Sammy Gutierrez (S/F)

Sammy with the other Campers on her way to Camp Cretaceous

Sammy Gutierrez is described as having a loud and gregarious personality type. Her friendly demeanor causes her to attempt to befriend her co-campers during their stay on the Island. Sammy was chosen as one of the six one of the six campers attending the inaugural week of Camp Cretaceous at Jurassic World on Isla Nublar.


Sammy’s family owns a ranch that supplies the meat for the carnivores of Jurassic World. At an undisclosed time in the past , Sammy’s family’s ranch borrowed money from fronts for Mantah Corp.  Afraid that her family would lose the ranch, she was blackmailed by Kash Langford to act as a spy for the company after being accepted into Camp Cretaceous, and sneak genetic samples from the dinosaurs for the company’s illicit use. Sammy was fourteen years old at the time that she was enrolled in Camp Cretaceous.

Sammy meets the other campers

Sammy would arrive on Isla Nublar via the Ferry Landing along with the other campers, and be greeted by Dave and Roxie. After initial introductions, the campers are driven to Camp Cretaceous by their co-counselors, only stopping briefly as the counselors attempt to recapture an escaped Compsognathus. Reaching the camp, they are given a brief overview of the camp rules, before they get a chance to unpack. That night, all of the campers, Sammy included, get a chance to ride a zipline over the dinosaur herd in Gyrosphere Valley.


The next day, the campers visit the Field Genetics Lab, where they are given a tour of the facilities, including a dinosaur nursery. Sammy uses this time to sneak into the office of Dr. Henry Wu, and save important information from his computer and files onto a flash drive. Attempting to sneak out, she runs into Brooklynn, and rejoins the group just before Bumpy‘s birth. However, they are shortly after evicted by Dr. Wu, as he is furious over Brooklynn’s breaking into the lab.

The group return back to the camp for the night, after picking up Darius and Kenji. That night, she is among the group listening to campfire stories, before rain forces them inside. Sammy attempts to connect with Yasmina, but Yaz chooses to walk away rather then interact with her. Later that night, a drone lands in a forest clearing, where it is greeted by Sammy who deposits the USB drive in it before it takes off again.

The next morning, the Campers are taken to Gyrosphere Valley, to help the park personnel lead the herd to their grazing pens. Yasmina is paired up with Sammy in her Gyrosphere, much to her consternation. Yaz initially continues to be resistant to Sammy’s attempts at reaching out, even as they ride together. Meanwhile, the counselors cut the activity short due to an approaching storm, and ride out to warn the other employees.  Initially planning to stay put, Yasmina and Sammy end up attempting to assist the others in herding a lone Sinoceratops back to it’s enclosure.

Sammy stealing a sample from the Sinoceratops

However, the group accidentally causes the herd to stampede, and Yasmina and Sammy are separated from the others after accidentally trapping their sphere. Thinking quickly, the girls manage to create a ramp by which they are able to speed out of the enclosed area, quickly reuniting with Ben and Kenji soon after. Finding that Brooklynn and Darius are trapped in a sinkhole, the group tries to pull them out, but only succeed with the aid of the Sinoceratops. At some point before they are rescued by the counselors, Sammy takes the opportunity to steal some genetic material from the Sinoceratops.

Later that night as the group prepares to go to bed, Yasmina apologies to Sammy for her earlier behavior, and reveals her secret hobby of drawing sketches of dinosaurs in a notebook. That night, Sammy realizes that Brooklynn has captured footage of her taking a genetic sample from the Sinoceratops, and steals her phone in an attempt to hide the evidence.

Jurassic World Incident:

The next morning, the counselors leave the children alone, as they attempt to contact Claire Dearing. As the campers settle into waiting, Brooklynn confronts the group and accuses Sammy of stealing her phone, but Yasmina steps in to defend her. The group is distracted by the sound of an approaching dinosaur, and they decide to head to the observation tower to try to determine where the roar is coming from. The campers successfully break into the tower, seemingly relieved to see the noise is only a Brachiosaurus feeding.

Sammy on the zipline

Just then, two employees emerge from the jungle and alert the children to come down. Initially refusing, the kids watch horrified as the Indominus Rex ambushes and kills the two men. As the hybrid attacks the tower, the group attempts to use the zip line to escape, although the emergency brake trips, leaving some of the group stranded in the center. The tower begins to rock, and Sammy nearly falls, only to be saved by Yasmina, and then pulled up by the combined efforts of Darius and Kenji as well. The Indominus succeeds in knocking down the first tower, along with the line, sending the campers, Brooklynn included, falling down to earth.

The campers awaken after being briefly disoriented, and make a run for the camp, only to find that it has been destroyed. Sammy attempts to give the phone back to Brooklynn, but hides it again, after realizing it was broken in the fall. The campers flee back to camp only to find that the camp has been destroyed in their absence by the Indominus. As Sammy tries to reassure them that the other workers got away, Sammy finds an overturned staff vehicle, and realizes not all of them survived.  Brooklynn publicly confronts and accuses Sammy again in front of the group, demanding her phone back, and revealing her earlier incursions into the park security. Sammy denies it, gaining some of the other camper’s support, as the group descends into arguing among themselves, before eventually deciding to journey to the main park for help.

As the group continues onward, they become argumentative, particularly Brooklynn, who continues to accuse Sammy of stealing her phone, and Yasmina continues to defend her. They pass by the Carnotaurus Paddock, and try to reach the Visitor’s Center. As the group continues onward, Sammy wrestles with guilt over whether to tell the group about her theft of the phone. However, before she can make up her mind, the group encounters the corpse of the Ankylosaurus and the smashed Gyrosphere from when the Indominus Rex attacked Zach and Gray Mitchell. As the group hears a rustle in the jungle, they initially seek shelter, before it is revealed to be Bumpy.

The group continue walking, with the new objective to go to the Field Genetics Lab to seek shelter. The group would then find a van and decide to use it to reach the lab, but are attacked by the Indominus soon afterward. They manage to evade it using the van, eventually finding, and seeking shelter in the Field Genetics Lab. They encounter Eddie, a scientist who was left behind, but he very shortly attempts to steal their van to escape. The van is quickly totaled by the Indominus Rex, and the group is forced to hide briefly among shipping containers as they are stalked by the creature. After a tense few moments of evading the creature, the group makes it back to the van where they escape.

The group reacts to Sammy’s betrayal

Yasmina stumbles while attempting to make it to the van, but is saved by Sammy, as they climb into the van. As they drive away, they begin celebrating in relief, as the van stumbles over bumpy ground, and in the commotion, the phone falls out of Sammy’s pocket in full view of the group. Everyone in the group is so stunned by this revelation, it even distracts Yasmina, to the point she crashes the car.

The group climbs out of the crashed ACU van, as the campers are recovering from their injuries. Yasmina storms off, as Sammy runs after her, pleading with her to wait. However, the group turns on Sammy for her lies. Feeling the pressure, Sammy admits that she is a spy for Mantah Corp, and relates to them the background reasons for her theft.

Sammy attempts to apologize, but the group, particularly Yas, refuses to accept her apology. Sammy runs off, while the campers regroup and attempt to determine a new course of action. They are interrupted by the Indominus as it is pursued by the helicopter piloted by Simon Masrani. The helicopter pursues the Indominus to the Aviary, as it breaks in and frees the Pteranodons. The campers watch helpless, as the Pteranodons force the helicopter to crash, causing Simon Masrani’s death, just before the pteranodons turn on them as well.

The group run from the Pteranodons, just barely managing to get to safety in the Kayak River. They decide to use the Kayaks in the attraction to navigate the river, as there are two people per kayak. The campers encounter a cave lit by bioluminescent bacteria, and a large waterfall. Brooklynn tries to deflect the blame for their situation on Sammy, however, Kenji states that their situation might have been the same regardless. Sammy admits to Darius that her parents didn’t send her to spy, but that she had chosen to do so on her own to keep them from losing everything.

The Campers find a group of bio-luminescent Parasaurolophus

The group then encounters some Parasaurolophus in the underground river, and then become agitated by Bumpy’s cries, starting to attack the Kayaks, before they abruptly flee. The group are then almost sucked into a side tunnel due to a strong current, which expels them into the Mosasaurus Lagoon. The Mosasaur begins circling them, and so the campers make for the safety of the spectator stands.

Brooklynn makes amends with Sammy

Just as the Mosasaurus is about to bear down on Sammy and Darius, Yasmina successfully diverts its attention by whacking the platform with an oar. Sammy and the others are able to utilize this distraction to make it to safety.  After everyone reaches the stands, they take some time to rest on the stands as the sun sets. Sammy attempts to apologize to Yasmina, but is again rebuffed, although Brooklynn mends fences with her. Hearing the sirens warning of the evacuation of the park, the campers decide to head for the South Dock.

The group decides to head for the Monorail in order to make it to the docks in time, but are interrupted by the arrival of the Carnotaurus. The group decides to attempt to sneak past while it’s back is turned, as Darius creates a distraction to lure it away. Reaching the top of the platform, they reach the monorail as it arrives, only for the announcement system to loudly alert the Carnotaurus to their presence. The predator gives chase but has difficulty climbing up the stairs, tripping and falling halfway up. The campers make it into the safety of the platform in time, just as the Carnotaurus reaches the top. However, it’s weight is too much to support the stairs, and it crashes through to the floor below

The group celebrates as they believe their rescue and evacuation is imminent, as the Monorail continues towards the South Docks. The campers discuss what they want to do once they are rescued, and then toast to surviving the events of the day. However, after their mood is soured once they hear a distant explosion, Sammy attempts to create a toast based on making new friends, but gets a lukewarm reception, as the group is unsure if they will ever see each other again after rescue.

However, this contemplation is interrupted by the sound of something large crashing into the Monorail, and it swiftly emerges that they are under attack by Pteranodons. Sammy assists the group in helping to try to knock the lights out to prevent an attack, and later uses her flashlights to distract the attacking pteranadons to allow Ben to re-route the train to stop it from crashing. She witnesses Ben falling from the train, but is powerless to stop it along with most of the survivors. Shortly after, she along with the rest of the group, jump off the train as they land in the jungle. The group decides to utilize the maintenance tunnelsto get to the docks, as they will not make it otherwise.

. The group encounters some roadblocks, and a group of Compys, before they are ambushed by the Carnotaurus again. The group manages to evade the Carnotaurus for a short while, until they reach a sealed off portion of the tunnel which was previously the exit. They decide to open the nearby crates, and attempt to attack the Carnotaurus.

Sammy and the campers lament missing the boat

However, the animal charges the cart containing the compressed air tanks they planned to ambush it with, sending the tanks flying everywhere, and causing a fire to start. The Carnotaur proceeds to attack the group, as they narrowly evade it in the confined space. Eventually, they manage to create an explosion that severely wounds the animal. As the group stumbles out of the wreckage, they are stunned to see that the Carnotaurus has also survived, although it is heavily scarred. The animal decides to leave to heal from its injuries rather then attempt a confrontation. Just then, the campers realize that the explosion created an exit passageway, only to find that Jurassic World has been evacuated.

A few days later, Sammy and the rest of the campers are pursued by a Parasaurolophus,  just before it is attacked and killed by a Tyrannosaurus rex.  Sammy would agree to go with Darius when he determines that the group should go to Main Street, perhaps attempting to find supplies there. The campers decide to try and find a place to eat and rest, as Yasmina is still injured. The campers arrive to find that Main Street has been abandoned and largely in ruins due to the fight between the Indominus and the Tyrannosaurus. Looking down at the broken fencing at the Mosaurus Lagoon, they deduce that it has been killed by the Mosasaurus.

The group sees Brooklyn’s Standee

Meanwhile Sammy brings up that there is a standee of Brooklynn on Main Street, which was used for marketing in Jurassic World. They quickly deduce there is no power, as the phones aren’t working. Sammy find’s an Insider’s guide to Jurassic World book in the store, with a comprehensive list of details about the park. Still reading from the guidebook, Sammy finds out about an EDB, or Emergency Distress Beacon, installed on Main Street which can send an SOS signal on all directions. Darius then states the groups new mission is to find the beacon.

After failing to find the beacon or supplies, the campers decide to rest, until Darius comes up with a revelation that the beacon must be disguised. So the campers now attempt to look for camoflauged items in hopes of finding the beacon. They find a broken pole, and determine it has been dragged off into the T-Rex Kingdom, quickly realizing that the Tyrannosaur is gathering them to make a nest.

The Campers realize that the Rex has pulled the beacon in the center of its nest. The campers despair, but Darius tries to figure out a solution. As the Tyrannosaur leaves to gather more supplies, Sammy and Yasmina stay behind to recon while Darius and Kenji go in, communicating with walkie talkies, in case of anything going wrong. Darius and Sammy realize they just need to activate the beacon, even as Sammy realizes that the Rex is right under where she has been hiding. The campers eventually manage to activate the beacon, before fleeing from Main Street, and the Tyrannosaur.

Later, the campers would decide to return to the ruins of Camp Cretaceous to set up a base camp. The group separates as one group aims to gather supplies, and then the other to stay at the camp. While they prepare to head out, the group gather broken pieces of wood to defend themselves, as Darius and Sammy observe a stegosaurus plate on the floor.

The campers witness the caged animals left behind.

Hearing a roar, the campers discover that there are caged dinosaurs at the clinic, including a Sinoceratops. They realize that the place is a Veterinary clinic and decide to free the dinosaurs as they do not have food or water. They free a Sinoceratops, then Stegosaurus, and Parasaurolphus. Just then they realize that there is a caged Baryonyx, which is very aggressive upon their approach. Sammy and Darius are at disagreements over whether to free it or leave it.

Sammy argues that if they will not free them they have to feed them every day. Darius suggests feeding them the Sinoceratops, but Sammy refuses. Howevever, before they can resolve conflict, Brooklynn asks them to run as the other two Baryonyx chase them. The campers hide as they witness the Chaos trying to free the other one, although they are quickly pursued by Limbo.

Darius has the idea of telling Sammy to free the other Stegosaurus to distract the Baryonyx, and it succeeds in scaring them out of the immediate area. The campers run back to the camp, reuniting with Kenji and Yasmina, as they seek shelter in the trees to escape from the stampede. Darius has an idea of building a treehouse, and Yasmina creates a plan for it that the entire camp likes. As she rests, the episode ends with ther group building a camp for themselves, and Sammy returns Darius’s dinosaur tooth to him that she found in the wreckage.

Sometime later, the group has managed to make a functional shelter of the camp, with a working shower, which is safe from most predators. Sammy and Yasmina volunteer to go with Brooklynn to investigate a mysterious sound, while Kenji and Darius go to investigate the source of the river draining near their camp.

The girls continue to investigate the noise, as Yasmina and Sammy talk about their school experiences. The girls eventually find the frozen flowers from earlier, as they discover that the flowers hide an underground vent. Sammy compares it to an episode of a TV show she has watched, which it turns out that Brooklynn is a big fan of, much to Yasmina’s bemusement. Sammy encourages all of them to investigate, and the group spreads out, as Yasmina hears a hum which they follow to a genetics laboratory. The girls enter the laboratory, even as Brooklynn questions the many secrets of the park.

Sammy hides from the Baryonx

They discover that the laboratory is apparently empty, although they are not alone, as a dinosaur is lurking in the shadows. They come across a piece of stale cake from earlier, even as they come across a photo of Eddie and Dr. Henry Wu. As Brooklynn is upset about finding nothing, they are interrupted by a roar, as Two Baryonyx enter the building. Sammy whispers she named the animals Chaos, Grim, and Limbo. Meanwhile, Chaos closes in on their position, as it passes by them. The group is forced to flee as the Baryonx begin to pursue them, although they are too large to both chase after them in the narrow hallways and become stuck, allowing them to escape the building.

However, they are ambushed by Grim, but it chooses to respond to the roars of it’s pack, allowing the others to escape. Brooklynn is afraid she had lost the envelope, but Sammy reveals she found it. Opening the envelope, they discover some strange documents, before deciding to run back to camp after hearing a distant roar.

As the group reconnects back at the camp, they each inform the other group of their various successes in their objectives. The group decide to throw a party inside their nearby camp. As the group begins to celebrate, Sammy points out to the group a meteor shower, as night begins to fall. Just then, they witness what appears to be a campfire burning in the distance.

The campers decide to go seek out the bonfire and run towards the spot where they believe they saw it. Excited at the possibility of rescue,the group becomes upset as Darius climbs a tree and cannot find the fire. Sammy and the group become upset that they missed their chance for rescue, before they hear a roar in the underbrush, which is revealed to be a Ceratosaur, which they run from.

The Ceratosaur gives chase to the campers, and Kenji falls behind, as the campers go back for him, they make a stand, before it is interrupted by a flare gun. The flares scare the dinosaur away, as their saviors are revealed to be two men and a woman, Mitch and Tiff, claiming to be eco-tourists. The group question their apparent rescuers, even as they are introduced to their supposed guide, Hap.

Mitch and Tiff welcome the group to the campsite

The trio lead them to their well-appointed camp, which has yurts with bedrooms, and a picnic table. Mitch and Tiff supply the group with a lavishly appointed breakfast, as they enjoy a proper meal. Mitch promises them rescue in two days after their boat arrives back from the mainland, and the campers celebrate. Sammy gushes over the lavish appointments, as Brooklynn informs the group of her suspicions about Hap. Although the campers promise to keep their eyes open, they quickly relax in their newfound safety.

Mitch and Tiff begin to pack as they prepare to look for the others who have run off into the jungle. The campers begin to question things, even as the adults blow them off, refusing to answer their questions. As Darius inevitably finds out the truth regarding the hunters, Tiffany threatens him by holding Sammy hostage as the group heads towards the watering hole.

Darius and the other campers are forced to accompany Mitch and Tiff to the watering hole. Yasmina feigns to still be bothered by her injury as she falls, with Sammy helping her. As they rest temporarily, they discuss what to do, as Darius reluctantly states they have no choice. As night falls, the hunters prepare their weaponry, even as the group witnesses Stegosaurus entering the clearing.

The campers flee from the Stegosaur

The Stegosaurus charges the group, and the campers run away in the confusion, even as they are pursued by the Stegosaurs. They do not get far as Sammy is knocked down with the case, and the others are quickly grabbed. Sammy attacks Tiff, allowing Yasmina to get away with a message. Tiff threatens the pair with an electrical prod,

The episode opens as Sammy and Darius are forced to guide Mitch and Tiff to what they assume to be the watering hole. As Mitch and Tiff start to argue, Sammy tries to formulate a plan with Darius on how to get away. The four of them eventually make their way onto Main Street, which arouses the hunter’s suspicions.

The hunters turn on Sammy and Darius, cornering them in a gift shop as they threaten them. As the adults attempt to attack them with shock prods, the kids swiftly dump a shelf on them, and attempt to flee with their guns. As the adults recover, Tiff remarks her intent to kill the pair of them, despite Mitch’s statement that they need them alive. Sammy and Darius flee through Main Street, splitting up in an attempt to evade their pursuers.

As Mitch and Tiff stalk them through a dining area, the pair attempt to bargain with them. Sammy inadvertently drops the gun, making noise so as to attract the adults, and they begin to corner them once more. However, the adults are distracted by screeching in the distance, as well as Mitch nearly tripping on a scooter, allowing the children to get some distance between them and the adults. A Compy screeches past them, alerting the hunters once more.

Darius and Sammy manage to trick the hunters by manipulating an umbrella to give a false impression of their real position. Tiff shocks what appear to be the kids, but turns out to be the standee of Brooklynn. Meanwhile, as the power comes back onto the park, Darius and Sammy try to get into a shop, but are alerted just in time over the intercom that the hunters are attempting to ambush them.

As the hunters have them cornered, they threaten them again, but the ACU tablet starts beeping due to the power being restored. Tiff is able to see the locations of all the dinosaurs on the tablet, including the watering hole. Just then, they are interrupted by the sound of something large. Darius and Sammy begin to run, as they realize that the Tyrannosaur is coming.

The children fight with Mitch for the gun

The Tyrannosaur approaches, roaring at the hunters as they attempt to flee through Main Street. Mitch and Tiff begin to desperately fight Sammy and Darius for the guns, even as the Rex attacks them. The Rex lunges, snatching up the guns, and causing the group to scatter. Still attempting to get the guns, Mitch is caught holding onto the gun case, as the Rex shakes him around. He is thrown violently to the floor, and Tiff narrowly evades the Rex’s jaws, as she tries to escape with the guns and Mitch.

Believing the Rex not to be able to catch him, Mitch attempts to shock the Tyrannosaur. They flee into the jungle, even as the Rex roars in frustration. Darius and Sammy realize that the Rex is about to head back to the nest, but turns around as she smells the kids. Darius and Sammy are forced to hide under a table, but quickly have to run for their lives, attempting to hide in an alley. Darius and Sammy run to safety, even as they hear Kenji over the intercom, then try to inform the others that Mitch and Tiff have gone to the watering hole through charades.

Meanwhile, Darius and Sammy try unsuccessfully to alert the others back at the control room regarding Mitch and Tiff’s plans to hunt the dinosaurs. Darius resolves to go by himself, exhorting Sammy to gather the others. Meanwhile, Ben informs Sammy and Darius that he and Bumpy are still alive. The group resolves to work together to foil the hunter’s plot.

Meanwhile, Kenji, Darius and Sammy follow the tracks on their bike, even as Kenji has considerable difficulty keeping it steady. Just as the Hunters threatend Darius and Brooklyn, . Just then, the rest of the campers, including Sammy, arrive, using their vehicles to scare the dinosaurs away from the watering hole. s the other campers celebrate their apparent victory, they realize that the herd has turned around, and is stampeding in their direction, fleeing from the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The group flees as well.

The group is reunited

The Rex pursues the campers, attempting to attack Bumpy, and by extension Sammy, Ben, and Yasmina, who are riding on top. They manage to evade the animal for the moment by winding their way though the herd. Eventually the group manages to make it to the dock to meet up with Darius.


Several months later, the children are attempting escape from Isla Nublar upon a makeshift raft, even as they wave goodbye to Bumpy. Kenji and Sammy eagerly bid farewell to the island, just as the waves begin to increase in intensity. The group’s raft is destroyed after a large wave, and the group dejectedly walks back to the Camp.

The children, led by Darius addresses the other campers in a group roundtable, attempting to assess what escape plans worked, and which didn’t. As Darius asks for ideas, the group eventually decides that a raft is the way to go. Kenji brings up that there are Hang Gliders at Lookout Point to the mountains. Darius gets excited, and Kenji points out that they could use it as a sail. The group uses the Sky Gondolas to be able to reach the lookout point. Sammy and Kenji bond over rocking their own lift.

The Poacher Yacht

As the other half of the group gets to Lookout Point, they survey the view from the top. Sammy calls Kenji over to see something through the goggles, even as Yasmina realizes that there is a nest on the grounds, as a Dimorphodon attacks. As the children try to flee, more Dimorphodons attack, leaving them with no other option to escape but the Gondolas. Kenji and Sammy flee into one, barely managing to escape. As the group reconnects, they are excited to be able to have found Mitch and Tiff’s abandoned boat, deciding to use it as an escape vehicle.

Darius and Sammy inspects the scene of Tiff’s death

The episode opens up with the campers changed into bathing gear, cautiously approaching the boat from the ocean. They begin to carefully search the boat, finding claw marks, but finding no sign of anyone or any animals in the boat. They uncover the pilots room, and determine that Tiff was attacked by an animal. The radio and the controls are busted up, and they determine that its out of gas. Darius determines that if they could make it to the Northwest dock, they could find more gas for the boat, and the group decides to steer the boat there.

Kenji floats the idea of having a party on the yacht to the group, even as the rest of the group readily agree. The campers take some to rest and relax. Sammy attempts to give Bumpy some water in order to get closer to her, but is not very successful.

As the Campers investigate the yachts sudden rocking, they determine that there is a large hole on the side of the yacht. They decide to head to the docks to attempt to find supplies to patch the boat. ammy discovers gas cans, but they are proven to be empty, even as she is discouraged that Yaz has grown closer to Bumpy.  As the campers begin to investigate a fog rolls in, Sammy sees a shape in the fog and mistakes it for Bumpy, as she heads towards it.

Sammy finally runs into Bumpy, even as an Ouranosaurus attacks her. Bumpy defense her, managing to knock the aggressive animal out, although she loses track of Bumpy after. She is saved by Yaz from the animal, as the entire group makes a run for the yacht. As the yacht is still damaged, they attempt to frantically patch it with duct tape in their bid to escape. The Ouranosaurs attempt to board the boat, but the campers scare them off with fireworks, as they cheer in celebration. When morning comes, Yaz reveals to Sammy that she earned Bumpy’s friendship by keeping snacks in her pocket.

The campers attempt to patch the hole in the yacht, but Yasmina points out that they are sinking despite their attempts. As the campers worry about not having a dock to be able to go ashore in, Kenji indicates that he knows of a private dock for his father’s penthouse. Just as they dock, the boat runs out of gas.

Kenji leads the way for the camper, taking them to the Penthouse on segways. On their way, they encounter a Monolophosaurus. Darius disregards it as being a loner, so they pass by it, unaware that there is a second individual. The group reaches the penthouse without further incident, coming across a large building. Brooklynn uses the keycard to gain access to the building, and they take the stairs to the private penthouse.

Sammy and the group explore the penthouse

Kenji welcomes them to the Penthouse, diverting questions from Sammy about why there are no pictures of him. Meanwhile, Sammy finds a drawing that Kenji drew as a child, drawing his attention to it, but he quickly grabs it away. Ben calls the group to the window, as he observes Bumpy is extremely agitated, noting it’s a sign of danger.

Ben and Yaz go down to the Garage, with Sammy following shortly after. Ben hears a noise, and as they cautiously look out at the hallway, they uncover the Monopholosaurs attempting to break through the door, and run back to the penthouse. The children escape through the ceiling, even as the Monopholosaurs roar in frustration.

Eventually the campers all end up in the garage. The group is suddenly alerted to the presence of two Monolophosaurs, as they hide in the limos to attempt to evade them. They realize that they may be trapped by the dinosaurs, as they determine to run to the last limo, and run in just enough time, even as one tries to break in. Yaz drives the limo out of the garage, even as the others are chased by the animals, and the other group just barely manages to jump in. Bumpy is present to knock the carnivores to the side, allowing them to escape.

Sammy and Brooklynn decide to head to the north as they compare two maps, determining that the section labelled ‘under construction’ is where the lab might be. The children follow the maintenance tunnels unsuccessfully, even as Sammy calls Brooklynn out on her really needing answers on how to defeat Mantah Corp. Brooklynn chases after Sammy, trying her best to apologize, and Sammy accepts the apology.

Sammy and Brooklynn watch Wu’s video

The two girls find a lab in the northwest, taking the stairs to find a door labeled ‘E750. Entering the room, they find it in disarray, and scour the room for any clues. Brooklynn finds a laptop, and defers to Sammy to check the contents out, and they see a video of Dr. Henry Wu, talking about the E750, and it’s creation. He details the process of creation of the Scorpios Rex, and they witness what appears to be an attack onscreen before the video cuts out. The next video details Wu describing the process of placing the Scorpios Rex in cryogenic suspension. The episode ends with the children staring in horror at the broken cryogenic container.

Brooklynn and Sammy rush out of the secret laboratory to attempt to warn the others. However, they encounter a stampede of dinosaurs running their way, which knocks the Gyrosphere off of it’s course. They witness a Brachiosaurus being attacked, and run away to safety.

Sammy and Brooklynn stumbling into Darius, as they flee. They explain the situation with E750 to Darius, and inform him that there is another hybrid dinosaur is loose on the island. They resolve to leave the Island now. he campers gather their supplies, as Yaz returns, inform them that the storm is too risky to try to leave in. Darius and Kenji trade blame, and the rest of the camp begin to argue about who was at fault for the situation, as they resolve to wait for the storm to pass, even as they fortify the camp in preparation.

Yaz has a falling out with Sammy, as she is afraid that they will never see each other again afterwards. The storm begins, causing Bumpy to become agitated, and he runs off, even as the group hears a distant howling, and they retreat to the safety of the campsite.  The Scorpios Rex stalks the perimeter of the camp, brushing against the electrified fence, and becoming agitated, attacking the fence and causing the campers to scream. It is able to utilize it’s infared vision to see the campers, before it disappears, having climbed to the top of the camp to catch them by surprise. E750 leaps down, and the camps attempt to evade it to little avail, even as lightning strikes a nearby tree, and the fire distracts the predator long enough for them to be able to run away.

Sammy feels faint from the effects of the E750 poison

Sammy is injured as the tail sweeps against her, and the campers are cornered by the electrified fence, as the E750 roars at them. It is met by an answering roar in the distance, as it rushes to meet the challenge, running off into the jungle, as the campers sigh in relief, just as they realize that Sammy has been hit by the quills, just as she faints as the episode ends.

Sammy suffers from the effects of the Poison

The campers rush to attend to Sammy, who is still severely poisoned by the Scorpios Rex. Brooklynn and Yaz remove the spines, and apply a makeshift bandage , but they cannot keep Sammy from losing consciousness. As the night wears on, the campers are at an impasse on what to do, as Sammy is still very feverish. Darius brings up the possibility of an antidote, and Brooklynn brings up the video from the lab, where there is a potential antidote, and Yaz volunteers to go get it.

The campers ponder the potential weaknesses of the hybrid, concluding that the animal is scared of fire, despite the others being very doubtful that it will work. Brooklynn attends to Sammy, Kenji gets water for Sammy, as the two of them keep watch over her. Sammy starts sleeptalking about the cow she owned back home. Kenji finds out that he can make her feel better by imitating the cow noises.

As Yaz takes a while to return,  Sammy’s condition declines, as Yaz struggles to go forward with a busted ankle, as she flashes back to the times she managed to make it even hurt, as well as how much Sammy means to her. She just barely manages to reach Sammy with the antidote, begging her to get better as the antidote is administered. The campers brace for the worst as Sammy is initially non responsive, but cheer in celebration as Sammy starts to respond.

The campers watch over Sammy’s recovery after taking the antidote. The campers decide to leave the island as soon as possible, and gather supplies to be ready for the journe. Meanwhile, Sammy embraces Yaz in gratitude for saving her, as she is still weak from her injury. Kenji resolves to go to the boat and wait for Darius. The children notice that the Scorpios Rex’s trampling has messed up the path, and now they are lost. Sammy is still weak from her injury, as Yaz reassures her. Kenji and Brooklynn do not have much luck finding the path, as Sammy needs to take a water break. Sammy tells Yaz that she is freaking the rest of the group out by the way she was acting in attempts to reassure Sammy.

Sammy and the Group hide from the stampede

Meanwhile, the group is forced to take shelter from a rampaging herd of Parasaurolphus as they are fleeing. Kenji realizes the dinosaurs are making a path in their panic, and exhorts the group to follow them. Finding his bearings, he proceeds to follow the pathway to the dock, even as the Scorpios attacks the group, killing many dinosaurs as it chases them. They make it to the yacht, running for safety as they board it.

The other campers, including Sammy have escaped in the Yacht, heading back to the dock as they hope the Scorpios has gone. As the other campers dock the yacht, they are momentarily startled by the presence of a Stegosaurus. The campers see the battered limo, with Sammy determining that they were able to get away due to the presence of footprints leading away from the wreck.

Sammy leads the group to follow the footprints, as they witness the aftermath of the Brachiosaur stampede. Hearing a cry of distress, they find a baby Brachiosaur that has been abandoned by the herd, and they rush to embrace it. Kenji is at first reluctant to help, but he is persuaded to join the group in helping the baby call for help. As they hear an answering cry, an adult enters the clearing, and walks the infant back to the herd.

Kenji finds his captain’s hat on the ground, and they realize they must be on the trail of Darius and Ben, and that they must be tracking the Scorpius. Darius and Ben reach the Visitor’s Center, and are about to grab the tranquilizer gun when they encounter the others. The other group is dismayed to find out about the two Scorpios. They group decides to hunt down the Scorpios, even as Darius realizes that its right above them, and runs for the safety of the Visitor’s Center.

The group turns as they see a flock of Compys fleeing, and realize that they are now trapped with the other Scorpios Rex. The group runs into the old kitchen The Scorpios initially passes by the door, before bursting in, breaking through the room.  Kenji turns on the Gas burners on the stove, causing the animal to roar in agitation, as they try to leave, only for Blue to lunge at them.

They run back, as Blue breaks down the door, and the Two Scorpios roar at Blue, and each other. Blue initially prevents Darius from grabbing the tranquiliver rifle, and so Darius makes a sign of surrender, even as the Scorpios advances on his friends. Blue leaps on one Scorpios as the other roars, with the children attempting to bring the Visitor’s center down, as a three way fight between the two Scorpios and Blue commences. The roof collapses, and the two Scorpios are buried alive as the children and Blue manage to escape. Blue leaves as the children walk away in silence.

The group prepares to leave the Island.

The children make it back to the Yacht without further incident, as they ask Ben whether or not he wishes to stay behind. The group embraces him and wishes him goodbye, as they decide to set sail as a new storm is approaching. As the yacht departs, Ben heads out into the jungle, but not before running off into the jungle begging for them to stop, as he swims to the boat, and they depart the Island. The group starts to cheer, just two helicopters hover, ordering them to return to the dock. The other campers bring up their concerns regarding their potential ‘rescuers’, although the current storm and rough state of the ocean convinces them to take their chances with the chopper crew.

As the Helicopter lands, several armed mercenaries disembark, as the children climb onto the helicopter even as the sound of a large animal approaching is nearby. The Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly runs out of the foliage, causing the pilot to ascend in panic, just as the Rex chomps down on the chopper, pulling it back down. Sammy and Ben almost fall out of the chopper, but are saved by Kenji. The chopper pilot manages to wrest the chopper free, and the Rex eats the mercenary as the Chopper flies off.

The Helicopter Pilot

Sammy, Ben and Kenji beg the pilot to take them back but she refuses. Just then, the Helicopter is attacked by a flock of Pteranodons, The pilot takes Ben’s advice to turn the lights off, and the attack stops, allowing the chopper to continue in peace. The pilot is distracted by talking to the campers, swerving to avoid a sudden Brachiosaur, and the chopper crashes.

Kenji awakens as he discovers the chopper is suspended from a tree upside down with no sign of the pilot. Sammy and Ben struggle free, just as the chopper starts to fall. Ben sees a nearby tree limb and reaches for it, but it causes the chopper to slip further. More cautiously, he pulls it to them, as they tentatively try to utilize the vine to get to the floor. The chopper continues to fall, and explodes as it crashes, but the children manage to survive via the vine. They embrace each other in relief as they are safe on shore, determined to get back to the docks and wait for the others.

The other campers manage to reunite at the Yacht dock, and they are informed that Brooklynn is held hostage. The group argue over whether or not to surrender the laptop, as Brooklynn’s fate hangs in the balance. The group return to the Camp, as Yaz and Sammy to copy the laptop contents to a usb drive.

Just as Hawkes is informing Wu to inspect the laptop, Ben comes in with a herd of Ankylosaurs while riding Bumpy as a distraction. Hawkes brushes Kenji off as he tries to take Brooklynn, as the mercenaries try to force her on the chopper. The herd prevents Wu and the others from getting to the chopper. Darius and the others arrive and reunite with Kenji and Brooklynn, Hawkwes pursues the campers through the herd, demanding the laptop from Sammy and Brooklynn. Sammy throws the laptop, and it is trampled by the herd.

The Group bids goodbye to Bumpy

Darius manages to lead the group to safety as they escape the herd .However, Hawkes briefly pursues the children in the helicopter, but Wu manages to dissuade him, and the chopper flies off. As the group recuperates, Ben wishes Bumpy goodbye again, as the group embraces. They leave the Island again via the yacht towards the mainland.

As the Campers escape in the Yacht, They express relief that they are finally going to get to go home. As the children sit down to eat, Ben serves them all grubs, Sammy starts to try to eat one of them but cant bring herself to do it. Sammy exhorts them all to stay in contact and trade contract information. Kenji and Ben note their food going missing, and they realize that a Compy has snuck on board the boat. The group attempt to chase the compy, The Compy evades them, leading them to attempt to search the cabins.

Sammy and Yaz search the cabins, and Yaz presents Sammy with a drawing of the group. The Compy is cornered by Ben, Sammy and Darius, who almost trap it before the boat rocks yet again. As Kenji turns on the sonar, they determine the propeller is jammed and someone might need to go down and loosen it. Darius volunteers to perform the task. Sammy assists the others in lowering Darius down into the water via a rope. She would panic with the rest of the group as the Mosasaurs assaulted the boat. As the mosasaurus slammed down on the boat, destroying it, the campers would be thrown overboard, waking up on a strange island.

As the campers walk through the tunnel through to what appears like a desert. The campers express disbelief that they could have gone this far, as Ben sees something in the distance and they decide to check it out. Ben rallies the group, including Sammy, to head out to the desert, as the Compy follows behind them.

The campers begin to express relief that they do not have to worry about dinosaurs, as they quickly begin to get tired of the blazing heat of the desert. Sammy alerts the group to a nearby Sandstorm, as the group runs for shelter. The sandstorm catches up to them, and the children become disoriented in the storm, and lose Kenji and Brooklynn, who have fallen down a ravine.

Now separated, the pair of them attempt to call for help, but are unable to be heard by their friends. . The others resolve to continue looking for them, although Sammy suggests taking a break, but the others continue looking. The group would catch up with Kenji and Brooklynn at a watering hole, although Ben would dissuade them from eating the berries.

The campers rest near a fire as night falls. Sammy starts yelling around the fire, and the rest of the group follow suit to vent their frustrations, although Ben does not join in. In the middle of the night, Ben wakes up, trying to restart the fire, as he becomes convinced there is something out there but the group does not believe him. Just then, a Sabertooth Tiger jumps out of the bushes .The rest of the group manage to leverage a boulder and toss rocks from the cliff face to scare the animal off.

Ben explains to the group he is upset that he reverted to a scared kid again, although the group gathers around him to reassure him. The next morning, the group is walking, as Kenji trips over something metallic on the ground. The group follows it until Kenji bumps his head against the wall, and they determine that there is a door just beyond.

The campers follow the tunnel into a mysterious hallway, as the Compy follows shortly after. The group realizes they are in complex facility and Brooklynn manages to open up a door to a forest biome, the Compy following them. Just then, the group is interrupted by an approaching T-rex, who is quickly joined by another Tyrannosaur. As the two animals fight, the group witnesses a woman working on a tablet near them. The group quickly realize that the rexes are not fighting, but playing. The campers follow the woman and tell her their story. She introduces herself as Dr. Mae Turner, studying dinosaur brains, and Dairus recognizes her, as he claims to be a fan of her work. The group decides to follow the woman, as she explains how the animals came to be on the island.

They enter another area, which is Dr. Mae’s private living quarters. The group decides to take a look around her quarters as she prepares lunch. The group eat lunch, and the group comes to the conclusion that Mantah corp must be behind this Island. Darius and Sammy are left alone in the room as the others head off. As the children are ordered to remain in her quarters, Mae heads out to study the BRAD, as Sammy and Darius sneak up behind her. The two Rexes approach the feeding area as the three watch.

Dr. Turner watch the rexes feed, and she names them as Big Eatie and Little Eatie. Just then, the two rexes begin to display aggressive behavior as they begin to fight. Dr. Turner attempts to call a BRAD to tranquilize the animals. Sammy investigates the food, and determines the Rexes have been drugged. Dr. Turner tells the group that the drug was the cause of the Rexes sudden antagonism. Dr. Turner lets the group know of a supply plane that comes every two weeks, and the group decides to try to manufacture a situation to make the plane come sooner. Darius comes up with a plan to wait until the Rexes are asleep, and alter their feed supply and then mess with the power box for the biome.

After being successful in their mission, the group celebrates realizing the plane will be there in a few hours, just as they are scanned by an approaching B.R.A.D., even as Dr. Turner tries unsuccessfully to stop it. The B.R.A.D. starts to follow them, and is joined by two more robots. The group manage to escape into a tunnel, but Dr. Turner’s attempt to lock the door is over riden by the robots. The B.R.A.D’S corner the group, just as Brooklynn tells the group to go on ahead, tricking the robots into frying the locking mechanism as she dives through.

The group has now entered another Biome, this time being a snow biome. Dr. Turner finds snow mobiles for the group, as they head towards the plane. The snowmobiles come to a stop as they encounter a Kentrosaurus. Dr. Turner is confused as to what this animal is doing, and the other campers jump out of the snowmobiles just as the dinosaur collapses. Darius realizes the only way they can transport that dinosaur is with both vehicles.The campers rig the vehicles to be able to transport the Kentrosaurus, as they begin their journey. However, they do not travel far before they are pursued by a B.R.A.D.

The groups tries to run the BRAD over but the robot continues its attack, until Yaz manages to knock one into a frozen lake, as the group reaches the airlock. As the group runs outside, they realize that they have just barely missed the plane. The group is dismayed and defeated, as they head back to Dr. Turner. Meanwhile Sammy comforts Yaz, who admits that she is suffering PTSD from everything they’ve experienced. The group embraces and comforts her.

the campers sadly walk back to Dr. Turner after they have missed the plane. Darius decides not to leave, as they realize they have to stay to stop Mantah Corp from hurting the dinosaurs. The group states that they will split up. Sammy and Yaz rest in the living area, as they start retelling what they miss from home as they fall asleep Yaz wakes up in her room to find a B.R.A.D. stalking through the living area, as the girls hide under the bead. They manage to observe Kash ordering the robot about, as they stealthily watch Kash take a document from Dr. Turner’s table. Sammy recognizes him, as she turns to inform Yaz of where she knows him from.

Sammy and Yaz run into the desert Biome as well, meeting up with the rest of the the group. Sammy informs the group that she knows who Kash is, as Pierce is still very agitated. Sammy informs the group that Kash is the person who blackmailed her family. The others try to convince her that confronting him is too dangerous. Pierce becomes increasingly agitated throughout this exchange as the group tries to calm him. Sammy uses this distraction to run off.

Sammy runs into the jungle biome, just as the others keep her from running into the clearing just in time. The campers rush to assist Dr. Turner as the BRADs begin to corner her, and prepare to attack. The various campers distract the robot dogs, as Ben and Sammy manage to escape with Dr. Turner. The group runs for their lives, as the BRADs continue their dogged pursuit. Sammy manages to reach the airlock with Dr. Turner, but is cornered by the BRADS. The raptors begin to surround the others, but Sammy grabs a malfunctioning Brad, and used it to stun the raptors. The group flees off into the jungle as they attempt to care for an injured Dr. Turner. Sammy apologizes to the group for running off.

The campers tend to Dr. Turner’s wounds, as they think of what to do. Yaz and Sammy agree that they need to find Kash’s phone so that they can go to get some help. The group hide from the BRAD scans, as they are forced to move an injured Dr. Turner. The BRADS run off due to new orders, as everyone except Ben goes off to follow the BRADS.

Sammy, Brooklynn and Darius watch as the Brad confronts Big Eatie and Little Eatie, determining that Big Eatie is suitable for a Test. Suddenly drones arrive, using their invisible walls to herd the Tyrannosaur away. Big Eatie destroys the BRAD in frustration as she attempts to approach Little Eatie, but is herded away. The children decide to follow to see where she is being taken, but decide to head back as another BRAD comes on scene.

The campers watch horrified as Pierce and Big Eatie are forced to fight. The campers decide they must save the dinosaurs. Yaz collapses as she watches the dinosaurs fight, and Darius and Sammy come to her aid. Just as Kash pressures the animals closer and closer together. Ben arrives in a snowmobile, and he, Sammy and Yaz use the machine to work as an improvised battering ram, running over a BRAD in the process. They jump out as the Snowmobile crashes into the facility, having made it into an improvised bomb, as the facility explodes.

The campers realize that the drones are forcing the animals together, and split up to deal with them. As Kash ceases the fight, he leads the animals and Darius into the medical bay as Sammy and the others watch. The group runs to Dr. Turner as they wish to know where Kash and Darius went, and she informs them about the Med Bay and when the next feeding is scheduled.

The campers run to the desert biome, as they realize that that the heat has been raised. Just then, the campers encounter a Spinosaurus which charges them, forcing them to attempt to hide in a cave system. Believing themselves to be safe, the group runs into the Smilodon, as it corners them. The Smilodon charges at the group, running them into a dead end. Just as the Smilodon is about to lunge at them, the Spinosaurus breaks through the wall and eats the Smilodon. The group runs to safety as the Spinosaur tries to attack them again. The group decides to jump down the feeding chute. As the group hides near the med bay, they briefly meet up with Darius who keeps them apprised of the situation.

That night, the campers begin to converge on the facility, trying to decide how to get in. However, they are unable to meet up with Darius and return to Dr. Turner. They float the idea of potentially hacking the robot, with the idea of having Brooklynn hack the robot due to her prior technical experience. The children attempt to distract a BRAD-X in the jungle biome, their trap succeeding in knocking it over only temporarily.

The campers follow the BRAD X to a facility where they see the BRAD X transporting destroyed BRAD parts. They realize that this is a BRAD-X making workshop. As the others investigate the BRAD-X facility, Yaz and Ben volunteer to keep watch outside while Sammy and Brooklynn attempt to hack the robot, but initially fail. Eventually, The campers manage to pin down the regular BRAD, attempting to hack it, succeed in doing so.

as the campers run past the sleeping raptors in the jungle biome, attempting to breach the compound. Darius lowers a rope for them just as one of the raptors begins to wake up. The group sneak into the facility, and Darius leads them into the Med Bay, with their mission being to evacuate the babies. The rest of the group head down into the med-bay, as they find the dinosaur babies. They initially find three baby Brachiosaurs contained in the lab. Searching the med-bay, Sammy comes across a area reserved for a Spinosaurus and Sinoceratops hybrid. Sammy runs into the lab upon realization of where the Sinoceratops dna was extracted, as she runs to greet the animal and apologize. Yaz gets Sammy to confess that the Spinoceratops were made from the samples she stole from Isla Nublar.

The Sinoceratops and the Brachiosaurs continue to play roughly, and one of them crashing into the power box causes a fuse to blow. The med bay areas are opened due to the power going out, and a Ceratosaurus stalks out of one of the areas. The campers hide from the Ceratosaurus, even as the baby brachiosaurus panics and alerts the Ceratosaur. The Ceratosaurus charges them, and is soon distracted enough to chase after the Spinoceratops. The group just barely manages to escape by splitting up, Kenji and Brooklynn running one way, and the rest going the other.The group reconnect with the baby dinosaurs in the forest biome,

As Yaz and Sammy watch the Baby Brachiosaurus playing with the Spinoceratops. Ben encourages the group to go to the cave, considering it the only safe place left.  Ben, Yaz, and Sammy have to evade BRADS in the jungle complex, as he realizes that they have found the baby Brachiosaurus. Ben chases the BRAD, managing to distract it, but only momentarily before it resumes it’s pursuit. The Baby Brachiosaur is swiftly captured by the BRADs and forced back to the main facility.

The two Spinoceratops are reunited at the cave, as Ben informs Sammy and the group of what Kash has done. He determines that it is now time to take Kash down, and formulates a plan for the group to follow, luring Kash to the Biome and knock him out and lock him inside Mae’s quarters.

Brooklynn and Sammy figure out somethings wrong with the Spinoceratops. They determine that the Spinoceratops are not acclimated to the forest biome, as they decide to try the forest biome. The girls enter the desert biome, as they realize that the Spinoceratops are not acclimated to the region, and decide to enter the snow biome instead. As they head back, the girls are chased by the Spinosaurus, and barely manage to flee inside to the tunnels.

The girls in the snow biome see that the Spinoceratops are acclimated to their new biome, as they leave. Sammy and Yaz fight for the controls as Sammy does not want to leave yet. This causes the snowmobile to veer into the ice and sink, as the girls just barely manage to escape. The girls see another snowmobile up ahead, but struggle to move through the cold. Sammy erupts at Yaz, as she unleashes her feelings on her.

The group realize that the Spinoceratops are warm because of endothermic bioengineering, and decide to stick close to them to survive the biome. They manage to reach the snowmobiles safely, as Yaz apologizes to Sammy, and she accepts her apology and they embrace. The girls leave the biome in the snowmobile, as a BRAD X approaches, with a message from Darius about the Kentrosaurus. Heading to the swamp biome in the snowmobile, the girls manage to scare off a pack of Dilophosaurs before reuniting with the main group.

The group embraces, but they soon realize that they have been tricked as they are surrounded by BRAD-Xs. Kash gloats, even as the president of Mantah Corp steps outside of the shadows. . However, he is revealed to be Daniel Kon, Kenji’s father, and the Brad X’s stand down. After reprimanding Kash, Daniel leads the group to their rooms at the Mantah Corp building.

The group revels in their chance to rest, enjoying individual rooms. The group relaxes in the common area, as they are approached by Daniel, who explains that the situation is complicated, but asks for a few days to allow for him to arrange discreet transportation back to their point of origin.

, Sammy and Brooklynn sneak into Kash’s containment area, turning off the cameras so that Sammy can confront him directly. Kash attempts to manipulate the pair of them in order to get them to free him. Sammy and Brooklynn sneak into Daniel’s office to look at their files, finding out that her family’s ranch is now owned by Mr. Kon. They are interrupted by Daniel Kon, who gives them a version of events painting him as salvaging her family’s debts. A suspicious Brooklynn tells him that they do not trust easily after what they have been through. However, Mr. Kon informs them that telling Kenji would weaken trust between them.

Sammy, along with the group discovers that Daniel is considering continuing the animal fights, starting with Little Eatie and Big Eatie, as they attempt to show him a different side of the animals. Yaz and Ben act as bait to lure Little Eatie closer, even as Kenji manages to free the bolt on Big Eatie’s leg. The two Rexes approach each other, embracing in familial acceptance as they walk off. Daniel appears to be convinced by this display, promising to not force the animals to fight. The children toast to their success as Kenji proclaims he will help his father with a presentation.

The next morning, the campers all eating breakfast in the main facility lobby as they plan for the day. . Brooklynn and Darius decide to try to determine what Daniel is up to. Kenji informs Sammy and Yaz that he is planning a date with Brooklynn. The two girls offer to assist him in his romantic planning. Kenji presents his suit to Sammy and Yaz, and they express their best wishes for him in terms of his upcoming date.

Walking back from the scene, the children ponder how to break the news to Kenji about Kash controlling dinosaurs again. However, before they are able to decide, they are pursued and chased by a pair of velociraptors. Although the raptors charge them, they are blocked by the drone sonic barriers. The children are forced to carefully follow the drones movements in order to evade attack by the dinosaurs.

As the group returns to the bedrooms, they attempt to plan their next moves as they decide to follow Daniel and Kash. The children attempt to follow Daniel and Kenji, but are blocked by Brad X. They are unknowingly shadowed by Kash. The children arrive on scene just as the investors begin a battle royale between the Spinosaurus and the Trex, and the Velociraptors. The children run into the middle of the chaos, attempting to stop it. Kenji attempts to stick up for them, only to be dissuaded by his father. Kenji runs into the middle of the fight to try to stop his friends.

The children are harassed by the investors controlling the dinosaurs, as they run for their lives. Sam and Yaz ran from the Velociraptors, in the midst of the chaos. Eventually the animals are re-contained, and the rest of the children except Kenji, are imprisoned in a cell as punishment.

The campers, try to reason why Kenji would have betrayed them, even as they interrupted by the presence of a BRAD arriving into the room to scan them to ensure they are still incarcerated. Darius determines that they have thirty minutes between patrols to find a means of escape. Following Darius’s lead, Ben and the rest of the campers manage to open a floor grate which leads into a sewer. However, they are unable to leave without ringing the alarm.

Once in the sewer, Darius realizes that that they have little time, and thus moves the group to move fast due to the approach of the BRADS. Darius directs the group to run away as they are pursued by another group of BRADS, attempting to knock them out with gas. Sammy trips, but is quickly picked up by Darius as they attempt to lose the Brads.

Trying to catch their breath, they realize they have misplaced Sammy and Darius. As the kids weigh their options, they are surprised by an animal, their screams causing the rest of the group to come running to their aid. A Nothosaurus emerges from the water, proceeding to pursue the children. but is repelled by steam from the walls. Sammy and Darius are chased back to the other children. The others formulate a quick plan as Darius and Sammy are chased, with Yaz using a metal pipe to hit it, as the group runs into another BRAD while attempting to escape the animal.

The campers eventually manage to evade the Nothosoaurus, managing to make it to the surface. As they argue about what to do next, they are shaken by an earthquake. As the group recovers, they witness other dinosaurs disoriented from the Earthquake as well. The episode begins as the children are still disoriented from the earthquake. They witness Big Eatie and Little Eatie extremely agitated by the shaking, but unable to do anything because of the drones. Sammy decides to go shut the drones, Darius aims for Mae’s tablet as the rest of the group decide to follow Sammy. The group determines they can use the computer to control the drones directly, and manage to hack one.

Sammyn and the rest of the campers take a break while deciding what to do when Mr. Kon’s return. They decide to destroy the control chips before the others return, making it something of a competition.Sammy and Yaz go into a BRAD workshop as they gain access to chips, preparing to burn them. While they are there, the girls destroy a repair BRAD. That night, Yaz and Sammy celebrate winning the bet, as they toss the chips into the fire. The others return, celebrating their victory.

The next morning, the group all decides to unwind. t. Darius decides to herd the dinosaurs on Mantah Island to the watering hole. They decide to plug a nearby drain so that the entire area will fill with water. The children each choose different objectives as they decide to work together on this mission.  Sammy, Darius and Brooklynn work on gathering resources, but are distracted by the sound of Big Eatie and Little Eatie playing nearby. Darius decides to distract the dinosaurs so that they won’t bother them while trying to complete the drain. Brooklynn runs over to assist him, leaving Sammy to gather the materials for the drain herself.

Sammy finishes the drain, but realizes that merely stopping the flow of the river isn’t enough to expand the watering hole. She then attempts to reach the waterfall to increase the flow of water, climbing a tree to reach the top. Reaching the top, Sammy finds an access tunnel near the river, and heads down the hatch to try to find a water control valve. Finding it, she attempts to turn it, but snaps it off. Just then, she sees a surviving BRAD that had escaped destruction. Despite her fear, she manages to reattach the handle and begin the operation before the BRAD spots her, and she runs away, tricking the BRAD into breaking the river grate so she can escape.

As Sammy leaves the hatch, she is forced to flee from the Pteranodons, and jumps down the waterfall, into the newly created watering hole. The rest of the group arrive to find out that Sammy was successful. This is further proven as the Eatie pair arrive at the watering hole and proceed to peacefully coexist with the other dinosaurs. The group play in the watering hole, as Sammy and Yaz share a moment.

Ben encourages Yaz, as she approaches Sammy, although they are interrupted by the Rex pair feeding. As the Rexes leave, she tries to get the words out about liking her, only to be interrupted again by the arrival of Darius and Brooklynn. As the group convene, Brooklynn records footage of the group for posterity, as they recount their various adventures as well as their personal growth. As conversation turns to Kenji, Darius brings up the point that they need to be proactive for when Daniel Kon returns to the Island. The group return to the maintenance corridors as they work out a plan. Believing their group to be underestimated, they work out an initial plan to try to trap them when they arrive.

The group tries to work out how to shut the doors to operate their trap, as Yaz wanders off to talk with Sammy. However, the doors accidently close, separating the two of them, as a sudden alarm rings throughout the compound. Brooklynn determines the whole system is malfunctioning as they manage to get Sammy back, they run outside to see a warning error indicating a Geothermal Energy malfunction has occurred. Realizing the Core has been compromised, the group runs as they try to figure out how to fix the issue.

The group head down to the Core tunnels, trying to fix the problem at its source. As the group gets closer, they detect a noxious odor, and determine the B.R.A.D. has been damaged in the fight with the Nothosoaurus. The earthquakes increase in frequency as they approach the core, as Brooklynn figures out that the Core was overheating due to being out of alignment. Meanwhile, they hear noises, and realize that the Nothosaurus is present.

The Nothosaurus lunges at the group, but collapses due to the noxious fumes. The children flee, as they realize that if the pressure from the gas grows too intense it will cause the island to blow up. The children quickly drag the Nothosoaurs out of the area, as they regroup and think of a plan and gather materials to suppress the gas.

Sammy, Yaz and Ben stay upstairs while Brooklynn and Darius attempt to seal the gas leak as well as return the core to normal stability. Sammy, Ben and Yaz stay watching the Nothosaurus while it is knocked out, but are surprised when it wakes up and lunges at the group. . The trio barely manage to evade it in the elevator, as they tackle it, giving them time to spare as they reach the ground level.

As the Nothosaurus shakes them off, it is slightly dazed, but is distracted by the approach of a Dilophosaurs, killing the other predator, giving the kids time to run. Reaching a safe place, the children take a breather, as Sammy and Yaz catch up on their feelings. Sammy confesses that she feels the same way, as the two kiss, just as the rest of the group arrive and cheer on the pair of them.

Just then, they see the perimeter drone set off as they witness Daniel Kon’s people arrive. The group is horrified to watch animals be unloaded from the trucks, especially as they watch Kenji assisting in unloading the animals. Realizing Ben is gone, they turn back and see Bumpy being controlled.

Meanwhile, the campers race through the jungle as they try to figure out a plan now that Daniel and the Mantah corp mercenaries have returned. Reaching the facility, they see Daniel, Kenji and Hawkes and the other mercenaries enter a building. . The campers quickly decide on a plan with Ben following Kenji, and Brooklynn and Darius looking for the Flash Drive while Sammy and Yaz stand guard and flirt with each other.

The rest of the campers go to the swamp biome to track down the BRADS, and begin checking them for the drive. They find nothing and move on, as they are watched by Hawkes and the other mercenaries who follow them. The campers head to the arctic biome, but are again unsuccessful and move on. The children move to the tunnels, then onto the desert.

They are aware of the fact they are being followed, but decide to take the risk. Hawkes and the mercs lose sight of the children but accidently wake up the Spinosaur, fleeing for their lives. The children use this moment to flee, and they find the flash drive in the desert. However, they have to flee as the Spinosaur chases them, with it being revealed that Hakwes has managed to chip the animal and is now in control of it. Hawkes sets the Spino on the children as they flee. While the children are distracted, a merc retrieves the flash drive but the kids manage to escape into the tunnels. Darius blows the circuit on the doors, as they regroup and make plans to meet up later.

The children gather around Kenji after he finally returns to the group. Kenji apologizes to the group, and Ben defends him. The children run to the watering hole, pursued by the controlled dinosaurs as they are trying to figure out how to distract the dinosaurs, and they decide on leading the herbivores away with food.

The mercenaries continue to pursue the children, but are ambushed by Ben and Brooklynn riding Bumpy, and they use the Ankylosaurus to distract them as well as lure the dinosaurs away. They flee as they encounter Mr. Hawkes and Daniel. Back at the watering hole, the children are having difficulties encouraging the animals to move, as the rest of the group return. Darius decides to stand and fight, as the adults approach their position. Daniel enters the clearing with his captured dinosaurs, he demands the password to the computer, but they refuse. Daniel promptly orders the animals to attack the children. The Rexes defend their territory against the Spino, as the children and the watering hole animals contend with the remainder.

Daniel spots Sammy heading into Dr. Turner’s old office, and manages to corner her. He threatens her, as he tries to encourage her to tell him the password, revealing that he was the one who gave Kash the order to blackmail her family. Sammy decides to knock him down, as she flees the cave.

The children decide to attack the mercs directly in order to destroy the controllers, and succeed in freeing the Baryonyx. . Eventually, the children watch the Spino apparently defeating Big Eatie, and the other non-controlled animals fleeing. The children are forced to flee, almost running straight into a trap created by Daniel. They race for the boat, heading down into the tunnels to evade their pursuers. However, they run into a Pteranodon, and are forced to run the opposite way.  . The Pteranodon forces the children to separate as Brooklyn runs off on her own.

The children manage to initially evade a Mantah mercenary but Yaz is startled enough to run right into one of the mercs and he grabs her. Just then, a velociraptor appears and she is able to escape as the kids make a run for it. Sammy manages to save Ben from a raptor and they escape the warehouse, but the Merc is killed.

The children including Ben create an elaborate ruse faking poisonous gas to scare Daniel Kon into abandoning the island. The children release the last of the controlled dinosaurs as they settle down to watch the animals. They get an alert about more visitors, as they hurry to the docks, seeing a ship. However, they see Dave and Roxie arriving with Dr. Turner and Brandon Bowman. They all escape on the boat with the adults. The children finally reach the mainland and greet all of their families on the dock once they arrive.


A few years in the future, the children are known as the ‘Nublar 6’, now famous for their survival on Isla Nublar for six months. Yaz and Sammy are still together and dating.


At some point, Sammy comes out to her family, and then moves out to start a ranch of her own in Texas. Bumpy moves onto her ranch, having been smuggled secretly to the maindland after Mantah Corp was investigated.


Yaz briefly moves in with Sammy, before leaving to start college, and then later to attend Dino Immersion therapy. Sammy is interrupted in the middle of making dinner by her friends Darius and Ben. She greets them with a hug, and shows them around the ranch.

As the pair try and warn their friend, Sammy leads them into the ranch pasture, where they find Bumpy roaming free in the pasture.ust then, a car drives up to them, but not before Bumpy swats it away, sending it into a tailspin. The driver –Carl, stumbles out, and is almost attacked by Bumpy before Sammy shoos him away. Carl threatens Sammy and Bumpy, and Ben steps in to defend them. After a few moments tension, Carl leaves.

Sammy runs back to the house before they can warn her, and they run after her. In the kitchen, Ben warns Sammy that they are being hunted. Sammy goes to get supplies for the trip, making plans to go visit Kenji first. As Darius tries to comfort Sammy, they notice the power flickering.

Ben and Darius go to check on Bumpy while Sammy goes to check the breaker box. While going to fix the breaker, Sammy sees an Atrociraptor and has to evade the dinosaurs while attempting to go to the van. Sammy tries to sneak out through her house, but accidentally alerts the Atrociraptor, although she manages to trap it briefly. Sammy manages to escape due to Bumpy’s intercession as she fights off the raptor.

As they drive off, they all realize that their belief about being hunted has been confirmed. They make a plan to go visit Yaz and Kenj, using a map that was recovered from Brooklynn’s jacket. They notice an unknown name on the map, and question where she was going just before she died.

As the van drives down the freeway,  Sammy expresses concern that Yaz is not responding to her phone calls or texts. Just then, they pull over to the side as they witness DPW trucks transporting dinosaurs down the highway, followed shortly by a herd of Parasaurolophus.

The group arrives at Kenji’s place, revealing he lives in a trailer. They try knocking to no response, but Kenji surprises them from behind and is accidently knocked over by Sammy. Kenji catches up with Ben and Sammy, but reacts coldly to Darius, slamming the door on him.

Kenji greets them, explaining he has started a new business as a climbing instructor.  They show Kenji the map, but he doesn’t have an idea about what it represents, but reveals that the marked location on the map is where his father lives. As the group feel the trailer shaking, they initially panic, but it turns out to be a nearby herd of Parasaurolophus running by.

The children initially suspect Daniel Kon, but Kenji states that his father was placed in a halfway house after prison, and is too monitored to have been responsible. Kenji storms out of the trailer angrily and wanders off into the woods. Sammy grabs the keys as she runs to the van to go look for Yaz, and Ben follows her, leaving Darius to go after Kenji.

Ben and Sammy drive toward’s Yaz’s last known location as Sammy unsuccessfully tries to contact Yaz despite Ben’s protests. They reach a roadside attraction named King’s Dino Prehistoric playland to eat. They are stunned to see a smashed Gyrosphere on display, just as the proprietor, Bobby Nublar announces himself to the crowd. He pulls a Stygimoloch forward on a leash, as the gates reveal two more of the animals are also leashed. Sammy and Ben protest the treatment of the animals, and resolve to break them free.

Sammy and Ben sneak into the behind the scenes area of the attraction where they observe the animals. Sammy goes to get the lockpick while Ben stays with the animals. As she returns, she is angry with him after having seen that he considered her a suspect on his conspiracy board. Sammy is upset to hear this, and they argue just as they attempt to free the animals. The Stygi’s go berserk just as they panic over what to do. Just then, Bobby Nublar enters the enclosure.

Bobby attempts to attack Sammy, just as Ben frees the Stygi. The Stygi’s escape their enclosure, causing chaos as they break free. Ben is attacked by Bobby but Sammy manages to fight him off. The Stygi’s headbutt him before they break free into the wild. Sammy and Ben quickly speed off as fast as they can.

Ben and Sammy are in the car driving as Sammy is finally able to have a conversation with her girlfriend. They inform her that they are coming to visit her. After the call, Sammy confides in Ben that she worries over Yaz still dealing with her PTSD. The van reaches a gatehouse which leads to a protected Island, marked as a ‘Dinosaur Free Zone’. They are allowed admittance into the Island as the gates close behind them.

Yaz greets the both of them as they arrive on the Island. Ben and Sammy try to convince her to leave the Island and that they are being hunted. However, Yaz believes they might be safer on the Island. Yaz shows the pair of them around the Island, as she explains after the incident at Big Rock, a market for dinosaur free zones popped up. The Island is meant to be a place for people to heal from dinosaur related trauma.

Yaz explains the Island’s defences, and she shows them a hologram simulating various dinosaurs, which is used for dinosaur therapy. Sammy again tries to convince Yaz to go, but Ben blurts out that they are being pursued by people using dinosaurs to hunt them, and that Brooklynn may have been the first victim. Yaz becomes upset that Sammy didn’t tell her earlier, and the two begin arguing. Sammy storms off, leaving Ben and Yaz to talk it out.

Sammy is wandering off into the tunnel leading out of the island, just as Ben’s van drives towards her, still pursued by the Becklespinax .Yaz reaches for Sammy, but the Becklespinax rams the car, attempting to get inside the vehicle. Sammy manages to get in while the Becklespinax is still trying to break through. Ben backs up the car, making a break for it, however they are forced to stop due to a second Becklespinax emerging on the other side.

Yaz realizes the gate was intentionally left open. Cornered, they see DPW agents arrive, but they are attempting to hit the van and not the Becklespinax. As Ben attempts to escape, the Becklespinax pushes the van over the bridge, and both the van and the animal fall off, just as the DPW agents watch, and walk away from the scene.

As the group comes to, they see the Becklespinax outside of the van. The animal continues to attack the van, causing more water to flood inside.

The group realize that attempting to staunch the leaks is futile, and that they cant break through or leave the vehicle without help. As the Becklespinax climbs on the van to reach the surface, the van knocks against an underwater pole, and a door is opened, completely flooding the vehicle. The group use this as their chance to escape and swim to the surface. As the group catches their breath on the surface, they are thankful to be alive.

Sammy and Yaz realize both their phones are too water damaged, and Ben tosses them away. They watch from a hiding place as the DPW agents force the Becklespinax back into the trailer. Just as the DPW agents are occupied, Sammy, Yaz and Ben hide on the truck.

Yaz attempts to take a look outside of the truck, and she steps on the dinosaur to do so, however she is unable to determine any landmarks. However, as she lands back next to the others, she alerts the other Becklespinax in the second compartment, and it roars at the group.

As the Becklespinax starts to ram the inside, the truck comes to a halt. The group are forced to hide as the DPW unload the Becklespinax pair. They manage to evade the DPW and hide under the truck as the DPW agents are reprimanded by their supervisor. The group decide to try to find a phone. However, as the lights turn on, they can see the DPW containment pens with many dinosaurs.

Just then,they are interrupted by a man in a cowboy hat, who tells them they aren’t authorized to be there. He recognizes them, stating that he hired Darius, and introduces himself as Dudley Cabrera, regional director of the DPW operations. He denies having anything to do with the DPW agents that tried to kill them and claims to lead them somewhere safe. However, Sammy knocks him over and they run.

They hide inside the crates in the loading area, and they manage to find Bumpy trapped in a crate. Bumpy acts agitated, and Ben uses the key to unlock the crate. Sammy and Yaz provide a distraction while Ben attempts to free Bumpy. Sammy and Yaz outrun the DPW agent chasing them as they manage to commandeer a truck, but not before they are pursued by another vehicle.

Yaz breaks through the door to the containment area with the truck- and they manage their pursuer in the compound as his car is submerged. As he exits the car, he sees the Becklespinax, and attempts to fire at it, but is out of ammo, and is killed.  Ben is forced to hide in the truck transporting Bumpy, and Sammy and Yaz witness the truck driving off and decide to pursue.

Sammy and Yaz pursue the DPW truck. Yaz narrowly avoids a collision with the truck, just as the truck slows to a stop to remove a roadblock. The driver does not see his pursuers however and gets back in so Sammy and Yaz can continue following. Sammy apologizes to her girlfriend as the two of them acknowledge that they are overstressed. The truck comes to a facility checkpoint, and is cleared to enter, as Sammy and Yaz sneak by.

. Darius and Kenji continue to evade the guards, and they realize Yaz and Sammy are also in the building. They make a distraction to allow Sammy and Yaz to pass , and by extension also Ben. Kenji and Darius manage to reunite with Yaz and Sammy.

The rest of the group recoup their adventures as they decide on a plan. Darius realizes the conspiracy is global in scale as he determines the dinosaurs are being shipped out to such places as the Netherlands, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia, and Malta. Darius pauses in front of the cage containing the half-blind Allosaurus as the rest of the group realize it’s the one that killed Brooklynn as well.

Kenji and Darius inform the others that Brooklynn was involved in the dinosaur trade the night she was killed. Ben rejoins the group, as he tells them to come to Bumpy’s aid and they all run to her cage. Ben and Kenji work together to open the cage, as they run to Bumpy’s side. After a moment’s tension, Bumpy is revealed to have laid an egg, and the group rejoices. Just then, they are confronted by Dudley Cabrera, who threatens them with a shock stick.

Dudley claims that they will be fine if they do what he says, but admits to being behind the smuggling operation. Cabrera also admits to setting up the scene with Brooklynn, but insists he hadn’t meant to kill her. He claims not to know about the Atrociraptors when Darius confronts him. He also admits to sending the threats on Dark Jurassic, and implies that if they do not cooperate he will harm them all and cover it up.

Cabrera tells them he wants them to drop the investigation, and orders Darius to return to working for the DPW to give the organization credibility. Ben tackles him, but Dudley manages to grab the prod and stun him, causing him to fall. Sammy uses her capoeira to knock Dudley unconscious as the group escapes. However, the group finds that they are locked in the building as they try to flee.

The front loading dock opens as the Handler appears, and Dudley arrives to greet her. He fires her, claiming to not want to be cleaning up more of her messes, and attempts to get Jensen to escort her out. However, Jensen tells Dudley that he has never been in control, and the Handler blows her whistle, summoning the Atrociraptors. The Handler whispers to Jensen, who reveals to Dudley before he leaves that their ‘boss’ doesn’t like loose ends. Dudley evades the Atrociraptors briefly and tries to plead for his life, but is killed by the raptors.

As the woman is about to leave, but one of the Atrociraptors turns, and alerts the Handler. She blows the whistle again, and the raptors pursue the group as they flee. The group is cornered by the raptors on a high walkway. Just as the raptors are about to attack, a truck bursts through the warehouse, collapsing the walkway and sending both the humans and raptors scrambling. The driver is revealed to be Mateo, who runs to help the group.

Just as they are about to leave, a Suchomimus breaks free from its container and pursues the group.In the confusion, several dinosaurs break free of their containers, proceeding to attack the DPW agents. The Suchomimus and a Carnotaurus fight, which unlocks the Tyrannosaurus Rex container. The Rex roars, and an explosion occurs as it knocks over some barrels in it’s escape. The group attempt to run, but are cornered between the Atrociraptors and the Rex.

The Rex distracts one of the Atrociraptors while the group run from the other two. Eventually the raptors all attack the Rex. However, the group is cornered again by the raptors, and Darius is forced to free the half blind Allosaurus, using himself as bait to get it to attack the other animals. The Rex defeats all four animals, and roars in triumph.

As the group leaves shelter, they see the Handler, and she whistles again, however her Atrociraptors are too injured. Seeing the police arriving as well, she calls off the attack and orders the raptors to retreat and the group takes their chance to escape.

Behind the group, the ship prepares to depart as the group realizes that the Broker is a boss above the Handler. Darius resolves to keep investigating, as well as admitting his feelings for Brooklynn were one sided. The group decide to get on the boat to get to the bottom of all this. Mateo leaves, but wishes the group well. The group sneaks onto the boat, resolved to follow it to its destination.