the fire, as he becomes convinced there is something out there but the group does not believe him.

A Smilodon jumps out of the bushes and Ben distracts it with a torch, as he runs through a tunnel.managing to slip through a crack where it cant get him. Eventually, he finds himself cornered, as the predator advances on him. Just as it prepares to lunge at him, Kenji jumps on top of it, disorienting it enough to allow them both to escape. The rest of the group manage to leverage a boulder and toss rocks from the cliff face to scare the animal off.

Ben explains to the group he is upset that he reverted to a scared kid again, although the group gathers around him to reassure him. The next morning, the group is walking, as Kenji trips over something metallic on the ground. The group follows it until Kenji bumps his head against the wall, and they determine that there is a door just beyond.

he campers follow the tunnel into a mysterious hallway, as the Compy follows shortly after. The group realizes they are in complex facility, and Brooklynn manages to open up a door to a forest biome, the Compy following them. Just then, the group is interrupted by an approaching T-rex, who is quickly joined by another Tyrannosaur.

As the two animals fight, the group witnesses a woman working on a tablet near them. The group quickly realize that the rexes are not fighting, but playing. The campers follow the woman and tell her their story. She introduces herself as Dr. Mae Turner, studying dinosaur brains.The group decides to follow the woman, as she explains how the animals came to be on the island.

They enter another area, which is Dr. Mae’s private living quarters. The group decides to take a look around her quarters as she prepares lunch. The group eat lunch, and the group comes to the conclusion that Mantah corp must be behind this Island. Shortly after, Ben and the others go off into the forest, as Yaz distracts Ben from Kenji and Brooklynn’s flirtation.

As the group hear a noise, they realize the Compy has followed them all the way from the boat. A scan permeates the area as the campers dodge, and a Robot drone resembling a dog appears in the clearing. Just then, the Robot dog tases the Compy to death. As the robot dog continues its patrol, Mae distracts the robot from noticing the children. Afterwards, she tells them to stay in her quarters for their own safety.

. Back in the quarters, Yaz again distracts Ben so that Brooklynn and Kenji can have some alone time. As the group watch, the door to the quarters open up, and a robot approaches. The group hides as the robot surveys the surrounding quarters. The children attempt to evade the robot, however , just as a BRAD back at the living quarters corners Yaz and Ben, Kenji knocks its head clear off its body. Ben mistakes Yaz’s behavior for her having a crush on him, and lets her know he just wants to remain friends.

Dr. Turner lets the group know of a supply plane that comes every two weeks, and the group decides to try to manufacture a situation to make the plane come sooner. The group celebrates realizing the plane will be there in a few hours, just as they are scanned by an approaching B.R.A.D., even as Dr. Turner tries unsuccessfully to stop it. The B.R.A.D. starts to follow them, and is joined by two more robots. The group manage to escape into a tunnel, but Dr. Turner’s attempt to lock the door is over riden by the robots. The B.R.A.D’S corner the group, just as Brooklynn tells the group to go on ahead, tricking the robots into frying the locking mechanism as she dives through.

The group has now entered another Biome, this time being a snow biome. Dr. Turner finds snow mobiles for the group, as they head towards the plane. The snowmobiles come to a stop as they encounter a Kentrosaurus. Dr. Turner is confused as to what this animal is doing, and the other campers jump out of the snowmobiles just as the dinosaur collapses.

Darius realizes the only way they can transport that dinosaur is with both vehicles.The campers rig the vehicles to be able to transport the Kentrosaurus, as they begin their journey. Just as Yaz informs them the supply plane has arrived, a BRAD appears, attacking the Vehicle. The groups tries to run the BRAD over but the robot continues its attack, until Yaz manages to knock one into a frozen lake, as the group reaches the airlock. As the group runs outside, they realize that they have just barely missed the plane. The group is dismayed and defeated, as they head back to Dr. Turner.

Darius decides not to leave, as they realize they have to stay to stop Mantah Corp from hurting the dinosaurs. The group states that they will split up Dr. Turner, Ben and Darius stay in the tunnels trying to diagnose the Kentrosaurus as it becomes suddenly agitated. Dr. Turner uses her tablet to try to control the dinosaur, as she promises to take it home In the desert biome, Dr. Turner, Ben, and Darius take Pierce the Kentrosaurus as they discuss her research into Dinosaur communication.

Ben would later follow Dr. Turner with the rest of the group, as they watched her meet Kash Langford in the rainforest biome. The campers rush to assist Dr. Turner as the BRADs begin to corner her, and prepare to attack. The various campers distract the robot dogs, as Ben and Sammy manage to escape with Dr. Turner. The group runs for their lives, as the BRADs continue their dogged pursuit. Ben manages to destroy one.

The group flees off into the jungle as they attempt to care for an injured Dr. Turner.. Ben later observes Kash from the shadows, realizes he has a phone and decides to follow him. He later informs the rest of the group about the phone, returning to a cave where they collectively treat Dr. Turner’s wounds. The group hide from the BRAD scans, as they are forced to move an injured Dr. Turner. The BRADS run off due to new orders, as everyone except Ben goes off to follow the BRADS.

Ben sneaks into the snow biome to take a Snowmobile, and he manages to find some medical supplies. However, he swiftly has to run to flee from a BRAD. A dropped water bottle forces him to hide underneath the snowmobile, as the BRAD runs off into the jungle biome. Returning to the hiding place, Ben attempts to provide medical aid to Mae with his new supplies, but is reflexively punched twice by her.

Just as Kash pressures Pierce and Big Eatie together in an attempt to force them to fight,  Ben arrives in a snowmobile, and he, Sammy and Yaz use the machine to work as an improvised battering ram, running over a BRAD in the process. They jump out as the Snowmobile crashes into the facility, having made it into an improvised bomb, as the facility explodes

As Kash continues the fight, Ben and the other campers struggle to take the drones down. Kenji and Brooklynn manage to disable a drone, as Ben and Yaz manage to disable another one. As the campers witness Darius being taken to the med bay after the fight is called off, they resolve to follow him.

The other campers run to the desert biome, as they realize that that the heat has been raised. Just then, the campers encounter a Spinosaurus which charges them, forcing them to attempt to hide in a cave system. Believing themselves to be safe, the group runs into the Smilodon, as it corners them. The Smilodon charges at the group, running them into a dead end. Just as the Smilodon is about to lunge at them, the Spinosaurus breaks through the wall and eats the Smilodon. The group runs to safety as the Spinosaur tries to attack them again.

The group decides to jump down the feeding chute. Darius jumps out of the elevator as he realizes the group managed to make it to the Med Bay. He catches up with the group, informing them of Kash’s plan.

The campers begin to converge on the facility that night, trying to decide how to get in. As the others regroup, they inform Dr. Turner of what happened, and are unsure of what to do. They float the idea of potentially hacking the robot, with the idea of having Brooklynn hack the robot due to her prior technical experience. The children attempt to distract a BRAD-X in the jungle biome, their trap succeeding in knocking it over only temporarily.

The campers follow the BRAD X to a facility where they see the BRAD X transporting destroyed BRAD parts. They realize that this is a BRAD-X making workshop. As the others investigate the BRAD-X facility, Yaz and Ben volunteer to keep watch outside while Sammy and Brooklynn attempt to hack the robot, but fail to do so. After a few failed attempts, Brooklynn only succeeds in overloading the BRAD-X, causing it to go haywire. Ben returns to them to inform them of Kash’s demands. Brooklynn begins to be defeated because of her initial setbacks, as the group comfort and reassure her. They decide to try to reprogram the regular BRAD robot.

The campers manage to pin down the regular BRAD, attempting to hack it. The episode opens as the campers run past the sleeping raptors in the jungle biome, attempting to breach the compound. Darius lowers a rope for them just as one of the raptors begins to wake up. The group sneak into the facility, and Darius leads them into the Med Bay, with their mission being to evacuate the babies

The rest of the group head down into the med-bay, as they find the dinosaur babies. They initially find three baby Brachiosaurs contained in the lab. Searching the med-bay, Sammy comes across a area reserved for a Spinosaurus and Sinoceratops hybrid. Ben enters the Brachiosaurus pen as he attempts to feed it, but the animal begins to run around in a panic, knocking him over. Ben becomes increasingly frustrated with the baby brachiosaurus as he is repeatedly hit by it. He attempts to bond with it via playtime.\The Sinoceratops and the Brachiosaurs continue to play roughly, and one of them crashing into the power box causes a fuse to blow.

The med bay areas are opened due to the power going out, and a Ceratosaurus stalks out of one of the areas. The campers hide from the Ceratosaurus, even as the baby brachiosaurus panics and alerts the Ceratosaur. The Ceratosaurus charges them, and is soon distracted enough to chase after the Spinoceratops. The group just barely manages to escape by splitting up, Kenji and Brooklynn running one way, and the rest going the other.The group reconnect with the baby dinosaurs in the forest biome. Ben encourages the group to go to the cave, considering it the only safe place.

Ben, Yaz, and Sammy have to evade BRADS in the jungle complex, as he realizes that they have found the baby Brachiosaurus. Ben chases the BRAD, managing to distract it, but only momentarily before it resumes it’s pursuit. The Baby Brachiosaur is swiftly captured by the BRADs and forced back to the main facility. Darius and Ben can only watch horrified as Kash injects the Baby Brachiosaur with the chip and controls it.

The two Spinoceratops are reunited at the cave, as Ben informs them of what Kash has done. He determines that it is now time to take Kash down. Darius uses the BRAD to inform the others that the chip works, but Ben confirms they know and have a plan.Back at the cave, Ben’s plan is to lure Kash to the Biome and knock him out and lock him inside Mae’s quarters.

The plan works until Kash enters the forest biome, as the group is attacked by Pteranadons.  A Pteranodon steals the tablet from Ben, Ben runs after the Pteranodons, trying to grab the tablet as it flies off , half-carrying him. Ben manages to wrest the tablet from its mouth, but falls roughly to the ground. A Pteranodon attacks Ben, but is cut off by drones as he runs back to safety.

Ben uses the tablet to control the BRAD, as Darius stands behind him as the gas fails to dispense. Kash runs off to behind the waterfall into Mae’s quarters, as Ben uses the tablet to lure it. Getting into the bedroom, he realizes he’s been tricked, just as he sees Darius and Ben closing the door on him. The group return to the main facility, Ben apologizes to the Brachiosaur before they return to the cave and Dr. Turner. The group embrace, as Ben reminisces about Bumpy, and how she is doing in his absence.

The children celebrate in the forest biome after trapping Kash. , Ben continues to try and bond with the baby Brachiosaur, with Dr. Mae Turner’s assistance. They decide to try to remove the chip from the animal, and decide to go to the Med Bay. As Dr. Turner and Ben walk to the Med Bay, they talk about their respective ways of bonding with dinosaurs. At the Med Bay, Dr. Mae Turner helps Ben remove the chip using surgical equipment.

Later, Ben and Dr. Turner would intervene after they encounter the Kentrosaur being guided to the biome by an original BRAD, but Ben manages to destroy three of them as Mae comforts the Kentrosaur. They are soon surrounded by BRADs, as Ben runs for the platform, unsure why they are firing at them. As they emerge into the swamp Biome, they are greeted by Kenji and Darius, and a Dilophosaurus pack as well.

The group embrace, as Ben finally realizes Kenji and Brooklynn are together. They realize that the BRAD X was not sent by Darius, as they understand a trap has been set as BRAD X’s surround them on all sides. Kash emerges to gloat, as the president of Mantah Corp emerges from the shadows. However, he is revealed to be Daniel Kon, Kenji’s father, and the Brad X’s stand down. After reprimanding Kash, Daniel leads the group to their rooms at the Mantah Corp building.

The group revels in their chance to rest, enjoying individual rooms. The group relaxes in the common area, as they are approached by Daniel, who explains that the situation is complicated, but asks for a few days to allow for him to arrange discreet transportation back to their point of origin. Ben along with the group discovers that Daniel is considering continuing the animal fights, starting with Little Eatie and Big Eatie, as they attempt to show him a different side of the animals.

Yaz and Ben act as bait to lure Little Eatie closer, even as Kenji manages to free the bolt on Big Eatie’s leg. The two Rexes approach each other, embracing in familial acceptance as they walk off. Daniel appears to be convinced by this display, promising to not force the animals to fight. The children toast to their success as Kenji proclaims he will help his father with a presentation.

The next morning, the campers all eating breakfast in the main facility lobby as they plan for the day. Brooklynn and Darius decide to try to determine what Daniel is up to. Ben overhears them, and offers to bring the baby Brachiosaurus to track him down. They follow Ben. After accidently startling Doctor Mae, they are told to leave, and so they have the idea to go to the nursery. Brooklynn, Darius and Ben sneak into the tunnels, but find that a BRAD is apparently guarding the room where Kash was imprisoned. Entering, they find that Kash is gone, so they check the computer to try to determine if they can find him. Following the location of drones on a monitor, they find Big Eatie being tortured by drones directed by Kash while Dr. Turner watches helplessly.

Walking back from the scene, the children, including Ben, ponder how to break the news to Kenji about Kash controlling dinosaurs again. However, before they are able to decide, they are pursued and chased by a pair of velociraptors. Although the raptors charge them, they are blocked by the drone sonic barriers. The children are forced to carefully follow the drones movements in order to evade attack by the dinosaurs.

Brooklyn, Ben and Darius confront Kenji in the main lobby. Brooklynn tries to explain her reasons for standing Kenji up for their date, but he does not believe her, and accuses her of lying about his father. Ben tries to stick up for her, and Kenji reluctantly agrees to talk to his father, and leaves. The group decides to try to get to the bottom of the situation, as they follow Kash and Dr. Turner. They observe Kash and Dr. Turner being escorted by a BRAD into a facility, deciding to wait until the coast is clear. so Brooklynn can sneak inside.

The children return to the lobby, only to find Kenji waiting for them. Kenji ignores any attempt at explanations, arguing that they are ruining things, and telling them to stay out of his father’s business. As the group returns to the bedrooms, they attempt to plan their next moves as they decide to follow Daniel and Kash. The children attempt to follow Daniel and Kenji, but are blocked by Brad X. They are unknowingly shadowed by Kash. The children arrive on scene just as the investors begin a battle royale between the Spinosaurus and the Trex, and the Velociraptors. The children run into the middle of the chaos, attempting to stop it. Kenji attempts to stick up for them, only to be dissuaded by his father. Kenji runs into the middle of the fight to try to stop his friends.

The children are harassed by the investors controlling the dinosaurs, as they run for their lives. Ben manages to shake Cyrus off of the Spinosaurus. Ben utilizes the control blocker on the Spino, setting it free of the blocker. Cyrus attempts to regain control of the animal as it runs towards him, killing and eating him. Eventually the animals are recontained, and the rest of the children except Kenji, are imprisoned in a cell as punishment.

The campers, try to reason why Kenji would have betrayed them, even as they interrupted by the presence of a BRAD arriving into the room to scan them to ensure they are still incarcerated. Darius determines that they have thirty minutes between patrols to find a means of escape. Following Darius’s lead, Ben and the rest of the campers manage to open a floor grate which leads into a sewer. However, they are unable to leave without ringing the alarm.

Once they enter the sewer, the group realize that they have little time, even as they are pursued by the BRADS. As they run for their lives, the group becomes separated, which they only notice after they reach a safe space. Trying to catch their breath, they realize they have misplaced Sammy and Darius. The two try to call for help, but become lost, finding an underground facility. They come to a number of computer terminals managing the place, as they try to determine direction. As the kids weigh their options, they are surprised by an animal, their screams causing the rest of the group to come running to their aid. A Nothosaurus emerges from the water, proceeding to pursue the children , but is repelled by steam from the walls

The campers eventually manage to evade the Nothosoaurus, managing to make it to the surface. As they argue about what to do next, they are shaken by an earthquake. As the group recovers, they witness other dinosaurs disoriented from the Earthquake as well. As Sammy and Darius part on their own separate missions, Ben goes with the remaining campers to return to the headquarters, with Brooklynn utilizing the computer to try to shut the drones down. The group determines they can use the computer to control the drones directly, and manage to hack one.

Ben and the rest of the campers take a break while deciding what to do when Mr. Kon’s return. They decide to destroy the control chips before the others return, making it something of a competition. Ben manages to provide a distraction to allow Brooklynn to access a computer terminal to shut down all the BRAD’s. That night, they celebrate their success.

The next morning, the group all decides to unwind. Ben and Yaz escort the Spinoceratops hybrids into the forest biome, where they encounter Pierce, the Kentrosaurus. After completing this mission, Ben and Yaz search for Firecracker, the Juvenile brachiosaurs, and after finding him, they decide to lead the herbivores to the watering hole with berries. As they walk, Yaz confides in Ben about her feelings for Sammy. They continue to walk and share their feelings before they run into a pair of Dilophosaurs. Fleeing from the animals with the juvenile Brachiosaur, they evade their spit, as they escape through the mangroves. They carefully lead the herbivores the rest of the way to the watering hole. Later on, he plays in the watering hole with the rest of the campers.

Later, Ben reassures the Stegoceratops as he tried to feed them just as she jumps over him. They laugh and take a moment to be grateful for being out of danger. Yaz informs him that she’ll tell Sammy how she feels about her as they watch the other girl feeding the Eaties. Ben encourages Yaz, as she approaches Sammy, although they are interrupted by the Rex pair feeding.  The group return to the maintenance corridors as they work out a plan. Believing their group to be underestimated, they work out an initial plan to try to trap them when they arrive. The group return to the maintenance corridors as they work out a plan. Believing their group to be underestimated, they work out an initial plan to try to trap the Mantah Corp personnel when they arrive.

The group head down to the Core tunnels, trying to fix the problem at its source. As the group gets closer, they detect a noxious odor, and determine the B.R.A.D. has been damaged in the fight with the Nothosoaurus. The earthquakes increase in frequency as they approach the core, as Brooklynn figures out that the Core was overheating due to being out of alignment. Meanwhile, they hear noises, and realize that the Nothosaurus is present.

The Nothosaurus lunges at the group, but collapses due to the noxious fumes. The children flee, as they realize that if the pressure from the gas grows too intense it will cause the island to blow up. The children quickly drag the Nothosoaurs out of the area, as they regroup and think of a plan and gather materials to suppress the gas. Sammy, Yaz and Ben stay upstairs while Brooklynn and Darius attempt to seal the gas leak as well as return the core to normal stability.

Sammy, Ben and Yaz stay watching the Nothosaurus, as Yaz requests private time to tell Sammy how she really feels about her. Just as she bconfesses, the Nothosaurus wakes up, and begins attacking them in the confined space. The trio barely manage to evade it in the elevator, as they tackle it, giving them time to spare as they reach the ground level. As the Nothosaurus shakes them off, it is slightly dazed, but is distracted by the approach of a Dilophosaurs, killing the other predator, giving the kids time to run.

Meanwhile, the campers race through the jungle as they try to figure out a plan now that Daniel and the Mantah corp mercenaries have returned. Reaching the facility, they see Daniel, Kenji and Hawkes and the other mercenaries enter a building. Ben points out Hawkes is now part of the enemy group. The campers quickly decide on a plan with Ben following Kenji, and Brooklynn and Darius looking for the Flash Drive.

Ben comes across two of the mercs playing with the controllers to manipulate and torture Toro and Bumpy. Kenji sneaks up behind him asking what the plan is, and the two of them scuffle before Kenji is able to apologize, claiming to have switched sides. Kenji reassures Ben that they will get Bumpy back together.

Kenji approaches the mercs, claiming to have been sent by his dad. He distracts them by claiming to have heard a noise, getting them to abandon the controllers and leads them away. As they are distracted, Ben runs to the clearing and approaches Bumpy. However, the control chip is too strong, and she is unable to move, he attempts to appeal to the Ankylosaur with pleading and food. Ben refuses to use the controller to move her, and Bumpy approaches him menacingly as a merc has controlled her with a controller behind them.

The merc forces Bumpy to attack the two of them as the children run for their lives. Kenji attempts to charge the man, but is grabbed by another Merc as Ben is cornered by Bumpy. Nearly beaten, Kenji tries to break free but is recaptured. Ben makes a final plea to Bumpy, but just then, Bumpy manages to resist the chip. Kenji uses a moment of distraction to tackle the merc and break the controller. Now free, Bumpy and Ben charge the mercs, chasing them out of the containment area. He returns with Kenji to the main group.

The children gather around Kenji after he finally returns to the group. Kenji apologizes to the group, and Ben defends him. The children run to the watering hole, pursued by the controlled dinosaurs as they are trying to figure out how to distract the dinosaurs, and they decide on leading the herbivores away with food, as Darius uses a tablet to distract the Rexes but is initially unsuccessful.

The mercenaries continue to pursue the children, but are ambushed by Ben and Brooklynn riding Bumpy, and they use the Ankylosaurus to distract them as well as lure the dinosaurs away. They flee as they encounter Mr. Hawkes and Daniel. Back at the watering hole, the children are having difficulties encouraging the animals to move, as the rest of the group return. Darius decides to stand and fight, as the adults approach their position. Daniel enters the clearing with his captured dinosaurs, he demands the password to the computer, but they refuse. Daniel promptly orders the animals to attack the children. The Rexes defend their territory against the Spino, as the children and the watering hole animals contend with the remainder.

The children decide to attack the mercs directly in order to destroy the controllers, and succeed in freeing the Baryonyx Ben is saved from Limbo by Bumpy. Eventually, the children watch the Spino apparently defeating Big Eatie, and the other non-controlled animals fleeing. The children are forced to flee, almost running straight into a trap created by Daniel. They race for the boat, heading down into the tunnels to evade their pursuers. However, they run into a Pteranodon, and are forced to run the opposite way, with Kenji managing to save Brooklynn before she is carried away. The Pteranodon forces the children to separate as Brooklyn runs off on her own.

The children manage to initially evade a Mantah mercenary but Yaz is startled enough to run right into one of the mercs and he grabs her. Just then, a velociraptor appears and she is able to escape as the kids make a run for it. Sammy manages to save Ben from a raptor and they escape the warehouse, but the Merc is killed.

The children including Ben create an elaborate ruse faking poisonous gas to scare Daniel Kon into abandoning the island. The children release the last of the controlled dinosaurs as they settle down to watch the animals. They get an alert about more visitors, as they hurry to the docks, seeing a ship. However, they see Dave and Roxie arriving with Dr. Turner and Brandon Bowman. They all escape on the boat with the adults. The children finally reach the mainland and greet all of their families on the dock once they arrive.


A few years in the future, the children are known as the ‘Nublar 6’, now famous for their survival on Isla Nublar for six months. Ben is informed by Brooklynn that there is rumors about an incident at Lockwood Manor, and that she is investigating.