The Fighting Dinosaurs is a fossil discovered in the Djadochta Formation of Mongolia on August 3, 1971. It was found in an area containing many Protoceratops andrewsi fossils, and consists of a P. andrewsi and Velociraptor mongoliensis which appear to have died while fighting with one another. The fossil shows the Velociraptor driving its toe claws into the abdomen and throat of the Protoceratops while the ceratopsian grabs the raptor’s right arm in its jaws and pins the predator to the ground. Both animals’ bodies were buried by sediment during or shortly after the fight, resulting in their bodies becoming excellently preserved for somewhere between 71,000,000 and 75,000,000 years.
Xenotransfusion is a medical practice defined as a blood transfusion in which the donor is not the same species as the recipient; that is, a blood transfusion between two different species. These procedures are only performed under rare circumstances: the International Xenotransplantation Association has set out guidelines to determine whether the procedure is medically necessary and safe by analyzing the risks versus benefits, determining whether more conventional alternatives are available, and minimizing the risk of infection. First theorized by the monk Dom Robert Desgabets in 1658, the first xenotransfusion was performed between a lamb and a 15-year-old boy by physician Jean-Baptiste Denis and surgeon Paul Emmerez. The procedure was successful. Due to the biologically complicated nature of the procedure, xenotransfusion is relatively rare. Carmen Russo of The Slate…
The geologic time scale is a description of Earth’s geological past using the record discovered in its rock layers. This article includes a summary of this time scale including the five major subdivisions of geologic time: eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages, all with their start dates and major events in Earth’s history. They are listed in the order they occurred in years before the present, with “present” defined as beginning on January 1, 1950. Because the geological record grows sparser when looking at older layers, due to millions or billions of years of erosion wearing away the rocks and destroying evidence, the divisions of geologic time appear to grow shorter and shorter the closer one looks to the modern age. Some people mistakenly believe that geologic change…
Visitors to Jurassic World during its operation between May 30, 2005 and December 22, 2015 were able to select from six different ticket packages when traveling to and staying in the park. The packages were available to all potential visitors, though higher-end packages would only have been accessible to those who had the means to afford them. Included here is a summary of Jurassic World’s ticket packages. The text is all taken directly from the now-defunct park website (with the exception of editors’ notes, which serve as corrections to errors). Standard Package “Get a value for the ages with the most thrills for the lowest cost. A favorite among college students, singles, and dreamers alike!” Duration: 3 days Includes: Ferry, hotel lodging, park map, monorail transport, ride access,…
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a complex organic polymer-forming molecule. It consists of two polynucleotide chains which coil around each other, forming a double helix shape. DNA is often called the “building block of life” because it is the medium through which genetic information is stored, replicated, and utilized by the organisms which have evolved on Earth.
“Don’t Remember You” is a song by Jared Emerson-Johnson and the Lysine Contingency. It was written sometime prior to 1993. Behind the Scenes This song was actually composed for the 2011 video game Jurassic Park: The Game, featuring as a song written in-universe by Jurassic Park employees who had formed a band.
“Real World” was an emergency procedure at Jurassic World which would be enacted in the event that a major evacuation was deemed necessary by park management.
Jurassic World operated by a system of security codes which would alert staff to safety concerns within the facility and inform the appropriate response to ensure the safety of guests, employees, and park animals.
Extinction is the process of a coherent lineage dying out. It is a major topic in evolutionary biology, particularly fields such as paleontology that deal with the distant past. Most of the species that have ever lived are now extinct, and this has been the case for the entire history of life. In every time period, the multitude of living things that exist are descendants of a comparatively small number of organisms. Since evolution means that descendants can become distinctly different from their ancestors, the species that gave rose to extant life are themselves usually extinct.
In genetics, a null allele is a variant of a gene which does not perform any function. Alleles are different versions of the same gene which present as slightly different traits; this type is called “null” because it presents as no trait at all. When this occurs, the gene product (either RNA or protein) which normally results from the expression of this gene will either fail to function properly or will not be produced in the first place. Phenotypically, a null allele cannot be distinguished from gene deletion. Depending on what gene is affected by the null allele, various levels of severity can result; some null alleles are rapidly fatal, while many are neutral and a rare few may even yield benefits. In this way, they are similar…
Volcanic Status Level (VSL) is a system developed and used by the Costa Rican Institute of Volcanology to describe the predicted probability that a given volcano will erupt in the immediate future. This probability is based on how much geological activity is currently recorded at the site. VSL uses a system of classification by magnitude to describe the likelihood of eruption, making it easy to communicate risk assessment to the public. There are six VSLs set by the CRIV: MAG 05 = Cataclysmic Event. This indicates that the volcano is currently erupting. The severity of the eruption is not indicated by VSL. MAG 04 = Eruption Imminent. This indicates an eruption forecast in the immediate future, with severe geological events occurring. MAG 03 = Significant Activity. This indicates…
The general public’s perception of prehistoric life has shifted greatly over time with changes in culture and society. Rather than reflecting current scientific knowledge, public perception of prehistory often instead indicates a society’s beliefs about humanity, nature, and the world at large. It has always been known that the prehistoric world was vastly different than the world inhabited by civilizations which record their own pasts. In many indigenous cultures, discovered fossils and cultural memory of the distant past shaped their understanding of prehistoric life, often playing a role in their mythologies. Although humans did eventually discover a science-based understanding of the ancient world, its portrayal in popular culture was also a mythologized in its own way. Extinct animals were depicted as something akin to the dragons of legends…
Genetic engineering is the scientific practice of altering, modifying, or building of an organism’s genes. The organisms used in this process are often the subject of biomedical, evolutionary, or genomic research, and they or their byproducts may be sold as commercial goods. The first genetic engineering technology was developed in 1972 by Paul Berg, who created a recombinant DNA molecule by combining genes from the lambda virus and simian vacuolating virus 40. A year later, the first genetically-modified organism, an Escherichia coli bacterium modified with antibiotic-resistance genes, was created by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen. Today, there are many kinds of genetically-modified microorganisms, animals, and plants that are used for a wide range of purposes.
Paleoveterinary science is a sub-field of veterinary science which deals specifically with de-extinct life forms.
Diversity in the workplace is the political, philosophical, and economic practice of employing people with a wide variety of backgrounds, including differences in culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexuality, religion, and neurotype. While this is most commonly employed for the sake of giving opportunity to demographics who are traditionally oppressed, it can also benefit an organization by increasing the diversity of ideas being brought to the table.
The Bone Wars, or the Great Dinosaur Rush, was a period of intense competition between American paleontologists Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh between 1877 and 1892. Each of the scientists attempted to outdo and sabotage each other’s research using all manner of underhanded, illegal, and offensive methods. Although a great many species were described during this time, there was also significant destruction and falsification of fossils, taxonomic confusion, academic slander, harm to Native American communities, and numerous other crimes due to the bitter competitiveness between Cope and Marsh. Ultimately, both paleontologists were socially and financially ruined by their efforts, but left behind numerous specimens, many still in unopened boxes after they died.
InGen Corporate Resolution 213C was the decision, made in December 1996, was the decision to remove Dr. John P. A. Hammond as CEO and President of International Genetic Technologies, Inc. effective May 26, 1997. He was succeeded by Peter Ludlow, who served in official capacity as CEO for slightly more than three days before dying.
The “Phantom Interns” are the subject of a conspiracy theory surrounding the creation of Jurassic World, suggesting that a group of unidentified youths worked as interns at the park during the early months of 2003 while the park’s construction was beginning and that their identities were deliberately covered up by Masrani Global Corporation following a suspicious death during a storm evacuation in March. Although details of the events are distorted every time the tale is retold, the basis of the conspiracy theory as described here is rooted in actual events.
Bright Minds was an internship program conducted in the late summer of 2004 by Masrani Global Corporation in the Jurassic World theme park, which was then under construction.
Neopaleontology (literally meaning “the new study of ancient time”) is a sub-field of paleontology using advanced scientific techniques, generally involving genetics and genomics, to study prehistoric life as opposed to studying physical fossilized remains. De-extinction is often considered the hallmark of neopaleontology, although many paleontologists such as Dr. Alan Grant are skeptical of its reliability. Because of the charismatic yet controversial nature of de-extinction’s products, neopaleontology has historically been a pivotal part of the Genetic Age.