Volcanic Status Level (S/F)

Volcanic Status Level (VSL) is a system developed and used by the Costa Rican Institute of Volcanology to describe the predicted probability that a given volcano will erupt in the immediate future. This probability is based on how much geological activity is currently recorded at the site. VSL uses a system of classification by magnitude to describe the likelihood of eruption, making it easy to communicate risk assessment to the public.

There are six VSLs set by the CRIV:

  • MAG 05 = Cataclysmic Event. This indicates that the volcano is currently erupting. The severity of the eruption is not indicated by VSL.
  • MAG 04 = Eruption Imminent. This indicates an eruption forecast in the immediate future, with severe geological events occurring.
  • MAG 03 = Significant Activity. This indicates a heightened level of activity with the capacity to affect the immediate environment.
  • MAG 02 = Moderate Activity. This indicates an increased level of activity, such as outgassing, noticeable tremors, and increased temperature.
  • MAG 01 = Light Activity. This indicates that the volcano is experiencing minor activity such as low-magnitude tremors.
  • MAG 00 = Dormant/Extinct. This indicates that the volcano is not likely to erupt in the predictable future, or may not erupt ever again.