Lewis Dodgson (S/F) / (S/F-T/G) / (S/F-CCJW)

Dodgson (2022)

Lewis Dodgson was an American businessman employed by Biosyn Genetics for over thirty years. Despite his generally respected public persona, Dodgson was posthumously found guilty of serious white-collar crimes, including causing the hybrid locust plague of the early 2020s. Dodgson was the CEO of Biosyn from 2013 until his death in 2022.

Dodgson avoided most of the legal consequences of his crimes through the extensive use of proxies. His first serious crime may have been a conspiracy to steal trade secrets from a rival corporation, which led to an incident in 1993 that caused the deaths of at least thirteen people and millions of dollars in damages. Since then, he was involved with the de-extinct animal black market, government bribery, and other major crimes, culminating with his role in the hybrid locust plague. He never went to trial for any of these, instead dying due to an animal attack during the 2022 Biosyn Valley incident.


The given name Lewis originates from the Norman personal name Lowis and the Latin Lodovicus; it is more traditionally a surname. It references athletic ability, describing the individual as either a famed warrior or a victorious athlete. The name is also related to the Hebrew name Levi, indicating a member of the Levite heritage.

The surname Dodgson means “son of Dodge,” with Dodge being a medieval nickname for Rodger. It is of English origin, first appearing in ancient Worcestershire.

Early life

Nothing is currently known about Dodgson’s early life, including his place and date of birth. The actor chosen to portray him, Campbell Scott, was born in 1959. Dodgson was most likely born in the United States and lived there for much of his life. As an older adult, he described his young self as idealistic and driven to right injustices, and as having started out with few opportunities available. The actual evidence, though, suggests that he came to misremember his youth, painting himself in a better light in his own memory.

Employment at BioSyn

Sometime before 1991, Lewis Dodgson was employed by Biosyn Genetics, an American biotechnology company and one of the major competing brands in its field. At the time Dodgson was hired, the company CEO was Bill Steingarten. Biosyn’s primary rival was International Genetic Technologies, Inc., based out of Palo Alto and San Diego; this company was at the time headed by the Scottish entrepreneur Dr. John Parker Alfred Hammond.

Dodgson eventually learned that InGen had cracked the secret of de-extinction, obtaining viable ancient DNA in order to clone organisms that had gone extinct millions of years ago. Biosyn had intentions to obtain this technology itself, but InGen’s research was being carried out at remote locations: Isla Nublar, a volcanic island 120 miles west of Costa Rica, and the Muertes Archipelago even farther west. This safely insulated their secrets from the prying eyes of rival corporations. Though Biosyn had purchased land in the Italian Dolomites to mine for amber samples that might contain fragments of ancient DNA, they had yet to see any success.

By 1991, Dodgson had formulated a plan to obtain viable embryos of some of the prehistoric species InGen had cloned. He learned that Jurassic Park‘s chief programmer, a man named Dennis T. Nedry, had become increasingly dissatisfied with his treatment on the job as well as his salary. First contact was made on March 12, 1992. Nedry was easily persuaded to engage in corporate espionage for a handsome reward. Dodgson bribed Nedry to steal preserved and viable dinosaur embryos from the Jurassic Park cold storage room, delivering them to a contact at the East Dock just as most of the Park employees were leaving for the weekend. This was planned to occur on June 11, when the senior staff would be preoccupied with an endorsement tour of the Park.

Dodgson recruited two other team members as a backup plan. Miles Chadwick, a Biosyn employee, was already planned to act as the East Dock contact; he was to arrive at Isla Nublar while posing as an InGen employee, receive the embryos, and leave on board the InGen vessel C-3208 before he was exposed. In the event that Nedry betrayed him, Chadwick employed Nima Cruz, a former inhabitant of Isla Nublar, to finish the job. Cruz’s knowledge of the island layout would permit her to track down Nedry with ease. Dodgson did not trust Cruz, but Chadwick ensured that she remained ignorant of Jurassic Park’s existence.

On June 10, 1993, Dodgson met with Nedry at a restaurant in San José, Costa Rica to discuss the plan. He wore a hat and sunglasses to disguise himself from people who might recognize him, but was exposed by Nedry; it appears that no one at the restaurant knew Dodgson by sight or surname, so he was safe. In order for Nedry to smuggle the embryos off Isla Nublar without alerting customs agents or InGen employees, the cryopreservation canister meant to hold the samples was designed to appear as a Barbasol shaving cream can, complete with a shaving cream dispenser. There was enough coolant inside to last forty-six hours, ensuring that the embryos were still alive and viable when they arrived to BioSyn. Unbeknownst to Nedry, the canister also was equipped with a tracking device that would allow Chadwick and Cruz to find Nedry should he fail to show. Nedry assured Dodgson that he had a plan in place to smuggle the embryos to the East Dock before InGen noticed anything was wrong; this plan involved the whte_rbt.obj command, which would disable keystroke logging and permit him to shut down Jurassic Park’s security systems. Dodgson paid Nedry US $750,000 up front, with an additional $50,000 promised for each viable embryo delivered for a grand total of $1,500,000 (more than $2,660,000 as of 2019 after adjusting for inflation). It is unclear how much he planned to pay Chadwick or Cruz for their involvement.

1993 incident
Lewis Dodgson (1993)

Nedry returned to his job at Jurassic Park, and Dodgson’s other two spies traveled to the island via C-3208 and reached the East Dock on June 11. To facilitate Nedry’s escape from the island should it be necessary, Dodgson ensured that a boat with the reward money in American cash was waiting at the North Dock. C-3208 was scheduled to take all non-essential personnel to the mainland for the weekend at 7:00pm CST, but the departure time was moved up due to inclement weather. Dodgson communicated with Chadwick, using the codename “Osprey” to avoid suspicion. When Nedry failed to show, despite having just spoken to Chadwick from the control room, Dodgson trusted his spies to retrieve the canister and the embryos within. They left to track Nedry through the jungle, and Dodgson never heard from them again.

June 11, 1993 passed, as did June 12. By June 13, it was clear that none of his corporate spies were coming back, having either died or betrayed him. Nedry’s death was listed as an animal attack in official InGen reports, and no one knew Chadwick was on the island at all; his death was not recorded. There is no official record of Cruz’s fate, though the boat left by Dodgson at the North Dock was used by other victims of the incident to escape (the money was used to provide housing and education to Cruz’s daughter Atlanta). The cryopreservation device was lost.

The incident led to the deaths not only of Nedry and Chadwick, but to two other senior InGen staff (Ray Arnold and Robert Muldoon), a legal consultant from Cowan, Swain, & Ross (Donald Gennaro), two InGen researchers (Dr. Laura Sorkin and David Banks), and six mercenaries hired by InGen to evacuate survivors (Billy Yoder, Oscar Morales, Danny Cafaro, Linares, Vargas, and Garza). The incident was a severe delay to the Jurassic Park project and a financial disaster that left InGen on the brink of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Dodgson himself was short over a million dollars with nothing to show for it; the money had presumably come from Biosyn.

Dodgson made efforts to follow up on the incident and determine exactly what had gone wrong. According to public records, Nedry was considered a missing person; no one from InGen knew what had happened to him yet. With Isla Nublar abandoned, the dinosaurs were left to their own devices, and according to InGen records they would have died out by now due to a genetic failsafe programmed into them by chief geneticist Dr. Henry Wu. Dodgson’s failure likely put him in hot water with his superiors, but he and other employees quickly began working on a way to catch up to InGen and learn their secrets. Thus began Biosyn’s Project Footprint, and a long-term infiltration of the company. The project’s ultimate goal was to obtain viable samples of ancient DNA from InGen.

In 1994, Bill Steingarten was replaced as CEO by his business partner Jeff Rossiter, though it is unknown whether Dodgson’s failure the previous year had anything to do with this. Rossiter kept Dodgson on board at Biosyn, and Dodgson kept at Project Footprint to make up for the losses of 1993. Throughout 1994, InGen was able to return to Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna, picking up the pieces of their abandoned project and trying to determine if anything could be salvaged. Biosyn corporate spies made their way to the islands as well, learning some astonishing truths: InGen’s animals had survived, unaffected by the supposed genetic failsafe, and some had even begun breeding in the wild despite claims that only female animals were introduced to Isla Nublar. Nedry’s cause of death was attributed to an animal attack, his body being recovered not far from the East Dock in the remains of a park jeep. His shutting down the security systems had evidently let the animal loose, and he had underestimated how quickly the island would turn to chaos without restraining technology. In November, the InGen cleanup operation concluded, and so did Project Footprint; some success was had, with Biosyn’s spies retrieving viable samples of de-extinct DNA. There was still hope that Biosyn could catch up, but InGen would prove stiff competition yet.

De-extinction revealed

One of the survivors of the 1993 incident, American mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm, spoke publicly on television in 1995 about what had happened on Isla Nublar. He was widely regarded as a fraud and discredited. In late 1996, InGen began proceedings to remove John Hammond as CEO, replacing him with Peter Ludlow, who enacted plans to reopen Jurassic Park’s original planned location in San Diego. In 1997, a male Tyrannosaurus rex was accidentally released in the city, revealing de-extinction to the public.

Ludlow died during the incident in San Diego, leaving InGen even closer to disaster. The company was saved by corporate buyout on the part of Masrani Global Corporation. Despite legal regulations on de-extinction and genetic engineering put in place in 1998 with the Gene Guard Act, InGen wasted no time in resuming its research outside the law; Henry Wu was on the team which returned to Isla Sorna to try and get back to work. Biosyn was not far behind: some of the new hires that went on this secretive and illegal InGen project were corporate spies, and it is likely Dodgson was involved. This was Project Regenesis, another effort on Biosyn’s part to keep up with its rival. The first Biosyn spies were put to the task in 1999, and were around for the end of InGen’s expanded research; this revealed that Jurassic Park was planned to be revived, and that Dr. Wu was forwarding new avenues of genetic engineering. At least four new species, and likely new variants of preexisting ones, were bred on Isla Sorna during this time. By the summer of 1999 InGen had grown wary of United Nations patrols around the island and abandoned the project, having gained useful new information, leaving Isla Sorna without ever knowing Biosyn had been there all along. Biosyn concluded its own Project Regenesis in 2000, also having learned much during that time. A period of financial growth for Biosyn began, and Dodgson found redemption at last for his failures in 1993.

Simon Masrani, the CEO of Masrani Global, announced in 2003 that InGen was in the process of rebuilding Jurassic Park, this time called Jurassic World. One of Biosyn’s spies, still embedded within Masrani Global, aided in bribing the United States government to roll back restrictions on genetic engineering; Dodgson ensured that their tracks were covered well enough that if the bribery was revealed, the paper trail would implicate Masrani Global. The park opened its gates on May 30, 2005 to worldwide acclaim. Not much is known about Dodgson’s career during the age of Jurassic World, but InGen stayed firmly at the top of the game in terms of genetic engineering thanks to Masrani Global’s seemingly bottomless coffers, billions of dollars in oil and telecommunications revenue being funneled to the facilities on Isla Nublar. Infiltration of the park would have become harder too, with InGen Security being significantly beefed up under the direction of American war veteran Vic Hoskins. Like the dinosaurs, InGen had returned from extinction, and Biosyn was left in the dust. Nonetheless, Dodgson continued spying on his company’s rival, keeping tabs on its operations through any channel he could. He rose through the ranks at Biosyn, and Rossiter put Dodgson next in line. When he stepped down as CEO in 2013, Dodgson took his place. While this gave Dodgson more power than ever before, there are some signs that he did not enjoy the spotlight; in 2022 he described his promotion in terms that made it sound as though he was less than thrilled about it.

Behind the scenes, Jurassic World faced trouble early on; revenues began to even off by 2008 as the public became accustomed to dinosaurs as a part of their reality. The rumor was that Dr. Wu was being tasked with working on something new and unprecedented to boost park appeal. This was InGen’s most closely-guarded secret, but if Dodgson had been paying attention, he would have known about Wu’s breakthrough in 1997, the orchid Karacosis wutansis. This was not just an accomplishment in de-extinction, but a form of artificial hybridogenesis. By assembling genes from multiple species of plant into an unprecedented genome, Dr. Wu had created a new species altogether. Dodgson may have assumed that Wu’s secret project was related to this, and he would have been right. By 2015, InGen announced that a new theropod would be entering the park in the near future, and a select few people knew its name: Indominus rex.

Due to issues not described to the public, the opening of the new Indominus attraction was delayed several times, as was the public reveal of the animal’s nature. Whether Dodgson knew exactly what kind of theropod this animal was is unknown, but the world found out anyway on December 22, 2015 when a serious incident of corporate mismanagement allowed the animal to escape its secluded pen. Reports coming from the island throughout the day became increasingly horrific; within a matter of hours the park went from having its northern attractions closed down to a full-scale evacuation. The animal was killed that night, but not before killing multiple staff members due to its alarming level of intelligence and the lack of knowledge lower-level InGen staff were given about its behavior and physiology. To make matters worse for InGen, a number of other animals had been unintentionally released during efforts to recapture or kill the escaped Indominus, and by the day’s end the park had taken too much damage to realistically recover. Facing a hurricane of lawsuits and negative publicity, Masrani Global opted to abandon Isla Nublar altogether rather than try and rebuild. InGen had been brought to its knees once again, this time without any help from Biosyn.

Biosyn pulls ahead

In the ensuing months, InGen floundered and failed to right itself. According to eyewitnesses Hoskins had died during the incident, and he had also been behind a conspiracy to engineer the Indominus as a military animal. Wu, allegedly, had been in on this conspiracy from the beginning, and his mysterious disappearance during the incident provided strong enough evidence of his complicity that the U.S. government was able to construct a case against him. Almost immediately there was debate on what to do with the animals, who were now living abandoned on Isla Nublar. For now, Masrani Global denied any responsibility for their well-being. Claire Dearing, the park’s former Operations Manager, was at the forefront of advocating for the abandoned creatures. Biosyn was not involved with the politics surrounding de-extinct animal rights at this point in time, but Dodgson very quickly began taking strides toward replacing InGen as the dominant company in the world of genetic engineering. Revamping the old mining facility in the Dolomites, located in a region now known as Biosyn Valley after the company that owned the land, was a priority. While the amber mines had not been the key to Biosyn’s success before, they could form the foundation to something greater now.

The fall of Jurassic World, though, had been a double-edged sword. While it left a vacuum for Biosyn to fill, it also had soured the public’s opinion on genetic engineering and de-extinction. Biosyn had invested a not-insignificant amount of money in dinosaurs, and while its other subsidiaries (in fields such as agriculture and nanotechnology) could keep it afloat, pushing forward with a de-extinction project could frighten away investors. Dodgson needed to demonstrate that there was still promise in that field of science, and for that he would need new assets both proprietary and personnel. In simpler terms, he needed new tools and new allies.

To start with, he forged connections in the criminal underground, particularly a woman named Lana Molina. She was an investor in another of InGen’s rivals, Mantah Corporation, whose newly-promoted President Daniel Kon had been a longtime friend of the now-deceased Simon Masrani. Kon even had a penthouse on Isla Nublar, allowing him a position better than any other to spy on Jurassic World under the nose of its owners. Through Molina, Dodgson learned that Mantah Corp had built its own facility on an uninhabited island east of Isla Nublar, closer to the Costa Rican mainland but still far away from prying eyes. There, Kon’s employees had been covertly working on technology that would enable a greater degree of control over the animals than Jurassic World had managed. Connecting with a fellow businessman, Dodgson was able to get an invite to a demonstration of this technology, the V-55 neural interface. This implant used electrical stimulation to imitate the signals sent by the brain into the nervous system to move the body, and with the encyclopedic knowledge of dinosaur neurology recorded by Mantah scientist Dr. Mae Turner, this technology was able to achieve an unprecedented level of control. Dodgson entered into talks with Kon to buy V-55 chips and other assets from Mantah Corp.

Dodgson was invited to partake in a specimen collection operation carried out by Mantah Corp in the abandoned facilities of Isla Nublar, led by Kon. Along with them was a combined team of Mantah employees and third-party mercenaries led by a man called Hawkes, who would act as their security and support. Daniel Kon’s teenage son Kenji was also a part of the team. On the island, Dodgson witnessed a V-55 chip used on a male Carnotaurus, and Kon even gave him the reins for a short while. Dodgson was impressed by the technology’s effectiveness, already considering how it would be useful in a Biosyn facility. However, before he closed the deal, he wanted the chips tested on a list of other animals which he planned to use to start his new operation. Dodgson’s list included Dimorphodon (a type of small pterosaur), the already-captured Carnotaurus, any of the appealing herbivorous animals, and a Velociraptor, which was famous for being difficult to keep in captivity. With a V-55 interface implanted, the supposedly unmanageable predator would be at Dodgson’s beck and call.

At this point Kenji Kon spoke up, claiming to know where one of the raptors nested. Like his father, Kenji had spent much time on Isla Nublar, and while Dodgson was initially reluctant to take direction from the teenager Daniel Kon assured him that his son’s word was trustworthy. Kenji led them to the dilapidated and collapsed ruins of the Jurassic Park Visitors’ Centre, built decades ago when Dodgson was only just starting to spy on this place. Along the way they encountered a subadult female Ankylosaurus, apparently an animal Kenji was familiar with. While this fit the bill for Dodgson’s herbivore target, Kenji was opposed to this particular animal being interfaced and led them onward. Against Kenji’s wishes, some of the support staff were tasked with capturing and implanting a chip in the ankylosaur anyway. At the Visitors’ Centre, the raptor was nowhere to be seen; according to Kenji she was the only member of her species left on Isla Nublar, since a social animal would not be roaming the island alone for any other reason. Hawkes attempted to lure the animal out, but they only briefly spotted her before she fled.

While attempting to track the raptor down, Dodgson discovered an unexpected memento: the cryopreservation canister he had once given Dennis Nedry so long ago. Now that he had access to far more advanced assets it was no longer of use to him, and the embryos held within would have expired twenty-three years ago; it was unlikely that anything viable was left in the canister at all, but nonetheless Dodgson kept it. The now-ruined canister served as a reminder of how long Dodgson had been pursuing this goal, and it became a trophy commemorating his impending success after all these years. He was interrupted from his reminiscing about what could have been by a group of venomous Dilophosaurus, and he was rescued by Hawkes before they moved on.

While the raptor eluded them, Hawkes’s men had succeeded in capturing one of the larger Dimorphodons left alive as well as an imposing spinosaur, a male Baryonyx. Thus far unbeknownst to Kenji, the subadult ankylosaur was also captured, and all four of the animals had been fitted with V-55 interfaces. Dodgson was pleased, and prepared to seal the deal with Kon then and there. The plan came precipitously close to disaster, though: Molina, having taken a briefcase containing Dodgson’s entire Biosyn prospectus, attempted to flee knowing that the material could be sold on the black market for much more than what Biosyn or Mantah had promised her. Kenji, knowing the island better than Molina, managed to retrieve the briefcase; she never returned, falling victim to the island’s perils.

For Dodgson, this was a crisis averted and even a convenience, as that was one less person he would have to pay. With this in mind, he chose to double Kon’s asking price if he could get the animals and V-55 implant technology to Biosyn headquarters in two weeks instead of three. Kon accepted the deal, though as the good mood wore off, Dodgson did start to suspect Kon might double-cross him as Molina had done. Kon was a businessman in the same vein as Dodgson himself, after all, and Dodgson knew very well that he would never turn down the opportunity to take advantage of someone who had let their guard down. While he remained cordial, he requested that Kon allow him to bring with him dinosaur DNA samples free of charge, as insurance should the Nublar animals fail to reach Biosyn’s holding facility. Kon was agreeable, adding the DNA samples into the deal without argument; after all, once Dodgson received the living animals he would be able to take all the samples he wanted, so there was no harm in giving them to him ahead of time. Dodgson was given the V-55 chips and DNA samples, thanking Kon for the deal and complimenting Kenji’s loyalty to his father and company. He boarded a Mantah Corp seaplane drone and was brought back to the mainland, where he returned to Biosyn.

Unfortunately, this was the end of his dealings with Mantah Corp. He had suspected Daniel Kon might try to short-change him, but he had not expected a betrayal from Kenji, who apparently had a change of heart after their meeting. Perhaps goaded by discovering the interfaced ankylosaur, Kenji prevented the animals from being shipped off the island and exposed his father for embezzling funds from Mantah Corp. Daniel Kon was arrested upon arrival to the United States, but neither he nor Kenji revealed the island facility’s existence; Dodgson, despite having been betrayed, was careful not to expose it either. He had the DNA as insurance, and it would be unwise to risk putting his own shady dealings in the spotlight just for some petty revenge. Dodgson took the partial loss and began building up Biosyn’s new future using what he had walked away with.

Still, growing new dinosaurs from DNA would take time, and for a man with Dodgson’s means there were other ways to obtain the creatures. For years, rumors had circulated that there were still dinosaurs living on Isla Sorna where InGen had originally bred them, despite official Masrani Global records indicating that the island was totally abandoned and that it had been emptied of de-extinct life. Poachers in the 2010s seemed to have thought otherwise, and Dodgson sent a team to verify it for Biosyn. What they found proved that InGen and Masrani Global had indeed lied to the public and their own employees about Isla Sorna; some of the dinosaurs had been left behind and survived this long. In 2017, an expedition to the island managed to capture several animals, including a mated pair of Tyrannosaurus. One of these was the male involved in the 1997 incident, the other being his mate. On the way back from Isla Sorna, the Biosyn vessel was apprehended by the U.S. Coast Guard, but Dodgson had been prepared for this; his plunderers were ready to bribe any authorities with an impressive sum for safe passage. This scheme worked, the captain accepting the bribe. Government officials were given a sanitized report of the incident, with the Biosyn ship being described as a private vessel that had been found in distress and rescued by the Coast Guard. A few civilians were also involved with the incident, and were credited as having aided the authorities in rescuing the supposedly stranded vessel. Some of the people involved thought themselves heroic enough to tell the true story, but Dodgson ensured that they were intimidated into silence.

The first generation of dinosaurs from Isla Sorna arrived to Biosyn Valley. By then, Dodgson had secured not only permission from the Italian government to build there, but all the resources necessary to construct an immense facility for the containment and study of dinosaurs. He had selected Ramsay Cole, the intelligent and eager head of Biosyn Communications, to be his right-hand man at the Biosyn Valley facility and a man named Jeffrey as chief of security. By the end of the 2010s, the facility had become Biosyn’s new headquarters. The huge research building oversaw a sprawling valley sanctuary with several microbiomes within, a subterranean hyperloop having been built beneath it to connect the various facilities. An airfield just beyond the mountains to the west served as their port of entry and exit, while a massive hydroelectric dam generated power. Dotted across the valley floor were a number of research outposts, which would allow the scientists to observe the animals without needing to travel overland. This way, the dinosaurs would only be restricted by the invisible fencing system, and even that was only implemented to keep them from leaving the valley.

The Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary took many cues from Jurassic World and the Mantah Corp facility, particularly the containment methods for the animals. Each creature was fitted with a neural interface device, which was keyed into the invisible fences. Unlike at Jurassic World or Mantah Corp, the animals were not given electric shocks when they tried to move outside their designated zones; instead they were simply instructed to turn back. Even with this control measure, there were few places at all that the dinosaurs were not allowed to go. They could not intrude into the headquarters or leave the valley, but otherwise they were permitted to travel wherever their instincts brought them. This meant that Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary would allow the animals to live as they would in the wild, much like they had on Isla Sorna before. At this point, Dodgson had abandoned the idea of building a theme park, having found a much more promising goal. The field of biopharmaceutical research was still relatively new at that point but growing rapidly, and by studying the dinosaurs, Biosyn subsidiary PharmaSyn could potentially discover biopharmaceutical products that no competitor had access to. Allowing the animals to live as they would in the wild meant that their immune systems were operating at full capacity, exposed not only to each other but to the full suite of modern-day pathogens in the valley.

Biosyn also focused some of its research into other sectors. Its subsidiary NutriSyn was invested in agriculture, and one of its plans was to develop a means to genetically modify crops en masse using insect vectors. Likely inspired by the U.S. government’s Insect Allies program, Biosyn began work on Hexapod Allies, a classified project that most uninvoled employees knew better than to ask about. Dodgson was highly involved with this program, planning to engineer an ideal insect species to act as their vector; however, efforts were unsuccessful so far. Despite all the advancements Biosyn had made in genetic engineering over the past two decades, there were still some things that eluded them.

A park closed, a world opened

Meanwhile, controversy swirled around Isla Nublar, the last home (as far as the public knew) of the dinosaurs. In early 2017, the island’s dormant volcano Mount Sibo began to show signs of activity, and by 2018 it was clear that an eruption was likely in the near future. Masrani Global, still staggering after the 2015 incident, denied any responsibility to take action; the governments of the world likewise claimed they had no cause to act, as the Jurassic World animals were private property of InGen and therefore outside government responsibility. If the anticipated eruption took place, the animals would likely not survive, and therein lay the real controversy: this was never a matter of who if anyone was responsible for the dinosaurs, but whether or not they deserved to exist in the first place. A surge in reactionary right-wing politics and the bad aftertaste of the 2015 incident meant that most authority figures were firmly ready to answer no, while activists including Claire Dearing and her newly-formed Dinosaur Protection Group tried desperately to urge people to say yes. Biosyn remained out of the controversy, and it is unclear which outcome Dodgson hoped for. On the one hand, the extinction of the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar would leave him with near-exclusive access to the creatures. On the other hand, the public was unaware of Biosyn Valley, and if they learned that he was responsible for keeping the dinosaurs from extinction, the response would probably not be favorable.

Luck favored Dodgson, though. On June 22, the United States Congress declared its plan to do nothing, allowing the animals to die. A catastrophic eruption occurred just over twenty-four hours later, decimating Isla Nublar. During the night of June 24, though, the course of history was changed. Dodgson, having already established himself as a figure on the dinosaur black market, probably knew about the planned illegal auction of de-extinct animals and technology at Lockwood Manor that night; some of the guests may even have been his representatives. The auction’s host, Eli Mills, had been harboring Henry Wu during the last three years, and Wu had continued his hybridization research. During the night the auction was disrupted, with many of the animals escaping into the wild. Wu once again vanished, but the dinosaurs now roaming Northern California were a more immediately pressing matter. By the following day numerous sightings from the surrounding towns were coming in, and the American public was panicking; the government had no idea how to respond, and the slow pace of politics meant that they were ill-equipped to handle the developing situation.

Dodgson was not one to let this stroke of luck pass by unexploited. The chaotic chain of events leading up to this had somehow played right into Biosyn’s hands: more dinosaurs than ever before were practically in Dodgson’s backyard, and the public wanted someone to collect them. The government was not prepared for this, but Dodgson’s entire career had been preparation for such a time. He put together a proposal to petition the U.S. Congress for collection rights to the animals on American soil, offering Biosyn Valley as the world’s first paleo-sanctuary where the captured animals could be kept away from people and humanely used for beneficial research. On December 24, 2018, he reached out to his longtime trusted legal counsel, and a major Biosyn investor, to help scrub all evidence of Biosyn’s corporate espionage and other illegal activities over the years. Once this job was done, Dodgson presented his proposal to Congress. He got his wish. The government, desperate for someone to step in and deal with their problem for them, awarded Biosyn exclusive rights to any de-extinct life collected on American soil. It was not long before other countries followed suit as dinosaurs began to turn up elsewhere in the world, the black market trade ballooning nearly overnight.

Biosyn Valley now had a new source of dinosaurs: government entities such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and in the following years, the intergovernmental Department of Prehistoric Wildlife. Now that they had legal means of obtaining the animals, they could be totally open about Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary and its ancient animals. With the technology for creating new species having gone open-source during the 2018 black market, Biosyn would soon be able to develop wholly new animals of its own, and even the dinosaurs sold to potential competition could work in Biosyn’s favor: the black market would quickly become an international problem, and as Biosyn had already become a hero in the struggle to regain any sense of normalcy, they would be the go-to receiver for dinosaurs liberated from the criminal underworld while also buying valuable assets from the black market themselves. Data taken from the Lockwood estate also enabled Dodgson to track down Henry Wu. The past years of research had propelled Biosyn to the very forefront of genetics research, perhaps even surpassing Wu himself, but Dodgson considered the man’s genius invaluable nonetheless. Having the eminent scientist under Biosyn’s wing would be a boon, and perhaps even the key to cracking Hexapod Allies at last. Dodgson made tracking down and recruiting Wu a high priority by late 2018, and with the geneticist’s options as few as they had ever been, he would have little choice but to join Biosyn.

Hexapod Allies

Dodgson succeeded at finding Wu, offering the scientist a place to shelter from the law in exchange for his services. Wu, predictably desperate, accepted. Along with him came even more assets and data from the now-ruined Lockwood laboratory, including the secretive personal logs of Charlotte Lockwood, who had lived on Isla Sorna since her early adolescence and worked for InGen before going independent. She had incredibly managed to accomplish human reproductive cloning in secret, bringing to term a clone of herself who she named Maisie. Charlotte had passed away due to breast cancer caused by a genetic disorder, but not before managing to cure Maisie of the same disease using an advanced form of viral vector vaccine. This was not too different from what Dodgson hoped to accomplish with Hexapod Allies, a program which he quickly put Wu to work in.

Over the next few years, Dodgson walked a thin line between the lawful and criminal worlds, finding useful allies in both. In the underground, he made a powerful partnership with Soyona Santos, a mysterious woman who commanded great respect in the black market. She operated chiefly out of Valletta, Malta where the Amber Clave night market was becoming the preeminent site for dinosaur trafficking. After the loss of a fully-loaded dinosaur transport caused by inadept animal technicians, Dodgson was given a list from his Human Resources department of personnel who could potentially replace the field team and transport crew. This was how he learned of Kayla Watts, an American smuggler living in Mombasa who frequently traveled to Malta doing jobs for Santos. Watts was an Air Force dropout, capable of handling herself and well suited to discreetly circumvent the law. She came highly recommended, and proved a valuable source of transportation when Biosyn needed to acquire anything without being seen. Between Santos and Watts, Dodgson had nearly universal access to the black market. New animals were shipped into Biosyn Valley from all over the world in the early 2020s.

In the public eye, Dodgson crafted the image of a benevolent philanthropist. His sanctuary allowed the dinosaurs to live in the wild as their prehistoric ancestors did, but without being a threat to people, and the research his scientists performed had the potential to cure disease. Biosyn was trusted to intervene whenever a dinosaur crisis happened, and the public’s confidence in the company was reflected in Biosyn’s performance in the stock market. Biosyn was considered a progressive and modern company, drawing positive attention from all over. Only a handful of people thought of it as anything less than this, and those accusations rarely went further than claims that Biosyn was profiting off of dinosaur conflicts. Dodgson also publicly hired another Jurassic Park veteran, the charismatic mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm. He had been an opponent of the proposed rescue mission in 2018, but also opposed wantonly killing the animals as some reactionaries had proposed after the escape; his tendency to spot and dramatize even the smallest weakness in a complex system intrigued Dodgson, who hoped that having Malcolm on his roster would help him succeed where InGen had failed.

Behind the scenes, Wu succeeded with Hexapod Allies. His solution was, as was so often the case, to look to the past in order to inform the future. Insects were hardly a new thing on the face of the Earth, with an evolutionary history stretching back hundreds of millions of years. To create the first insect of the program, Wu started with the modern-day migratory locust and engineered in genes from ancient orthopterans of the Cretaceous period. The resultant hybrid locust was large and robust, an ideal insect for traveling long distances and surviving all manner of conditions in the wild. This would allow it to spread genetic modifications far and wide through the microorganismal particulate it would distribute. Dodgson had one other request, that the hybrid locusts be incapable of digesting NutriSyn products. This would ensure that, once they were being deployed in the wild, they would not cause any economic damage to Biosyn.

In the early 2020s the first locusts were released into the American Midwest, quietly as not to alert the public yet. A select few people at Biosyn were meant to know about Hexapod Allies, and until the project was proven viable, Dodgson wanted it to remain that way. The locusts indeed proved as robust and hardy as Wu and Dodgson had hoped, and as planned they did not consume any crops grown from Biosyn seed. This did, however, provoke the locusts to turn to other sources of food, including the crops of independent farmers. Damage done to small family farms was of little concern to Biosyn, though, and the incidents got fairly little media attention, so it was not yet a problem. Biosyn’s corporate profits were higher than ever now, up 12% over the course of 2021, meaning it was hardly a time to stop and reconsider anything.

Things were going well at the sanctuary, with new species being brought to life. These included some of history’s greatest giants, such as the huge theropods Giganotosaurus and Therizinosaurus, as well as the enormous pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus and the titanic sauropod Dreadnoughtus. Smaller creatures were also a success; the European deinonychosaur Pyroraptor and the truly ancient synapsid Dimetrodon were a part of Biosyn’s menagerie, and they had recently brought to life a small tyrannosaur called Moros intrepidus which was as genetically similar to its Cretaceous ancestor as one could get. The mix of animals in Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary now consisted of InGen creatures taken from Isla Sorna, new Biosyn species bred in the research center laboratory, and a wide range of animals sourced from the wild, official paleo-sanctuaries run by authorities around the world, and the black market. Ramsay Cole coordinated the activities in the valley, though Dodgson kept the younger and more idealistic man out of the loop regarding Biosyn’s shadier dealings.

Things had been going well for Biosyn so far, but there were signs that might change. The locusts, whose unmodified ancestors lived for only two months after reaching adulthood, were lasting much longer and breeding far more than Wu had anticipated. The swarms, rather than persisting in the wild for a short time and dying off, were growing at an alarming rate. It was only a matter of time before they were so numerous that they started to draw attention on a larger scale, which would quickly lead to someone discovering their origin. Wu was more concerned about the damage they would cause to agriculture around the world, though this was less of an issue for Dodgson; after all, the destruction of all his competitors’ crops would effectively give Biosyn a monopoly on agribusiness. Still, exposing Biosyn’s complicity in such a famine would be disastrous, so Dodgson entrusted Wu with solving the problem before this risk became reality.

Wu turned to Charlotte Lockwood’s work for a solution, inspired by her use of viral vector vaccines. If he could treat the locust swarms as superorganisms, then each locust was analogous to a cell in a single organism’s body, and if the vector could transmit between insects it would curtail the longevity and fecundity of the entire population. But Charlotte’s work was more complicated than even Wu understood; he was missing data, and they had little time to replicate her research the long way. Instead, Wu wanted to study the DNA of Charlotte’s altered clone daughter Maisie, and if possible compare her genome to that of an unmodified parthenote. Many wild animals could reproduce without mates, but only one of those had its entire genome sequenced down to the minutest detail by Wu’s team of geneticists at Jurassic World: InGen’s Velociraptors, particularly the specimen called Blue. Wu knew for a fact that Blue was alive in North America, having requested her brought to the Lockwood estate himself. He also suspected that Maisie and Blue were both in proximity to two of his former coworkers: Claire Dearing, the manager-turned-activist, and Owen Grady, an ex-military animal trainer who had raised the raptors in Jurassic World. They had both been present at the 2018 incident, and since Maisie had vanished at the same time, it stood to reason she was with them.

In the United States and abroad, a search for Maisie Lockwood began as news outlets began to report rumors of her existence in 2022. While some of these rumors may have leaked on their own, it is very likely that Dodgson and Wu encouraged this, hoping for some leads to turn up regarding her location. Meanwhile, Dodgson worked with Soyona Santos to acquire any potential offspring Blue might have produced. Santos contracted a small team to acquire both Maisie and a juvenile raptor, sending them to the Sierra Nevada range where Owen Grady worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rounding up wild dinosaurs for sanctuary. Eventually, Santos’s team succeeded not only in confirming that Blue had a near-identical juvenile alongside her in the wild, but also in locating Maisie living in a remote off-the-grid cabin with Grady and Dearing. A plot was hatched to kidnap both.

2022 incidents

While Dodgson anxiously awaited the results of Santos’s operation, he also had to keep up appearances. Malcolm, still a popular resident lecturer at Biosyn’s headquarters, had invited two of his old colleagues to visit; these were also Jurassic Park veterans, paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant and paleobotanist Dr. Ellie Sattler. In particular, Sattler had gained fame in recent years for her determination to resolve the world’s ongoing environmental crises by studying the climate of Earth’s ancient past. When the scientists arrived, Dodgson met them in person, posing for a photo op before sending them along with Malcolm and Cole to tour the facility and the valley beyond. He uneasily kept an eye on them, though, unsure whether they had any ulterior motive; it was not in Dodgson’s nature to trust outsiders. Although he could not watch them all day, he did at least know that Cole would be supervising them during their tour, so they would not be able to wander off and see anything Biosyn needed to keep concealed. At the commissary, Dodgson overheard Sattler talking to Malcolm about the locusts, indicating she had begun to suspect Biosyn. Fortunately, Malcolm seemed dismissive of her concerns, defaulting to his trademark pessimism regarding the doomed fate of humankind. Dodgson still remained on guard, knowing that it was only a matter of time before his mistake leaked one way or another.

He had a meeting with Wu immediately after this. Descending down to the lower laboratory, he notified Wu that he had heard from Santos; both their targets had been caught. Wu was still concerned about how unbothered Dodgson seemed by the impending food crisis, and suggested that they move to eradicate the locusts on a wide scale. The insects by now were numbering in the hundreds of thousands and were spreading beyond the United States. Dodgson opposed Wu’s suggestion, knowing that such a large operation would draw public attention and inevitably reveal what they had done. If Biosyn were found responsible for the crisis, their facility would be seized and shut down; Dodgson used this to convince Wu to do things the quiet way, reminding Wu that his life’s work as a geneticist would be acquisitioned by the authorities if Biosyn was caught. It was possible to terminate the swarms while still maintaining control and avoiding consequence.

After his meeting with Wu, Dodgson called Santos, though she had assured him she would be the one to call. Nonetheless, she informed him that the young raptor had arrived in Malta via Kayla Watts and was now being loaded onto a plane for transport to Biosyn. Maisie was about to arrive; Dodgson was confused as to why Santos had chartered two planes, and she explained that she was flying each asset separately in the event that one cargo was compromised. She also demanded payment up front, not keen for Dodgson to try and delay his payment as he was sometimes wont to do. He complied, and the raptor was flown out of Malta northward into Italy; the plane carrying Maisie was not far behind. However, they soon ran into a problem. Santos contacted Dodgson to inform him that Grady and Dearing were in hot pursuit of their adopted daughter and Blue’s offspring. She was only interested in evading the authorities, so Dodgson begrudgingly wired her another payment to deal with this new obstacle. Santos was unable to kill either Grady or Dearing, who by now had plenty of experience in evading danger themselves, and she was arrested by French intelligence officer Barry Sembène.

Within a few hours, the raptor and Maisie arrived, and Wu was permitted to tell Maisie about his need to study her in order to end the locust plague. Wu took things a step further, though; he showed Maisie her mother’s video logs, telling her the truth about her origins that had been kept hidden even from her. Dodgson could tell that Wu was empathizing and reprimanded him for disclosing more information to Maisie than was necessary for their goals, but Wu paid no heed to Dodgson and allowed Maisie to view whatever she wanted. As Dodgson had feared, rather than making Maisie compliant, this provoked her to release the young raptor and flee her captors. She opened a ventilation duct and escaped to the lower levels, and Dodgson issued a security alert. Jeffrey began directing Biosyn security guards to recapture the escapees.

Things swiftly went from bad to worse. Kayla Watts was crossing the valley in her Flying Boxcar the Midnight Oiler and requesting permission to land at the airfield to make an unscheduled delivery of perishable freight; Dodgson was there to overhear her conversation with Biosyn Valley’s air traffic controller Denise Richards, who denied Watts’s request as directed by Dodgson. He soon learned from Jeffrey, who had spoken with Santos, that Watts was carrying Grady and Dearing. Although Watts was instructed to return to her point of origin, she did not comply, and Dodgson had the valley’s Aerial Deterrent System shut off. This system normally kept the pterosaurs from flying at altitudes greater than five hundred feet, using their neural interfaces to keep them restricted to the valley, but now they could go wherever they pleased. Dodgson hoped for this to down the plane, knowing that pterosaurs would often mistake aircraft for rival animals and attack. As he predicted, a massive Quetzalcoatlus rapidly rose high into the air and attacked the Midnight Oiler. (The rapidity of its ascent to 20,000 feet suggests its neural interface may have been manipulated too.) The old aircraft was badly damaged, narrowly missing the hydroelectric dam and crashing into the reservoir. A drone was dispatched to check for damage to the dam as well as search for survivors, but no bodies were located. Fortunately, the dam had not been hit by the main body of the plane, and so the valley and Biosyn facilities were safe.

Jeffrey had more bad news for Dodgson, though. Twelve minutes ago, security cameras had witnessed Drs. Sattler and Grant trespassing into the arthropod lab where the locusts were held, apparently taking a DNA sample. Security had not caught this as they were preoccupied with tracking the raptor and Maisie, who were still at large. As for how the outsider scientists had gotten into the restricted Sublevel 6 laboratory, Jeffrey explained that another security camera had caught Malcolm putting something in Sattler’s pocket—an employee wristband keycard. This newly-uncovered conspiracy was the easiest of the three ongoing crises in the valley to handle, so Dodgson took action immediately. He had Jeffrey summon Malcolm, along with Ramsay Cole, to the control room. Grant and Sattler were traveling via hyperloop back toward the airfield, so while most of the control room staff were preoccupied, Dodgson instructed the hyperloop pod to shut down at the disused station in the amber mines. Biosyn staff had reported sightings of Dimetrodons in the mines, and the carnivorous cave-dwellers had killed a company engineer some time ago; Dodgson hoped that a similar fate would befall the scientists before they could escape with the damning evidence. Malcolm arrived to the control room, where Dodgson unceremoniously fired him. Before he was escorted out by Cole, the mathematician rebuked Dodgson and attempted to turn other staff members against him. They, however, were distracted by the ongoing containment breach alert and the stalled hyperloop pod, which Dodgson pretended was no more than yet another accident to plague this exhausting day.

Things had fallen apart with incredible rapidity, and there were signs they might soon get even worse. News reports were starting to come in that night of giant locusts in Europe and Africa, making the plague a global problem sure to gain unwanted attention very soon. Dodgson was ready to resort to drastic measures. Firstly, he deleted research files related to Hexapod Allies, heading down to the server room to accomplish this. There he had an encounter with Cole, who admitted that he knew more about Hexapod Allies than he was supposed to and that word was leaking outside the company. He argued that they should admit their complicity and share the groundbreaking research with the scientific community for the betterment of the world; while Dodgson recalled the idealism of youth, he considered himself wiser for how jaded he had become with age, and refused to implicate himself.

With the computer data erased, Dodgson’s next order of business was to destroy any evidence locusts had ever been housed in Biosyn’s headquarters. He instructed his scientists to incinerate the insects, allowing himself a moment to watch as the project he had spent so much time and money on literally went up in flames before taking the elevator back up to the main floor. Upon arrival, though, he found that he had unintentionally made things much, much worse. The swarm had taken to the wing to try and escape the propane torches, and in doing so their combined might broke through a ceiling panel and let them into a ventilation duct. In the time it took for Dodgson to ascend in the elevator back to the control room, the locusts had burst free of the headquarters and rose as a blazing mass ten thousand strong into the night sky. As the swarm burned to death, flaming insects fell from the sky into the forest, sparking smaller wildfires across the valley.

Biosyn Valley protocol was to preserve the animals during any natural disaster that threatened them, and as control room staff pressed him to issue the evacuation order, Dodgson’s frustration finally erupted and he lashed out at an unfortunate swivel chair. He complied with protocol, though, evacuating all staff members to safety and activating the animals’ neural interfaces to remotely herd them into their own security bunkers within the mountain. This herded them directly through the courtyard in the middle of headquarters, which was why the staff evacuation was also necessary; this procedure was risky and animals might accidentally wind up inside the building or other infrastructure.

Death and legacy

Knowing that the disaster would unavoidably lead to an investigation, Dodgson determined it was time to fold. He planned his own personal evacuation, packing up everything of value in his office and preparing to escape. Cole arrived to his office as he packed, and Dodgson hoped that his trusted right-hand man would come with him and start anew somewhere. He knew he could get the money he needed to try something else, and he even promised Cole a higher-ranking position (in all likelihood, this would ensure that Dodgson himself could more easily evade notice by passing the responsibility onto someone else). When Cole did not follow, realization dawned on Dodgson: he had been betrayed. It was Cole who had leaked knowledge of Hexapod Allies to Dr. Malcolm and set up the entire conspiracy to steal a DNA sample. Dodgson was both angry and confused, but mostly disappointed, believing that he had given Cole every opportunity he had wanted for himself when he was younger; Cole simply remarked that he was a different kind of man. They went their separate ways, Dodgson continuing to evacuate alone.

He made his way down to the hyperloop station, taking a pod out from headquarters. Most likely his destination was the airfield where he could take a private flight or drive out from the valley, but it is unknown where he would have gone from here. While he was partway there, the power suddenly failed, stalling him in the tunnel away from any stations. When power did not resume after a few minutes, Dodgson crawled out of a hatch in the back of the pod, normally used for maintenance and service but also useful in emergencies, and this certainly qualified. He began making his way back down the tunnel on foot, but did not make it very far. He was not alone in the dark: a Dilophosaurus, having gotten lost in the dinosaur evacuation, was in there with him, and it was agitated. Dodgson fled back into the pod, but the animal and two of its fellows pursued him, the other two having broken into the pod from the opposite side. Cornered, with nowhere left to flee, Dodgson prepared to confront the animals but was promptly hit by the leader’s venomous spit. The others followed suit, and as the venom began to affect his nerves, Dodgson succumbed. Paralysis set in, leaving him unable to defend himself. The theropods began to eat. Dodgson was immobile but conscious as he became prey, only dying once his body had been thoroughly ravaged by the animals.

No one witnessed his death, but his body (or whatever remained of it) was most likely found during the ensuing government investigation. Dodgson’s responsibility for the crisis was confirmed before the United States Congress by Cole, who came forth as a whistleblower immediately after the incident. The whole story of Hexapod Allies became public knowledge, and Henry Wu even stepped into the spotlight willingly in order to end the locust plague. He had help from Maisie, who voluntarily gave DNA samples after considering that her mother would have done the same if it meant saving lives. She had reunited with her parents with the help of Grant and Sattler, all three of them surviving the amber mines with Malcolm’s aid. Watts, too, survived the plane crash and succeeded in flying the whole group plus Cole and Wu out of the valley safely. In the process of reactivating the ADS, they had shut down much of the facility’s power in order to redirect it; this was what stalled Dodgson’s hyperloop pod, indirectly leading to his death.

Although Wu would almost certainly face many years of consequences for his crimes, the dinosaurs would not suffer along with him, despite Dodgson’s belief that the government would seize them. Instead, the United Nations took a supervisory role in Biosyn Valley, declaring it a paleo-sanctuary for animals from all over the globe. Any species that could not acclimate to life in the modern world would find their way here, living however their instincts guided them. While some accessory media suggests that Ramsay Cole took over Dodgson’s position at Biosyn following the arrest of senior staff complicit in crimes tied to Hexapod Allies and the black market, it is still very much likely that Biosyn as a whole has suffered serious consequences due to Dodgson’s final blunders. He is now remembered not as the visionary he had built himself up to be, but as someone so consumed with lust for power that he fooled himself into thinking he was beyond accountability. While he never saw a day in court for all the harm he caused, he faced a much swifter and more brutal sentence at the teeth of the creatures he had spent decades trying to exploit.


Dodgson was a skilled businessman with at least thirty years of experience at the time of his death, and he had made his way up the corporate ladder to become CEO of the company he worked at during all those years. This was not without some major setbacks, including the 1993 incident in which he left over a million dollars at a drop point for a corporate spy who then failed to deliver. Dodgson was readily able to learn from his mistakes, though, and from then on was averse to making even a partial payment upfront before services were fully rendered. He was uneasy of anyone he had not dealt with before, only trusting those who had demonstrated loyalty over time. Once he was in a position of greater power, he learned not only to build up from his mistakes, but to erase all evidence of them.

Ever the opportunist, Dodgson knew how to identify potentials for profit in any kind of apparent disaster. Naturally the best kinds of disasters were those that happened to others; if a rival company went bankrupt, Dodgson could slip in to fill the resultant vacuum. If a crisis struck members of the public, it was a chance for Biosyn to lend a helping hand—for a price. Disaster profiteering and less-than-legal resource acquisition saw Dodgson raise Biosyn’s corporate profits dramatically; between 2000 and 2018, their stock rose from 19% up to 78.25%. With the fall of InGen in late 2015, Biosyn became a world leader in bioengineering technology and dominated virtually every market it participated in by the 2020s. Some of his peers and investors considered his “cloak-and-dagger” methods concerning, but they could not argue with his results.

Dodgson was prone to investing in high-risk, high-reward enterprises, and as he gained more money and power he only favored such ventures more. In many of these he was successful, and this inflated his sense of confidence. His plan to revolutionize agribusiness through the Hexapod Allies program proved his greatest challenge, and ultimately was the one that defeated him. Dodgson underestimated the inherent unpredictability in newly-created life forms, releasing a novel insect species into the wild before adequately understanding it. This led to widespread crop destruction when the insects lived longer and reproduced more than anticipated, and Dodgson’s efforts to curb the disaster before he was implicated ended in even greater disaster. The crisis drew unwanted attention, and in a desperate attempt to cover his tracks, Dodgson incinerated the insects at the company headquarters, unintentionally starting a forest fire. Company policy dictated that the facility’s animals should be herded into containment for their own safety, and Dodgson attempted to flee the now-unavoidable investigation to start over; he crossed paths with some of the animals as they were herded into shelter and was killed.


Much of Dodgson’s success came from his willingness to turn to crime in order to get ahead, making him an efficient capitalist. His most prominent crimes were centered around corporate espionage, using proxies to avoid being involved directly in the espionage. He not only convinced his own employees to act as corporate spies, he has used bribery to win the help of disgruntled employees of rival companies; this was attempted during the 1993 incident on Isla Nublar, though that effort was a failure.

Dodgson used surprisingly advanced devices to hide evidence of espionage, such as disguising a cryopreservation capsule as a fully-functional can of Barbasol shaving cream. He made use of rudimentary disguises and codenames when engaging in espionage, and was wary of introducing too many people into a scheme (particularly those he did not know). Part of his business ethos was always anticipating that someone would stab him in the back, a lesson learned the hard way over his many years, and often enough he was right to be suspicious. He found money to be the greatest deterrent to betrayal, and made a habit of paying off government officials, members of the public, and anyone else who might oppose him. This made it easier to acquire useful assets as well, since the right price would convince most people to hand over their goods. Money and shelter were also instrumental in convincing the desperate Henry Wu to unofficially work for Biosyn.

The more famous he became, the harder it was for him to avoid being recognized in public, so his shady dealings made more effective use of proxies who acted as layer after layer of obfuscation. While he was not happy about involving more people in his efforts, he recognized the necessity of it at this point in his career. The kidnapping of Maisie Lockwood and a juvenile Velociraptor was a prominent example; rather than send his own employees or hire mercenaries directly, he contracted the broker Soyona Santos to take care of this, who employed poachers and traffickers to do the job. The targets were handed off to smugglers, who then handed them off to Biosyn. If they were caught at any stage before this, Biosyn could avoid direct implication. Involving this many people ran the risk of someone disrupting the plan, though, and this was a critical part of what eventually did him in; Kayla Watts, one of the smugglers contracted by Santos, learned that a human child had been kidnapped as a part of the operation and quickly turned to sabotage it.

Social engineering

While he was not an agreeable man by any means, Dodgson understood human behavior well enough to predict and manipulate it. He was able to determine which employee of a rival corporation was most likely to participate in corporate espionage, appealing to that person’s motivations and interests to get them to do what he wanted. For example, while his Barbasol canister was chiefly to avoid arousing suspicion at customs and border control, it also acted like a device out of a classic spy movie, which Dennis Nedry assuredly found entertaining and exciting. While he did not trust Nima Cruz, he understood that her devotion to her daughter’s well-being would make her more likely to engage in corporate espionage in exchange for the money needed to live in a better neighborhood.

After he was put in charge of Biosyn, dealing with people became a necessity rather than a passing inconvenience. He had by now grown older and wiser, and to push Biosyn to the forefront of its field, Dodgson took notes from the world’s most charismatic billionaires to construct a public image for himself. Though his primary interest, like that of anyone in his position, was to build wealth and amass power, he presented himself to the people as a philanthropist intent on protecting animals and benefiting humanity through the respectful study of nature. Much of what he told people about Biosyn’s practices and goals was true; at the Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary he was indeed allowing the dinosaurs to live as they would in the wild, and the research his staff was performing would indeed lead to the creation of new medicines. The positive atmosphere found in Biosyn’s headquarters and elsewhere was genuine too; staff were made comfortable, paid well, and rewarded for their accomplishments. For Dodgson, though, this was not just about cultivating a healthy work environment. He had more money than he could ever spend, and instead of hoarding it away, he put it to work in his business to encourage the utmost loyalty from his employees. By giving them high-end benefits far surpassing those offered by his competitors, he could ensure the people working for him did not question anything that seemed unusual about Biosyn’s behind-the-scenes business practices.

For the most part, Dodgson’s efforts were a runaway success. Biosyn turned enormous profits year after year from the confidence of its investors, and many of his staff members would do whatever he asked without question. Public relations were great as well; his most prominent critics seldom accused him of anything more than standard corporate greed, the same kind common to all the wealthy. It was not until Hexapod Allies that he began to falter; with this project he finally bit off more than he could chew, and when it failed, Dodgson’s effort to cover up his tracks and avoid culpability turned the formerly loyal Ramsay Cole against him. This set in motion a chain of events that led to Dodgson’s downfall.

Physical ability

Though Dodgson’s company headquarters offered a number of physical activities it is unknown whether he participated in them. He was in decent physical shape at the time of his death, but not extremely athletic. Dodgson was visually impaired as of 2022 and usually wore corrective lenses; he did not seem to need glasses as of 1993 (wearing sunglasses on one occasion only to make his face harder to identify at a glance), suggesting that his visual impairment was a result of age.

On business ethics

Dodgson had a disregard for ethical guidelines, believing that any means necessary for a company’s success (or personal success) should be taken advantage of. He is known to have pursued de-extinction technology for over twenty years before achieving his goal, knowingly committing serious crimes to do so. Even the deaths of people involved did little more than temporarily slow him down. Bribery and intimidation were hardly unknown to him either, and these crimes also dramatically forwarded his career. Dodgson’s ruthlessness made him a successful capitalist and he reaped the rewards of this eventually, becoming the CEO of Biosyn.

As CEO, Dodgson had more power than ever before to achieve his goals and all the resources he would need to destroy any evidence of wrongdoing. Leaked documents suggest that even the construction of Biosyn’s new headquarters in Italy involved some underhanded dealing; this most likely involved the construction or purchase of a massive dam for hydroelectric power. Dams above a certain size are required by Italian law to be government-managed, but Dodgson somehow managed to ensure that the Italian government would not come prying into the valley, permitting them to operate the dam with minimal supervision. It was also necessary to relocate anyone living in the area, which likely required government aid. With absolute dominion over Biosyn Valley, he could do whatever he wanted there with little fear of consequence. When it came time to populate the valley with animals, he began by trespassing on Isla Sorna to loot the island of its creatures. A few years later, he began dealing with the U.S. government to acquire animals that had been found in the wild. He built up the valley’s population through both legal and illegal channels, taking in creatures that governments around the world voluntarily shipped to him as well as buying off the black market. There is some evidence that he also sold assets on the black market too, increasing the number of dinosaurs illegally in circulation—whenever there was an incident, Biosyn’s stock rose in value as they stepped in to resolve the situation.

Sometimes, Dodgson did appear to act ethically, even altruistically. These were not genuine acts of goodwill, though; he always had an ulterior motive. As described above, Biosyn frequently intervened to deal with dinosaur problems once they were in the wild, rescuing people and animals alike from danger. But these acts were really motivated by the confidence they encouraged in Biosyn investors and the opportunity to acquire new assets for research. Being paid to secure a new dinosaur was a better option than spending money to breed one, after all. Dodgson had a friendly public persona, and he did whatever he could to foster a comfortable work environment at Biosyn too. His employees were compensated well for their work, with excellent benefits and amenities available for their use. In exchange for all the resources he spent on them, Dodgson’s employees gave him something more valuable than money: unquestioning loyalty. Few at Biosyn would oppose him when he treated them so well.

A more careful look into Biosyn records, though, shows that Dodgson had skeletons in his closet—or rather, in the mines below company headquarters. At least one engineer went missing during maintenance on the ducts which connected to the now-disused amber mines, and other engineers suspected that a Dimetrodon had gotten into the tunnels. Supposed sightings and concerning noises were dismissed by Dodgson, who did everything he could to maintain Biosyn Valley as some kind of utopia. The disappearance was kept quiet, with few other employees showing any signs of concern as of 2022. The man’s fate was most likely grisly: human remains were found in a Dimetrodon lair that year.

Likewise, Dodgson’s friendly face toward the general public was also a façade. Hexapod Allies, a program that Dodgson had thoroughly invested in, took a turn for the worse when the released hybrid locusts began damaging independent farmers. After years of failures with the program, Dodgson was eager to see a success and had ordered the insects released for field testing before fully understanding their biology, and they proved more robust, more fertile, and longer-lived than his scientists had predicted. Since the first people to be adversely affected were in lower income groups and lived in rural parts of the Midwest, they did not get any media attention at first. Therefore Dodgson had little concern of consequences. The insects had been designed to be incapable of eating Biosyn crops, so they were of no economic threat to him. In fact, if they destroyed his competitors’ products, it would be a benefit, putting Biosyn in a position to effectively manipulate the market. Once the locusts grew too numerous, however, they started to draw attention, and it was only then that Dodgson became invested in exterminating them. He acted not in the interest of stopping the impending food crisis, but to kill the insects before anyone noticed that they always spared Biosyn seed.

His efforts to stop the swarms were faster, dirtier, and more haphazard than his usual well-thought-out schemes. When earlier attempts failed, he resorted to kidnapping, seeking information hidden within the modified genes of a girl called Maisie Lockwood. Dodgson considered her little more than intellectual property, a source of proprietary information that would keep Biosyn from facing consequences. The kidnapping ultimately drew attention to Biosyn, though, and at around the same time scientists had independently begun to suspect that the locusts had been genetically engineered based on their dietary patterns. Dodgson tried to cover his tracks by deleting the Hexapod Allies research files and incinerating the locusts within the lab, but he was still found out, and died during an attempt to escape and start anew.

Dietary preferences

Dodgson was snackish and usually carried food such as bars around with him. When he did not have any on his person, he would often ask other Biosyn staff if they had anything he could eat.

Biosyn Genetics

Lewis Dodgson’s longest and most notable relationship is with Biosyn Genetics, the American bioengineering company where he was employed for over thirty years until his death. He began working at Biosyn sometime before 1991, aiding the company in efforts to overtake its rival InGen Technologies. One of Dodgson’s first attempts was a 1993 corporate espionage operation, bribing a disgruntled InGen employee into stealing trade secrets for Biosyn; however, this was unsuccessful, leading to a disaster that killed several people including the corporate spy himself. Dodgson did not receive the stolen goods, and Biosyn was left $1,500,000 in the hole with nothing to show. Despite this failure, Dodgson was retained by the company and worked tirelessly to make up for it. He orchestrated an infiltration of InGen called Project Footprint, which in 1994 reached Isla Nublar to determine what had gone wrong in 1993. Between this and a subsequent operation, Project Regenesis in 1999, Dodgson set the stage for Biosyn to recover. Over the next twenty years the company saw a steady increase in profits, and they kept close tabs on InGen’s progress through further espionage that Dodgson oversaw.

He worked under two different CEOs during his time at the company, beginning with the founder Bill Steingarten. When Steingarten left office in 1994, he was replaced by his co-founder Jeff Rossiter, who was in charge until 2013. Upon his retirement, Rossiter selected Dodgson as his replacement, a choice which Dodgson was not fully thrilled about as this put him more in the spotlight. His success after Project Regenesis spoke volumes, though, and Dodgson found himself CEO of Biosyn Genetics.

Although his activities still heavily leaned on the illegal side, he worked to craft an image both for Biosyn and of himself as forward-thinking and humanitarian. Under his direction Biosyn became an ideal workplace, offering excellent benefits and very regular raises. These were not altruistic, however: despite appearances Dodgson was not a friend to his employees, and gave these benefits to foster loyalty. He found that people asked fewer questions when given money, and this proved more valuable to Dodgson’s career than simply hoarding vast sums of cash would ever be. So he spent his skyrocketing profits on his staff as much as on his material assets.

Not everyone agreed with Dodgson’s methods; at least one investor who he often turned to for legal counsel and infiltration accused him of relying too much on smoke and mirrors to get jobs done. Still, no one could argue with his results, and despite the occasional setback Dodgson forwarded Biosyn’s goals with great efficiency. After InGen collapsed in 2015 and de-extinct animals were later released into the wild in North America, Dodgson led Biosyn to the forefront of genetics research by striking deals to collect the creatures for study. Corporate profits surged amidst disaster after disaster, and Biosyn left its rivals in the dust.

Much of Dodgson’s time was spent at the company’s new headquarters in Biosyn Valley, Italy. Dodgson himself had overseen the construction of this facility, making backroom deals with the Italian government to avoid too much oversight, and he took great pride in his accomplishments here. His second-in-command was Ramsay Cole of Biosyn Communications, who facilitated coordination between different departments and outsiders. Other prominent staff members were Jeffrey, the chief of security for the facility, and Denise Roberts, the valley’s air traffic control officer. The control room was also the workplace of people such as Angus Hetbury and Sundar Kumar, and most of these staff members knew Dodgson personally. Jeffrey especially was totally loyal to Dodgson, seldom questioning his judgment and carrying out his orders without fail. He also hired Dr. Ian Malcolm as an in-house lecturer, and covertly sheltered geneticist Henry Wu.

In addition to these prominent figures, Dodgson also worked with numerous scientists, especially in the biomedical and genetics fields. By the 2020s Biosyn was breeding entirely new species of animals using the methods InGen had once held a monopoly over, and with Henry Wu himself now an asset, Dodgson was also able to unlock the secrets of transgenic hybridogenesis. The most loyal scientists at Biosyn were involved with Hexapod Allies, a secretive project that would propel the company to the frontier of agribusiness as Dodgson had already seen happen with genetics.

Although most of the company respected and looked up to Dodgson, there were some complaints, especially in the lower ranks. Engineering seemed to have the most problems. In Biosyn Valley, the animals were allowed to roam without much obstruction, the idea being to give them as close to a natural habitat as possible. This sometimes meant that they had encounters with engineering staff members doing maintenance on the valley facility’s infrastructure. In the most serious incident, an engineer went missing underground, and claims that a Dimetrodon had gotten into the maintenance areas led to suspicion that he had been killed. Dodgson seems to have covered this up, but the man’s remains were later found where the animals cached their food, confirming that Biosyn had indeed negligently allowed him to die. Some employees in higher positions also called into question Dodgson’s choice to withhold information he had gained about InGen animals, which if released would not only have aided Biosyn field teams in capturing specimens safely but also helped the public deal with the crisis too. The company’s executives universally supported his efforts with Hexapod Allies, though.

The company saw success both in terms of finance and public relations until 2022, when Hexapod Allies rapidly spiraled out of control and drew unwanted attention to Biosyn Valley. Dodgson’s botched attempts to cover up his complicity not only caused widespread damage to valley infrastructure, but also led to Hexapod Allies being fully exposed; Ramsay Cole acted as a whistleblower to the United States Congress after failing to convince Dodgson to admit his mistakes and share his groundbreaking research. During Dodgson’s hectic attempt to cover his tracks and destroy evidence, his rash actions finally woke his staff to his dangerous and manipulative nature, and some outwardly questioned his judgment for the first time. Numerous members of the executive ranks were exposed as guilty in the ecological crisis after Cole gave a list of names to the authorities, and Biosyn lost its exclusive rights to Biosyn Valley. After many years of being the beloved face of his company, Dodgson became synonymous with its disastrous failure.

Ramsay Cole

In charge of Biosyn Communications, Ramsay Cole was one of Dodgson’s most valuable employees, and one who Dodgson considered like a younger version of himself. Recalling his own struggles to make it to the top, Dodgson gave Cole as many opportunities for career growth as he could, setting Cole up to take his place just as Jeff Rossiter had once done for Dodgson. The two men were not as similar of mind as Dodgson had hoped, though; while he complimented Cole as being the smarter of the two of them, he also acknowledged that Cole’s business sense was overpowered by his moral compass. Dodgson had once been idealistic and driven to right injustice (at least in his own memory), but age had hardened him, and he held out hope that time would set Ramsay Cole along a similar path.

Cole was not privy to all of Biosyn’s behind-the-scenes dealings, though Dodgson was unsurprised to find out that Cole had learned of Hexapod Allies. Dodgson was determined to erase evidence of his mistakes to avoid legal consequences, as he had done before, but Cole tried to convince him to come clean and allow the wider scientific community access to the genetic discoveries he had made. Even then, Dodgson was still ready to give Cole greater authority within Biosyn (there was also the matter of the impending legal investigation, as it would benefit Dodgson to vanish). Cole refused Dodgson’s offer, and it dawned on Dodgson that he had been betrayed. Cole had planned to forcibly expose the evidence of Dodgson’s crimes if he did not do it himself, setting up the conspiracy to reveal Hexapod Allies. More disappointed than angry, Dodgson attempted to flee the consequences of his actions, but did not survive the ensuing disaster. Despite his death, Cole still went on to become a whistleblower, revealing the full extent of Dodgson’s wrongdoing to the authorities.

According to Jurassic World: Evolution 2, Cole did indeed replace Dodgson as CEO of Biosyn following his death, reforming the company and stamping out what remained of the corruption that had flourished during Dodgson’s time.

International Genetic Technologies, Inc.

InGenetic Technologies was Biosyn’s most prominent rival for many decades, due in large part to its brilliant geneticists including Dr. Henry Wu. During the 1993 incident in which Dodgson’s corporate spies attacked Jurassic Park, the company’s CEO was John Hammond. He, and all the Park’s employees, were devastated by the 1993 incident which stalled the Park’s development and caused the deaths of multiple InGen personnel. Hammond was succeeded as CEO by Peter Ludlow in 1997, who led a failed attempt to resurrect Jurassic Park, and then by Simon Masrani in 1998, who successfully opened Jurassic World in 2005. During all this time, Biosyn remained a rival to InGen, but never overtook it until after Jurassic World closed permanently in 2015. Dodgson remained interested in obtaining the genetic engineering technologies InGen pioneered, especially the secrets of de-extinction.

The release of InGen-bred animals from the Lockwood estate in 2018 gave Biosyn the opportunity to obtain as many specimens as they needed to perform their research. Dodgson also succeeded in recruiting Henry Wu some years later, furthering Biosyn’s prominence in the world of genetic engineering. Though InGen did not return this time, Biosyn was quick to take its place after 2015 and remained on top of the game until Dodgson’s death in 2022.

1993 embryo acquisition crew

To steal trade secrets from InGen in 1993, Dodgson planned a heist of dinosaur embryos from Jurassic Park. For this, he relied heavily on his inside man Dennis T. Nedry. The Park’s chief programmer had grown increasingly frustrated with his job and his employer, and Dodgson knew a disgruntled employee was just the in he needed to steal from InGen. Dodgson and Nedry worked out a plan to shut down the Park’s security systems for long enough to retrieve the embryos from cold storage, deliver them to the East Dock, and return to the control room before InGen knew anything had been taken. Dodgson paid Nedry $750,000 up front for the job, offering an additional $50,000 per specimen.

Whether Dodgson trusted Nedry is a matter of debate. He clearly believed that the job would be done successfully one way or another, providing an escape boat at the North Dock with the full amount of reward money unguarded during the incident. At the same time, he equipped the cryopreservation canister used to hold the embryos with a tracking device, which Nedry did not appear aware of. This kind of haphazard behavior makes it unclear who, if anyone, Dodgson trusted during the operation.

Dodgson’s employee Miles Chadwick was one of his most trusted people at Biosyn, loyal enough to Biosyn to commit corporate espionage on their behalf. Chadwick participated in the heist, planning to meet their mole Dennis Nedry at the East Dock and escape the island with the embryos on an InGen transport vessel. Chadwick hired local woman Nima Cruz to assist with this effort, which Dodgson disapproved of; however, he permitted Chadwick to bring Cruz along due to her knowledge of the island and her desperate need for money.

Chadwick does not appear to have liked Dodgson, considering his codenames and spying techniques over-the-top and unnecessary. He was heard to complain about Dodgson during the mission. Nonetheless, he cooperated to help Biosyn succeed and likely to gain a healthy share of the resulting spoils. Cruz neither liked nor trusted Dodgson at all, only interested in getting the money she needed to move her daughter out of the ghettos that InGen had forced her people into when they bought Tun-Si land from Costa Rica. There is no evidence she and Dodgson ever met in person, and she had never heard of Biosyn and was never informed about Jurassic Park.

None of these three ever returned. Chadwick and Nedry were killed after the power to the Park was shut down, Nedry having underestimated how quickly the facility would fall apart without active security. Cruz’s fate remains unknown, though Dodgson had left the money at a drop point for Nedry and this was discovered by survivors of the incident who had allied themselves with Cruz. The money was used to benefit her daughter, leaving Dodgson with nothing.

Mantah Corporation

Although Dodgson could be unforgiving to his rivals, there were times when he and the leaders of other companies could stand to mutually benefit from each other. One such company was Mantah Corporation, who specialized in advanced technologies and had long been interested in de-extinction like InGen and Biosyn. In 2016, Dodgson became acquainted with Mantah Corp’s newly-appointed CEO Daniel Kon through a mutual investor and learned of the implantable V-55 neural interface technology Mantah engineer Kash Langford had recently developed. Kon was planning an illegal intrusion onto Isla Nublar to acquire now-abandoned animals on which to test the technology, which (like the smaller-scale versions publicly tested on cockroaches) had the potential to manipulate the animals’ bodies. Due to advances in dinosaur neuroscience made by Mantah scientist Dr. Mae Turner, the neural interfaces could achieve unprecedented levels of control over their hosts. Dodgson saw the potential in this for his own new facility, and met with Kon on Isla Nublar to witness the technology in action.

Along with Kon were a few Mantah staff members, a security force led by a man named Hawkes, their mutual investor Lana Molina, and Daniel Kon’s sixteen-year-old son Kenji. Dodgson was at first dismissive of Kenji due to his young age, and was more interested in seeing what the V-55 could do to an animal; he was impressed by the demonstration. Kenji later proved himself more useful than he appeared by stopping Molina from betraying Dodgson by stealing a briefcase containing the Biosyn prospectus, documents which would fetch a fortune on the black market. Dodgson later complimented Kenji’s loyalty to his father and his company.

The original proposition had been for Dodgson to purchase four specific de-extinct animals as well as the V-55 technology, and though they were unable to collect the exact animals Dodgson had wanted, he agreed to the ones they were able to find. Kon had promised the assets would be delivered to a Biosyn facility in three weeks, but Dodgson doubled his asking price if he could cut it down to two and add in DNA samples from the animals as insurance. Kon agreed, and Dodgson left with the neural interfaces and DNA in tow. The dinosaurs were planned to be sent immediately after, but this did not come to pass; Dodgson had suspected Daniel Kon might backstab him, but underestimated Kenji. The teenager had become disillusioned with these backroom business deals and sabotaged Mantah Corp’s secret facility, leading to the dinosaurs being turned loose into the facility’s biodomes to live their natural lives and Daniel Kon being arrested for embezzlement.

Despite this, Dodgson still had his DNA samples and neural interfaces, which formed an integral part of Biosyn’s next steps. However, his plan changed after these events; rather than building a theme park and using the neural interfaces to force the animals to perform, he constructed the Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary, where the dinosaurs lived in a simulation of wild conditions and became sources of biopharmaceutical research. The V-55 chips were utilized to keep the animals from leaving the valley or entering buildings, and to herd them remotely when necessary.

Underground dinosaur trade

Dodgson entered into the illegal trade of de-extinct life forms in June 2016, first acquiring DNA from Mantah Corporation via assets stolen from Isla Nublar. He originally made the acquaintance of Mantah’s CEO via one of his investors, Lana Molina. She was interested in more than just profiting off the company’s performance on the stock market; she wanted a cut of the goods themselves. During the operation, she betrayed Dodgson by attempting to make off with Biosyn’s prospectus, which she could sell on the black market for a fortune, but she did not make it very far before meeting her fate on Isla Nublar. Dodgson was unable to get any live dinosaurs from this mission, but he obtained DNA samples from four species, starting a genetic library like the one InGen had possessed.

Over the ensuing years, Dodgson became a regular in the black market and even dabbled in poaching himself. In 2017, his acquisition team slipped onto Isla Sorna and made off with a cargo of dinosaurs, bribing the U.S. Coast Guard for safe passage into American waters. From here the animals were shipped to Biosyn Valley, where they formed the first generation of dinosaurs in the sanctuary. The dinosaur black market took off the following year after a major poaching operation on Isla Nublar took dozens of animals to the mainland as well as DNA samples from a wide range of creatures, and as the underground trade grew, Dodgson became more and more invested in it.

He forged connections here just as he did in the legal world, particularly with a broker named Soyona Santos. She emerged after the events of 2018, rising to power in Malta where she was a queenpin of the Amber Clave night market. At her beck and call she had all manner of poachers and smugglers, including the skilled pilot Kayla Watts, who Biosyn frequently contracted for dinosaur transport outside the law. Turning to the black market greatly increased the availability of prehistoric animals Biosyn could acquire; not only could they obtain creatures without any of the red tape involved with taking them in from the government, they also had access to species that were only available this way. With the animals and technology for creating them out in the world, Biosyn was not the only entity cloning brand-new species, and most of their competitors were selling on the black market. Dodgson could arrange to buy new animals before anyone else, and if those species were instead liberated from the underground by the authorities, Dodgson could offer their rescuers a place to send them too. Playing both sides of the black market meant that Dodgson had more opportunities than ever before. There is significant evidence that Dodgson was selling Biosyn assets on the black market as well.

This is not to say that Dodgson and Santos trusted each other. Far from it, in fact; both knew that the other had independent motives and would act in their own interest first. Dodgson, having been burned by supposed allies before, was reluctant to make payments upfront and would often delay paying Santos for her services. Santos made it very clear she did not approve and considered it a sign that Dodgson was no real ally to her. Both continually made shows of power to the other, trying to establish that they were the one in control. While Dodgson made it look as though they were on equal footing, the reality was that he would be weaker without Santos’s assistance, and she had plenty of clients other than him.

One of the biggest operations he pulled off with help from his criminal allies was the kidnapping of Maisie Lockwood and Beta the Velociraptor, a necessary evil for ending the hybrid locust plague. A few layers of obfuscation were employed to make it harder for potential witnesses to trace the crime back to Biosyn. First, Santos was contracted to locate and capture the two targets and ship them to Biosyn. She would not be going herself; instead she determined the targets’ potential location and hired poachers and traffickers to catch them, working in to parallel teams. The team targeting Beta was led by Rainn Delacourt, while the team targeting Maisie was led by Carolyn O’Hara. This second team was the one which actually knew about Biosyn’s involvement, and consisted of only two people. Delacourt had no idea what Santos planned to do with their targets once they were caught. O’Hara further used a cover story, posing as a U.S. government official in order to persuade Maisie to comply; she probably used this cover in other parts of the mission as well.

Beta was handed off to Kayla Watts, who flew the young raptor to Malta to make a handoff to another smuggler working for Santos. Maisie was transferred from O’Hara to Santos directly, and then chauffeured to a hangar where a Biosyn jet would take her the rest of the way. Watts was unaware of Biosyn’s involvement, nor what Santos wanted with Maisie. After all the handoffs were concluded and both Maisie and Beta were on the way to Biosyn Valley, Santos discovered that Maisie’s adoptive parents were in pursuit and warned Dodgson; however, if he wanted her to fight them instead of making her immediate escape, she required another payment. He begrudgingly complied. However, Watts had felt uneasy about letting Santos take Maisie and after encountering her parents she decided to help rescue the girl. Dodgson faced yet another betrayal, and despite extreme measures taken to stop Watts, this time he finally failed.

Henry Wu

Brilliant evolutionary geneticist Dr. Henry Wu had been the secret to InGen’s success up until the events of 2015, after which point he was on the run from the law facing charges of bioethical misconduct. When Dodgson learned of the wanted man’s probable location in 2018, he made it a priority to secure him. By that time Biosyn had made such advances in genetic engineering that they might have even surpassed Wu, but even so, the man’s genius would be of great benefit to Biosyn, and he could even prove valuable in finally succeeding with Hexapod Allies. Dodgson had Wu tracked down and made him an offer via proxy, ensuring that Wu never learned about Dodgson’s previous infiltrations of InGen—some of which Wu was directly involved with.

Based on his previous exploits, Dodgson believed Wu to be a man not unlike himself, willing to stop at nothing to achieve his goals. At first this appeared true, and Wu had previously been responsible for some terrible wrongs he showed little remorse for at the time. Wu helped Biosyn create their ideal host insect for Hexapod Allies, and even saw the project into testing phases with the locusts released into the American Midwest. Wu had made hybrid animals before, and had even acknowledged proposals to let them loose onto the world, but this was the first time it had ever happened. The results were alarming: the locusts had been engineered so that the proprietary traits in Biosyn crops made them indigestible to the insects, so they fed upon everything else they could find. Not only this, but the extinct insects Wu sourced their supplementary genes from had been large, robust, and fertile, and these traits translated onto the hybrid. The sociality of modern migratory locusts and the hardiness of their ancient relatives combined to make a fearsome herbivore that multipled rapidly and lived much longer, leading to widespread crop destruction.

The reality of this emerging crisis shocked Wu, and finally made clear the differences between him and Dodgson. While Dodgson was concerned mainly with gaining power, Wu’s goals had been to create new life and go down in history as one of the most brilliant geneticists ever to live. He wanted fame and credit, to be admired. What Dodgson was having him do would make him even more reviled than his previous mistakes, not redeem him. Wu remembered back to his early days at Jurassic Park, how he had been motivated to make the world better by bringing back what it had lost. Now, his creations would spell doom for millions of people—most of them lower-income, the poor always being hit hardest by a crisis. Wu was willing to take drastic measures to end the plague, even if it meant exposing himself and Biosyn. This was an unacceptable solution to Dodgson, who pushed Wu to find quieter solutions. Eventually, Wu determined from Charlotte Lockwood’s research that her work held the key to their salvation, and he colluded with Dodgson to arrange the kidnapping of Maisie Lockwood and a juvenile Velociraptor parthenote called Beta to study.

At this point, Wu was no longer loyal to Dodgson, having realized that his research was once again in service of an egotistical and arrogant megalomaniac who sought to exploit his science for personal gain. Inspired by Charlotte’s selflessness, he realized that he could not make a difference in the world while looking for personal gain himself, and did all he could to end the plague without concern for what kind of consequences he might suffer. After seeing the lengths Dodgson was willing to go to in order to evade responsibility, Wu abandoned Biosyn, evacuating with its enemies and turning himself over to the authorities in the process. He succeeded at ending the locust plague before it could cause a global famine.

Dr. Ian Malcolm and allies

Sometime before late 2022, Dodgson hired famed mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm as a resident lecturer at Biosyn’s headquarters. Malcolm had been critical of genetic engineering on the whole since the 1990s, and had been the first person to speak out about the Jurassic Park incident in 1993; naturally Dodgson did not let on that he knew anything about that. For many years Malcolm’s charismatic personality had made him popular, and his applications of chaos theory to ongoing events always caught the interest of laypeople and experts alike. Malcolm’s popularity was very high among Biosyn staff for all of these reasons, and his lectures—even those that directly criticized Biosyn—always drew crowds. Dodgson thought of Malcolm as a kindred spirit, able to spot patterns that others overlooked, and actually valued his contrarian attitude as a tool for identifying flaws in the Biosyn facility. Any potential weakness would invariably be pointed out, and rather than dismiss his concerns as InGen had done in the past, Dodgson took them into account and devised solutions to problems that hadn’t even happened yet.

In 2022, Malcolm invited his old friend Dr. Ellie Sattler to visit Biosyn Valley. They had survived Jurassic Park together in 1993 and remained in contact afterward, both keeping tabs on each other’s research. Dodgson approved Sattler’s visit, and her own guest Dr. Alan Grant. He, too, had been at Jurassic Park all those years ago. Having so many prominent people in the history of de-extinction all together in one place was a thrilling prospect for Biosyn, and Dodgson greeted them personally upon their arrival. When they met with Malcolm, though, Dodgson kept a close eye on them, ever suspicious that something might be afoot; after all, these outsiders had a long history together and had all been negatively affected by Biosyn even if they didn’t realize it. When Dodgson needed to meet with Wu, he trusted Ramsay Cole to closely chaperone the guests.

Over the course of the day, Drs. Sattler and Grant slipped away from Cole and trespassed into restricted parts of the facility. Their goal was soon obvious based on video camera footage: Sattler had led Grant into the locust lab, where she took a sample of DNA from one of the insects. If she had caught one in the wild, this would be proof that the locusts had originated here, and considering Dr. Sattler’s expertise in botany, she had no doubt noticed the patterns in the locusts’ diet. As to how she and Grant had gained access, more video footage showed that Malcolm had given Sattler a badge for entry, indicating that he knew about Hexapod Allies. There was a traitor in their midst. Dodgson fired Malcolm in front of the control room staff, but before Cole escorted him out, Malcolm ranted about Dodgson’s corruption to whichever staff members would listen, humiliating Dodgson. As for Grant and Sattler, Dodgson shut down the hyperloop pod they were using to strand them in the amber mines, where he knew carnivorous Dimetrodons spent much of their time.

In spite of all his efforts, the three scientists pulled through. They had help from Cole, who turned out to be the turncoat within Biosyn. Although Dodgson himself died when he tried to evacuate through routes the animals were using to get to the emergency containment area, Dr. Malcolm and his friends were key witnesses in the ensuing court cases against the corrupt Biosyn executives who had allowed Dodgson to get away with as much as he did.

Maisie Lockwood and family

One of the bizarre stories to come out of the events of 2018 was that of a young clone girl, supposedly identical to the deceased geneticist Charlotte Lockwood. She herself was the daughter of Benjamin Lockwood, a wealthy philanthropist who had worked with John Hammond to create InGen, and it was at his estate and with his money that the Isla Nublar dinosaurs had been brought into the modern world. By acquiring Henry Wu, Dodgson learned that the clone did exist, and was named Maisie. It was only a matter of time before Charlotte’s video logs yielded more interesting information about her daughter, including the fact that she had been cured by Charlotte of a genetic disorder which would take Charlotte’s life shortly after.

After the 2018 incidents, Maisie was taken in by former Jurassic World staff Claire Dearing and Owen Grady, who unofficially became the girl’s parents. Her grandfather had died during the illegal auction at Lockwood Manor, the same event that kick-started the dinosaur black market boom and let so many animals into the wild. For a while, Maisie was not of particular interest to Dodgson, though her modified genome could one day yield valuable secrets. This genome ended up becoming a hot item for Biosyn after the Hexapod Allies project took a turn for the worse and threatened to make Biosyn guilty of creating an artificial food shortage via genetically-engineered locusts. If anyone found out they were responsible, the consequences would be catastrophic, so Dodgson sought out ways to amend it. Henry Wu believed that they could use the same methods Charlotte had invented to devise a viral vector vaccine that would alter the insects’ DNA and reduce their lifespans and fecundity, curbing their population growth before they could cause any further damage. Since Charlotte’s logged data was incomplete, Wu needed a live specimen to study. He needed a gene sample from Maisie Lockwood, and to that end, Dodgson orchestrated a kidnapping from her secluded home in the Sierra Nevada range. It is less clear what his long-term plan was, but he certainly would not be able to just return her. He may have thought it possible to simply keep her in the facility, locked away from the world like Wu lest anyone learn the truth.

While his agents were successful in getting Maisie to Biosyn Valley, her parents were not far behind and ready for a fight. Dodgson began resorting to yet more drastic measures, deliberately downing the plane they were inbound on by permitting the valley’s pterosaurs to leave their designated zone. He never saw them again, but Maisie also managed to escape custody, disappearing into the headquaters’ ventilation ducts. She, too, never ran into Dodgson again. During his desperate attempts to keep control of the situation, even Wu abandoned him and the combined efforts of Maisie’s various allies both familiar and newfound led, unintentionally, to Dodgson’s death during the later evacuation. After his death, Maisie did actually help Wu develop a viral vector vaccine for the locust swarms, solving the problem Dodgson had caused.

General public

When he became CEO of Biosyn in 2013, Dodgson’s job brought him directly into the public’s gaze, forcing him to adjust some aspects of his practices. He was accustomed to being behind the scenes, away from prying eyes, able to act while being secure in the knowledge that Biosyn’s higher-ups would keep up appearances. With Dodgson himself in charge, he had more power, but also had to be more careful about how he used it. Biosyn’s reputation was in his hands, and he needed to keep public opinion positive as well as impress investors and lead the development of new products.

During his tenure as CEO Dodgson was well-received by most of the public. He took notes from other successful charismatic billionaires to craft a public image for himself as a philanthropic figure, a humanitarian and environmentalist serving to protect the threatened de-extinct animals and learn from them. To his credit, he did actually make good on many of his public mission statements; the creatures in Biosyn Valley were allowed to behave as they did in the wild, and the large carnivores were given red deer to eat so that they were less inclined to hunt the other dinosaurs. Biosyn researchers studying the animals were developing new biopharmaceuticals from them, and based on Dodgson’s own comments, they were focusing on treatments for cancers, Alzheimer’s disease, and various autoimmune disorders, health problems that affect millions of people worldwide.

But Dodgson was at heart a businessman and a capitalist, so his motives were not altruistic by any means. Generating such high appeal for Biosyn meant his investors were very happy indeed, and so the public’s support was more of a stepping stone than Dodgson’s real goal. Not everything he did with his business was beneficial to the common people, either. After the fall of Jurassic World, there had been concern at Biosyn that dinosaurs were a bad investment, and Dodgson had pulled out all the stops in his mission to prove otherwise. This had started his years-long connection to the underground dinosaur trade, a black market that flourished after 2018 and caused harm to both people and animals the world over. When Biosyn was given sole collection rights to de-extinct life on American soil, many people noted that the company’s stock prices rose every time they interceded in a human-animal conflict, so Dodgson and Biosyn were actually profiting off the crisis. There are some hints that Dodgson may have even sold Biosyn assets on the black market, increasing the number of de-extinct animals in circulation and therefore increasing the likelihood that one of those animals would get into the wild and cause problems. There was also the fact that Dodgson had intentionally kept secret information about InGen creatures that would have helped the public deal with them more effectively, possibly exacerbating the crisis.

And then, finally, there was Hexapod Allies. This program sought to revolutionize agriculture by using insects to spread genetic modifications to crops via viral payloads, and if successful, it would have enabled Biosyn to rapidly and efficiently modify preexisting crops to be resilient against climate change and other environmental issues. With the potential to vastly improve human life, Hexapod Allies was pushed into experimental stages long ahead of the public learning about it; Dodgson kept the groundbreaking research under wraps, known only to select Biosyn staff. But the locusts created through the program were released into the American midwest to test their effectiveness, unleashing them on unsuspecting farmers. The locusts were modified so that Biosyn’s own crops were unpalatable to them, meaning they would need to select other food sources. When it turned out that the insects lived longer than anticipated and reproduced alarmingly fast, they became a looming threat to independent farmers in the Midwest. It was not long before they spread, the swarms multiplying rapidly to cover entire regions of the United States. While the elimination of competitor products would benefit Biosyn, the very likely chance that someone would identify where the locusts had come from was decidedly not in Dodgson’s favor, so he set about finding a way to eliminate them. He had no intention of ever admitting his mistake, even as the insects began to appear outside North America and became a dire global threat.

Dodgson himself did not live to see the locusts exterminated; he made a botched attempt to destroy evidence, and died while trying to flee the scene. A solution in the form of a viral vector vaccine was developed, though, and the food crisis was successfully averted; this came too late for Dodgson in more ways than one. He had not survived the incident, and even if he had, his complicity was made public knowledge by the incident as well as his employee Ramsay Cole becoming the first whistleblower to reveal the truth about Hexapod Allies. Dodgson’s name became forever besmirched, and the legal investigations into his company very likely delayed research on the medical treatments it had been developing. Other technologies invented by Biosyn remain active in the world today, for better or worse.

Governmental entities

Biosyn is a global leader in biotechnology, and during his time at the company Dodgson dealt with government authorities in a wide range of countries. As CEO, he mainly had dealings with the governments of the United States and Italy, including securing the rights to build a new company headquarters and sanctuary within Biosyn Valley. The company already owned land there, having bought it for amber mining in the 1990s, but now it would be host to a much larger facility. To prepare the valley for its dinosaurian inhabitants, Dodgson needed to make some underhanded deals: any people living in what is now called Biosyn Valley would have to be relocated, and also on the docket was the acquisition of an enormous dam and reservoir for hydroelectric power. A dam of this size would legally be operated by the Italian government rather than a private party, but Dodgson managed to convince the authorities to make an exception.

Before Biosyn had fully moved its headquarters to Italy, of concern to Dodgson was the American government’s policies on de-extinct life. One of his representatives, posing as a Masrani Global representative, had in 2003 bribed the U.S. House Committee on Science to roll back restrictions on genetic engineering established by the Gene Guard Act. This allowed InGen to go forth with more research, but it ultimately worked in Biosyn’s favor; if InGen was making new discoveries, it was only a matter of gaining access to them for Biosyn to keep up and one day pull ahead. When InGen fell, Biosyn began capturing and transporting dinosaurs to their new facility, and once again had to bribe government officials to do so. A vessel near Isla Sorna was caught by the Coast Guard, and Dodgson ensured the captain and crew paid a hefty sum for their silence. Their job became easier in 2018 when de-extinct animals were illegally brought to the mainland, with some going to the black market and others ending up in the wild. Dodgson’s staff petitioned Congress to award Biosyn collection rights to the animals, promising to take them to a safe haven; Congress agreed, the American government glad that someone was willing to step in and deal with the problem for them. Animals found by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service typically were shipped to Biosyn Valley. In general, the U.S. government was complacent about Biosyn so long as none of their backroom deals made it to the public, with officials either accepting bribes to stay quiet or simply looking the other way. Other countries followed suit, happy to have Biosyn aid them in capturing problem dinosaurs that the black market had brought to their parts of the world. Intergovernmental organizations such as the Department of Prehistoric Wildlife also aided Biosyn in collecting and housing the animals.

This all came crashing down in 2022, when Biosyn was implicated in causing an ecological crisis. Dodgson himself did not survive long enough to actually deal with the consequences, having died while fleeing the scene, but many of his senior staff members were exposed by Ramsay Cole and found guilty. The Italian government was the first to hear survivors’ testimonies, and since Biosyn was an American company, the American government was quick to begin an investigation as well. Biosyn Valley itself was spared the worst of it, as while the U.S. Congress determined what penalties to give the company, the United Nations moved to designate the valley a global paleo-sanctuary accepting animals from around the world. Biosyn no longer has complete control over the sanctuary or its research facilities, which are now open to and monitored by the international community.

De-extinct life

It was Dodgson’s lifelong goal to unlock the secrets of de-extinction, a science which his corporate rival InGen had beaten Biosyn to in the mid-1980s. Despite avid efforts, Dodgson failed to steal corporate secrets from InGen in 1993, his plans being foiled by one of the animals themselves. Instead, Dodgson spent the next twenty-two years snapping at InGen’s heels, infiltrating them and stealing whatever he could. The beginning of many successes came with Project Regenesis, which began in 1999 and ran into the following year; InGen had been illegally working on Isla Sorna during that time and was able to create a few new animals, including Ankylosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Corythosaurus, and Spinosaurus. With Biosyn scientists having posed as new InGen recruits, it is likely that they had a hand in creating some of these new animals, making those the first de-extinct organisms Biosyn is known to have been involved with.

Jurassic World, InGen’s crowning achievement, operated from 2005 until 2015 and remains the most successful de-extinction attraction ever built. Dodgson may have visited the park at some point during its history, posing as a tourist, but it is unknown when or if he did this. After the park closed in 2015 due to serious safety violations, Biosyn had the chance to pull ahead, though it would have to prove to its investors that dinosaurs were still profitable. By striking a deal with fellow InGen rival Mantah Corp, he was able trespass onto Isla Nublar and obtain assets. He had wanted a Carnotaurus, a Dimorphodon, any type of herbivore, and a Velociraptor, hoping to create a park of his own using the V-55 neural interface technology sold by Mantah Corp. While a Carnotaurus had already been caught and they successfully obtained a Dimorphodon, the only surviving raptor known on the island eluded them. Insetad, Mantah provided Dodgson with a Baryonyx, a less intelligent but larger theropod. An Ankylosaurus filled his herbivore slot. During the hunt he witnessed other dinosaurs in the wild, including a small group of Dilophosaurus which threatened him; unbeknownst to Dodgson these were descendants of the animals that had ruined his espionage in 1993.

While Dodgson was able to obtain DNA samples of all four of the captured species, the live specimens themselves were never delivered due to complications culminating with his business partner’s arrest for embezzlement. Instead, the first generation of live animals were attained in 2017 from Isla Sorna, including a mated pair of Tyrannosaurus rexthe male involved with the famous 1997 incident and his mate. These animals came to live in Biosyn Valley, and were eventually accompanied by animals cloned by Dodgson’s scientists. For the most part the animals were unbothered and allowed to roam freely, establishing territories as their instincts directed them. To discourage the predators from hunting other dinosaurs too often, Dodgson had the valley populated with European red deer, which were easier targets than the huge armored herbivores.

After the incidents of 2018 brought de-extinct life into the wider world, Dodgson worked to obtain animals both from governments that had captured them and the black market. He seems to have sold to the black market as well, since animals believed to originate in Biosyn Valley could be found in the wild sometimes. By 2022, Biosyn’s own genetic library was growing rapidly, with new species being bred and introduced to the valley; these included titans such as Giganotosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Dreadnoughtus, and Quetzalcoatlus, medium creatures like Iguanodon, and smaller animals including Dimetrodon, Pyroraptor, and Moros. Like the first generation, they were allowed to roam freely, though with a larger population they became harder to manage. There was a serious incident involving a Biosyn engineer being killed by a Dimetrodon which Dodgson seems to have covered up, and the animals encountered each other more frequently and sometimes fought. The denser population was not all bad for Biosyn, though: the more they ran into each other, the stronger their immune systems would be, which meant better research opportunities for the scientists studying Biosyn’s biopharmaceutical products. By 2022, this research was a major source of profit for Dodgson and Biosyn.

Hexapod Allies was meant to be another such source of profit. By hybridizing modern-day locusts with genes sourced from their extinct Cretaceous relatives, Dodgson’s scientists brought to life a new kind of insect ideal for spreading genetic modifications to crops. Despite a promising origin, the operation failed, as the locusts proved impossible to control once released. Dodgson ordered an operation to devise a way to exterminate them before they could be traced back to Biosyn. As a part of this research, Henry Wu needed to study viral vector vaccines, using Maisie Lockwood’s altered DNA to fill in the data he was missing. To identify which parts of her genome had been modified, he needed to compare her to a natural parthenote; he had sequenced the entire genome of InGen Velociraptors at Jurassic World, making them the best option. Only one had been modified in a way to make it capable of parthenogenesis, a raptor called Blue, and fortunately she had been confirmed alive. Dodgson orchestrated a mission to see whether she had parthenote offspring as Wu predicted, and found that he had been right. Blue’s daughter, named Beta, was brought to Biosyn Valley along with Maisie Lockwood. Their human target was less than pleased about this arrangement, and as a part of her own escape attempt, she released Beta, forcing Biosyn Security to lock the facility down and search for the escapees. To prevent an infiltration of the valley, Dodgson also used the animals themselves as weapons, turning off the protective Aerial Deterrent System in order to release pterosaurs that would crash the trespassing Midnight Oiler. A gigantic Quetzalcoatlus and several Pteranodons were involved with the incident.

Meanwhile, other intruders threatened to expose Hexapod Allies, so Dodgson resorted to drastic measures: he had the insects incinerated. Unfortunately this also went awry, as the locusts tried desperately to escape the flames and managed to break through into the ventilation using their enhanced musculature and durable exoskeletons. The burning insects fled into the sky above Biosyn Valley, and as they succumbed to their burns, they fell out of the air and sparked wildfires across the forest. About ten thousand insects were burned to death, and the incident threatened to kill more of Biosyn’s animals. For their safety, the creatures were all remotely herded via their neural interfaces into the emergency containment area underneath the mountain. In this chaotic process, some of the dinosaurs wound up inside the hyperloop tunnels, and as he fled the impending government investigation he crossed paths with a small group of Dilophosaurus. Already agitated by the disaster and seeing Dodgson vulnerable as he was alone, the animals attacked, killing him.

Other animals were harmed by the incident, including Biosyn’s only Giganotosaurus which was killed by other animals while evacuating into the shelter. Ultimately, though, most of the animals survived thanks to the security measures put in place for them, and after the forest fire was extinguished, they returned to their habitats. Dodgson’s involvement with them was now over aside from being digested, and as the United Nations stepped in to declare Biosyn Valley a global sanctuary, the animals’ continued protection was ensured despite the incident.


Lewis Dodgson was portrayed by Cameron Thor in Jurassic Park. He was loosely based on the character of the same name in Michael Crichton‘s novels. Dodgson did not reappear in 1997’s The Lost World: Jurassic Park despite being the primary antagonist of the novel; his role and the role of other Biosyn characters were instead filled by original characters created for the film.

After he was found guilty of sexual assault on a child in 2016, Cameron Thor was no longer considered for a returning role and was replaced by Campbell Scott for 2022’s Jurassic World: Dominion. When Dodgson was brought back for this film, part of his characterization was modeled after tech billionaires such as Tim Cook and Elon Musk, rather than solely referencing the Crichton character. He was the second human character from the live-action films to appear in the animated series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, where his voice is performed by Adam Harrington.

At the time Jurassic World: Dominion released, Lewis Dodgson was the only returning named character to die during the course of a live-action Jurassic film, the second returning named character to die in the films (after John Hammond, who died offscreen between The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park ///), and the third returning character in the films to die overall (after Hammond and an unnamed InGen Security member portrayed by Chad Randall who appeared in both The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic World).

In earlier scripts for Jurassic Park, the character of Dodgson was to be replaced with a different man named William “Bill” Baker.

Disambiguation Links

Dr. Lewis Dodgson (C/N)

Lewis Dodgson (IDW-JPR)