Ian Malcolm (S/F) / (S/F-S)

Dr. Malcolm, age 66 (2022)

Dr. Ian Malcolm (June 29, 1955 – present) is a Jewish-American mathematician and lecturer specializing in the field of chaos theory, leading to his self-description as a “chaotician.” He is primarily known for his highly-publicized involvement in the 1993 Isla Nublar incident, being the first person to speak openly about those events. To a lesser degree, he is known for his involvement in the 1997 San Diego incident and his books, especially God Creates Dinosaurs and How The World Will End, which discuss the ways in which genetic engineering relates to chaos theory and other mathematical disciplines, and their potential impacts on society. Because of his involvement in the history of de-extinction, his opinions on bioethical topics are highly respected by the public and the U.S. government. Most recently he has gained attention for aiding Biosyn whistleblower Ramsay Cole in exposing corruption in the company’s executive ranks to the authorities.


The name Ian is of Scottish Gaelic origin, and is based on the Hebrew name Yohanan (equivalent to the English name John). The name means “the Lord is gracious.” The name Malcolm is also Scottish Gaelic in origin, derived from the original Máel Coluim meaning “disciple of Saint Columba.” It was originally a given name during the tenth century, becoming a surname sometime before the fourteenth century. These names suggest that Dr. Malcolm has a strongly Scottish Gaelic ancestry, though he also has Jewish ancestry. His first name creates an interesting parallel with Dr. John Hammond, with whom Dr. Malcolm was often at odds during the 1990s over bioethical issues.

Early life

Ian Malcolm was born on June 29, 1955. According to files kept on Malcolm by John Hammond between 1995 and 1997, Malcolm’s social security number is 463-25-9876.

Much of his early life is also unknown. His mannerisms have led to the suggestion that he was a part of the “hippie” movement during his youth, but this is unconfirmed.

At some point, Malcolm got a small rectangular tattoo on the underside of his right arm. Details about it are currently private.

Mathematics career

Malcolm developed a fascination with and eventually studied higher mathematics including chaos theory. During the 1960s and 1970s, this field was advancing due to the development of modern electronic computers, during which time Malcolm would have been young.

He attended New York State University in New York City, obtaining a master’s degree in mathematical probabilities in the spring of 1979. By this time, he would have been nearly twenty-four years old. Three years later, in 1982, he obtained his first PhD, also from NYSU; with a degree in statistical analysis and applied philosophies, he was now Dr. Ian Malcolm. Finally, in 1983, he completed his second PhD, this one a degree in advanced mathematical computations. Rather than New York State, he gained this degree from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. By the time he completed both his PhDs, he was almost twenty-eight.

As an adult, Malcolm began teaching and lecturing on chaos theory at the university level in Austin, Texas. He became highly respected in scientific and philosophical circles internationally, though many of his contemporaries considered him to be excessively “trendy.” This eccentric personality, nonetheless, helped to boost his popularity as a celebrity scientist.

Marriages and family

By 1984 or early 1985, Malcolm had a daughter, Kelly Curtis Malcolm. By 1993, he had been married at least twice, having had three children; he was single as of 1993, though at the time he described himself as “always on the lookout for the next ex-Mrs. Malcolm.” His job required him to constantly travel, leaving him little time for his children.

Dr. Malcolm was, according to family members, rather poor at keeping in touch. He grew distant with his children and apparently got along poorly with his ex-wives. Kelly in particular was typically left with a babysitter named Karen, whom she had known since she was two years old. Kelly’s mother was present in her life but was, apparently, not much of a better parent than Malcolm had been.

At some point (it is not known exactly when, only that it was before 2022), Dr. Malcolm owned a dog. This dog was very affectionate, but according to Malcolm, the dog humped his leg to the point of being a serious annoyance; Malcolm has described calluses on his shin from this.

1993 incident

Due to his status as a celebrity scientist and proponent of chaos theory, thirty-eight-year-old Dr. Malcolm was chosen in June 1993 by the Board of Directors of International Genetic Technologies, Inc. to tour and potentially endorse their upcoming theme park, Jurassic Park, located on the Costa Rican island of Isla Nublar. After being contacted by InGen’s legal representative Donald Gennaro, Malcolm was briefed on what InGen had accomplished on the island; they claimed to have brought Mesozoic life forms back from extinction, though Malcolm was skeptical that this had really been done. He did, however, make it clear to InGen’s CEO John Hammond that he did not believe it was possible to maintain control over such an endeavor. Malcolm’s explanations were heavily rooted in chaos theory, which Hammond did not believe in. Hammond’s refusal to accept or understand Malcolm’s concerns began a moderate but long-lasting sense of enmity between the two men.

Dr. Malcolm, age 37 (1993)

InGen also recruited vertebrate paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant for the tour, and Hammond extended the invitation to Grant’s colleague and romantic partner Dr. Ellie Sattler. These three scientists met with Hammond and Gennaro to travel by helicopter from Costa Rica to Isla Nublar on June 11, 1993, becoming acquainted with one another along the way. Upon arrival to the island, Malcolm and the others were transported by jeep to the Park’s under-construction Visitors’ Centre. Along the way, they encountered living proof of de-extinction, including both plants and dinosaurs.

Despite being astounded that InGen had brought these creatures to life, Malcolm remained skeptical that the Park was as under-control as Hammond and his employees insisted. For example, chief geneticist Dr. Henry Wu maintained that all the animals in the Park were female and therefore could not breed in the wild; Malcolm argued that no matter how watertight Wu assumed his genetic engineering techniques were, he could not be certain of his success without manually and regularly checking all of the animals in the Park. Malcolm’s criticisms of the Park were rooted in chaos theory, specifically that the creation of this artificial ecosystem and its complex (for 1993) technological management introduced too many variables to accurately predict and control. While he was the only member of the tour who firmly opposed the Park’s existence, his concerns were echoed by Drs. Grant and Sattler.

The group was joined by Hammond’s grandchildren, Lex and Tim Murphy, for the tour. The children took the fore vehicle with Gennaro, while Malcolm sat with the other scientists in the rear vehicle. During the tour, Malcolm was disappointed in the lack of dinosaur visibility, though he took it as an opportunity to explain how the animals’ behavior in the Park setting was unpredictable and therefore reduced the Park’s overall viability. He did get the opportunity to witness a Triceratops up close when Dr. Grant departed the tour vehicle, leading the group into the paddock. Though he remained skeptical of the Park overall, he was just as impressed by the creature as his colleagues.

A tropical storm struck the island during the tour, forcing Park engineer Ray Arnold to turn the tour around and return it to the Visitors’ Centre. While the tour was rerouting, disgruntled chief programmer Dennis Nedry disabled the Park’s computer systems in order to steal trade secrets without being detected by surveillance cameras and bypass security checkpoints to the East Dock. As the electric fences and other restraining technologies on the island were shut down due to this act of sabotage, animals were able to leave their paddocks. Nedry himself did not survive his trip to the dock during the storm, being killed by an escaped animal. Malcolm and the other tour members were passing the tyrannosaur paddock when the sabotage caused the automated electric vehicles to stall; Dr. Sattler had remained behind with the Triceratops and was safely brought to the Visitors’ Centre by Park staff before the storm hit with full force, leaving Drs. Malcolm and Grant as the only passengers in the rear vehicle.

Dr. Malcolm lights a flare to save Dr. Grant and the Murphy children, 6/11/1993

While they waited for Park staff to reactivate the power, Malcolm and Grant noticed Gennaro fleeing the vehicle in front of them and hide inside a restroom nearby. Moments later, the Park’s resident Tyrannosaurus rex emerged from the paddock. With the power cut, she easily tore through the cables of her paddock’s fencing and began exploring her newly expanded territory. The children activated a flashlight to try and flee the predator, but the light drew the animal toward them. In order to save the children from danger, Dr. Grant used a road flare to create an even brighter light which lured the curious animal away from the vehicle. Hoping to buy Grant more time to get the children to safety, Dr. Malcolm also lit a flare and used it to draw the tyrannosaur farther away. Unlike Grant, Malcolm did not immediately throw his flare away and hung onto it for too long; by the time he tossed it, the tyrannosaur was focused intently on him instead of the light. He barely avoided her teeth, but her head rammed him through the wall of the restroom and severely wounded his left ankle. Before passing into unconsciousness, he managed to use his own belt as a makeshift tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Malcolm lost his glasses in the attack and could not recover them.

Malcolm awoke to a scene of destruction: the tyrannosaur was gone, but Gennaro’s mangled remains were scattered around what was left of the restroom and the lead vehicle had been pushed over a retaining wall inside the tyrannosaur paddock. Grant and the children were nowhere to be found, and his injuries were still life-threatening. Sattler arrived on the scene in a jeep with Park warden Robert Muldoon; they moved Malcolm to their jeep and searched for survivors. While they found evidence that Grant and the children were alive and hiding somewhere inside the tyrannosaur paddock, they were forced to flee as the animal returned and gave chase. The jeep and its passengers outran the dinosaur down a service road, heading back toward the Visitors’ Centre. He stayed here during the night, being treated for his injury and given morphine for the pain.

On the morning of June 12, Hammond and Arnold decided to shut off the Park’s power entirely in order to undo Nedry’s sabotage. Shutting the power off tripped the circuit breakers in the Park’s maintenance shed, located across the Visitor Compound from the Centre. Arnold was sent to reset the breakers while Muldoon brought the other survivors to the compound’s emergency bunker for their own safety. After some time, Arnold had failed to report back; fearing the worst, Muldoon and Sattler went out after him to complete the job.

Muldoon did not make it to the shed. Escaped Velociraptors stalked him and Sattler as they approached, and Muldoon was killed while trying to hunt them down. Sattler reached the shed, not knowing whether Muldoon had survived; Hammond and Malcolm guided her through the shed using its schematics until she reached the breakers. She was able to restore power to the Park, but lost contact with Malcolm and Hammond when the third raptor attacked. For a harrowing few minutes afterward, Malcolm and Hammond had no way of knowing whether anyone else on the island was still alive. Sattler returned to the bunker, having found Grant; she confirmed that Muldoon and Arnold had died, but Grant was able to confirm that the children were alive in the Visitors’ Centre. The two paleontologists armed themselves and headed to the Centre to retrieve the children, knowing that two of the raptors were still loose.

Shortly afterward, Malcolm and Hammond were contacted unexpectedly on the phone by Grant from the Visitors’ Centre control room; they were alive and had undone the damage Nedry had perpetrated, but were being stalked through the building by raptors. Hammond sent for a helicopter to rescue them; it arrived within minutes, suggesting it may have been already on route after InGen lost contact with the island. Hammond took Malcolm by jeep to the Visitors’ Centre, getting the other survivors out of peril and bringing them all to the helipad and off Isla Nublar.

Aftermath of the Nublar incident

Following his evacuation from Isla Nublar, Malcolm was held at a hospital in San José, Costa Rica. While he recovered from his injury, he was visited by Dr. Sarah Harding, a paleobiologist ten years his junior and daughter of Jurassic Park’s chief veterinarian Dr. Gerry Harding. She had heard rumors about what happened on Isla Nublar, but her father had not confirmed anything; instead she made the journey to Costa Rica to ask one of the survivors directly. Malcolm told her everything he knew, despite having signed a nondisclosure agreement with InGen regarding the incident. Over time, Malcolm and Harding developed romantic feelings for one another. Malcolm was reluctant to tell her that he loved her; he admitted it once while under the influence of morphine in the hospital, though he later claimed that he was talking to the nurse.

Nonetheless, Malcolm and Harding remained in a relationship from June 1993 onward. He continued to lecture on chaos theory after his recovery, and began reaching out to his daughter Kelly. They grew closer, and she spent time with him in Austin, Texas where he was lecturing and researching during the 1990s. At the age of nine, in late 1993 or early 1994, Kelly acted as his research assistant and organized his grant paperwork for him. She was still often supervised by her old babysitter Karen when her mother was away, but Dr. Harding now also helped Malcolm care for Kelly during her visits. Like Dr. Harding, Kelly was told the truth about Jurassic Park; she believed her father’s story.

Rumors and conspiracy theories regarding Isla Nublar continued to circulate during the two years following the 1993 incident, but for the time being, Malcolm’s contribution was limited.

Fall from grace

Fed up with the truth of Isla Nublar being concealed, Dr. Malcolm breached his nondisclosure agreement on public television during a 1995 interview. In it, he revealed de-extinction as a reality and told the story of what happened to him during the incident. This television interview reached millions of people nationwide; many conspiracy theorists believed him, but many more dismissed him as a fraud.

Breaching his NDA had dire consequences for his career and public standing. InGen representative Peter Ludlow began a smear campaign against Malcolm to further discredit him and protect InGen from inquiry; Hammond appears to have taken no action to stop this. Reputable newspapers such as the Skeptical Inquirer and The Washington Post ran articles denouncing Malcolm’s claims, and the Costa Rican government dismissed claims of living dinosaurs as baseless conspiracy theories. He was accused by Ludlow of accepting bribes to spread these supposed rumors, though Malcolm denied accepting any money and maintained that his stories were true. The university in Austin revoked his tenure, costing Malcolm his job. His reputation in the public eye suffered immensely as he went from being a respected scientist to an international laughingstock. During this time, his only true support came from Dr. Harding and Kelly.

However, his relationship with Harding was not always harmonious; she criticized his lack of reliability and affection. For example, when they planned to have dinner with Malcolm’s parents, Malcolm failed to show and left Harding alone with them. Harding was frustrated by Malcolm’s behavior, but also understood that he valued his independence, so she was tolerant of their relationship becoming more and more separate even though it upset her.

After his breach of the nondisclosure agreement in 1995, Malcolm published a book entitled God Creates Dinosaurs, which related chaos theory to the failure of Jurassic Park and other scientific endeavors. Although the book would later become a runaway success, it was probably a failure when it was originally published, since Jurassic Park was widely believed to be a hoax at the time. Malcolm spent some of his days visiting paleontological dig sites, coping with his trauma by encountering the long-dead relatives of the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. According to the InGen IntraNet website, Malcolm was on a temporary teaching assignment in the Berkeley area as of early 1997. This was far from home for Malcolm; his mailing address was still 2625 2nd Avenue, Apartment #111, in New York City. According to files on Dr. Malcolm kept by Dr. Hammond, probably without Malcolm’s knowledge, his phone number at the time was (212) 555-3456, and his fax number was (212) 555-3457. This contact information was shared with Dr. Harding, though she and Malcolm lived at separate addresses in the city. Malcolm’s height and weight at the time are also found in Hammond’s files, but do not agree from one source to another (6’4″ and 210 pounds according to computer files, 6’6″ and 200 pounds according to physical documents).

That spring, Kelly’s mother unexpectedly left for Paris, leaving Kelly behind as usual. She dropped Kelly off at Malcolm’s New York apartment before departing; Dr. Harding was not available as she had been off on fieldwork, so Malcolm would have some time to bond with his daughter on his own. They traveled to Berkeley, where Malcolm was on a temporary teaching assignment at the university.

1997 incidents

On May 26, 1997, Malcolm was contacted by John Hammond once again. By now, Hammond was bedridden at his New York City estate and had been deposed as CEO of InGen by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors; he was replaced by Ludlow. Upon arrival to Hammond’s estate, Malcolm encountered Ludlow himself in the process of assuming control of InGen. In his meeting with Hammond, Malcolm learned about the existence of Site B, InGen’s research and development facility located on Isla Sorna. Hammond had by now adopted an environmentalist philosophy and sought to keep the dinosaurs preserved and free from human intervention. Malcolm had no interest in participating in Hammond’s mission, and planned instead to contact Hammond’s other volunteers (technician Eddie Carr and video documentarian Nick Van Owen) to discourage them from participating either. However, when he learned that the fourth member of the expedition was his girlfriend Dr. Sarah Harding and that she was already there, he immediately planned to go to Isla Sorna with the other team members and retrieve her.

Malcolm arrived to Eddie Carr’s garage to meet Carr and Van Owen on the following day, with Kelly being driven there from his Berkeley apartment separately. Although Hammond’s team, dubbed the Gatherers, was not planned to leave for Isla Sorna for another two days, Malcolm insisted that they depart immediately. Van Owen arrived along with Kelly, who Malcolm instructed not to come along with him (he did not reveal where he would be going, only that it would be a few days). He tasked Kelly’s longtime babysitter Karen with watching her again, since Kelly’s mother was still in Paris. The Gatherer team and all its equipment was shipped via cargo plane to Costa Rica, and then to Isla Sorna on the ocean barge Mar del Plata, arriving on May 28.

Dr. Malcolm (1997)

The Gatherers landed at a lagoon on northeastern Isla Sorna, moving their Fleetwood RV mobile laboratory inland. Van Owen and Carr intended to carry out as much of Hammond’s activist mission as they could despite Malcolm’s opposition, though as soon as they were settled in near the northeastern cliffs they began searching for Harding. The group found her discarded backpack with satellite phone inside, assuming the worst, but shortly afterward discovered Harding alive and well documenting a family group of Stegosaurus. During the encounter Malcolm attempted to protect her from a juvenile stegosaur’s protective parents, but was restrained by Carr for his own safety.

Despite Malcolm’s insistence, Harding refused to leave the island when the opportunity to study de-extinct life in the wild was available. She intended to complete Hammond’s mission to document these animals living without human interference and learn as much about what they needed to survive as possible. Malcolm also discovered that, to his chagrin, Kelly had stowed away in the mobile lab and had now joined them on Isla Sorna.

Malcolm and the Gatherers bear witness to Ludlow’s Harvester expedition, Isla Sorna (5/28/1997)

Before Malcolm could successfully reach the Mar del Plata to come pick them up, a fleet of InGen helicopters arrived to the island. Since Hammond had been fired, there was only one explanation: Ludlow was mounting an expedition of his own. The Gatherers witnessed Ludlow’s men, called the Harvesters, round up several dinosaurs under the direction of lead hunter Roland Tembo. By nightfall, the Harvesters had set up camp and were teleconferencing with InGen’s Board of Directors. Now, Malcolm understood Ludlow’s purpose. This was an effort to capture dinosaurs to build a new Jurassic Park, not on Isla Sorna, but in San Diego where InGen was headquartered. Van Owen revealed that he had known this was a possibility, and that Hammond entrusted him with sabotaging Ludlow’s plan. After spying on the Harvester encampment, Malcolm brought Kelly back to the trailers while Van Owen and Harding infiltrated the camp to sabotage its vehicles and free the dinosaurs.

Malcolm continued to try and contact the Mar del Plata, but due to his inexperience with radio technology, he failed to reach them (accidentally contacting a Costa Rican local instead). While he and Kelly struggled, Harding and Van Owen returned to the trailer with a wounded juvenile Tyrannosaurus in tow; they intended to set its broken leg before returning it to the wild, since human intervention had injured it in the first place. Malcolm, agreeing with Kelly’s assessment that other animals would hear the juvenile’s distress calls, took Kelly out of the trailers for her safety.

Kelly was brought to the High Hide, a concealed viewing platform suspended above the jungle canopy which Carr had designed and set up earlier in the day. The three of them remained here while Van Owen and Harding worked. From the High Hide, the bellow of an adult tyrannosaur was audible. Recalling the attack in 1993 vividly, Malcolm’s immediate reaction was to turn the High Hide’s lights off. Malcolm tried and failed to reach Harding via the trailers’ radio, and when she or Van Owen failed to pick up the phone he opted to run through the forest to warn them. Promising Kelly that he would keep himself safe, he left the safety of the High Hide.

Malcolm arrived at the trailers seconds before the tyrannosaur’s mother, who was joined moments later by the father. By this time, Harding and Van Owen had finished setting the juvenile’s leg, and cautiously let it out of the trailers to join its parents. The adults moved their offspring into the safety of the forest, and Carr called the trailers to confirm that the animals were leaving.

Malcolm, Harding, and Van Owen were shaken by the encounter, but Harding at least felt validated since the behavior she had just witnessed confirmed her theories about theropod parenting. A few minutes after the encounter had passed, Malcolm felt familiar tremors in the ground and had only seconds to warn the others before the tyrannosaur parents, having returned, rammed the trailers’ rear car and overturned it. The parents pushed the rear car over the cliffs, leaving it dangling by the connector and the front car. Rain had softened the ground near the cliff edge, and the trailer began to slip on the muddy ground.

Harding had fallen during the attack, and was now trapped on the weakened safety glass at the rear of the trailer. Malcolm managed to rescue her before the glass shattered; shortly after, Carr arrived to lower a rope to them and attempt to hold the trailers in place on the muddy ground. While Malcolm and the others climbed to safety, the tyrannosaur parents returned when the sound of the commotion got their attention. Carr was killed, and as he was no longer able to keep the trailers from sliding, the remaining camp vehicle and the trailers fell from the cliff. The rope he had tied off held firm, though, saving the lives of Malcolm and the others.

By the time they reached the top of the cliffs, the InGen Harvesters had arrived on the scene with Kelly. Despite the opposing missions of the two groups (and the Gatherer’s role in marooning them both on the island), Tembo and Ludlow were unwilling to let Malcolm and the others simply die and provided them protection. Ludlow explained that they could radio for help from the Workers’ Village in the island interior, but that this would not be easy: the island interior was also the hunting and nesting territory of a Velociraptor pride, the reason the expedition had intended to stay near the island’s edge. Malcolm had not encountered raptors himself on Isla Nublar, but had surely heard stories from Sattler, Grant, and the Murphys, and was chilled by the prospect of encountering them himself.

Malcolm (left), Tembo (right), and Sidhu (center) plan for the remaining leg of the trek toward the Workers’ Village

Despite the danger, the group began trekking westward and inland. Along the way, Malcolm and Ludlow had the opportunity to face their differences; though they both tried to explain themselves to the other, they found it difficult to reconcile their conflicting views. The journey continued throughout the day; by the evening, the group stopped to make camp just north of the village. Malcolm had remained awake, waiting for Tembo to confirm whether a missing expedition member had been found (the man was confirmed dead). Tembo and his partner Ajay Sidhu helped Malcolm plan a route down the cliffs, the village about a mile and a half away; he had scouted the area already. They would let the group sleep one more hour to gain their strength, then make the difficult descent.

During the night, while Malcolm was still awake, the male tyrannosaur entered the camp, having tracked them down by the scent of his son’s blood on Harding’s jacket. He investigated the tent in which Harding and Kelly were sleeping, with the horrified Malcolm unable to do anything to stop him; if Malcolm intervened, the bull tyrannosaur’s sudden movement could threaten the lives of his girlfriend and daughter. Ultimately the tyrannosaur was distracted from his investigation when another hunter awoke and screamed at the sight of the predator, awaking the rest of the group and causing a mass panic. The female tyrannosaur emerged from the woods as the group began to scatter; Malcolm was separated from the other Gatherers in the chaos.

He ultimately found the Gatherers trapped behind a small waterfall by the female tyrannosaur, the male having remained nearer the camp. While the female was busy consuming the Harvesters’ team paleontologist, Malcolm slipped behind the waterfall to find Harding, Kelly, and Van Owen all thankfully alive. Once the tyrannosaur had moved on, Malcolm and the other Gatherers made a run southward toward the Workers’ Village.

To get to the village, they needed to cross a wide field of elephant grass. Some of the Harvesters had fled this way already, leaving a clear path to the other side, but the Harvesters themselves were nowhere in sight with only Sidhu’s discarded backpack left behind. In the distance, Malcolm heard the sound of a large struggle, and animal noises nearby confirmed his fears: they were in the heart of the Velociraptors‘ territory. They made a run for the other side of the field, stumbling over a high embankment; the fall injured Malcolm’s bad leg, incapacitating him for the moment. Van Owen went ahead into the village to reach the operations building and radio InGen’s cargo ship, the S.S. Venture, for help.

Malcolm, Harding, and Kelly became concerned when Van Owen did not return quickly, and entered the village to find him. There, they were ambushed by a male Velociraptor; Harding’s life was saved only because the animal sunk its claws and teeth into her backpack rather than her body. Malcolm distracted the raptor and it began to pursue him. Meanwhile, another male and a female raptor joined the first male and cornered Kelly and Harding within the village’s kiln house. Malcolm managed to evade his pursuer, entering the kiln house to join the others, but was cornered by the second male raptor as it dug its way in through the building’s dirt floor. The raptor cornered Malcolm as he fled into the rafters where Kelly and Harding had taken refuge; as the animal prepared to move in for the kill, Kelly distracted it long enough to deliver a full-body strike from a support beam. This caused the animal to lose its balance and fall out a window, where it was wounded on wooden debris below. The other male and the female made their way into the building, forcing Malcolm, Harding, and Kelly out. Malcolm and Kelly were safe for the moment while Harding held the attention of the two raptors. She managed to force the male to fall from the roof onto the female, causing the two to squabble violently with each other; while they fought, she escaped safely and joined Malcolm and Kelly.

Van Owen emerged from the operations building to hail the three of them, and the helicopter he had called arrived to rescue them. They boarded and were removed from Isla Sorna. As they were lifted out, they witnessed the male tyrannosaur having been tranquilized and captured by the Harvesters, caged and ready to be loaded onto the Venture. They arrived to San Diego in the early hours of the morning.

Malcolm and Harding left Kelly safely away from InGen’s San Diego waterfront complex, and parted ways with Van Owen for unknown reasons. They took Malcolm’s car to the dock where the Venture was scheduled to arrive, but were denied entry. Partway through Ludlow’s press conference, he left with the harbormaster on undisclosed business; shortly after, the Venture arrived ahead of schedule and plowed into the dock. Malcolm and Harding joined Ludlow and several InGen dockworkers to investigate the cause of the crash; members of the Venture crew were found dead on board, the tyrannosaur’s cage demolished by onboard vehicles, and the captain dismembered. One of the deceased crewmen was found still clutching the controls for the cargo bay doors, which were being closed against some internal force. Malcolm put the pieces together before anyone else, warning them to get off the ship moments before the cargo hold was opened at Ludlow’s orders to rescue surviving crew. The tyrannosaur escaped the hold, fleeing into the city.

Malcolm and Harding learned from a surviving crewman that the tyrannosaur had fallen into a coma due to overdosing on carfentanil, and that they had administered naltrexone to wake him back up. They overdosed the animal a second time, causing him to enter a drug-induced hyperactive state; in the panic, he had accidentally been freed from the cage and attacked the crew in a frenzy. He had been locked in the hold by a mortally wounded crew member to save the survivors. Harding reasoned that the stressed animal would look for water and then food, giving them a way to predict his behavior. They confronted Ludlow; Malcolm took the opportunity to gloat, but ultimately was more concerned with learning the location of the infant tyrannosaur which Ludlow had also taken from the island.

Malcolm (left) and Harding (right) confront Ludlow (center) concerning the whereabouts of the Tyrannosaurus juvenile, San Diego, CA (5/30/1997)

Ludlow told them that the infant was being held in the nearly-finished Jurassic Park: San Diego facility. Malcolm drove himself and Harding there, defying InGen Security to retrieve the animal, and left for the city streets to track down the adult. They found him in a state of confusion and stress, wandering about his bizarre new environment and causing panic among San Diego’s early-rising population. Using the infant’s distress calls, Malcolm and Harding lured the father through the streets and back to the Venture, where they left the infant in the cargo hold and jumped from the ship to escape an enraged Ludlow and the San Diego Police Department.

Malcolm and Harding needed to act quickly to subdue the adult before he escaped the ship a second time, and before an SDPD helicopter dispatched at Ludlow’s orders shot the father to death. From the ship’s bridge, Harding managed to hit the tyrannosaur in the neck with a tranquilizer dart while Malcolm began to close the cargo hold. The exhausted animal succumbed to the drug’s effects quickly and settled down within the hold, safe from the SDPD.

Though they had been instrumental in saving the tyrannosaurs (and preventing further loss of life in San Diego), Malcolm and Harding’s plans had caused the death of Peter Ludlow as he followed the infant’s distress cries into the cargo hold and was killed. Malcolm and Harding, after the incident had ended, did not accompany the U.S. Armed Forces in safely transporting the animals back to their birthplace; instead, they retired to Malcolm’s California apartment with Kelly.

Aftermath of the Sorna incident

Malcolm’s life took a turn for the better after his second run-in with de-extinct life. This time, rather than brand him a crackpot conspiracy theorist, his outlandish claims were validated by worldwide news coverage. Vindicated in the public eye at forty-one years old, he became a respected authority on de-extinction and bioethics, and his scientific career resumed again. It is unknown whether he took up lecturing and researching at the university in Austin again or if he ventured elsewhere.

John Hammond passed away at the end of 1997, but not before assisting the U.S. government in writing the Gene Guard Act which provided protection for de-extinct animals. Support for this bill was largely due to the actions of the Gatherer team, including Dr. Malcolm, and their testimonies about the incidents that took place in 1997. According to deleted concepts from The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Malcolm attended Hammond’s funeral as a key eulogist.

Sometime between 1993 and 2022, probably during this period of time in Malcolm’s life, he had two more children. Details about them are not currently known, such as their names or parentage, though it seems likely that Sarah Harding was the mother of one or both.

Career during the 2000s-2010s

Malcolm’s book, God Creates Dinosaurs, had become wildly popular by early 2001. It was well-received not only by the mathematical and biological communities, but also by the general public due to Malcolm’s celebrity status and its rare insight into the mysterious events of 1993. It was even popularly read by InGen employees in the ensuing decades. Not all reviews of the book were positive; Malcolm’s associate Dr. Alan Grant criticized the book’s tone and narrative, as did dinosaur enthusiast Eric Kirby.

In the summer of 2001, Malcolm may have been contacted by the aforementioned Eric Kirby’s parents Paul and Amanda Kirby about touring Isla Sorna during an incident that year in which the young Eric went missing on the island. However, if he was indeed contacted (as a deleted Jurassic Park /// concept implies), he denied the invitation. Instead, Dr. Grant was unknowingly enlisted into this rescue mission.

On May 30, 2005, InGen finally opened the original Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar. By now, the company had been bought by Masrani Global Corporation, and the park was rechristened Jurassic World. Due to his tumultuous history with InGen and personal objections to genetic engineering, it is doubtful that Dr. Malcolm ever visited Jurassic World. By the time the park opened, Isla Sorna had supposedly been emptied of animal assets, leaving Isla Nublar as the sole home of de-extinct life as far as the public was led to believe.

Lectures given by Malcolm were increasingly centered around de-extinction and Jurassic World. According to the game  Jurassic World: Aftermath, after the announcement that InGen had bred the theropod Carnotaurus for the park, Malcolm was asked at a lecture whether genetic engineering should be banned. Malcolm responded that such a ban would be functionally ineffective; in fact, he compared it to banning gravity. Science had progressed this far and was unlikely to be stopped now. Another audience member at his lecture, one Dr. Amelia Everett, understood his outlook better; having read his works, she was familiar with his stance on genetic engineering and chaos theory and how they related to Jurassic World today. Malcolm was impressed by her questions and their ensuing discussion.

Even if he never visited the park itself, Malcolm’s influence could be felt there. His book, God Creates Dinosaurs, remained popular well into 2015, especially among staff members who held interest in InGen’s secretive history. InGen employees Lowery Cruthers and Zara Young were both known to have read Malcolm’s book. According to the mobile game Jurassic World: The Game, Masrani Global’s CEO Simon Masrani subscribed to some of Malcolm’s philosophical views and incorporated them into his business model.

In the mid-2010s, Dr. Malcolm published antoher book, entitled How The World Will End. The Ride canon (in particular, the VelociCoaster) suggests that the book was published during 2015. Like God Creates Dinosaurs, it was very well received, becoming emblematic of Malcolm’s career for that time period in the way God Creates Dinosaurs had defined him in the 1990s and 2000s.

Jurassic World remained open until December 22, 2015. It closed due to an incident of corporate mismanagement which led to a genetically-engineered carnivorous theropod escaping confinement, accidentally freeing a large flock of pterosaurs, and causing numerous human and animal deaths across Isla Nublar. Despite years of apparent success, InGen had once again proven an inability to keep control over the enormously complex nature of its goals. This time, having painfully learned how to manage a dinosaur theme park, they had hungered for more. To Malcolm, the Indominus was no one-off mistake of overreach. Instead, he saw it as the shape of things to come. And with InGen put out of commission by bad press, new forces would be eager to try their own luck at controlling the unpredictable.

Beginning of the polycrisis

The world had, by this time, grown more interconnected than ever, and while this enabled fantastical advances in science it also meant that containing disaster was approaching impossible. The butterfly effect had become far more volatile. Jurassic World had been only a microcosm for the greater world; human beings had amassed incredible amounts of knowledge, but each of them still had only a limited capacity to know anything, which meant that each person’s knowledge alone was becoming an increasingly small fraction of all human knowledge. On a much grander scale, similar crises were beginning to play out across the world. Environmentally, socially, and politically, things were coming apart, and experts such as Malcolm were largely being ignored. In the United States, the federal government swung hard toward the far right, and high-concept science such as chaos theory was now firmly unwelcome on the political playing field. Some experts began to refer to this tumultuous period of history as a ‘polycrisis,’ defined by numerous overlapping, interrelated disasters that all exacerbated each other and impacted every facet of life on a global scale. Amidst it all, Malcolm did his best to provide for his five children as disaster after disaster piled up.

As he could have easily predicted, the story of Jurassic World was far from over. Two years after Isla Nublar was abandoned by its owners, volcanic activity increased on the island; the park’s former Senior Assets Manager Claire Dearing founded the Dinosaur Protection Group in part as a response to this new crisis. An animal rights controversy broke out internationally as the public and governments debated whether de-extinct animals had a right to live. Malcolm, though he pitied the unfortunate animals, did not support the DPG’s side of the argument. He expressed a belief that since the volcanic eruption was a natural event, humans ought not to interfere.

Ian Malcolm testifying before the Senate, Washington, D.C. (6/23/2018)

In June of 2018, with an eruption imminent, the U.S. Senate held a hearing in Washington, D.C. in which Dr. Malcolm was called to testify as an expert witness not affiliated with InGen. In the hearing, Malcolm stated that the U.S. government should maintain a policy of non-interference as Hammond had originally desired for Isla Sorna, that the dinosaurs should live or die as nature dictated. He argued that mounting a rescue mission would be both irresponsible and unnecessary, as it could bring about further conflict between human interest and the course of nature. Furthermore, he argued that genetic engineering was a dangerously unpredictable area in and of itself, and that permitting nature to destroy the progress that had been made in that field would allow for science to start with a clean slate and not pursue these particular courses of research again.

Ultimately, despite lobbying from animal rights activists and the DPG, the U.S. government determined to uphold its non-action policy on June 23 as Malcolm advised. The justification they gave was that Isla Nublar was privately owned by Masrani Global Corporation, and thus it would be a violation of the company’s rights for the government to intervene. Two days later, an incident occurred in northern California: the Dinosaur Protection Group, in cooperation with Hammond’s former business partner Benjamin Lockwood and his aide Eli Mills, had gone against the federal government’s orders and removed numerous dinosaurs from Isla Nublar before the eruption. While the DPG and Lockwood intended to move the animals to the privately-owned Sanctuary Island for safety, Mills instead opted to sell them on the black market; during the incident, some of the animals were sold to international criminals and the remainder were released into the forests near Orick. Once again, Malcolm was brought before Congress to advise the government on how to respond; to this incident, Malcolm had less advice but for everyone to prepare for a world in which de-extinct life and modern life would have to find ways to coexist. He turned sixty-three years old four days later in a world that had suddenly been thrown into a state of dramatic change.

Career at Biosyn Genetics

As the polycrisis built up steam, career options for a chaotician popped up in unlikely places. One of these was a company called Biosyn Genetics, once a rival to InGen that had since risen to prominence as InGen fell. They had struck a deal with the United States government to aid in rounding up problematic wild dinosaurs in exchange for sole collection rights to the animals, and the technology associated with them. The company’s CEO, Lewis Dodgson, seemed eager not to make the same mistakes that had driven InGen into the ground; while Malcolm was well aware that efforts to avoid foreseeable mistakes often led to unforeseeable ones, he accepted Dodgson’s offer to come and lecture at Biosyn’s headquarters in the Dolomite Mountains of northern Italy. The headquarters oversaw the Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary, the ultimate destination of the captured dinosaurs from the United States and other countries where Biosyn had been contracted. While this put Malcolm uncomfortable close to de-extinct life once again, it was at least not an entertainment park, but a legitimate scientific research facility, and a well-funded one at that. An entire valley had been refurbished to contain the animals safely, and Biosyn had built upon the failures of both Jurassic Park and Jurassic World to keep things that way. Dodgson and other high-ranking staff also reassured Malcolm that the creation of new species through hybridization as InGen and other parties had done was not one of their goals; they were mostly concentrated on biomedical research, although they were bringing more species back from extinction in pursuit of this goal. Malcolm regularly gave lectures in the Brusatte Lecture Theatre to large crowds of staff, and though virtually all his lectures were cautioning Biosyn against expanding genetic research, he was paid handsomely by Dodgson.

Malcolm’s personal life seems to have done well during these years. He was admired by everyone he worked with, all the way up to Dodgson himself; unlike Hammond, Dodgson actually appreciated Malcolm’s opposition to many of his goals and listened when he pointed out weaknesses in the valley facilities. Malcolm also made new acquaintances among the staff, including a barista named Tyler, and the head of Biosyn Communications, Ramsay Cole. At first Cole had merely been one of his fans, but Malcolm found Cole to be in possession of a strong moral compass when it came to bioethics, and soon the two men became friends. He also began reading his old colleague Dr. Ellie Sattler’s work; by 2022 she was divorced and back in the field, working for a university in Texas where she published paper after paper on theories regarding complex ecology and ways to reduce climate change by revolutionizing agribusiness and biofuel. She was putting her paleobotany expertise to good use by informing the present via knowledge of the past, and Malcolm even saw a glimmer of hope for the future if young people had figures like Dr. Sattler to look up to. He communicated with her online every now and again.

Sattler was a source of inspiration to Malcolm, too. It was all too easy to give in to doomerism with the polycrisis growing ever more severe; the early 2020s were filled with economic crises, threats of war, widespread disease, and the looming Anthropocene extinction event. This latter disaster was being exacerbated by a species of huge locust which had mysteriously appeared in the American Midwest and even more mysteriously avoided media attention, and Dr. Sattler was among the few people actually trying to study the swarm and determine what had caused its appearance. Malcolm admired her driven approach, but he soon found himself in a unique position to help her.

His friend Ramsay Cole, who was treated as Dodgson’s right-hand man, confided in Malcolm in the autumn of 2022 the truth about the locusts: they were not a natural species, they had been engineered, and deliberately. Biosyn’s agribusiness subsidiary NutriSyn had aims to corner the global crop market, and had for some time now sold designer seed to farmers the world over. But they had spent years looking for a way to prepare their crops for the seemingly inevitable environmental disasters brought on by a changing climate, and now they had their answer in the form of a program called Hexapod Allies. The locusts were a part of that project, a proof-of-concept that insects could be used to spread genetic modifications to crops. Despite Dodgson’s insistence that Biosyn was not in the business of creating new species, he had gone ahead and done just that, and it had unexpectedly turned into a bigger problem than any hungry dinosaur could ever have dreamed of. The insects were breeding prodigiously, and proved more resilient than Biosyn engineers had expected. They had no natural predators, and like all hybrids, some aspects of their biology were utterly unknown. If they continued to reproduce, they would decimate cropland far beyond just the American heartland, leading to a famine of biblical proportions. Dodgson was working on a solution, but was determined to keep the accident under wraps rather than take responsibility. If he succeeded, no one would ever know what he had authorized. If he failed, he would never face the consequences of what he had wrought.

Having recently read a paper on decadence by Dr. Sattler, Malcolm began to come up with a plan. Biosyn had created the locusts and released them into the wild, meaning that if someone could steal a specimen from Biosyn’s labs, a comparison of its DNA with a wild specimen would conclusively prove the origin of the insects as unnatural. Cole had inside knowledge of the project, having snooped around himself, and provided more information; the locusts had been engineered unable to digest Biosyn crops in order to avoid hurting the company’s profit margins by accident, but because of this they had turned to other sources of food. Right now it was independent farmers who did not buy Biosyn products, but soon it would be more than that. Malcolm, knowing Sattler’s dedication to ecological research, understood that her keen mind would pick up quickly on the patterns in the locusts’ feeding behavior as field after field of Biosyn crop was left untouched.

It took six weeks for Malcolm and Cole to fully put their plan into action. Malcolm messaged Dr. Sattler over social media, inviting her to the valley and assuring here there were “things she would want to see.” This cryptic phrasing, he hoped, would get her attention. She accepted his offer, and Cole was able to get Malcolm access to a wristband with high enough clearance to let them into the laboratories where the locusts were bred. Sattler picked up more help along the way, her old flame Dr. Alan Grant, whom Malcolm had not spoken with in many years. Part of this had been because of Dr. Grant’s ineptitude with technology, but they had also not gotten along particularly well when they knew each other. All the same, he trusted Dr. Sattler’s choice and prepared for both of them to arrive.

2022 incident

Dodgson was well aware of Dr. Malcolm’s invitations, and was probably the one to approve them. Unsuspecting of any plot to undermine him, Dodgson warmly welcomed the visitors and appointed Cole to chaperone them on their tour through the facility. They met Malcolm during one of his lectures at the Brusatte Theatre, and upon seeing them at the door, he wrapped up his speech to vigorous applause and went to see his old companions, managing to sign a few copies of How The World Will End along the way. Sattler was glad to see him, and they exchanged talk about how their children were doing; Grant, on the other hand, had no family left and was somehow grumpier than ever. Staying unbothered, Malcolm brought the two of them to the commissary, Ramsay Cole tailing along.

Sattler brought up the locusts, claiming that she had taken a sample from a wild specimen and found its genome to include genes that had gone extinct millions of years ago. She had discovered the hybrid nature of the locusts independently of Malcolm’s help, and correctly predicted how much damage they could do if left unchecked. Knowing that cameras were always watching, and that Dodgson and those loyal to him could overhear at any moment, Malcolm pretended to have fully given in to doomerism and accepted that it was no use averting the end times. This irritated both Drs. Sattler and Grant, who had both hoped Malcolm’s invitation had been for more than just a dramatic goodbye. He led them to the coffee bar where Tyler worked, asking the barista to heat up some drinks for his friends. Tyler complied, engaging Dr. Grant in a mostly one-sided conversation while turning on the loud milk steamer nearby. This made it difficult for anyone to overhear quieter conversation, and once Malcolm was sure they were mostly safe from eavesdroppers, he quickly told Sattler what he knew and that her ecological models were accurate. He slipped her the access band he had stashed away, granting her access to the arthropod laboratory L4 on Sublevel 6 of the facility. As the milk steamer shut down, he changed gears, pretending to admire the sustainable bamboo of her jacket to explain why he had been standing so close. Knowing that his reputation as a flirt would cover up most of the suspicion, he bid his allies farewell as he went back to work, leaving them in Cole’s hands once again.

From here, Malcolm relied on Cole’s knowledge of Biosyn’s inner workings to get Drs. Grant and Sattler into the lab lower in the building. To ensure they did not get any false sense of security, neither of the visitors were informed that Cole was in on the plan, leaving them to believe that Cole was fully loyal to Biosyn and to Dodgson. The plan now was for him to finish their tour early, allow them to explore the facility on their own for a bit (making special mention of the elevators leading to the restricted sublevel laboratories where they were not allowed to go), and informed them where to meet him for a hyperloop ride through the mountains and to the airfield on the other side of the valley.

For much of the day, Malcolm would have only Cole’s updates to tell him how their plan was going. It is unknown whether they risked communication frequently, but if he got regular enough updates, he would have learned that Sattler and Grant successfully disguised themselves as lab techs, entered L4 between shifts while it was unoccupied, and escaped with a DNA sample from a locust. Their intrusion had been undetected at first due to an unrelated incident happening elsewhere in the facility, apparently an asset breach; Malcolm would certainly have heard the alarms and announcement for everyone to stay at their stations until Security rounded up the escaped animal. But twelve minutes after the successful DNA theft, Malcolm was summoned to the control room by Dodgson. Cole attended with him.

By now it was sunset, and without warning Dodgson unceremoniously fired Malcolm. Evidently his part of the ploy had been found out, probably by the facility’s omnipresent surveillance cameras. From Dodgson’s reaction, though, Cole’s part in the subterfuge was still undetected, meaning they still had an ace up their sleeve. Malcolm made a show of calling out Dodgson’s arrogance and hubris, hoping that his bluster would not only take attention away from Cole but also instill some doubt in the other staff members of the control room. He did make legitimate points, revealing that Biosyn’s generous promotions and raises were not given out of benevolence but as a way of buying loyalty to the company and quashing any suspicions employees might have of wrongdoing. Dodgson admitted suspicion that Malcolm had given Dr. Sattler his own access badge, confirming to Malcolm that he was still assumed to be the sole saboteur within Biosyn. Cole was in the clear.

Grant and Sattler, however, were not. The hyperloop pod that Cole had assigned them to make their escape to the airfield had been shut down, coming to rest at the disused loop station within the amber mines in the western mountains. Dodgson reacted as though this was just another unexpected hiccup; apparently only Security had been told that the visiting scientists were in on Malcolm’s plan, and Dodgson hoped to keep it that way. Malcolm’s demeanor suddenly showed a hint of nervousness as he learned from control room staff that animals inhabited the long-abandoned mine shafts. Cole, still acting as though he was loyal to Dodgson, escorted Malcolm out to pack his things and depart Biosyn Valley. But instead of bringing him to his quarters, he took him down into the motorpool and told him where to find an exit to the mines that the trapped scientists would likely use. Malcolm took the wheel of a Jeep Gladiator and congratulated Cole on his effort to bring Dodgson to justice, and drove off to rescue his friends.

He arrived to the mine exit without difficulty, having avoided any threatening dinosaurs along the way, and found Drs. Sattler and Grant—and, strangely enough, a fourteen-year-old he would learn was the rumored human clone Maisie Lockwood—imperiled by Biosyn’s animals. When the mines were operational, an electronic gate had been installed to keep animals out, but now the mines were disused and animals had come to live there, meaning the once-protective gates were instead working to keep Malcolm’s allies trapped within. A couple of carnivorous Dimetrodons were threatening them, but as Malcolm went to free the others, he realized the gate’s electronic lock was controlled by a four-digit numeric code. Cole had not told him the code, and he had no way of contacting him. In a panic, Malcolm tried any numbers that sprang to mind (including 1984 and Miles Davis’s birthday) before, miraculously, the gate unlocked. Unbeknownst to Malcolm, Cole had aided them remotely, having realized his own mistake and entered the code from the control room. Sattler, Grant, and Maisie were saved, shutting the gate to keep the Dimetrodons in the cave. Of course, the primitive creatures were far from the only animals in the valley, and so the group of four made a hasty retreat to the Gladiator and headed back across the valley to find another way out.

They had made it a few minutes down a hillside road when something began to light up the night sky. It was clouded over, so there were no stars or moonlight. Instead, the glow seemed to be coming from a billowing cloud of flame. Sattler was the first one to realize what it was: no natural phenomenon was setting the sky ablaze. The cloud was alive—made from thousands of hybrid locusts. Dodgson had probably tried to incinerate them, anticipating that an investigation would come underway after Sattler presented her evidence to the authorities. Now, his hasty plan to burn the evidence had set the insects loose upon the valley, and as they swarmed in terror, they spread fire in their wake. Their papery wings were the first to burn, sending them plummeting to the valley floor.

Dying locusts began to fall in a heavy rain of fire, and some began to strike the Gladiator. Malcolm tried to keep them ahead of the blaze, but in a moment of distraction, he nearly sent them over the edge of a gully. Balanced precariously on the precipice, he took Maisie’s suggestion to lean to the left, pushing more of their weight away from the ledge. Unfortunately this was not enough, and the soil gave way under the bulk of the jeep. They rolled haphazardly downhill, eventually coming to a rest upside-down near Research Outpost 04.

Here they finally found help. Maisie’s adoptive parents had pursued her across the world, with Biosyn ultimately being complicit in her kidnapping; Malcolm would later learn that Maisie’s mother, the InGen geneticist Charlotte Lockwood, had used a revolutionary technique to cure Maisie of a fatal genetic disorder before succumbing to it herself, and the research data contained in Maisie’s genome made her valuable. For the past four years, Maisie’s adoptive parents had been DPG founder Claire Dearing and former InGen Security animal trainer Owen Grady, and they had been aided in reaching the valley by a pilot named Kayla Watts. Now numbering seven, their group of escapees began plotting a new way to escape before the valley turned into an inferno full of panicked dinosaurs. Watts suggested breaking into Outpost 04 and proceeding from there, but before they could begin, trouble found them.

Entering the little clearing near the outpost was a colossal theropod, which Dr. Grant identified as a Giganotosaurus: possibly the largest of the theropods, and by extent the largest carnivore ever to walk on land. The overturned Gladiator served as a shelter once the dinosaur noticed them, Malcolm alone hiding within the vehicle as the dinosaur circled it. Watts was the first to make a break for the outpost’s ladder, scrambling to the top with a crowbar to pry the door open, and Maisie’s parents sent her up next. The theropod now made its move, nearly managing to grab the teenager in its mouth; she was spared by a protective cage around the ladder, which resisted the dinosaur’s efforts to crush it and instead tore away. While the animal struggled to get the deformed metal out from its jaws, most of the group scrambled up the ladder. Malcolm alone did not climb, unable to exit the vehicle fast enough to reach the ladder before the dinosaur.

Everyone else made it to the outpost’s exterior platform, but without enough time for Watts to force the door open, this did little more than put them at a convenient biting height. The great theropod had them cornered, and could take its time selecting which of them to consume. Once again Maisie drew its attention.

Dr. Malcolm confronts the Giganotosaurus

Malcolm had seen this before. An immense predatory theropod making an attack on a helpless child was a scenario he was no stranger to. His previous brushes with these carnivores had taught him enough to get by, and this animal’s behavior patterns were clear enough for Malcolm to come up with an improvised plan. Light, he knew, would draw their attention, and he had seen this one snapping at the burning locusts as they fluttered to their death just moments ago. One of those insects, now deceased but still on fire, lay on the ground at Malcolm’s feet, and a metal bar from the jeep lay nearby. Using the bar as a simple spear, he impaled the insect carcass and raised it up, shouting to get the dinosaur’s attention. He stood alone, an appetizing mouthful. The predator, sensing an old and weak target separated from its herd, turned and approached. It towered over Malcolm, seeming to consider him for a moment, and opened its jaws to make a kill.

And Malcolm threw the burning spear, turning his makeshift flare into a makeshift javelin. His aim was true, the theropod’s gargantuan mouth having presented itself at close enough quarters for Malcolm to land a hit near the base of its tongue. The metal pierced into its vulnerable flesh, the fire licking at its palate, and the animal’s foul breath only fanned the flames higher as it roared in pain. Now Malcolm made a dash for the ladder, but as he climbed, his weak left leg failed to find its purchase, and he lost his grip. Before he could fall, though, he was saved when Dr. Grant managed to grab his outstretched left hand. The paleontologist hauled Malcolm up to the platform, and Watts broke them into the outpost.

The Giganotosaurus was not quite ready to give up, tearing the platform apart in pursuit of them; Dr. Sattler was saved by Grady, and when the dinosaur broke into the outpost through a window, they all collaborated to drive it away. Finally, having been stabbed by Grady, hit with a tranquilizer dart by Watts, and shocked with Watts’s animal taser by Dearing, the predator stalked off to find less punishing prey.

Finally, the group had a moment to breathe. While everyone became acquainted and treated each other’s injuries, Malcolm tried to call headquarters, but received no answer; the scattered wildfires had blossomed into a blazing inferno and taxed the valley’s power infrastructure past its limits. Despite the dire nature of their situation (or perhaps because of it), Malcolm took a moment to snark at Jurassic World upon hearing how Dearing had worked there; he was mostly ignored as everyone else focused on planning their escape. The outposts were connected by hyperloop tunnels beneath the valley floor, and so in theory, one of them would lead the group to Biosyn’s headquarters where Watts could commandeer a helicopter and fly them all to safety. To get out, the valley’s Aerial Deterrent System would need to be reactivated; this would normally keep flying animals away from aircraft, but it had apparently been turned off, and with the fire growing hotter by the minute any creature with wings would be in the air tonight. To turn the ADS on, they would need to access Biosyn’s control room on the third floor of headquarters. As they planned, Malcolm noticed Watts gazing at his chest through his unbuttoned shirt, and hastily covered up as to not be a distraction. He armed himself with a bolt-action tranquilizer rifle, but Grady relieved him of the weapon; Malcolm allowed this, as Grady had military training. They began their trek northward through the hyperloop tunnels.

Fortunately, like the phones and other systems, the hyperloop was not running due to the emergency. This made it safe to travel through, and (at least in theory) was a route without any frightened or hungry dinosaurs along the way. As they traveled, Malcolm commented on Owen Grady’s attempts to train the famously troublesome Velociraptors, animals Malcolm had encountered only once and had no interest in meeting again. Grady maintained that he did not tame the raptors, and instead shared mutual trust and respect that allowed their relationship to exist. Malcolm, having never been quite so good with animals, could not relate.

Upon reaching the control room, Malcolm noted that the situation in the valley was even more alarming than he had expected. Attempts to turn the ADS on were unsuccessful, although Dearing was familiar with the operating system (it was more or less lifted directly from Jurassic World’s network, using most of the same principles). Cole now rejoined them, evidently having rejected Dodgson at last. He explained that due to the breakdown, all available power was seized by the facility’s primary system in order to keep the fundamental necessities operational. This, unfortunately, meant that what power was still available could not be rerouted to the ADS from the terminals in the control room. There was a way to turn it back on, by manually shutting down the primary system in the server room; Dr. Sattler and Dearing volunteered to do this, as Watts prepared to go to the helipad. Grady had a mission of his own, which Maisie and Dr. Grant accompanied him on: apparently a second kidnapping victim was in the headquarters, a juvenile Velociraptor Maisie had named Beta. She was the daughter of an adult raptor called Blue that Grady had raised in the park, and to Malcolm’s bemusement, Grady had apparently promised the dinosaur to get her daughter back.

The group parted ways for the moment, Dr. Malcolm and Cole staying behind to help coordinate. Cole knew the facility’s systems well and could direct Sattler and Dearing in shutting the primary system down, and they watched that team’s progress via the security cameras. Although they reached the server room and avoided a pile of dying locusts that had broken a ventilation shaft, turning off the primary system (following Malcolm’s haphazard instructions) resulted in the system simply rebooting. This was not what Malcolm or Cole had expected, and the noise of the computers starting up startled the surviving locusts into a frenzy; when the noise died down, Dearing had apparently forced the power to reroute by physically hacking through a power cable using a fire ax. This allowed Malcolm and Cole to activate the ADS.

Now with a safe way out of the valley, the entire group reassembled outside the control room, now plus Beta. As they headed for the evacuation point, they picked up another straggler: none other than the disgraced geneticist Henry Wu, the creator of de-extinction, the genetic hybrids of Jurassic World and beyond, and now the locust plague. Malcolm was quick to blame him for the disaster, an accusation that Wu did not argue against; he merely pleaded that he could use the secrets Charlotte had left in Maisie’s DNA to create a way to end the plague altogether. While everyone was reluctant about letting him join their evacuation party, Maisie permitted Wu to come along with them, recognizing his repentance and confirming it was what Charlotte Lockwood would have done.

Watts arrived to pick them up in the helicopter N117AVJ, but being unable to land in the valley due to the wildfire, she had to make a risky landing in the Biosyn courtyard. This, as per evacuation protocols, was directly on the route into the animals’ emergency bunker, where they were all being herded via neural implants Biosyn had acquired for situations such as this. To board the helicopter, everyone had to make their way around the frightened animals as they were herded into the bunker. Among the last dinosaurs to pass into the courtyard was one Malcolm remembered all too well: it was a Tyrannosaurus, and one which he had encountered twenty-nine years prior. She was the first dinosaur Malcolm had faced down, and the one who had broken his leg all those years ago. For a moment, it looked as though she would menace them, but her attention was rather quickly drawn to a more pressing matter. A second theropod had entered the courtyard, this one Malcolm’s most recent dinosaurian foe, the Giganotosaurus. Biosyn protocol had forced the apex predators into a bottleneck, and the collection of humans was right in the path of a now-inevitable clash.

There was no way to stop the violence, so they simply fled. Malcolm scattered alongside Grant, Sattler, and Wu while the younger members of the group went the other way. Although the brawling theropods came dangerously close to obliviously crushing the escapees, Malcolm’s group made it to the helicopter, but the others became trapped beneath a copper sculpture when the larger of the two dinosaurs threw its elder rival against it. The tyrannosaur was motionless, and the bigger carnivore looked victorious. Now there would be nothing stopping it from attacking them if it chose. The two dinosaurs’ combined weight threatened to collapse the sculpture completely and crush everyone beneath, but if they fled into the open, the victorious Giganotosaurus would surely see them and might attack. To save their lives, Watts drew a flare gun and fired off one shot, the dinosaur distracted as the flare arced across the courtyard. It settled near a third straggler dinosaur, a bizarre-looking biped called Therizinosaurus, which Malcolm had never seen before. Distracted by a potential new enemy, the Giganotosaurus abandoned its would-be kill and challenged the newcomer. This gave Maisie, Dearing, Grady, and Cole their chance to escape.

All nine human passengers plus the sedated Beta carried over Grady’s shoulder boarded the helicopter and hastily took flight before any more danger could reach them. Once in the air, Watts turned a spotlight to the fallen tyrannosaur, giving one last look at the titan. But after a moment, the great creature struggled back to her feet, not quite dead yet, and made one last rush toward her younger enemy. As the helicopter departed, the tyrannosaur managed to emerge victorious, and a rainstorm began to extinguish the blaze.

Aftermath of the incident

Malcolm had played a key role in exposing corruption in Biosyn, but when it came time to relay this story to the authorities and journalists who arrived to the airfield, he let Ramsay Cole do most of the talking. After all, it was Cole’s bravery that had sparked their plan to take down Dodgson and those loyal to him. Maisie and her family were allowed to return home, and by some means or other, Beta found her way back to the wild where her mother lived hidden in the woods too. Wu was able to use Maisie’s DNA, given willingly by the teenager, to concoct a solution to the crisis he had started; he gave himself over to the authorities to do this, sacrificing everything he had worked for in order to save lives. The dinosaurs, though, were not to be abandoned; Biosyn Valley was declared an international paleo-sanctuary by the United Nations. Biosyn would no longer have exclusive access to the valley’s animals, or any of the research performed there. Instead, the whole world stood to benefit, and any dinosaurs that could not adapt to the modern age would have a faraway place to live as they would in the ancient past.

Ramsay Cole testified as a whistleblower before the United States Congress about the incident. Dodgson never faced trial, but he had already been subject to a far harsher form of justice: investigations by the authorities likely revealed his mostly-eaten remains in a hyperloop pod he had used to try and escape the valley, which had been breached by errant dinosaurs allowed into the facility by the evacuation protocols. Still, though, he was far from the only corrupt executive at Biosyn, and Cole had a list of names at the ready. Malcolm joined him in testifying, having seen plenty of the corruption himself.

As for Drs. Sattler and Grant, they too testified before Congress about what they had seen and what actions should be taken, but the incident had a more profound effect on them. Once, decades ago, they had been a romantic couple, but the aftermath of Jurassic Park had driven a wedge of trauma between them. They had broken up the same year that Malcolm broke his nondisclosure agreement about the events of 1993, and that may have even contributed; but this time, Malcolm’s intervention had served to bring them back together. Neither had ever truly gotten over their feelings for the other, and now they were both open about it.

The ragtag group of survivors who escaped Biosyn Valley on the night of the fire had now gotten happy endings. Malcolm, it seems, has taken more of a backseat going forward; the game Jurassic World: Evolution 2 suggests that while Grant and Sattler returned to Biosyn Valley in advisory positions to Cole as he sought to undo the harm Dodgson had caused, Malcolm did not go with them. He did break his long streak of neutrality when it mattered most, and having helped to save millions of lives at the risk of his own, he is more than deserving of a happy retirement with his five beloved children. One imagines, though, that he will not completely leave the world behind. After all, de-extinction and genetic engineering will continue to change the world, and surely he will have commentary not only on that but on all the other challenges facing humanity going forward. To his credit, though, he has earned the right to claim that he did his part to not just advise on, but truly combat one of those dangers, and in doing so has made the world a better place to be.


Dr. Malcolm’s field of study is advanced mathematics, particularly chaos theory (he identifies himself as a “chaotician” rather than mathematician). He maintains an in-depth knowledge of mathematical topics that many find esoteric, and has remained up to date with the latest discoveries and theories since at least the early 1990s. He is also skilled at applying his mathematical theories in real-world situations including ecology, sociology, and scientific research. Along with studying historic and developing mathematics, Dr. Malcolm has performed considerable research of his own.

His understanding of chaos theory is a valuable skill in the field as well as the laboratory and lecture hall, as it encourages him to consider possible outcomes that others may have dismissed or not considered in the first place. For this reason, InGen’s Board of Directors considered him a valuable asset to conducting a thorough safety analysis of Jurassic Park, as he could spot issues before even their trained experts. He notably predicted that InGen’s supposedly all-female dinosaurs would find a way to breed, despite the insistence of Dr. Henry Wu (widely considered one of the most skilled and intelligent geneticists in the world) that this was impossible. However, Malcolm’s actual knowledge in more derived fields of science is limited, and he often relies on his colleagues and friends to obtain background knowledge in fields such as biology so that he can properly apply his mathematical theories.


Due to his extensive knowledge of mathematics and their applications in various other scientific fields, as well as his experience researching with respected universities, Dr. Malcolm has long been a lecturer at universities around the United States (including, for example, Austin, Texas). Malcolm’s teaching skills extend beyond classroom and lecture settings; he is apt at teaching on the fly, performing impromptu demonstrations of chaos theory and using events occurring around him as examples. He has written at least two books, God Creates Dinosaurs and How The World Will End, which were generally well-received; this demonstrates skill at written, as well as verbal, communication. However, he is not known to speak any languages other than English, and is known to struggle with Spanish.

Malcolm’s experience teaching and lecturing have led to him being viewed as a source of long-term counsel by entities up to and including Biosyn Genetics and the U.S. government during times when scientific expertise is deemed necessary, as he is efficient at communicating complex topics to laypeople. The fact that he was called in as an expert witness by Congress during the 2018 de-extinct animal rights debates, despite the anti-science sentiment pervading the American government at that time, should stand as testament to the amount of respect he has garnered.

Social skills

Dr. Malcolm’s personality has been likened to that of a rock star: outgoing, eccentric, and charming in peculiar ways. His personal grooming, fashion sense, and distinctive voice all add to the appeal that many people find in him; this makes him very effective as a lecturer and public figure. He is also highly respected for his insistence that de-extinction was not a hoax between the years of 1995 and 1997. While his career suffered during that time, his determination to prove himself a truthful man and his ultimate vindication in the 1997 San Diego incident have endeared him among many, scientists and conspiracy theorists alike. All of these factors have made Malcolm a well-loved figure, and he appears to genuinely enjoy the attention given to him (so long as it is positive, of course). Malcolm is quite extroverted and quick to engage in conversation with others, even those with whom he vehemently disagrees. Sometimes, he is especially quick to engage those with whom he vehemently disagrees.

Malcolm is also a notorious flirt, though he does generally respect boundaries. He is known to have had several failed relationships in the past, including at least two divorces. This suggests that while he is excellent at engaging with people on the level of friendship, long-term relationships are harder for him to maintain. His personality is certainly not universally appealing; many people, such as John Hammond, Alan Grant, and Eric Kirby, have described his lecturing style as “preachy.”


Malcolm has possessed a valid U.S. driver’s license since at least 1997 and is capable of driving a vehicle with manual transmission. As of 1997, he owned a red 1969 Pontiac Custom S. He shows skill at driving this car through city streets and through obstacles, even while under serious stress. During transit to the campsite on Isla Sorna that year, he also drove one of the Gatherer team’s Mercedes M-Class vehicles both on and off-road.

In a commercial for the 2018 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, Dr. Malcolm is shown having a fantasy about driving this Jeep off-road through muddy and forested terrain while evading (and eventually chasing) a Tyrannosaurus rex. However, since this scene takes place only in Malcolm’s imagination and he has not yet purchased the vehicle in the commercial, it should not be taken as an indication of his actual off-road driving skills. The commercial implies that Malcolm uses driving as a coping mechanism for the trauma he experienced during the 1993 and 1997 incidents.

Malcolm’s all-terrain driving skills have since come to play in the 2022 incident, during which he commandeered a Biosyn Genetics-owned 2020 Jeep Gladiator in order to rescue his imperiled friends. He drove across uneven terrain and unpaved roads at high speed, and despite some haphazard maneuvers, he mostly remained safe until a wildfire consisting of giant insects understandably distracted him. He managed to stop the vehicle impressively fast upon realizing he was about to careen over a steep hillside, but despite efforts to stabilize the Gladiator on the ledge, its weight became unbalanced and they rolled down a gully. Fortunately all four passengers survived with only minor injuries.


While Malcolm is a mathematician and scientist by trade, he is unskilled with certain technologies such as radio communication. This was exemplified during the 1997 Isla Sorna incident, during which Malcolm’s lack of understanding of radio caused communication issues on a few occasions; he generally had to rely on his companion Eddie Carr for help with this. In the roleplaying book released for The Lost World, a progress report by Carr describes Malcolm as seriously technologically inept. Despite decades of opportunity to learn, Malcolm had made little progress by 2022 in understanding computer technology. He is especially unhelpful under stress, particularly when someone more knowledgeable than him is also attempting to give instructions (if he is partnered with someone less knowledgeable, on the other hand, he may show enough confidence to be clearer and more specific).

Physical ability

Dr. Malcolm has been visually disabled since at least the early 1990s and requires corrective lenses for most activities. His exact strength of vision is undisclosed. He typically wears eyeglasses, though not always. If he anticipates more strenuous fieldwork, or simply does not want to wear glasses, it is likely he opts for contact lenses instead. His choice of eyewear seems to be based more in his sense of style than anything else.

Since June 11, 1993, Dr. Malcolm has also been physically disabled due to a severe injury to his left leg which he obtained during a tyrannosaur attack. While he is now able to move about without the use of a mobility device, his left leg remains sensitive and prone to injury, and is overall weaker than his right leg. He is otherwise in good physical health and can perform most basic athletic activities without prohibitive difficulty.

Mathematical theories

His primary field of study, chaos theory, is the most prominent mathematical theory supported by Dr. Malcolm. While laypeople often view events in nature as entirely random, Malcolm believes that they are actually determined by countless minuscule factors which interact in complex ways that result in unpredictability from a limited human perspective. A simple example he often cites is the so-called “butterfly effect,” in which a tiny change to a complex system (such as the air displaced by the movement of a butterfly’s wings) can drastically impact the outcome of that system (such as the weather in a different part of the world). Malcolm believes that chaos theory can be applied to other fields of science and philosophy such as sociology and ecology, and that it should be considered when applying scientific research methods.

Other mathematical concepts Malcolm has researched include strange attractors, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and non-linear equations, all of which have applications related to chaos theory. Malcolm has performed much of his own research; according to the mobile game Jurassic Park: Builder, one of his theories developed in the late 1990s was submerged displacement theory, which describes the ways in which liquids and their solid contents are displaced in a large system.

On scientific discipline

Dr. Malcolm is a strong proponent of the precautionary principle, even more so than his fellow de-extinction skeptics Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler. The heightened level of his caution and skepticism are informed by his research into chaos theory and resulting belief that human perspective cannot account for all the potential outcomes of a complex system. He was accused of espousing Neo-Luddite attitudes by Dr. John P. A. Hammond in 1993, though Malcolm has never directly identified himself as Neo-Luddite.

Despite working in a scientific field himself, Malcolm expressed opposition to the idea that science should pursue discovery for discovery’s own sake in 1993, referring to such research as “the rape of the natural world.” He believes that simply because research can be conducted does not mean that it should, and that the action of discovery will inevitably alter the research subject. This was a sore issue of disagreement between himself and his girlfriend Dr. Sarah Harding in 1997, who believed that studying and even interacting with research subjects was not inherently a harmful act.

Malcolm’s caution against reckless research has remained one of his most constant philosophical views, and was expressed in his 2018 testimonies before Congress. During the debates, he described changes brought to the world through scientific research as alarming, potentially dangerous, and nearly always irreversible.

On genetic engineering

Like most fields of science, genetic engineering is a source of alarm for Dr. Malcolm due to its potential to revolutionize many fields of biology and aspects of society. He has compared the fast-paced research of geneticists such as Henry Wu to the atomic tests of the mid-twentieth century, likening these scientists to a child playing with his father’s gun. His negative experiences with de-extinct life have likely influenced his opinions on the topic, but even before he arrived at Jurassic Park in 1993 he was skeptical of genetic engineering.

In the modern day, genetic engineering has gone beyond de-extinction. Beginning with the creation of the hybrid flowering plant Karacosis wutansis in May 1997, geneticists led by Henry Wu have developed methodologies for creating entirely new genera of organisms, culminating with the chimerid lineage including Indominus rex and Indoraptor. Military interests have become inextricably linked to this genetic lineage, furthering concerns that bioengineering will be used by governments and paramilitary organizations for purposes of warfare and terrorism. While large animals may be unrealistic to use, the hybridization techniques pioneered by Wu could easily be applied to simpler organisms such as bacteria, compounding the bioterror threat which already exists on the international stage. In this respect, Dr. Malcolm’s concerns are echoed by many people the world over. In fact, his warnings proved prescient when the 2022 hybrid locust plague is brought into consideration, as this involved an engineered organism with the actual capability to cause widespread ecological damage rather than merely localized disruption.

It is important to state that Dr. Malcolm does not blame the organisms created through genetic engineering for the harm they cause. He has, for example, described InGen’s dinosaurs in positive terms, recognizing that they are just animals and do not understand the world they are living in any more than animals which exist naturally. During the 2018 Senate hearings regarding Isla Nublar and the volcanic threat of Mount Sibo, Malcolm openly described the dinosaurs as wonderful creatures and regretted that their death was the safest option for all parties involved. The blame for damage wrought by genetically-modified organisms, in Dr. Malcolm’s opinion, lies entirely with their creators and not at all with the creatures themselves.

On humanity

While he is not extremely misanthropic, Dr. Malcolm holds a mostly negative view of humanity in spite of his many positive personal relationships. His views on civilization have grown progressively more negative in recent years due to unchecked advancements in science and technology, which he believes are hastening along irreversible and damaging changes to the world overall. In the 2018 Senate hearings regarding the escaped de-extinct animals, Malcolm claimed that the human species was “causing [its] own extinction” by means of the scientific developments made over the past several decades. He believes that human extinction will more likely occur as a result of a mishap rather than malice, but that the end result would be indistinguishable. While he is known to fret over the fate of humanity, he also defends the position that humans are not inherently special; they have no more right to safety, freedom, or dominion over the earth than any other organism.

Despite his pessimism, he has as of 2022 committed to combating doomerism, or the philosophical idea that struggling to avert global disasters is pointless and that human extinction is inevitable. Doomerism is a preeminent philosophy surrounding climate change in most Western countries, where the socioeconomic systems in place are almost fully reliant upon climate-altering business practices. Malcolm has taken up a position against this self-defeating mindset and admires those who likewise strive to solve global problems against the odds set forth by society, politics, and other factors.

On religion and nature

Dr. Malcolm frequently invokes the Abrahamic idea of God or a creator deity in his descriptions of natural events, though he has also denied that he believes any deity directly interferes with our world. Rather, he uses the idea of God as an anthropomorphization of nature and the universe. Nonetheless, Malcolm holds a deep reverence for nature. Malcolm believes that interfering with the natural progression of events is unwise and dangerous, and that nature should be allowed to take its course without human input. He subscribes to the belief that humans are no longer a part of nature, and therefore should minimize their impact on natural systems. However, he does not consider humans above nature in any way, and thinks of them as merely animals whose intelligence has grown complex enough to drastically alter the otherwise natural course of events.

He does make exceptions for situations in which human activity has already altered the course of nature, in which case he supports action being taken to restore a natural system to an approximation of its state before the anthropogenic change took place. For example, he opposed the de-extinction of the dinosaurs but would have supported a repopulation of the endangered California condor. He would have supported the re-extinction of the dinosaurs if it occurred naturally, but openly opposed the same result carried out by human efforts. However, he did support the deliberate worldwide extermination of the hybrid locusts created by Biosyn in the 2020s, since they had the capacity to cause the extinctions of scores of species across the world and cause widespread suffering to the most vulnerable people in society. While some people believe that these stances taken by Dr. Malcolm are inconsistent, they actually all hold essentially the same goal: to minimize the harm to living things being caused as a result of human interference in nature. Allowing the dinosaurs to die in a natural disaster would have curbed their effects on the modern world; deliberately killing them would be an act of animal cruelty on a massive scale and set a dangerous precedent for the treatment of dangerous animals in the future; exterminating the locusts would cause the deaths of millions of genetically-engineered insects, but would save the lives of entire natural ecosystems.

During the 1997 incidents, Dr. Malcolm opposed human interference on Isla Sorna and supported the safe return of two tyrannosaurs to the place they were born; in this case, human intervention could not realistically be undone on Isla Sorna without either killing numerous animals or causing significant alteration elsewhere, both of which are unacceptable solutions in Malcolm’s philosophy. Here, he supported returning Isla Sorna and the American mainland to an approximation of the state they were in before the InGen Harvester expedition rather than before de-extinction due to the latter goal being unachievable. In the case of Mount Sibo in 2018, he advocated for the extinction of the dinosaurs, though he mourned for the animals; because the eruption was a naturally-occurring event, he had no objection to allowing the extinction to progress without interference. Though the eruption was referred to during the hearings as an act of God, Malcolm expressed that he did not believe it was actually divine in origin but rather a fortuitous natural event outside of human control.

Malcolm does not subscribe to the commonly-held belief that human activity will completely destroy life on Earth, or that any outside force is likely to do so. One of his most famous quotes, “life finds a way,” sums up his belief that evolution results in solutions to nearly all of the problems faced by organisms. While extinctions are inevitable, they are a part of nature and a necessary step in life’s adaptation to the many obstacles it encounters. Species will die, but life will very likely persist as long as the universe can support it.

On marriage and family

Malcolm has had several failed relationships including at least two divorces. He has five children, including Kelly Curtis Malcolm (born in 1984 or early 1985). Prior to the 1993 incident, he was distant with his children and had poor relations with his ex-wives; he maintained a similarly cynical view of potential future relationships. Following his near-death experience in the 1993 incident, Malcolm mended his relationship with at least his daughter Kelly, although Ms. Curtis did not become friendly with Malcolm. In 1993, he entered into a relationship with paleobiologist Dr. Sarah Harding, who became a mother figure to Kelly. Despite their closeness, Dr. Malcolm struggled to tell Dr. Harding that he loved her and would sometimes skip out on important events they were supposed to attend together. Her own criticisms of his behavior suggest that he is afraid of commitment. Malcolm does not seem to enjoy spending time with his own parents, which may be related to why he struggled as a father when he was younger.

In 1997, his daughter Kelly described him as enjoying having children but not liking spending time with them. She also claimed that his parenting style was too soft, as he seldom punished her. He did, however, do everything he could to boost her self-esteem and encourage her to be confident. As of 2022 he still adores all of his children, stating that he loves them “more than life itself” in casual conversation. Much of his work as a lecturer well into his sixties is an effort to support them financially. However, he still does not wear a wedding ring, indicating that he has not gotten over his difficulties with romantic relationships.

Dietary preferences

Dr. Malcolm enjoys a double cheeseburger, and likes them with plenty of toppings. He also enjoys quality coffee and was personally close with a barista in the Biosyn commissary when he was employed there.


Dr. Malcolm’s relationship with his family members is mostly unknown, though his parents were alive as of 1997 and were known to get involved with his dating life. It has been suggested, but is unconfirmed, that they may have played a role in the failures of some of his prior relationships. He has been married at least twice, and had three children as of 1993. Of them, only Kelly Curtis Malcolm has had any extensive involvement with her father’s public life; his other children’s names are undisclosed, as are the names of his previous partners. Between 1993 and 2022, Dr. Malcolm had two more children, for a total of five. Today he is much less flirty than he was in his youth, but it is not known whether this is because of any current relationship. He does not wear a wedding ring, at the least.

The names of Malcolm’s other children are sometimes presumed to be Emily Curtis (in Michael Crichton’s novel, the name of Kelly’s elder sister) and R.B. Benton (also in the novel, a boy who is friends with but not related to Kelly). These are not confirmed in the film canon, and in the novel, none of these children are Malcolm’s, including Kelly.

In mid-June of 1993, Dr. Malcolm became acquainted with paleobiologist Dr. Sarah Harding, with whom he entered into a romantic relationship. Their relationship, however, was often strained due to Malcolm’s difficulties with long-term relationships and their differing philosophical viewpoints. Nonetheless, he cared for her deeply and was willing to put himself in danger in order to keep her safe, a fact which she understood and appreciated even if his help did not always come at the best times. InGen’s chief veterinarian Dr. Gerry Harding, Sarah’s father, would be Malcolm’s prospective father-in-law were the two to become engaged or married; Sarah’s younger sister Jessica Harding would be Malcolm’s prospective sister-in-law. His relationships with them are unknown. By 1997, Malcolm and Sarah Harding were having the same kinds of relationship struggles that Malcolm had with his ex-wives, failing to show to important events or even show affection. They had numerous signs of toxicity, with Harding frequently expressing frustration with Malcolm’s behavior and lack of reliability. She did not make any move to leave him, nor did he suggest leaving her, as of 1997. It is unknown how long their relationship lasted, or if Malcolm made efforts to address his flaws that were undermining the two of them. As of 2022 he is unmarried.

One of the comic books shows him having a brother named Jacob, but this is not known in the film canon.

According to Jurassic Park: Builder, Dr. Malcolm had a pet gecko in the late 1990s. Like his brother from the comics, this detail has yet to be carried over into the film canon. He did, however, have at least one canonical pet, a dog, which he claims “humped [his] leg so much, [he] got a callus on [his] shinbone.” At the moment it is unknown when he had this dog, only that it was some years before 2022.

John Hammond and InGen

Dr. Malcolm became acquainted with InGen in 1993, being contacted by legal representative Donald Gennaro to tour and potentially endorse a de-extinction theme park on the Pacific island of Isla Nublar. Malcolm was skeptical of the truth of InGen’s claims until he saw the results for himself; by that point in time he had become acquainted with InGen’s CEO and President, Dr. John Parker Alfred Hammond. The two men clashed philosophically, and while they interacted civilly in person, they resented one another behind the scenes. Malcolm’s firm belief in the precautionary principle and the uncontrollable nature of complex systems entirely disagreed with Hammond’s desire to manipulate nature in unforeseen ways to bring Jurassic Park to fruition. His disapproval of the Park and its mission extended to other InGen employees such as Dr. Henry Wu, though Malcolm only got to know a few other employees as most were on shore leave for the weekend. He briefly met chief engineer John Raymond Arnold and Park warden Robert Muldoon on a few occasions. Muldoon in particular was partly responsible for saving Malcolm’s life during the 1993 incident. Malcolm never met InGen’s chief programmer Dennis Nedry, though this man was entirely responsible for causing the incident and severely endangering Malcolm’s life.

Donald Gennaro did not interact much with Malcolm on the tour, though his capitalistic interests opposed Malcolm’s cautious nature. Malcolm is indirectly responsible for Gennaro’s death, as he lured a tyrannosaur into the restroom area where Gennaro had taken shelter; he had not done this intentionally, however.

Following the 1993 incident, Malcolm’s relationship with John Hammond became less acrimonious, and Hammond even admitted that Malcolm’s 1993 predictions had been accurate. Malcolm was the only survivor of the incident to violate his NDA with InGen and speak publicly about de-extinction, which gained him an enemy in InGen’s Peter Ludlow; when Ludlow ultimately replaced Hammond in 1997, Hammond reached out to Malcolm for help in preventing Jurassic Park: San Diego from opening. This also provided Malcolm an opportunity to save his reputation, which Ludlow had ensured to ruin in order to protect InGen. Hammond’s intentions were not primarily about undoing the damage InGen had done to Malcolm’s public standing, however; he was first and foremost concerned with protecting the dinosaurs’ rights as living things, and knowingly manipulated Malcolm into going to the island by ensuring that Dr. Harding was already there.

During the incident, Malcolm did not directly interfere with the InGen Harvester expedition while some of his companions did. However, during the ensuing incident in San Diego, he did confront Ludlow about his actions and committed trespassing and theft against InGen in order to return the tyrannosaurs to Isla Sorna. His actions, along with those of Dr. Harding, indirectly led to Ludlow’s death on board the S.S. Venture at the jaws of the tyrannosaurs. Malcolm, of course, had not intended to cause any further deaths and had been trying to evade the authorities at the time; he did not intentionally lure Ludlow into the dinosaurs’ path.

After the incidents in 1997, Malcolm remained mostly out of InGen affairs; he is not known to have publicly commented on Jurassic World during the time it opened, though he has more recently described himself as “not a fan.” He did oppose the Dinosaur Protection Group and former Jurassic World Operations Manager Claire Dearing as of 2018, but by that time, Dearing was no longer employed by InGen. He eventually met Dearing and her fellow former InGen employee Owen Grady in person, working alongside them but regularly making snide comments about their past employment. He was likewise displeased at having to cooperate with Henry Wu, who was by that time disgraced in the scientific field, but did not oppose the others’ efforts to rescue the geneticist. Malcolm blamed Wu for the numerous disasters his research had led to, but by this time Wu had suffered enough to become repentant and accepted these accusations without complaint.

Jurassic Park survivors

During the endorsement tour, Malcolm became acquainted with fellow scientists Drs. Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler as well as John Hammond’s grandchildren Lex and Tim Murphy. During the tour, he often playfully flirted with Dr. Sattler, though he did stop after discovering that she and Dr. Grant were in a relationship. His behavior, views, and general demeanor caused him to butt heads with Grant on more than one occasion during the tour of the Park, but the two men were ultimately forced to work together in order to protect the Murphy children. Grant advised Malcolm on how to survive a Tyrannosaurus encounter, and Malcolm willingly put himself in danger in order to draw the animal away from Grant and the children. Malcolm was injured and left behind, only to be rescued by Dr. Sattler who returned to the scene with Park warden Robert Muldoon. For the rest of the incident, Malcolm was cared for by Sattler and Hammond.

After the incident, Malcolm remained in contact with the Murphy children, whom he had helped to rescue during the tyrannosaur attack. They appear to have remained friends, and were happy to see one another during the events preceding the 1997 incident. Any hard feelings Malcolm had toward InGen for discrediting him and ruining his career did not reflect on his feelings for the children. Grant remained a critic of Malcolm’s work, though the fact that he took the effort to read Malcolm’s book God Creates Dinosaurs suggests that Grant does consider Malcolm something close to a friend and that they kept in touch after the incident.

Over the decades, Malcolm drifted apart from the others. When Dr. Sattler returned to the scientific field, though, Malcolm made a habit of reading her research publications and found her drive to better the world very admirable. He seems to have had less contact with Grant, if any. The three would eventually reunite in 2022 when Malcolm realized Sattler was just the ally he needed to expose crimes against humanity committed by his employer Biosyn Genetics, and Sattler brought Grant along with her too. Despite the unease between Malcolm and Grant, they managed to cooperate enough to bring down the company’s corrupt executives. Malcolm saved Grant’s life and put himself in peril to protect other survivors, and Grant wasted no time to return the favor when it was needed. Their experiences during this second adventure together seem to have smoothed over many of their disagreements; it also helps that this time Malcolm’s interference in Grant and Sattler’s lives brought them back together once again. Malcolm and Grant departed Biosyn Valley as friends.

Today, Malcolm’s life seems to be taking him along a different path than Grant and Sattler, but this does not mean they will go their separate ways. The bonds between them are (in some ways literally) forged in fire, and from now onward will probably last a lifetime.

Biosyn Genetics

Malcolm was employed as a lecturer by Biosyn Genetics in the early 2020s; it is not known exactly what time his time there began. Biosyn had long been a rival of InGen, and with the latter company now floundering in financial catastrophe for the foreseeable future, Biosyn was poised to take the lead in genetic research. The company’s CEO, Lewis Dodgson, was an admirer of Malcolm’s for his insight, wit, and frank criticism; Malcolm did not hide any complaints he had about what he saw, and he saw quite a lot. Dodgson had actually been partly responsible for the incident at Jurassic Park, which wounded and traumatized Malcolm, but Malcolm himself never learned this.

Dodgson considered Malcolm a contrarian, but took his warnings more seriously. He was determined not to make the mistakes InGen had, and so anything Malcolm could say to point out potential flaws or weak points were valuable to Biosyn’s operation. For this reason, Malcolm’s lectures—which were often openly critical of genetic engineering as a whole and Biosyn in particular—were not just tolerated but encouraged, and the Brusatte Lecture Theatre was always packed with Biosyn staff members eager to hear Malcolm’s incendiary takes on bioethics. His lectures ended with applause and cheers, and dozens of Biosyn employees had purchased his book and often asked for signatures.

Dr. Malcolm also made new friends at Biosyn’s headquarters. Among these were Tyler, a barista whom he often went to for his high-end coffees, and Ramsay Cole, the head of Biosyn Communications. At first Cole had simply been one of Malcolm’s fans, but as they got to know each other, Malcolm found Cole’s company to be welcome indeed. Cole had a strong moral compass, something that Malcolm could appreciate, and his desire to do the right thing even against overwhelming odds was a refreshing change from the doomerism that had infested so much of the world. Eventually, Cole confided in Malcolm that he had uncovered corruption within Biosyn, a plot to cover up evidence of an experiment gone horribly wrong. The enormous locusts that had been plaguing the American Midwest and eventually other parts of the world had been an attempt by Biosyn to revolutionize their agribusiness by creating an organic genetic modification delivery system, similar to that proposed by the United States government years prior, but the insects had been as unpredictable as any hybrid organisms created before them. Cole feared their destructive potential, and Malcolm concurred; at the time Dodgson was allegedly working on a plan to eradicate the insects before anyone linked them to Biosyn, but they had already done terrible damage to independent farmers. They had, of course, been engineered to be unable to digest Biosyn crops as a safety measure.

Cole and Malcolm cooperated to orchestrate a plan to expose Dodgson as the ringleader in this crime, as well as anyone who aided him. They brought Drs. Ellie Sattler and Alan Grant to the company headquarters as VIP guests, quietly showing them how to steal a DNA sample from a lab-raised locust so that Dr. Sattler could confirm they were the same species as those appearing in the wild. Tyler the barista also played a role in this plan, using the noise of his milk steamer and a loud discussion with Alan Grant to partly cover up Malcolm discussing the plan with Sattler. It is unknown whether Tyler was consciously aware of his role in Malcolm’s plot. Malcolm’s involvement in the plan was exposed by Dodgson’s chief of security Jeffrey, and as a result Malcolm was promptly fired; he attempted to break the control room staff’s faith in their CEO on his way out, and managed to keep suspicion away from Cole in the process. Before he was sent away, he learned from the air traffic controller Denise Roberts that the hyperloop pod containing his friends had stalled in a dangerous location; another control room employee, Angus Hetbury, attempted to joke about this in an apparent (failed) effort to emulate Malcolm’s style of snark in the face of danger.

Cole aided Malcolm in rescuing his allies, and covered for him while he escaped headquarters rather than meeting Security to be escorted from the premises. Later, Cole rejoined Malcolm after Dodgson’s disastrous attempt to burn the evidence of his crimes set the whole valley on fire; Cole helped with coordinating efforts to get them safe passage out of the valley amidst the chaos, using his inside knowledge of Biosyn’s systems and the headquarters layout in order to get everyone where they needed to be. After they had escaped, he became the first whistleblower to come forth from Biosyn and describe what had happened; Malcolm took a backseat here, allowing Cole to get most of the credit. It had been his idea, after all. Their combined testimonies led to the implication of numerous Biosyn executives in the crimes Dodgson had perpetrated behind the scenes at the company.


Briefly during the 1997 Isla Sorna incident, Dr. Malcolm worked with two other members of Hammond’s Gatherer team sent to document the de-extinct life on the island and sway public opinion in favor of their preservation. Malcolm met equipment specialist Eddie Carr at his garage shortly before departing for Isla Sorna, with video documentarian Nick Van Owen joining them a few minutes later. In comparison to these two men, Malcolm was somewhat inept with technology, which led to particular frustration on Carr’s part. Van Owen maintained a more neutral relationship with Malcolm, despite their wildly differing views on ecological activism. Ultimately, Carr would sacrifice his life to save Malcolm and the other Gatherers during the night of May 28, less than a day after landing on Isla Sorna; Malcolm was saddened by Carr’s death and demanded that the InGen Harvesters show the dead man proper respect.

His relationship with the volatile Van Owen perhaps wisely remained neutral for the duration of the incident, and after Van Owen succeeded in radioing for their rescue and journeyed with them back to the United States, they parted ways. Malcolm did consider himself in Van Owen’s debt after the incident, since he saved Kelly’s life while Malcolm was separated from her during the tyrannosaur attack. Malcolm appears not to have told the authorities about Van Owen’s role in the incident, as later documentation claims that the release of the dinosaurs from InGen’s base camp was perpetrated by unknown persons.

Maisie Lockwood and allies

During the 2022 incident, Dr. Malcolm was surprised to find while rescuing Drs. Grant and Sattler from peril that they had picked up a hitchhiker: a teenage girl named Maisie Lockwood, who had recently been the subject of a worldwide manhunt despite being little more than an urban legend. Rumor had it she was a clone of Charlotte Lockwood, who herself was the daughter of InGen co-founder Benjamin Lockwood. Charlotte had died some years ago, supposedly in a car crash, and Benjamin had passed away the night before the dinosaurs escaped his home. Maisie, according to the rumors and tabloids, had disappeared off the map at the same time. Now the truth was revealed: she was indeed a clone of Charlotte, who had died of a genetic disorder and not a car crash, but had cured Maisie using a revolutionary gene-altering technique before passing away. Maisie had spent the past four years after her disappearance living with former InGen employees, Claire Dearing and Owen Grady.

Malcolm helped Maisie escape the valley in his commandeered Jeep, though they were waylaid by an unexpected giant swarm of flaming hybrid locusts and crashed into a gully. Fortunately Maisie’s adoptive parents came to their rescue, having been trying to break into a research outpost where the jeep came to rest. Along with them was Kayla Watts, a smuggler and pilot who had helped them trespass into the valley. The two groups joined forces to survive, Malcolm personally putting his life on the line to protect them during a theropod attack.

While his opinions about Dearing and Grady were questionable due to their history at InGen and stance on de-extinct animal rights, Malcolm had no issue with Maisie. In fact, he appears to have appreciated her spunk and tenacious attitude, traits which likely reminded him of his own daughter. Kayla Watts found Malcolm appealing; Malcolm self-consciously ensured to keep his shirt buttoned up as not to distract the smuggler during their escape attempts.

Thanks to Malcolm’s help, the group as a whole escaped the valley alive. Watts was their getaway pilot, taking the controls of a Biosyn helicopter and distracting a marauding Giganotosaurus when it threatened their evacuation. Malcolm had helped save Maisie from Biosyn’s clutches, but she still offered up her DNA for research, sharing Charlotte’s invention with the global medical community. Malcolm’s original goal had been only to expose Biosyn for causing the locust plague, but thanks to his chance encounter with Maisie and her allies, he was able to help bring about something even greater: a way to halt the plague before it could tip the scales toward extinction.

Scientific community

Malcolm was highly respected in the scientific community prior to 1995, due in no small part to his extensive research into chaos theory and its applications in the broader scientific world. His reputation was damaged, seemingly irreversibly, by his wild claims of de-extinction taking place in secret on a secluded Costa Rican island; he made this announcement on public television during an interview, and his claims were refuted in reputable newspapers. The Costa Rican and U.S. governments contributed to his downfall. He was branded a fraud, disgraced, and lost tenure at the university in Austin.

However, the San Diego incident in 1997 would prove that he was not a fraud after all, and that Jurassic Park had not been a hoax. From this point onward, Malcolm regained the respect from his peers that he had once had; it is likely that his treatment during the 1995-1997 period ensured that some bridges remained burned. Instead, he has spent time building new ones, especially as a celebrity lecturer at prestigious places such as Biosyn Genetics headquarters. His fame and experience, as well as his charismatic personality, make him popular with young people, and at Biosyn he regularly lectured to scores of young scientists. It was his goal to impart upon them a sense of caution regarding research, to ensure that they were better prepared for the unexpected than those who had gone before them.

Some of Malcolm’s associates in the scientific community come from other fields of science, including several paleontologists. According to the mobile game Jurassic Park: Builder, in the late 1990s he was friends with a female neurobiologist based out of New York, but further details of their relationship are unknown.

General public

More so than his contemporaries Drs. Grant and Sattler, Dr. Malcolm has an extensive relationship with the general public due not only to his position as a celebrity scientist, but as the only person to publicly break his NDA with InGen regarding the 1993 incident. After his breach of the agreement in a 1995 television interview, he was considered a fraud by the general public thanks to the efforts of Peter Ludlow. He was not without his fair share of believers, though; conspiracy theorists sometimes recognized him in public. Despite this, it could sometimes be difficult to tell which people were genuine believers and which were making fun of him.

His reputation among non-scientific crowds was restored by the 1997 San Diego incident, which provided ample proof (particularly to the people of San Diego) that Malcolm’s claims of de-extinction were not fraudulent after all. Since then, Malcolm’s popularity among the general public has risen dramatically, and he is considered a leading expert on bioethics despite not studying in a closely related field. It is also noteworthy that Malcolm participated in the 2022 Biosyn Valley incident, which resulted in a genetic research breakthrough that saved millions of lives and irrevocably changed medical science.

U.S. government

Since his vindication in the San Diego incident, the U.S. government has considered Malcolm an expert in bioethical issues similarly to the way he is perceived by the general public. While he was not involved with military operations around Isla Sorna in 1997 or 2001, he was called to testify before Congress (particularly the Senate) in June 2018 during a time of heated de-extinct animal rights debates. Malcolm was a key witness during the debates, and played a role in convincing the government to do nothing regarding the volcanic threat to Isla Nublar’s dinosaurs (a response that conveniently did not interfere with the sitting U.S. President‘s anti-dinosaur views). He did not have as much of a convincing response to the news that multiple de-extinct animals had escaped onto American soil, instead urging the nation to prepare for sudden dramatic ecological change. He was also a key witness during the Congressional hearings regarding crimes committed by executive staff members of Biosyn Genetics in 2022, having worked with whistleblower Ramsay Cole to expose said crimes.

De-extinct animals

During the 1993 incident, Malcolm’s interactions with de-extinct life were limited to three main encounters. First, he witnessed a small group of Brachiosaurus grazing and bathing alongside a herd of Parasaurolophus, his first encounter with de-extinct animals. He was astounded that InGen had succeeded in bringing dinosaurs back from extinction, but remained skeptical that Jurassic Park overall would be a success. During the tour, most of the dinosaurs failed to show; he did get the chance to closely interact with a sick, tranquilized adult Triceratops. Like his fellow tour members, he could not hold back a sense of amazement at the animal. Finally, the last dinosaur he encountered on Isla Nublar was the island’s Tyrannosaurus, which escaped confinement before his eyes; this, in his mind, proved that he had been right about Jurassic Park’s inviability. This animal severely wounded him during the incident, but did not kill him; he survived and would go on to escape it a second time with the help of Dr. Ellie Sattler and Park warden Robert Muldoon.

During the 1997 incident on Isla Sorna, he encountered a much wider range of dinosaurs on many more occasions than on Isla Nublar. These included two family groups of Stegosaurus, numerous herbivores from the northeastern game trail, and a family of Tyrannosaurus rex including a juvenile male and his mother and father. The tyrannosaur family in particular was a major threat to Malcolm and his Gatherer companions during the incident, due to the fact that Dr. Sarah Harding and Nick Van Owen intervened to save the juvenile’s life after its leg was broken. The adults destroyed the mobile field lab which Malcolm, Harding, and Van Owen were sheltering inside, despite their offspring being healed and returned to them unharmed. The tyrannosaurs continued to stalk the group across the island, ultimately attacking their temporary encampment during the night; this forced the survivors into Velociraptor territory, where Malcolm had his first encounter with these formidable hunters. He and his companions were able to escape without harm, however, and left the island. Malcolm would go on to be instrumental in reuniting the father and son tyrannosaurs and returning them to InGen’s freighter the S.S. Venture, without which they would have been killed or captured and never would have seen their birthplace again.

Malcolm would remain out of de-extinction affairs until June 2018, at which point he argued that natural disasters causing the dinosaurs’ extinction were a saddening, but acceptable, turn of events. His testimony before the U.S. Senate influenced the government’s decision not to take any action to protect the dinosaurs, though an illegal operation headed by the Lockwood Foundation and Dinosaur Protection Group would retrieve many of the animals anyway and ultimately caused them to be released onto the North American mainland. Malcolm, rather than advocate for the animals’ deaths, has since urged Americans to adapt to these creatures’ presence in the world.

He did not have any noteworthy encounters with these animals until his time in Biosyn Valley, however. After the 2018 incident, Biosyn was granted collection rights to the de-extinct animals caught in the United States, and other countries soon followed suit. Animals were brought to the Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary in the Dolomite Mountains, where Malcolm was eventually offered a job as an in-house lecturer on bioethics. While it remains unknown how much contact Malcolm had with the animals during his normal employment, the incident of 2022 thrust him into the valley to rescue his friends, who had been trapped in an abandoned amber mine with a group of Dimetrodons by Biosyn’s corrupt CEO. This was all due to Malcolm’s efforts to aid Ramsay Cole in exposing Biosyn’s crimes; the company had engineered a species of hybrid locust using modern and ancient DNA as a part of an agribusiness program, and had tried to cover up evidence when the plan went awry. While attempting to escape the valley, Malcolm’s getaway jeep was overtaken by a swarm of hybrid locusts that had been set on fire by Biosyn in an attempt to burn evidence, causing the jeep to crash; while traveling on foot, Malcolm faced down an enormous Giganotosaurus in order to protect his allies. Due to the fire, the animals were evacuated through Biosyn’s courtyard into a bunker, which unfortunately put Malcolm and the others in harm’s way since this was also where they needed to evacuate from. They dodged various other animals, including Dreadnoughtus, Iguanodon, and Pteranodon, and bore witness to InGen’s old Tyrannosaurus in combat against the Giganotosaurus. A third theropod, a blind but very crotchety Therizinosaurus, made an appearance to join the fray as Malcolm and the others escaped. After the incident, the locusts were successfully exterminated, in part due to Malcolm helping Henry Wu escape the valley.


Dr. Ian Malcolm is portrayed by Jeff Goldblum. In 1993, he was nominated for the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Jurassic Park, and in 1997 he was nominated for the Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Actor – Science Fiction for his role in The Lost World: Jurassic Park. He is heavily based on the character of the same name first introduced in Michael Crichton‘s 1990 novel, in which Malcolm is said to have died of his injuries by the book’s end; his popularity in both the novel and film prompted Crichton to revive him for the sequel novel.

Cameron Thor originally applied to play the role of Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park. The role was instead given to Goldblum, while Thor instead was given the minor role of Lewis Dodgson; this is fortunate, as Cameron Thor was found guilty in 2016 of sexual assault on a minor. Other actors considered for the role included Jim Carrey, Johnny Depp, Michael J. Fox, Bruce Campbell, Michael Keaton, Ted Danson, and Steve Guttenberg.

Ian Malcolm has been referenced in every major Jurassic franchise film. His book God Creates Dinosaurs is referenced (along with his character by name) in Jurassic Park ///, and physically appears twice in Jurassic World to viewers with keen eyes. Malcolm appears directly in all the other main films in the series. He is also a common character featured in comics, video games, commercials, and other media, often with Jeff Goldblum himself providing the voice or live-action appearance.

Disambiguation Links

Ian Malcolm (C/N)

Ian Malcolm (JN)

Ian Malcolm (L/M)

Ian Malcolm (CB-Topps)