Chaos Theory Episode Five: Halfway Home


The episode opens with a pair of Compsognathus fighting over a sandwich, before one of them gets snatched by a Pteranodon. Just then, Kenji and Darius drive on down the road. Darius attempts to make conversation, but Kenji shuts him down. As they drive, Darius attempts to strategize about approaches for talking to Daniel Kon, but is shut down again. The car finally reaches the halfway house, and the two get out.

The two of them confront Daniel Kon at the Halfway house. He attempts to try to greet Kenji only to be greeted by an accusation of whether he was responsible for Brooklynn’s death. Kenji reveals he knew Brooklynn went to see his father, and Daniel tells him he wants to talk in private without Darius listening. The two of them argue, as Daniel states he wants Kenji involved in his plans, but Kenji initially refuses.

Daniel attempts to blackmail him into becoming his CEO, threatening to withhold information about Brooklynn unless he accepts. Darius tries to talk to Kenji about it, and talks him through his quandary. Kenji returns to his father, initially accepting the demands, but he changes his mind after a few seconds and walks away. Daniel calls out to his son, telling him that he’d tell him about Brooklynn if he stays longer.

He admits Brooklynn came to see him about the dinosaur black market.  He reveals that Brooklynn wanted to get involved in the dinosaur smuggling. Just then, Darius notices a sudden silence falling over the area, and realizes that danger is nearby. Before he can leave, an Atrociraptor appears and pursues them. They see more coming, realizing that Stevens is already dead, as they are quickly surrounded.

Just then they hear whistling, coming from a woman coming out of a truck, and the Atrociraptors respond, focusing their target on Darius and Kenji.  As they close in on the pair, Daniel tackles the raptor, but is quickly surrounded. Just before he is killed, he tells his son to run, and Darius and Kenji waste no time in running. They are almost run down by the raptors before a mysterious figure arrives in a car and tells them to get in before speeding off.

Elsewhere, Ben and Sammy drive toward’s Yaz’s last known location as Sammy unsuccessfully tries to contact Yaz despite Ben’s protests. They reach a roadside attraction named King’s Dino Prehistoric playland to eat. They are stunned to see a smashed Gyrosphere on display, just as the proprietor, Bobby Nublar announces himself to the crowd. He pulls a Stygimoloch forward on a leash, as the gates reveal two more of the animals are also leashed.  Sammy and Ben protest the treatment of the animals, and resolve to break them free.

Sammy and Ben sneak into the behind the scenes area of the attraction where they observe the animals. Sammy goes to get the lockpick while Ben stays with the animals. As she returns, she is angry with him after having seen that he considered her a suspect on his conspiracy board. Sammy is upset to hear this, and they argue just as they attempt to free the animals. The Stygi’s go berserk just as they panic over what to do. Just then, Bobby Nublar enters the enclosure.

Bobby attempts to attack Sammy, just as Ben frees the Stygi. The Stygi’s escape their enclosure, causing chaos as they break free.  Ben is attacked by Bobby but Sammy manages to fight him off. The Stygi’s headbutt him before they break free into the wild.  Sammy and Ben quickly speed off as fast as they can. As Bobby Nublar gets up, he calls his phone saying to a mysterious figure that he has run into a problem.


  1. Darius Bowman
  2. Ben Pincus
  3. Sammy Guiterrez
  4. Kenji Kon
  5. Daniel Kon
  6. Bobby Nublar
  7. Stevens
  8. The Handler
  9. Mateo


  1. Pteranodon
  2. Compsognathus
  3. Stygimoloch
  4. Atrociraptor


  1. Halfway House
  2. King’s Dino Prehistoric Playland