Film-Canon Timeline

“Fifteen years ago, John Hammond had a dream.” — Peter Ludlow, May 30, 1997

This is a comprehensive summary of all events that occurred in the film canon universe (S/F), including those depicted or described in the films, canon websites, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Jurassic World Live, The Evolution of Claire, and the Maisie Lockwood Adventures books. The timeline also includes information given by soft-canon material including but not limited to Jurassic Park: The Game and Jurassic Park Adventures: Survivor. It also includes real-life events which are significant to the film canon in order to provide context.

Paleohadean Era

  • 4.57 BYA: Formation of Earth.1
  • 4.53 BYA: Formation of Earth’s Moon.

Neoarchean Era

  • 2.7 BYA: Cyanobacteria appear in the fossil record.

Cambrian Period: Fortunian Age

  • 541 MYA: Jellyfish (Medusozoa) appear in the fossil record.

Late Ordovician Period: Hirnantian Age

  • 450 MYA: Beginning of the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction event. Land plants and phytoplankton are evolving, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reducing the greenhouse effect. Volcanic activity causes new silicate rocks to develop, further sequestering carbon dioxide. As the world cools, glaciers form on the South Polar continent of Gondwana, removing water from the world ocean. As inland seas recede and sea levels drop worldwide, endemic species of the intertidal zones and continental shelves lose their habitats and become extinct. Interglacial periods cause water to return to the drained areas, then recede once more as the climate cools back down.
  • 445 MYA: Horseshoe crabs (Xiphosura) appear in the fossil record.

Silurian Period: Rhuddanian Age

  • 440 MYA: End of the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction event. Climate change has drastically disrupted the ocean currents and water chemistry over time, causing widespread anoxia (absence of oxygen) and euxinia (toxic sulfide production). Metal toxicity is another impact, as toxic metals on the seafloor dissolve into the water when oxygen is depleted. These conditions are spurred on by harmful cyanobacteria blooms which result from the altered environment. By now, two pulses of the mass extinction have occurred. Wider taxonomic groups are largely unscathed, but at the species level, extinction rates reach 85%. Global ecology starts to return to equilibrium as evolution begins restoring species diversity.

Early Devonian Period: Lochkovian Age

Early Devonian Period: Pragian Age

  • 409 MYA: Coelacanths (Coelacanthiformes) appear in the fossil record.

Late Devonian Period: Frasnian Age

  • 372 MYA: Beginning of the Late Devonian mass extinction event. The first in this prolonged series of eight to ten extinction events in sequence is the Kellwasser event, marked by anoxic ocean waters, rapid changes in sea level caused by glaciation, and drastic increase in marine carbon burial. The cause of this sudden climate change may have been bolide impacts. Impact craters, such as the Woodleigh and Alamo craters as well as the Siljan Ring, are thought to have occurred during the Late Devonian extinctions. Land plants also undergo a massive surge forward in evolution during this time, turning the continents green with Earth’s first plant forests. For the first time, the planet’s upper bedrock is broken up into topsoil. Ground, water, and air chemistry change on a wide scale; atmospheric carbon dioxide is reduced. This contributes to global cooling. Nutrient runoff into the sea leads to algal blooms and anoxic conditions. Massive volcanic eruptions and tectonic shifts also contribute to the climate change.

Late Devonian Period: Famennian Age

  • 358.9 MYA: End of the Late Devonian mass extinction event. The final stage of this sequence of extinctions is the Hangenberg event, caused by plummeting sea levels due to glaciation in the Southern Hemisphere. Atmospheric cooling which led to this glacier formation was the result of ozone depletion, possibly caused by cosmic rays from a supernova dangerously close to the Solar System. Ultraviolet radiation scalds the planet’s surface, causing genetic damage to life forms in its path for thousands of years. Over the entire Late Devonian mass extinction, a period of around twenty million years, about 70% of all species die out. Among vertebrate animals, 97% of species including all of the placoderm fish and most of the lobe-finned fish die. The only vertebrate survivors are bony fish less than 10 centimeters and sharks less than one meter in length. It will be around forty million years before larger vertebrates evolve again.

Permian Period: Asselian Age

  • 299 MYA: Mesosaurus appears in the fossil record.

Permian Period: Sakmarian Age

  • 295 MYA: Dimetrodon appears in the fossil record.

Permian Period: Kungurian Age

  • 280 MYA: Mesosaurus disappears from the fossil record.

Permian Period: Roadian Age

  • 272 MYA: Dimetrodon disappears from the fossil record.

Permian Period: Changhsingian Age

  • 252 MYA: Permian-Triassic mass extinction event, also called the “Great Dying.” It is the result of the Siberian Traps flood basalt, a two-million-year-long volcanic eruption occurring in northern Pangaea which released around one million cubic miles (four million cubic kilometers) of basaltic lava. This event was preceded by another flood basalt eruption a few million years earlier, the Emeishan Traps, which caused a slightly smaller mass extinction. Flood basalt eruptions are the largest volcanic eruptions in terms of lava volume. Oil and coal deposits are ignited, releasing massive amounts of hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. The heat of the eruption causes methane clathrates to release from the seafloor. The Siberian Traps heat up evaporite and clastic rocks beneath the ground, releasing toxic gases. Volcanic particulate blocks out the sun, killing plant life and oceanic algae; then these aerosols are washed down to the ground in acid rain. When the aerosols are washed out, the excess carbon dioxide remains. Huge deposits of nickel are brought to the surface by volcanoes, and since nickel is rare but important to metabolic pathways involved in methane production, it has an effect on evolution: the methanogenic archaea Methanosarcina evolves the ability to convert acetate into methane via gene transfer. It grows exponentially, spreading all over the seafloor and consuming organic carbon deposits to release vast amounts of methane. Between the volcanic activity and microorganisms, Earth enters into a state of global warming that reaches lethal levels. Equatorial ocean surface temperatures reach 104°F (40°C). Oxygen levels in the deep ocean plummet to record lows; only microorganisms that can thrive in its absence remain in the anoxic regions. They produce toxic hydrogen sulfide, poisoning the seas. 90% of all species die out. In the ocean, most invertebrates lose more than half their species diversity; the last of the trilobites go extinct. On land, many orders of insects become extinct or at least heavily reduced, and two-thirds of the vertebrates die out. Plants suffer as well, with the world’s forests disappearing. When the eruption finally ends, it takes tens of millions of years for species diversity to recover. Early synapsids, the ancestors of mammals, lose ecological dominance during the extinction and archosaurs begin to ascend in their place.

Early Triassic Period: Induan Age

Early Triassic Period: Olenekian Age

  • 247.2 MYA: Chaohusaurus disappears from the fossil record.

Middle Triassic Period: Anisian Age

  • 247 MYA: Mixosaurus appears in the fossil record.
  • 242 MYA: Mixosaurus disappears from the fossil record.

Middle Triassic Period: Ladinian Age

Late Triassic Period: Carnian Age

  • 235 MYA: Nautiluses (Nautilidae) appear in the fossil record.

Late Triassic Period: Norian Age

  • 226 MYA: Mosquitoes (Culicidae) evolved around this time based on genetic studies.
  • 210 MYA: Nothosaurus disappears from the fossil record.

Late Triassic Period: Rhaetian Age

  • 201.3 MYA: Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction event. This is caused by the largest (by surface area) volcanic eruption in Earth’s geological record, the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province eruption, which covers four and a half million square miles (eleven million square kilometers) with lava. Huge amounts of carbon dioxide are pumped into the atmosphere, leading to global warming and ocean acidification. These conditions persist for somewhat less than 10,000 years. Marine reptile diversity, especially for ichthyosaurs, suffers; many corals also die out. On land, the dinosaurs and pterosaurs get through the event relatively unscathed, though a large number of plants go extinct. Mammals remain relatively successful through the extinction. Other terrestrial vertebrates severely decline in diversity or become extinct, including many primitive reptiles and amphibians. As the eruption subsides over hundreds of thousands of years, rates of evolution increase again as animals fill vacant niches. Dinosaurs and pterosaurs, and to a lesser degree the mammals, rise to ecological prominence.

Early Jurassic Period: Hettangian Age

Early Jurassic Period: Sinemurian Age

  • 199 MYA: Lesothosaurus appears in the fossil record.
  • 196 MYA: Dilophosaurus appears in the fossil record.
  • 195 MYA: Dimorphodon appears in the fossil record.
  • 190 MYA: Dimorphodon disappears from the fossil record.

Early Jurassic Period: Pliensbachian Age

  • 189 MYA: Lesothosaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 183 MYA: Dilophosaurus disappears from the fossil record. Known Segisaurus fossil range.

Early Jurassic Period: Toarcian Age

  • 175.6 MYA: Plesiosaurus disappears from the fossil record.

Middle Jurassic Period: Bathonian Age

Late Jurassic Period: Oxfordian Age

  • 163 MYA: Anchiornis appears in the fossil record.
  • 160 MYA: Mamenchisaurus appears in the fossil record. Ophthalmosaurus and Monolophosaurus disappear from the fossil record. Known Metriacanthosaurus fossil range.

Late Jurassic Period: Kimmeridgian Age

Late Jurassic Period: Tithonian Age

  • 152 MYA: Apatosaurus appears in the fossil record. Diplodocus disappears from the fossil record. Known Kentrosaurus fossil range.
  • 151 MYA: Apatosaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 150.8 MYA: Compsognathus appears in the fossil record.
  • 150 MYA: AllosaurusElaphrosaurusCoelurus, and Stegosaurus disappear from the fossil record.
  • 148 MYA: Ceratosaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 146.8 MYA: Brontosaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 145 MYA: Mamenchisaurus and Anchiornis disappear from the fossil record.

Early Cretaceous Period: Berriasian Age

  • 140 MYA: Compsognathus disappears from the fossil record.

Early Cretaceous Period: Valanginian Age

  • 139 MYA: Utahraptor appears in the fossil record.
  • 134.6 MYA: Utahraptor disappears from the fossil record.

Early Cretaceous Period: Hauterivian Age

Early Cretaceous Period: Barremian Age

  • 126 MYA: Iguanodon appears in the fossil record.
  • 125 MYA: Suchomimus appears in the fossil record. Baryonyx disappears from the fossil record.

Early Cretaceous Period: Aptian Age

Early Cretaceous Period: Albian Age

  • 113 MYA: Iguanodon disappears from the fossil record.
    • Jurassic World: Dominion suggests that an undiscovered species referred to Iguanodon still existed at the end of the Maastrichtian age.JWD
  • 112 MYA: Spinosaurus appears in the fossil record. Suchomimus disappears from the fossil record. Known Ouranosaurus fossil range.
  • 108 MYA: Deinonychus disappears from the fossil record.

Late Cretaceous Period: Cenomanian Age

  • 99 MYA: Ticks appear in the fossil record. Some paleontologists believe ticks evolved earlier than this.
  • 98.2 MYA: Peloroplites appears in the fossil record.
  • 98 MYA: Giganotosaurus appears in the fossil record.
  • 97 MYA: Giganotosaurus disappears from the fossil record.
    • Jurassic World: Dominion suggests that an undiscovered species referred to Giganotosaurus still existed at the end of the Maastrichtian age.JWD
  • 96.4 MYA: Known Moros fossil range.
    • Jurassic World: Dominion suggests the survival of Moros intrepidus until the end of the Maastrichtian age.JWD
  • 95 MYA: Known Rugops fossil range.

Late Cretaceous Period: Turonian Age

  • 93.5 MYA: Spinosaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 93 MYA: Peloroplites disappears from the fossil record.
  • 90 MYA: Aucasaurus appears in the fossil record. Known Microceratus fossil range.
  • 88 MYA: Geosternbergia appears in the fossil record.
  • 86.5 MYA: Tylosaurus appears in the fossil record.

Late Cretaceous Period: Santonian Age

  • 86 MYA: Pteranodon and Viavenator appear in the fossil record.
  • 84.5 MYA: Pteranodon disappears from the fossil record.
    • Jurassic World: Dominion suggests that an undiscovered species referred to Pteranodon still existed at the end of the Maastrichtian age.JWD

Late Cretaceous Period: Campanian Age

  • 83.5 MYA: Protoceratops appears in the fossil record.
  • 83 MYA: Aucasaurus and Viavenator disappear from the fossil record.
  • 82 MYA: Deinosuchus appears in the fossil record.
  • 80.5 MYA: Hadrosaurus appears in the fossil record. Geosternbergia disappears from the fossil record.
  • 80 MYA: Known Nipponosaurus fossil range.
  • 79 MYA: Quilmesaurus appears in the fossil record.
  • 78.5 MYA: Hadrosaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 77.5 MYA: Troodon appears in the fossil record.
  • 77 MYA: CorythosaurusAgujaceratops, and Teratophoneus appear in the fossil record.
  • 76.5 MYA: Parasaurolophus appears in the fossil record.
  • 76.4 MYA: Euoplocephalus and Kosmoceratops appear in the fossil record.
  • 76 MYA: Nasutoceratops and Dreadnoughtus appear in the fossil record. Teratophoneus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 75.9 MYA: Kosmoceratops disappears from the fossil record.
  • 75.7 MYA: Corythosaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 75.6 MYA: Euoplocephalus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 75.5 MYA: Styracosaurus appears in the fossil record. Troodon and Nasutoceratops disappear from the fossil record.
  • 75 MYA: Velociraptor and Oviraptor appear in the fossil record. Tylosaurus and Styracosaurus disappear from the fossil record.
  • 73.5 MYA: Pachyrhinosaurus appears in the fossil record. Known Sinoceratops fossil range.
  • 73 MYA: Edmontosaurus appears in the fossil record. Deinosuchus and Parasaurolophus disappear from the fossil record.

Late Cretaceous Period: Maastrichtian Age

  • 72 MYA: Carnotaurus appears in the fossil record.
  • 71 MYA: Velociraptor and Oviraptor disappear from the fossil record.
  • 70.6 MYA: Protoceratops disappears from the fossil record. Known Pyroraptor fossil range.
  • 70 MYA: MajungasaurusAlamosaurus, TherizinosaurusMononykus, PachycephalosaurusTarbosaurus, and Mosasaurus appear in the fossil record. Dreadnoughtus disappears from the fossil record. Known Pycnonemosaurus, Archaeornithomimus, and Gallimimus fossil range.
    • Jurassic World: Dominion suggests the survival of Dreadnoughtus until the end of the Maastrichtian age.JWD
  • 69.9 MYA: Carnotaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 69 MYA: Quilmesaurus disappears from the fossil record.
  • 68.5 MYA: Pachyrhinosaurus disappears from the fossil record. Known Atrociraptor fossil range.
  • 68 MYA: AnkylosaurusTyrannosaurusQuetzalcoatlus, Stygimoloch, Dracorex, Torosaurus, and Triceratops appear in the fossil record.
  • 66 MYA: A female Tyrannosaurus rex is killed in a territorial dispute with a Giganotosaurusultimus” in southern North America. As she lays dying in a riverbed, a gravid female mosquito drinks blood from her body. This insect later becomes trapped in the resin of a dragon tree before digesting the blood and dies. The resin becomes buried in the ground, and will eventually become buried in river sediments and fossilize into amber. Millions of years from now, this amber sample will be discovered by paleontologists and sent to InGen Technologies for DNA extraction.JWD
    • These events are said to have occurred 65,000,000 years before Jurassic World: Dominion. However, current paleontological evidence suggests that these events would have actually taken place roughly a million years earlier.
  • 66 MYA: Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event. A carbonaceous chondrite asteroid between 7 and 50 miles (11 and 81 kilometers) in diameter strikes the southern Caribbean fast enough to simply compress the atmosphere out of the way at supersonic speed. The extreme heat evaporates the ocean before the asteroid has a chance to touch water; it is still fully intact upon impact. Animals in the impact zone are vaporized instantly. It generates an explosion measuring between 1.3 and 58 yottajoules. Seawater is displaced, creating megatsunamis which start at 330 feet (over 100 meters) tall and reach 2.9 miles (4.6 kilometers) tall in deep enough water. Ejecta blasted into the air by the impact, which creates a hole 19 miles deep and 62 miles wide (30 kilometers deep and 100 kilometers wide), rain back down to Earth fast enough to become incandescent and roast every living thing exposed to them. This rain of molten rock lasts for hours. Seismic disturbances equivalent to Magnitude 9-12 earthquakes occur worldwide, contributing to volcanism such as the ongoing Deccan Traps flood basalt eruption in India. The dust cloud generated by the impact blocks out sunlight for at least a year, killing off plant life and leading to the collapse of food webs. In the ensuing impact winter, which lasts for a decade or so, around 75% of all species die out. All ammonites, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosasaurs become extinct. Among the dinosaurs, only certain small birds survive. After the winter ends, primary production levels increase due to the excess carbon dioxide, and the birds and mammals rapidly diversify into new forms. Plants also diversify, leading to the development of new biomes.

Neogene Period: Burdigalian Age

  • 16 MYA: The earliest known great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is believed to have evolved by this time.

Quaternary Period: Gelasian Age

  • 2.5 MYA: Smilodon appears in the fossil record.
  • Off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, volcanic activity creates some small islands. The most isolated will come to be known as Guà-Si (or, to Westerners, Isla Nublar), while farther west a volcanic hotspot creates Las Cinco Muertes (the Muertes Archipelago to English-speakers) over a period of time. The easternmost island will one day be called Mantah Corp Island (its original name is unknown). Eventually, the islands will come to be inhabited by numerous plants and animals. These include indigenous species, such as the Nublar tufted deer.
    • Because these islands formed on the Cocos Plate, they are probably about as old as Cocos Island, which is between 1.91 and 2.44 million years old.2

Quaternary Period: Chibanian Age

  • 400,000 BCE: The woolly mammoth appears in the fossil record.
  • 350,000 BCE: The modern human (Homo sapiens) appears in the fossil record. Exact date at which the modern human evolved is debated by paleontologists.
  • 13,000 BCE: The dog is fully domesticated. Humans may have formed partnerships with the dog thousands of years earlier than this, but by now selective breeding occurs. This selective breeding is the conceptual ancestor of the genetic engineering process.3

Quaternary Period: Tarantian Age

  • 12,000 BCE: Possible beginning of the Holocene mass extinction event. Technological advancement allows Homo sapiens to become a globally dominant apex predator, preying even on adults of other apex predators, and begin to allow humans to alter their environment. These alterations have short-term and sometimes long-term benefits to humans, but can cause other species to become extinct. Widespread hunting of large animals leads to megafaunal extinctions. Scientists continue to debate whether later human alterations to global geochemistry and atmospheric chemistry are significant enough to declare a Holocene-Anthropocene boundary.
  • 10,000 BCE: Smilodon disappears from the fossil record.

Quaternary Period: Greenlandian Age

  • 8550 BCE: Cattle are domesticated.3
  • 8000 BCE: The goat is domesticated.3

Quaternary Period: Northgrippian Age

  • 7500 BCE: The cat is domesticated.3
  • 6000 BCE: The chicken may have been domesticated at this point.3

Quaternary Period: Meghalayan Age

  • The Meghalayan Age begins 4,200 years before the present day (2250 BCE). All events in the timeline from this point onward until further notice occur in the Meghalayan Age and are listed under the year according to the Gregorian calendar. These dates are year CE unless otherwise specified.

2000 BCE

  • The woolly mammoth becomes extinct, relict populations surviving until now on Wrangel Island.

1000 BCE

  • At some point, indigenous people from Central America come to live on Isla Nublar. This includes a tribe of Bribri people, who are known as the Tun-Si tribe. They introduce goats to the island. They may have arrived as early as the first millennium BCE.4


  • Mount Sibo erupts, though the event is not significant enough to threaten the island’s inhabitants. Following this date, it becomes dormant for 492 years.DPG,EoC
  • Isla Nublar is discovered by Spanish carrack La Estrella under guidance of navigator Diego Fernandez. It is given its Spanish name (meaning “Cloud Island”) by cartographer Nicolas de Huelva, possibly due to the clouds of black smoke emanating from Mount Sibo due to the recent eruption.DPG


  • Some sources indicate that the Muertes Archipelago is discovered by Europeans this year; the date and other details of its discovery are disputed.MSRN


  • The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is scientifically described.7


  • Plesiosaurus is described.


  • Mosasaurus is described.


  • Iguanodon is described.


  • Nothosaurus is described.


  • Smilodon is described.


  • Troodon is described. It will eventually be considered dubious.


  • Hadrosaurus is described.


  • Compsognathus is described.
  • Dimorphodon is described.


  • Mesosaurus is described.


  • DNA is discovered, though it will not be understood properly for decades.8


  • Tylosaurus is described.


  • Ophthalmosaurus is described.


  • Pteranodon is described.


  • Allosaurus is described.
  • Apatosaurus is described.
  • Dimetrodon is described, originally as a species of Clepsydrops.
  • Stegosaurus is described.


  • Diplodocus is described.


  • Coelurus is described.


  • Latest possible point in time for coast redwoods to have germinated on Isla Sorna, given that they were at adult size in 1997 (assuming that they grew at their natural rate).TLW


  • Ceratosaurus is described.


  • Mixosaurus is described.


  • Triceratops is described.
  • A diminishing logging trade and closure of mining activities in Northern California’s Fishenden Falls allows the area to begin recovering. It is eventually designated a U.S. National Park.DPW



  • Hoplitosaurus is described.


  • Brachiosaurus is described.


  • Tyrannosaurus is described.


  • Ankylosaurus is described.


  • Deinosuchus is described.


  • Euoplocephalus is described.


  • John Parker Alfred Hammond is born in Edinburgh, Scotland.MSRN
    • At one point, his year of birth was given as 1928. This has since been corrected.MSRN
  • Styracosaurus is described.
  • Procompsognathus is described, to eventually be confused with Compsognathus.


  • Corythosaurus is described.


  • Spinosaurus is described.
  • Kentrosaurus is described.


  • The San Diego Zoo opens in San Diego, CA.11 It will eventually be one of the inspirations for John Hammond’s future theme parks.JP


  • Edmontosaurus is described.


  • Elaphrosaurus is described.


  • March 31: Richard Kiley is born in Chicago, IL.12
  • Parasaurolophus is described.
  • Alamosaurus is described.


  • Protoceratops is described.


  • Velociraptor is described.
  • Oviraptor is described.


  • The first form of reproductive cloning, called somatic-cell nuclear transfer, is performed using amphibian embryos.13


  • Earliest possible birth year for Benjamin Lockwood, said to be “in his eighties” in 2018.Guide




  • Nipponosaurus is described.
  • Proceratosaurus is described.
  • Segisaurus is described.


  • Latest possible birth year for Roland Tembo, said to be “on the wrong side of sixty” in 1997 in supplementary materials for The Lost World: Jurassic Park.TLW


  • April 8: Kofi Annan is born in Kumasi, Gold Coast.12
  • Latest possible birth year for Benjamin Lockwood, said to be “in his eighties” in 2018.Guide
  • Agujaceratops is described, originally as a species of Chasmosaurus.



  • August 23: The Battle of Stalingrad begins. According to some historians, the Soviets used rats infected with tularemia against German troops led by Friedrich von Paulus.15 This instance of biological warfare was one example that inspired the later efforts of Eli Mills and Vic Hoskins to militarize animal life.FK


  • February 2: The Battle of Stalingrad ends.
  • Pachycephalosaurus is described.


  • September 17: Reinhold Messner is born in St. Peter, Villnöß in northern Italy.12




  • Before June 11: Birth date for Ray Arnold, described as forty-five in an earlier Jurassic Park script.JP


  • November 7: Costa Rica’s present-day Constitution is published. Costa Rica probably acquired Isla Nublar and the Muertes Archipelago sometime after this.16


  • Approximate birth year for Dieter Stark, said to be “about forty-five” as of 1997 in one version of the script for The Lost World: Jurassic Park.TLW


  • Pachyrhinosaurus is described.


  • Microceratus is described, originally under the name Microceratops. However, the name had already been assigned to a wasp genus, which resulted in Microceratus being assigned a new name in 2008. InGen documents dated to 1993 list it as Microceratus, suggesting that the name was changed at an earlier date than in real life.DPG
  • Approximate birth date for Robert Muldoon, described as “fortyish” in the Jurassic Park script.JP
  • Before June: Birth date for Donald Gennaro, described as forty in the Jurassic Park script.JP


  • Mamenchisaurus is described.
  • Therizinosaurus is described.
  • Earliest possible birth year for Dennis Theodore Nedry, said to be in his late thirties in the Jurassic Park script.JP He was likely born in or near Lansing, MI, his hometown.DPW
  • December 24: Gregory Scott Paul is born in Washington, D.C.12


  • Majungasaurus is described.
  • Tarbosaurus is described.
  • June 29: Ian Malcolm and Edward Carr are both born this day.TLW
  • July 17: Disneyland opens in Anaheim, CA. Its opening day is plagued by ride malfunctions and breakdowns, as well as other chaotic events. Despite its difficulties on the day it opened, it will become one of the world’s most successful theme parks and eventually inspire some aspects of John Hammond’s future theme park endeavors.11
    • John Hammond mistakenly believed that Disneyland opened in 1956.JP


  • Approximate birth year for Peter Ludlow, described as “fortyish” in an earlier The Lost World: Jurassic Park script.TLW


  • Approximate birth year for Alan Grant, said to be in his mid-thirties in the Jurassic Park script.JP


  • Rough estimate for Laura Sorkin’s date of birth assuming she finished grad school in 1985 and began eight years of college education at the age of 18.JPTG


  • Possible birth year for Henry Wu, born in Ohio.Guide This is based on the year he completed his graduate studies at MIT.MSRN,Web,JPTG
  • June 14: Documents appear to show Nicholas Van Owen attaining a bachelors’ degree of fine art from the University of California at Berkeley School of Medicine; however, this cannot refer to the Nick Van Owen relevant to de-extinction since he had yet to be born. It is assumed that the document, referring to a different person of the same name, must have been attained by mistake.TLW


  • Approximate birth year for Juanito Rostagno, said to be “thirty-ish” in the Jurassic Park script.JP
  • Herrerasaurus is described.


  • Earliest possible birth year for Ellie Sattler, said to be in her late twenties in the Jurassic Park script.JP
  • March 21: SeaWorld San Diego opens in San Diego, CA.11 It will eventually be one of the inspirations for John Hammond’s animal parks.JP
  • Metriacanthosaurus is described.
  • June 29: Nicholas Van Owen is born.TLW



  • December: Dian Fossey begins her primatology research in the Virunga Mountains.11




  • Dilophosaurus is described.
  • Tenontosaurus is described.
  • Throughout the 1970s, Laura Sorkin is involved in animal rights protests and is arrested multiple times.JPTG


  • Gallimimus is described.
  • Chaohusaurus is described.
  • Archaeornithomimus is described.


  • February 16: Masrani Global established by Sanjay Masrani with the founding of Mascom Network in Mumbai, India.MSRN
  • Sarah Harding encounters dangerous predators for the first time.TLW


  • April: Annie Chang and Stanley Cohen create the world’s first transgenic organism, a hybrid bacterium. Its base is Escherichia coli, but it expresses genes from Staphylococcus aureus.44
  • Charlotte Lockwood is born to Benjamin Lockwood and his wife. She is raised at the Lockwood estate near Orick, California.FK,JWD
    • Originally, her date of birth was said to be August 15, 1983. However, it was established in Jurassic World: Dominion that she was already nine or ten years old by December 1983, which would mean she was born in 1973 or 1974.



  • Ouranosaurus is described.


  • Biosyn Genetics is founded by Bill Steingarten and Jeff Rossiter. Steingarten is its CEO.DPW
  • September: Assuming she completed four years of undergraduate college education and four years of graduate studies, this is the latest that Laura Sorkin could have started undergrad in order to be hired by InGen with a doctorate in 1985.JPTG


  • Spring: Eddie Carr graduates from the Michigan Institute of Technology with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and design.TLW
  • Early Summer: Jessica Marie Harding is born to Gerry Harding and his second wife.JPTG
  • According to Nima Cruz, her daughter Atlanta is about the same age as Jess and so was born around this time.JPTG
  • Reinhold Messner becomes the first person to summit Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen; he is accompanied by Peter Habeler. When pressed about why he risked death on the mountain, he allegedly replied “I went up there to live.”43
  • Geosternbergia is decribed.
  • Lesothosaurus is described.
  • September: Assuming that he completed four academic years of undergraduate studies and four years of graduate studies, Henry Wu would have begun his education at MIT this year.MSRN,Web


  • Mascom unveils its concept for fiber-optic communications in the telecommunications network.MSRN
  • Spring: Ian Malcolm obtains a master’s degree in mathematical probabilities from New York State University.TLW


  • Bernard Shaw becomes a news anchor for CNN.22
  • From this point onward, Robert Muldoon works almost exclusively in conservation.JNM


  • Robert Muldoon begins working a two-year assignment at Tiger World in southern Kashmir, India.JNM
  • Before June 11: Alexis Murphy is born to John Hammond’s daughter.JP
  • September: Assuming Laura Sorkin completed a graduate degree in four years, this is the latest she could have begun her graduate studies in order to be hired by InGen with a doctorate in 1985. She is studying paleogenetics at the University of California at Berkeley, and will ultimately become the first person ever to obtain a paleogenetics degree.JPTG
  • Before December 22: Owen Grady is born, based on the Jurassic World film script.JW
  • Nima Cruz says she and her father left Isla Nublar around this time, either this year or next year. This predates InGen’s resettlement of the Tun-Si people by three or four years, depending on the exact date at which they left the island.JPTG


  • InGen signs a 99-year lease for Isla Sorna from the Costa Rican government.MSRN Isla Sorna had been the site of banana plantations prior to this date. The banana groves were left abandoned when InGen arrived.Survivor The neighboring islands of the Muertes Archipelago are also included in the 99-year lease.MSRN
  • Spring: Assuming he began his undergraduate studies in 1978, Henry Wu would have completed them this year. He gained wide recognition for his undergraduate thesis.MSRN,Web
  • Spring: Ian Malcolm obtains his first PhD from New York State University, a degree in statistical analysis and applied philosophies. He is now Dr. Malcolm.TLW
  • September: Assuming he completed four years of graduate studies, Henry Wu would have begun grad school at MIT this year in order to graduate in 1986.MSRN,Web


  • Mascom Telecommunications network launches in India.MSRN
  • Robert Muldoon’s assignment at Tiger World ends; he is hired by Hammond once again.JP,JNM
  • Construction begins on Jurassic Park: San Diego.MSRN
  • Spring: Dr. Ian Malcolm obtains his second PhD only a year after his first. This degree is in advanced mathematical computations and is from the California Institute of Technology.TLW
  • Stygimoloch is described.
  • Karen Dearing is born before or during this year.EoC
  • December: Photo taken of Charlotte Lockwood and Iris Carroll at the Lockwood estate.FK,JWD


  • The first test fertilization of an artificial ovum by InGen at the Lockwood estate transpires successfully.MSRN,Guide,FK
  • Tatsuo Technology is founded in Tokyo, Japan.MSRN
  • Before June 11: Tim Murphy is born to John Hammond’s daughter.JP
  • First extraction of ancient DNA (aDNA) performed by scientists at the University of California at Berkeley; aDNA from a 150-year-old museum specimen of quagga is extracted and sequenced. This is the first-ever demonstration that DNA can persist and still be viable after the death of an organism.41


  • On or Before May 26: Kelly Curtis Malcolm is born to Dr. Ian MalcolmTLW, one of three children from at least two marriages.JP
  • On or Before May 30: Claire Dearing is born.EoC
  • On or Before March 5: Isobel James is born.EoC
  • InGen moves to be based out of Palo Alto.JPHandbook
    • Originally, InGen was said to have been founded in 1985 out of Palo Alto, California with operations in Europe, the South Pacific, and San Diego. This has been altered, with the new canon establishing InGen as being founded in 1975 and moving to Palo Alto in 1985.
  • Hammond hires Dr. Laura Sorkin, according to the InGen Handbook. She is instrumental in demonstrating that ancient DNA could be retrieved from amber.JPHandbook The first successful extraction is performed at Benjamin Lockwood’s residence.Guide,FK
  • Construction of Jurassic Park: San Diego is halted and indefinitely suspended at this time as Hammond decides to relocate to Isla Nublar, Costa Rica.MSRN,TLW
  • Nima Cruz’s father, a Tun-Si awa, is brought by the Costa Rican government to speak to InGen about Isla Nublar so that the government can ask for a higher price from InGen. Isla Nublar is then leased from the Costa Rican government, becoming a part of the 99-year lease InGen already has for Las Cinco Muertes. InGen offers to relocate the native peoples along with providing education and medical care and assistance. Oscar Morales participates in removing the remaining Tun-Si from Isla Nublar. The displaced locals are promised education, medicine, and housing by InGen and Costa Rica, but both benefactors fail to provide these services adequately.JPTG
  • Jess Harding sneaks into the tiger exhibit at the San Diego Zoo where her father works.JPTG
  • Carnotaurus is described.
  • December 26: Dian Fossey is murdered by unknown assailants. Her research assistant Wayne McGuire is suspected of having killed her, but the true circumstances are still unknown.12


  • The first de-extinct dinosaur, a Triceratops horridus, is cloned on InGen’s facilities on Site B.MSRN
    • Originally, the first dinosaur ever cloned was said to be Velociraptor, but this was edited after a few months.
    • After the aforementioned change, the first dinosaur cloned was said to be Triceratops. However, the specific genus of dinosaur was removed from the website entirely some time after the release of Jurassic World: Dominion. Since then, fans have speculated that Microceratus, which was canonically cloned in early 1986, was InGen’s first dinosaur, and social media posts implying as such have been shared by the viral marketing team. However, books which were released by Universal Studios list Triceratops as InGen’s first cloned dinosaur, and as these cannot be edited as easily as a website (and the website itself does not confirm or deny which dinosaur was first cloned anymore), Triceratops remains the canon answer to this question.
  • Dialogue from The Evolution of Claire suggests that Brachiosaurus was among the first dinosaurs to be cloned. Two individuals named Olive and Agnes were said to be approaching their twenties as of August 2004. The earliest they could have hatched would be 1986, making them 18 at the time.EoC
  • May 2: Video log made by Charlotte Lockwood, now a preteen and living on Isla Sorna. She interacts with a Microceratus in the lab.JWD
  • Spring: Sarah Harding gains a bachelor’s degree in veterinary science/biology from New York State University.TLW
  • Spring: Dr. Henry Wu graduates from MIT with a PhD in genetics. He is hired by InGen. Wu is eventually able to prove that splicing the ancient DNA with that of modern animals can create viable embryos at a much faster rate than Dr. Sorkin’s methods, which required the amassing of large amounts of amber to reconstruct complete genomes.MSRN,Web,JPTG
  • One of InGen’s major competitors, Mantah Corporation, has so far failed to perform de-extinction.CC
  • Dr. Wu creates a contingency plan in the event that animals escape from the facilities, inserting a faulty gene into their genome which causes them to become dependent on weekly supplemental lysine in their food. Without this, the animals will become comatose and eventually die.JP,JPTG This method is approved of by InGen, but vehemently opposed by Dr. Laura Sorkin. Despite her protests, all new InGen employees must agree to uphold the lysine contingency. The successes of Dr. Wu cause him to become favored over Dr. Sorkin.JPTG
  • Dr. Gerry Harding comes to work at InGen some time after the lysine contingency is established.JPTG
  • American paleontologist Dr. Robert T. Bakker publishes his book, The Dinosaur Heresies: New Theories Unlocking the Mystery of the Dinosaurs and Their Extinction. It popularizes the idea that dinosaurs were warm-blooded, birdlike animals; this book becomes immensely popular among dinosaur enthusiasts.28
  • Baryonyx is described.
  • Approximate birth year for Amelia Everett, who is said to have been at the end of her late 20s by December 2015.JWA


  • The last of the Tun-Si are resettled on the Costa Rican mainland.MSRN
  • On or Before May 26: Karen starts babysitting Ian Malcolm’s daughter Kelly.TLW
  • Charlotte Lockwood celebrates her thirteenth birthday on Isla Sorna.JWD


  • Construction of Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar begins.MSRN,Web
  • Dr. Sorkin is granted her field lab on Isla Nublar in an effort to show she can still be of use by correcting Wu’s mistakes as a field scientist.JPHandbook,JPTG
  • On or Before May 15: A female Tyrannosaurus rex is hatched on Site B. She is the first of her kind.Web,DPG
  • Spring: Sarah Harding gains a bachelor’s degree in cultural anthropology/genetics from New York State University. This is probably when she graduated.TLW
  • First maturing animals moved from InGen’s Site B on Isla Sorna to the Jurassic Park: Isla Nublar. It is not known what exact dates most of the animals were moved. The first species cloned between 1986 and 1988 include at least Triceratops and Brachiosaurus. It is possible that Parasaurolophus may also have been introduced at this time.JP,TLW,MSRN Microceratus has been cloned, but is not ready for Jurassic Park yet.JWD
  • Gregory S. Paul publishes Predatory Dinosaurs of the World, a book which will become highly influential to paleontologists such as Alan Grant.29
  • Before December 14/15: Cathy Bowman is born to Paul and Deirdre Bowman.TLW


  • A year-old Tyrannosaurus rex is introduced to Jurassic Park. The paddock is designed to hold one adult and one juvenile; it currently holds just one animal.Web
  • Between May 30 and July 18: Eric Kirby is born to Paul and Amanda Kirby in Enid, OK.Survivor,JP3


  • On or After May 30: Claire Dearing, now five years old, forgets her solo at a tap dance recital and freezes onstage. She was also a member of a local Girl Scout troop at some point during her early life, which allows children to join as young as five years old.EoC
  • Eddie Carr studies computer design at the MIT Extension.TLW
  • Spring: Sarah Harding obtains a master’s degree in paleontology/applied sciences from Johns Hopkins University.TLW
  • At some point this decade, Biosyn acquires land in the Dolomite Mountains known to be rich in amber. Mines are constructed; the valley will eventually be renamed Biosyn Valley.JWD,DPW


  • Behind-the-scenes notes suggest that Jurassic Park was originally projected to open this year. The planned opening date was pushed to 1994.JP
  • Biosyn Genetics begins planning a heist of InGen trade secrets from Isla Nublar.DPW
  • September 20: Dr. Wu discovers that genetic structures in the yellow-banded poison dart frog (Dendrobates leucomelas) makes its DNA incompatible with some dinosaur genomes. While it successfully integrates into Dilophosaurus DNA, it failed in Velociraptor embryos 4x, 6x, and 7x, leading to death by karyolysis. This was remedied by Dr. Wu utilizing genes from the common reed frog (Hyperolius viridiflavus) instead.MSRN
    • This implies that Dilophosaurus and Velociraptor were created in or after 1991. Older versions of the Jurassic Park script imply that Gallimimus would have been created after this point as well.JP All of these species would eventually be introduced to Isla Nublar.
    • Eventually, InGen would succeed in cloning a Tylosaurus. Independently, Dr. Sorkin would go on to create Troodon pectinodon using modified DNA that Dr. Wu abandoned. They are assumed to have been created sometime in the early 1990s.JPHandbook,JPTG
  • Sometime between now and 1993, Grant publishes his first book, Dinosaur Detectives, which receives glowing reviews and raises him to become a nationally-respected figure in paleontological science.JP,JP3
  • Hammond begins funding Dr. Alan Grant’s research at some point.JP


  • February 13: Henry Wu and Robert Muldoon observe high levels of collective intelligence in Velociraptor.MSRN
  • March 12: Dennis Nedry is first contacted by Lewis Dodgson of Biosyn Genetics.DPW
  • Sanjay Masrani dies aged 62. Simon Masrani succeeds his father as head of the company.MSRN
  • April 6: Bosnian War begins.11 Nick Van Owen extensively documents the war for Nightline.TLW
  • Autumn: Nick Van Owen attends the University of California at Berkeley to major in field journalism, but drops out to pursue his passion as an environmental activist and humanitarian crisis reporter. At the time he dropped out, his GPA was 3.8.TLW
  • At some point InGen leases a tract of land in the Azores for Jurassic Park Europe, an upcoming location, as well as an island near Guam for another location servicing Japan.JP


  • Utahraptor has been described by this time. It was discovered earlier in this continuity than in real life, most likely due to paleontologists in the United States being funded by InGen.JPTG
    • In real life, Utahraptor was given its scientific name in June 1993, shortly after Jurassic Park was released in theaters. Its earlier discovery date is known from Jurassic Park: The Game‘s InGen Field Guide, in which Laura Sorkin mentions that InGen’s Velociraptors are approaching the size range for Utahraptor.
  • Herrerasaurus is first cloned by InGen by this point, most likely this year as all specimens were still juveniles by that summer. In addition, Jurassic Park: The Game suggests that Pteranodon longiceps hippocratesi had been cloned and introduced to Isla Nublar by this point.JPTG Some plants, such as a Cretaceous species of veriforman, were also cloned and introduced to the island.DPG,JP,JPHandbook,JPTG
  • Henry Wu starts researching hybridization of different genera, based on his archived email about Karacosis wutansis dated 5/21/1997.MSRN
  • The Brachiosaurus Dot hatches by this time. It is not known if she ever lived on Isla Nublar during the old Park era.EoC
  • Eventually, John Hammond and Benjamin Lockwood part ways due to Lockwood’s interest in using InGen’s technology for human cloning.FK Despite this, the Lockwood Manor laboratory remains connected to the InGen network.JWA Charlotte Lockwood remains at Site B despite her father parting ways with Hammond; she stays for as long as the facility is operational.JWD
  • April 29: At least one of the Isla Nublar Triceratops is reported to have an unidentified ailment by Jurassic Park veterinary staff. Her symptoms recur every six weeks. While her diagnosis remains inconclusive for now, she will eventually be identified as suffering from periodic Melia toxicity.Social
  • Jess Harding is caught shoplifting. Her mother concedes to let her spend a weekend with her father on Isla Nublar in the hopes that he can change her behavior.JPTG
  • A Velociraptor is introduced to the paddock, which already contains seven other animals. This newcomer attacks and kills all but two of the others, leaving a total of three. At some point, the raptors breed. The new alpha has her subordinates attack the electric fences when the feeders come, systematically attacking different points to test for weaknesses. The decision was eventually made to move these raptors to a holding pen for security reasons.JP
    • According to Jurassic Park: The Game, this incident resulted in Hammond bringing in a pack of replacement raptors from Site B, as well as deciding to use Herrerasaurus in what was originally going to be the raptor attraction.JPTG
  • May 24: An incident of unknown nature occurs at Jurassic Park’s geothermal power plant.JPTG
  • At this point in time, InGen is in negotiations with China to lease property in Beijing that will be used for an upcoming Jurassic Park location.JP
  • Early June: Building continues on Isla Nublar until Jophery Brown, a gatekeeper, is killed by a Velociraptor during a transfer to the holding pen. (This is erroneously said to occur in 1992 in the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Survival Guide.) Due to this incident, the Board of Directors demands an inquiry into the stability of the Park, including an endorsement tour including chaotician Dr. Ian Malcolm and paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant.JP According to the Tour The Island interactive site, a geologist was also planned to review the island (in particular the geothermal power plant), but Donald Gennaro advised against having the geologist invited.TTI
    • Tour The Island also gives several other details about the Board’s review of the island at this time:TTI
      • Species (IG74726f6f646f6e) is to be euthanized, all embryos and DNA shelved, and all records of its existence eliminated, regardless of Dr. Sorkin’s protests, as the species is dangerous and has no tourism appeal
      • Dr. Sorkin is under review, pending possible reassignment to Site B population research and development
      • Access to geothermal power plant control systems is to be restricted to trained personnel; the site is to be monitored for new magma vents as per Hammond’s insistence
      • The Bone Shaker rollercoaster, while 90% complete, is scheduled for Phase II opening; Robert Muldoon’s concerns about proximity to the herrerasaur and raptor enclosures are taken into account, but security measures currently in place are deemed sufficient
      • Marine facility scheduled for Phase II opening; marketing and public relations campaigns are ready for approval, marine biologists have been hired, and new safety protocols are in place
  • Early June: Donald Gennaro is meant to meet John Hammond at the Mano de Dios amber mine in the Dominican Republic, but as Hammond’s daughter is going through divorce proceedings, Hammond does not show. Instead, Gennaro meets the mine’s proprietor, Juanito Rostagno, to discuss the endorsement tour. Hammond has agreed to take his grandchildren to the island for the weekend to keep them away from the divorce proceedings.JP
  • June 7: John Hammond arrives in the Montana badlands to meet with Dr. Grant. While there, he also meets Dr. Sattler and invites her along as well, despite her not being on the list of invited experts. They agree to visit the island when he promises to continue funding their digs for a further three years.JP
  • June 10: Lewis Dodgson meets with disgruntled InGen programmer Dennis Nedry in San José, Costa Rica. Nedry has agreed to help Dodgson obtain stolen dinosaur embryos in exchange for $750,000 up front and a further $50,000 for each viable embryo.JP
  • June 11 through June 13: See 1993 Isla Nublar Incident.JP,JPTG
  • After June 13: The incident at Isla Nublar starts the downward spiral of InGen. Sarah Harding ventures to see Ian Malcolm in Costa Rica to see if the rumors of resurrected dinosaurs were true. He confirms that they are, and the two eventually form a romantic relationship.TLW
  • July 7: Dodgson follows up on the Isla Nublar disaster. Nedry is still considered missing, according to Biosyn agents in Costa Rica and within InGen. The cryopreservation canister is missing along with him. Biosyn begins Project Footprint, an effort to locate useable DNA samples to catch up to InGen.DPW
  • Malcolm reaches out to his daughter Kelly and becomes more present in her life. They move to Austin, Texas where she helps him with his research; Harding becomes a maternal figure for Kelly during the time she spends with Malcolm.TLW
  • Having had a change of philosophy, Hammond begins protecting Isla Sorna from InGen (and particularly Peter Ludlow) by ramping down production on the island. Over time, Hammond falls ill and is bedridden by 1997.TLW
  • The deaths of Donald Gennaro, Robert Muldoon, and Ray Arnold, despite being covered up by InGen, result in lawsuits from the victims’ families which push InGen toward bankruptcy.TLW
  • Mononykus is described, originally under the name Mononychus. This name is preoccupied by a genus of beetle, and so the dinosaur’s name is changed within the year.
  • Monolophosaurus is described.


  • Projected opening year for Jurassic Park: Europe, had the original Park opened in 1991.JP
  • Bill Steingarten is replaced as Biosyn CEO by Jeff Rossiter.DPW
  • Approximate birth year for Kayla Watts, said to be in her late twenties in 2022. She grows up in Detroit, Michigan.JWD
  • April 7: Rwandan genocide begins.11 Nick Van Owen documents the genocide for Nightline.TLW
  • Ramsay Cole is born.JWD
  • May 12: Henry Wu has been shown evidence of the lysine contingency failing as well as nests where dinosaurs have bred. He suspects that common reed frog DNA may be to blame.MSRN
  • Spring: Dr. Sarah Harding completes graduate studies at Johns Hopkins University, graduating with a PhD in paleontology, specializing in genetics.TLW
  • May 22: The bottle to the left here indicates some research was active on Isla Sorna. It is unknown to what extent any research was still being carried out, but this specimen was taken from a Baryonyx.TLW
  • On or Before May 30: Claire Dearing, as an eight-year-old, gets a pet blue-tongued skink. She names her Sally Ride, after the astronaut.EoC
  • July 15: Rwandan genocide ends.11
  • On or After July 18: At the age of five, Eric Kirby first expresses an interest in dinosaurs, inspired by Dr. Alan Grant’s illustrated nonfiction Dinosaur Detectives.Survivor
  • October 5: InGen publishes a report of dinosaur populations remaining on Isla Nublar, documenting proof that the Velociraptors have bred and that the lysine contingency failed to kill the remaining dinosaurs. They also discover that Compsognathus have established on Isla Nublar, likely having stowed away on ships while the Park was under construction.DPG The operation was infiltrated by Biosyn agents in an effort to locate DNA specimens they can use.DPW
  • November: Henry Wu returns to Isla Nublar to assist the clean-up teams in cataloging the animals and to determine how they were breeding. He discovers that the DNA from the common reed frog, which he had used to fill gene sequence gaps in dinosaurian DNA, included genes that allowed protogyny as a response to life in a single-sex environment. All of the DNA samples on Isla Nublar were lost to sabotage, temperature exposure, and water damage.MSRN,DPG Project Footprint concludes with the successful recovery of DNA samples by Biosyn agents.DPW
  • December 11: First Chechen War begins.11 Nick Van Owen documents the war for Nightline.TLW
  • December 14: Photo taken of Eddie Carr which is used by Hammond in his personnel file.TLW


  • Projected opening year for Jurassic Park: Japan, had the original Park opened in 1991.JP
  • April 17: Photo taken of Nick Van Owen which is used by Hammond in his personnel file.TLW
  • May: InGen braces for Hurricane Clarissa, and proceeds to evacuate and close down operations on Site B.TLW,WG During the evacuation, DNA samples of most species are recovered, but all Proceratosaurus DNA was lost.DPG
  • Henry Wu releases his book The Next Step: An Evolution of God’s Concepts. This book details his ambition for creating brand new species.MSRN
  • Ian Malcolm publicly breaks his nondisclosure agreement on a television interview about the 1993 incident. InGen representative Peter Ludlow begins a smear campaign against Malcolm, discrediting him in the eyes of many. The Costa Rican government, attempting to preserve their reputation as a tourist paradise, publishes a comment: “John Hammond and InGen’s work is filed under genetic research for an ecological preserve. There is no evidence or credibility to far-fetched claims of living dinosaurs.” Jurassic Park is dismissed as a hoax and Malcolm a fraud. He eventually loses his tenure at the University he works at for “allegedly” receiving money to spread rumors of dinosaurs, although he denies ever accepting any. Ludlow gets The Washington Post and Skeptical Inquirer to publish articles harshly ridiculing Malcolm’s claims that InGen has recreated dinosaurs.DPG,TLW
  • Sometime after his television interview, Dr. Malcolm publishes a book entitled God Creates Dinosaurs.JW
  • According to an earlier script for Jurassic Park ///, this was the last year that Alan Grant saw his and Ellie Sattler’s pet blue-and-gold macaw Jack until 2001. This suggests that Grant and Sattler’s relationship ended at around this time.JP3
    • As Jack was said to be able to speak when he and Grant last saw each other, this suggests that Jack was an adult by this year; blue-and-gold macaws mature over a period of several months, and so he may have hatched as late as 1995.
  • Giganotosaurus is described.
  • November 21: Bosnian War ends.11
  • December 22: Most recent information update to Sarah Harding’s file on John Hammond’s personnel record. At this point in time, she is living at 31201 West 33rd Street, Apartment #301 in New York City, New York.TLW


  • January 29: Photo is taken of Sarah Harding which Hammond obtains and uses for her personnel file.TLW
  • March 19: Most recent update to Hammond’s profile on Nick Van Owen. At the time, Van Owen is living at 2578 Renata Circuit, Bungalow E, in Los Angeles, California.TLW
  • Masrani Oil Industries is founded in Abu Dhabi, UAE.MSRN
  • Data Analysys is founded in Johannesburg, South Africa.MSRN
  • August 31: First Chechen War ends.11
  • September 3: Photo taken of Dr. Ian Malcolm which will be used by John Hammond for his personnel file.TLW
  • December 7: InGen publishes an updated form of its asset catalogue, including dinosaur information. Population estimates are based off of the October 5, 1994 survey. The report has certain parts censored for security, including the investigation report detailing loss of DNA samples.DPG
  • October 28: After numerous worker injuries in attempts to deconstruct Jurassic Park, the people of Costa Rica sue InGen for damages incurred. The Costa Rican Department of the Interior acts as plaintiff, represented by the law corporation Muñroz, Fernandez & Estrada. InGen is ordered by the Superior Court of Costa Rica to pay ten million U.S. dollars pursuant to Penal Code Section 2933 for injuries sustained on InGen property. Records of the trial are sent to the Records Office located in Sun Valley, California.TLW
  • December 14/15: A British family on a yacht cruise eventually stumbles upon InGen’s Site B. The family’s young daughter, Cathy Bowman, is injured severely by a flock of Compsognathus. She recovers in a hospital, but the Bowmans sue InGen following the incident.TLW
    • The incident with the Bowmans occurred between December 14 and December 15. Paul Bowman can be seen reading the weekend edition of the Financial Times with the headline Ghana’s Kofi Annan to become UN chief. Annan was selected as UN Secretary-General on December 13, 1996 and took office on January 1, 1997.
  • December 16/17: An emergency board meeting is held at InGen headquarters, Chairman Ludlow presiding. The Board of Directors votes unanimously to depose John Hammond as CEO and President. Ludlow will succeed him once the process is complete.TLW


  • January 1: Kofi Annan begins his time as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations.11
  • On Isla Sorna, a new generation of dinosaurs has been bred in the wild, including a Tyrannosaurus and a Stegosaurus.TLW
  • February 3: Most recent update to Hammond’s personnel file on Eddie Carr. At this time, Carr is living at 3765 Harbor Boulevard in San Diego, California.TLW
  • February 21: Most recent update to Hammond’s personnel file on Dr. Malcolm; at this point Malcolm is living at 2625 2nd Avenue, Apartment #111, in New York City, New York.TLW
  • May 7: Around this time, Sarah Harding attends a fundraiser at a local museum, despite not having wanted to participate. Ian Malcolm had promised to help her get out of this responsibility, but he fails to deliver.TLW
  • May: Kelly Malcolm’s mother unexpectedly travels to Paris, France and leaves Kelly behind. At this time Dr. Malcolm is on a temporary teaching assignment in the Berkeley area, so Kelly goes to spend this time with him.TLW
  • May: Sarah Harding meets with John Hammond, who is anticipating that InGen will soon pillage Site B for its dinosaurs. He sends Harding to Isla Sorna to document the dinosaurs in the wild, hoping to sway public opinion in favor of protecting the dinosaurs. Hammond also contacts documentarian Nick Van Owen and field equipment specialist Eddie Carr for the mission, and hopes that he can coerce Ian Malcolm into joining them. Meanwhile, Peter Ludlow plans his own expedition, hiring paleontologist Dr. Robert Burke, big game hunter Roland Tembo and his parter Ajay Sidhu, and Roland’s associate Dieter Stark.TLW
  • May 21: Henry Wu and his research team at InGen have created a hybrid genus of flowering plant, Karacosis wutansis, which they present to the International Society of Geneticists. This accomplishment gains international media attention and sparks Simon Masrani’s interest in acquiring InGen. Hammond is not healthy enough to visit and see Wu’s success.MSRN
  • May 22: Sarah Harding lands on Isla Sorna.TLW
  • May 23: With the change in power at InGen impending, preparations for the Harvester expedition commence.TLW
  • May 26: Peter Ludlow succeeds Hammond and immediately initiates his plan to save the company by raiding Site B for assets, using them to open Jurassic Park: San Diego. Hammond completes his countermoves by recruiting Ian Malcolm, who immediately travels to California to meet with the rest of the team.TLW
  • May 27: Malcolm implores Eddie Carr to leave as soon as possible. Malcolm’s daughter Kelly joins him, but is disappointed that she cannot come along; she interprets his words to mean that she should stow away, and does so. Meanwhile, Ludlow’s team also makes final preparations for departure; Roland Tembo and Ajay Sidhu fly to Costa Rica by jet to join InGen.TLW
  • May 28-29: See 1997 Isla Sorna Incident.TLW
  • May 30: See 1997 San Diego Incident.DPG,TLW
  • Claire Dearing, now twelve years old, is enthralled by the photographs of dinosaurs now surfacing in the news, despite many people calling it a nightmare situation.EoC Similarly, seven-year-old Eric Kirby rewatches the footage of the San Diego incident many times and expresses an intense desire to see dinosaurs in the flesh. This is dismissed as unrealistic by most of his friends, who view him as strange for being excited about the ramifications of the San Diego incident.Survivor
  • Claire Dearing is gifted a hand-built telescope from her father.EoC
  • The US House Committee on Science begins reviewing the Ethical Negligence within Paleo-Genetic Resurrection Bill (ENPGR), which would extend endangered species rights to de-extinct animals, restrict access to the islands where these species live, and prohibit further de-extinction practices. John Hammond and InGen work on this bill as well.DPG
  • Sometime after the existence of dinosaurs becomes common knowledge, Dr. Alan Grant publishes a book entitled Lost World of the Dinosaurs. It includes information about his experience in Jurassic Park, being one of very few publicly-available sources of information about the incident. However, Grant’s tone is more cynical in this book, so many people prefer his earlier work.Survivor,JP3,CC Eventually Grant’s works are converted to books-on-tape.JWD
  • At some point after this year, Ian Malcolm has two more children.JWD
  • Autumn: Claire Dearing encounters a dog that is kept chained outside near her school by a warehouse owner in poor conditions. Animal Control claims that the conditions are not bad enough to allow them to take action, since the dog is fed and watered and has some shelter. With help from her father, Dearing maintains a photographic record and written log of the dog’s situation. Eventually, the owner leaves for two weeks and the dog goes hungry, which Dearing demonstrates to Animal Control. The dog is taken to a local rescue and rehabilitated. It is adopted by a family in Maine and named Roo; the family sends Dearing pictures of Roo every Christmas.EoC
  • A bidding war for InGen begins, with the primary bidders being Masrani Global Corporation and Tatsuo Technology.DPG
  • The ENPGR Bill, better known as the Gene Guard Act, passes into law.DPG
  • December 31: John Hammond dies two minutes before midnight local time, aged 84. According to Simon Masrani, Hammond’s dying wish was for Masrani to take InGen and become steward to Hammond’s legacy.MSRN,Web,JW,WG


  • January 1: Five minutes after midnight (seven minutes after his death), Hammond is briefly revived by his medical staff, but passes away for a final time.FK,WG
  • January 10: Simon Masrani plans a meeting with an undisclosed person for next Thursday regarding “the next ten years.”MSRN
  • January 15: Planned date for Simon Masrani’s meeting regarding the company’s future.MSRN
  • Charlie Degler is born to Ellie Sattler, who is now married to Mark Degler.JP3
  • Masrani Global Corporation officially acquires InGen.MSRN
    • According to promotional material in the Jurassic Park mobile games produced by Ludia, Inc., the acquisition became finalized on May 17. However, this is not corroborated by any hard canon materials.
  • Within 100 days of the merger, InGen illegally restarts operations on Isla Sorna. It is not known if Simon Masrani was aware of this. Only a select few InGen members were involved, whose names are unknown. Over a period of nine months, animals were illegally bred on the island, including new species such as Spinosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Corythosaurus, and Ankylosaurus. These animals were experimented on during these nine months, and incubation was accomplished rapidly to avoid detection. The research and growth of these animals were filed under “Early R&D for Jurassic Park’s second incarnation” and simultaneously “Amalgam Testing.”DPG
  • Wind power trials for Masrani Oil are successful, and the division begins using wind power.MSRN
  • Before August: A Brachiosaurus which will eventually be named Pearl hatches on Isla Sorna.EoC
  • Jurassic World conceptual planning begins, with Masrani drawing experts from all over the company.MSRN
  • September or Later: In eighth grade, Claire Dearing creates a highly detailed Solar System model by painting her bedroom ceiling. She uses it for inspiration.EoC
  • Suchomimus is described. InGen was in possession of Suchomimus DNA as early as 1993, and had identified the genus. Whether it was discovered by InGen scientists, or discovered independently by paleontologists at an earlier date than in real life, is not known.DPG


  • Biosyn begins Project Regenesis, an operation to revitalize Biosyn by piggybacking off of InGen research. Biosyn agents infiltrate the illegal activity occurring on Isla Sorna, posing as InGen or Masrani Global employees.DPW
  • InGen wraps up its illegal R&D and abandons its creations on Isla Sorna to fend for themselves.DPG
  • The United Nations grants limited access to Isla Sorna to Masrani Global. Simon Masrani witnesses a newborn Parasaurolophus and is personally affected by it positively.MSRN
  • March 5: Richard Kiley passes away due to a bone marrow disease in Middletown, NY, aged 76.12
  • Mascom obtains a satellite called Glinda, which serves to research dangerous low-pressure weather systems.MSRN
  • In high school, Claire Dearing volunteers at an animal shelter. At some point, the shelter takes in a feral dog missing her right eye. Dearing helps to rehabilitate the dog and wins its trust. Dearing’s mother ensures that they are slated to adopt the dog once it is ready, and they name her Earhart.EoC
  • September: Latest possible date Karen Dearing could have moved away from home. During her first year away, her roommate is a very sexually active girl of city background. At some point, Claire Dearing tends to a wounded fox in her sister’s room, which frightens Karen’s roommate. The location is chosen partly as revenge for Karen being frequently locked out for her roommate’s sexual purposes.EoC
  • October 23: Simon Masrani settles on a name for his resurrected Jurassic Park, deciding to call it “Jurassic World.”MSRN
  • On or Before December 21: Zach Mitchell is born to Karen and Scott Mitchell.EoC,JW


  • Biosyn’s Project Regenesis recovers useful DNA and other assets, beginning a period of financial growth for Biosyn. Over the next eighteen years, their stock will rise from nineteen up to seventy-eight and a quarter.DPW
  • Axis Boulder Engineering is founded by Masrani Global Corporation in Dubai, UAE.MSRN
  • April 1: Masrani Global Corporation makes its NASDAQ market debut.MSRN
  • Pyroraptor is described.
  • August 25: InGen researchers Bridges and Curtis use a prototype iron analyzer to confirm that viable DNA can be obtained from a Mosasaurus fossil.MSRN
  • December: Henry Wu is promoted to lead genetic biologist at InGen. Wu is brought into the Jurassic World project.MSRN
  • Before December 19: Yasmina Fadoula is born.CC
  • Before December 19: Kenji Kon is born to Daniel Kon and his first wife.CC


  • Stock in Masrani Oil has risen tenfold since its 1996 establishment.MSRN
  • Ellie Sattler and Mark Degler have had a second child.JP3
  • March: Bernard Shaw retires from CNN.22
  • On or Before May 15: A female Ankylosaurus has hatched on Isla Sorna.DPG
  • July 16: Billy Brennan scans a fossilized raptor skull in order to make a replica of its resonating chamber.JP3
  • May 23 to July 20: See 2001 Isla Sorna Incident.Survivor,JP3
  • InGen bribes government officials to bury certain parts of the survivors’ testimonies to avoid the illegal 1998-1999 operation being accidentally revealed to the public.DPG
  • The loose Pteranodons that escaped from the aviary on Isla Sorna are sighted over Victoria, British Columbia. American security contractor Vic Hoskins is hired to clean up the reptiles. Following his success, he is hired as the new head of InGen Security.MSRN
  • On or Before May 30: Claire Dearing is gifted a plaid cashmere blanket scarf from her sister Karen for her sixteenth birthday.EoC
  • Quilmesaurus is described.
  • Before December 19: Ben Pincus is born.CC
  • Before December 19: Sammy Gutierrez is born.CC


  • A complex viral marketing campaign, initially perpetrated by an unknown company, begins. Amber-capped paleontological tools are sent to people around the world, initially journalists, celebrities, and scientists, but eventually random people. No notes are attached, simply a card with a tyrannosaur skeleton stamped on. Over the next few weeks, two more mystery gifts are delivered to the recipients. The second contains a compass with a tyrannosaur skeleton imprinted on the back. The third contains a dinosaur tooth, a piece of parchment featuring an ink drawing of a gate, and a key which does not appear to fit any lock. Once of the recipients, the son of a Bolivian farmer, finds an indentation on the box lid and inserts the key; this activates a hologram chip that displays a message: They’re coming. March 30, 2005. This is displayed on YouTube, which leads to all the recipients unlocking their boxes’ holograms.EoC
    • In real life, YouTube was not created until February 14, 2005.
  • The day after the puzzle is solved, a press conference with Simon Masrani abruptly reveals plans for Jurassic World (the opening date, at one point, is incorrectly given as 2004). Promotional art for the Main Street area is shown.MSRN,EoC
  • Timack Construction is established in San José, Costa Rica specifically for construction of Jurassic World.MSRN
  • Early April: InGen Security lands on Isla Nublar and begins rounding up dinosaurs. Many of the dinosaurs, including the remaining brachiosaurs, are shipped to Isla Sorna and will be recollected when their habitats are constructed.MSRN,EoC,DPG
  • April 19: InGen Security recaptures the island’s Tyrannosaurus.MSRN
  • Jurassic World construction begins on Isla Nublar. Axis Boulder Engineering and Timack Construction are contracted for preparation and planning prior to construction. Construction materials cost 1.2 billion dollars.MSRN
  • October 6: Timack Construction surveys the island’s central valley.MSRN
  • Aucasaurus is described.
  • Pycnonemosaurus is described.
  • Before December 19: Brooklynn is born.CC


  • February 20: Henry Wu and his colleagues discover why their dinosaurs cannot grow feathers. The culprit is a null allele, a nonfunctional copy of a gene created by mutation; it was caused by the long-term manipulation of DNA in the animals and the inclusion of DNA from non-dinosaurian species.MSRN
  • March: A supposed representative of Masrani Global Corporation (whose name has been omitted from all records) makes a case for watering down the Gene Guard Act. Specifically, the prohibition of cloning and genetic engineering new species is asked to be removed in order to allow further medical research that would benefit humans, dinosaurs, and other animals. The UHCS allows the rollback of restrictions, but key members of the board were bribed by InGen to arrive at this decision.DPG Unbeknownst to anyone but a few, the representative was a corporate spy for Biosyn Genetics.DPW
  • Following the Gene Guard Act’s revision by the UHCS, InGen under Masrani Global Corporation is able to develop new gene splicing techniques and begin creating new species for Jurassic World.DPG
  • Medixal Health is established in New York City, USA.MSRN
  • Drone footage of the under-construction Jurassic World leaks, including possible footage of the main gates.EoC
  • September: Claire Dearing begins attending university, aiming for a political science degree as to be accepted into law school after graduation and eventually become a U.S. senator.EoC
  • At some point, Claire Dearing has a brief relationship with a fellow student named Jackson. The young man makes frequent disparaging comments about Dearing’s choice in decoration and insults her pet lizard, which leads to her breaking off the relationship. He comes to her room to verbally attack her, but after Dearing’s roommate Regina makes a show of solidarity with her, Jackson avoids her on campus instead of harassing her further.EoC
  • December: A secretive internship program for Jurassic World’s early stages is opened. Isobel James is among those selected for this classified operation. Wyatt, the son of a Masrani Global subsidiary board member, attempts to learn about the program from his father, who denies its existence; when his father leaves on business, he breaks into his office and records the names of the interns.EoC
  • Before December 19: Darius Bowman is born to father Frederick Bowman.CC


  • Scientists report a mysterious and alarming drop in dinosaur populations on Isla Sorna. Speculation on the cause includes territorial disputes, disease, poaching, or behavior patterns. However, the true cause (which would not be revealed until 2015) is the sudden influx of new animals cloned by InGen illegally on the island in 1999, which strained the ecosystem more than it was capable of handling.MSRN,DPG,EoC
  • Masrani Global Corporation begins shipping the surviving animals from Isla Sorna to Isla Nublar. The corporation is credited with saving the dinosaurs from death by ecological collapse, despite being covertly responsible for precipitating it.MSRN,DPG,EoC
  • January 15: A group of interns arrives to monitor the arrival of the two Brachiosaurus Olive and Agnes to Isla Nublar, including Isobel “Izzie” James. Herbivores are now being returned to what will become Gyrosphere Valley. Natural water sources are expanded, and a calcium-boosting chemical substance is added to the water to ensure the health of their bones and teeth. It reacts with the igneous rock left over from the 1525 eruption of Mount Sibo, the resulting compound causing a mutation in indigenous cyanobacteria in the water. The cyanobacteria become incredibly acidic.EoC
  • January 31: Isobel James discovers a swelling on the neck of the Brachiosaurus Olive. She reports this to the head veterinarian Savannah, who dismisses it due to her dislike of James.EoC
  • February 1: James measures the swelling on Olive’s neck and finds that it has increased in size. Worrying that it is a tumor, she reports it to Savannah’s assistant Dr. Tim O’Donnell. The park’s veterinary staff prepare for the first-ever surgery on a de-extinct animal. Savannah attempts to reprimand James for circumventing her authority, but this is interrupted by Simon Masrani. James spends the rest of the day hiding near the other brachiosaur Agnes.EoC
  • February 2: Olive’s supposed tumor is found to be only an abscess, and is successfully removed by Jurassic World paleoveterinarians along with all infected tissue in her neck.EoC
  • February 3: Olive will recover from her surgery in a quarantine pen. The other Brachiosaurus, Agnes, is found to have a similar abscess on her neck. It is caught early enough that sugery is not needed; the brachiosaurs are put on heavy regimens of antibiotics.EoC
  • March 1: ACU test-drives gyrospheres in the central valley. Isobel James retrieves plant and cyanobacteria samples from Sector C of the valley, testing them for acidity. She discovers the acidic qualities of the cyanobacteria, but does not relay the information to her superiors because she violated protocol to obtain the samples.EoC
  • March 4: Last known entry in Izzie James’s journal. It contains the usual feed and waste logs for Agnes and Olive.EoC
  • March 5: A severe storm strikes Isla Nublar, forcing the island to be evacuated. Olive the brachiosaur is threatened when an overloaded fuse box blows out and starts a fire; as she is still recovering from surgery, smoke inhalation could kill her. Izzie James refuses to evacuate, manually opening the paddock to free Olive, and the boat is forced to leave without her; she is eventually found to have crashed her jeep on the way to the dock and died of her injuries. In Boston, an obituary is printed for Isobel James, though it claims she died “Sunday morning.” March 4, 2004 was a Thursday, which is most likely an error due to the obituary itself being misinformation as the cause of James’s death was covered up. Simon Masrani believed that this is what James would have wanted, rather than risk a PR disaster and legal investigation slowing down the park’s development.EoC
  • When rumors of the failed internship program surface online, Wyatt contacts some of the interns from his father’s list over the internet. Each of the supposed interns denies having ever been to Isla Nublar and claims to have interned at other companies, but Wyatt finds that all of these other companies are actually Masrani Global subsidiaries.EoC
  • Between March 21 and March 28: Claire Dearing goes on spring break with her roommate and friend Regina. The latter intends to go bungee jumping, but Dearing does not participate.EoC
  • Triceratops arrive from Isla Sorna. They are later found to have a bronchial affliction similar to that which affected the brachiosaurs; from this point onward all of the animals are given cocktails of antibiotics and steroids to combat the condition. This includes eggs.EoC
  • Samsung sponsors Jurassic World’s Innovation Center.EoC,Web,JW
  • Masrani Oil begins obtaining hydroelectric dams throughout Europe. The Schwarz Dam in Germany was obtained sometime shortly before 2014, so this process will continue for a decade at least.MSRN
  • Masrani Oil begins drilling for natural gas.MSRN
  • Two more brachiosaurs, an adolescent named Pearl and a young adult named Dot, are transported to Isla Nublar from Isla Sorna.EoC
  • Simon Masrani initiates the Bright Minds internship program, selecting twelve young college students to intern at Jurassic World over the course of the summer. The program is overseen by Beverly Jamison.EoC
  • The Jurassic World Aviary is still under construction; some of the Pteranodons have been able to escape by pecking holes in the structure, so a new type of polymer has to be engineered to contain them.EoC,Web
  • The patent for the gyrosphere leaks. There is much skepticism that the supposed leak is real.EoC
  • June 8: James McClure of Mascom isolates an anomaly in the Jurassic World system, declaring that it is now watertight; he has Vic Hoskins check it over one more time.MSRN
  • August: Claire Dearing is accepted into Bright Minds shortly before the deadline.EoC
  • August: Mosby Health, a rival corporation to Masrani Global, enlists Bright Minds intern Tanya Skye and her twin brother Eric to steal high-powered tranquilizer, fusion bandages, and security details from Isla Nublar in exchange for medical coverage for their younger sister Victory Skye‘s heart condition.EoC
  • August: The interns arrive in Costa Rica, boarding a ferry and traveling to Isla Nublar. At this point, the only dinosaurs officially on the island are Brachiosaurus, ParasaurolophusTriceratops, Gallimimus, juvenile Ankylosaurus, one Tyrannosaurus, Dilophosaurus, and Compsognathus. Most of these animals are contained, but the compies are still free-roaming on the island. The sixteenth Triceratops is introduced to its habitat while the interns observe.EoC
  • August: A Starbucks is under construction on Main Street, along with the monorail and most other buildings in the area. The Innovation Center’s holoscape is fully-functional by this point. Henry Wu receives a particularly unusual amber specimen from the end of the Cretaceous period which contains multiple DNA profiles; he reluctantly allows the Bright Minds interns into the laboratory to observe it. At the time, the eight species intended to be present in Jurassic World on opening day have already been created, but there are many on the “most wanted” list, including Baryonyx. This indicates that in addition to discovering new species, Dr. Wu intends to refine already-created species using new DNA samples.EoC
  • August: The interns have been on the island for two weeks and continue to monitor the dinosaurs. The gyrospheres are put to the valley to assist in their intelligent learning program, so that they can recognize hazardous terrain and protect their users. Pearl is suggested by the current head of ACU to require isolation due to her playful behavior around gyrospheres.EoC
  • August: Interns Claire Dearing and Tanya Skye are assigned by Dr. Wu to monitor Pteranodon longiceps masranii eggs and administer antibiotics and steroids to the embryos. These are to be the first new breeds of animal created for Jurassic World.EoC
  • August: Claire Dearing and three of her fellow interns develop a positive reinforcement program for Pearl the brachiosaur, discouraging her from playing with gyrospheres by giving her more appealing toys. By this time, the Skye twins have sent some of the tranquilizer darts in the mail to Mosby Health, and Victory Skye begins receiving treatment for her heart condition free of charge.EoC
  • September: A female Velociraptor antirrhopus nublarensis is introduced to Isla Nublar, the first of many. While it is being kept in quarantine, Tanya and Eric Skye release it by mistake, causing the death of intern Justin Hendricks. The twins are apprehended and the raptor is euthanized. The FDA plans to cut funding for the Mosby Health medical trials, but at Claire Dearing’s behest, Simon Masrani steps in to fund the trial to completion and also pay for Victory Skye’s future education. Claire also tells him about information she found from Izzie James’s journal, and he gives her an explanation of who James was and how she died. Masrani invites Claire to stay at Jurassic World until opening day and also offers her a job opportunity in the future, which she accepts.EoC
  • November: Small batches of tickets for Jurassic World are sold online, and Simon Masrani also holds lotteries where the winners win all-expenses-paid trips to the park. This is intended to discourage ticket scalping.EoC
  • On or Before December 21: Gray Mitchell is born to Karen and Scott Mitchell.JW
  • Rugops is described.
  • Atrociraptor is described.


  • Jurassic World’s construction is complete.MSRN,JWHandbook
  • Masrani Global Corporation signs an agreement with the Costa Rican Environmental Protection Society to protect the indigenous wildlife of Isla Nublar.MSRN
  • May 30: Jurassic World formally opens on Isla Nublar to 98,120 visitors in its first month. Simon Masrani thanks his employees for their effort in making it a success.MSRN
  • Prehistoric BioSecurity Act is signed into law.DPG
  • Boston Dynamics develops BigDog, the first military-grade robotic dog.45 It is deemed too loud for combat by the U.S. government, but is succeeded by other, more advanced robot dogs; one example is the Bio-Robotic Assistance Droid by Mantah Corp, which was developed at an unknown date prior to 2016.CC
  • August: To commemorate her first year working at Jurassic World, Simon Masrani gifts Claire Dearing a number of trinkets including her original intern badge, Izzy James’s journal, postcards from her sister, and a cicada pin carved from amber originally given by her college roommate Regina.EoC
  • By the end of this year Kenji Kon’s father is apparently having an affair (most likely with a woman named Candy, who later becomes part of the family). Five-year-old Kenji is vaguely aware of this.CC


  • Dracorex is described.
  • December: Charlotte Lockwood succeeds at cloning herself.JWD
  • December 31: Kofi Annan’s time as Secretary-General of the United Nations ends.11


  • Mascom launches global satellite navigation system ‘Centaurus’, utilizing five satellites.MSRN
  • Aerospace Dynamix is founded in Toulouse, France.MSRN
  • InGen Security, Mascom, and Aerospace Dynamix collaborate to develop drone technology.MSRN
  • On or Before May 15: A female Brachiosaurus hatches on Isla Nublar.DPG
  • On or Before May 15: A female Mosasaurus maximus has been bred for the Jurassic World Lagoon.DPG
  • On or Before May 15: A female Stegosaurus hatches in Jurassic World.DPG
  • June 26: Video log made by Charlotte Lockwood from the Lockwood laboratory. She is now six months pregnant. She has not yet realized she suffers from a fatal genetic disorder.JWD
  • By this time, Claire Dearing is Jurassic World’s Assets Manager. She will go on to attain senior status, eventually becoming Operations Manager in addition to her current position.WG
  • August: Charlotte Lockwood gives birth to Maisie Lockwood.JWD
    • Maisie’s year of birth was originally 2009, as she was said to be nine years old in June 2018. As per Jurassic World: Dominion, she was eighteen months old by February 2009. She was said to be fourteen years old as of the events of 2022, but Jurassic World: Chaos Theory has established the film’s events to take place at the end of the year, not the beginning. This would mean that Maisie was actually fifteen years old during the film’s events, though she had not yet learned her true date of birth, nor had her adoptive parents, so they could all reasonably believe that she was still fourteen.FK,JWD,WG
  • At some point, Charlotte Lockwood lectures at the same university as Dr. Ellie Sattler; they meet and become friends.JWD


  • January: Dr. Andrew French and Samuel Wood of the company Stemagen successfully create the first viable human embryos via cloning (aside from Maisie Lockwood). The embryos develop to the blastocyst stage before being destroyed in the course of research.33
  • April 4: Simon Masrani has a board meeting. The Board unanimously decides that it wants a new attraction to impress Jurassic World’s investors. Masrani and Claire Dearing authorize Henry Wu to create whatever it takes to accomplish this.MSRN
  • Henry Wu and the InGen genetics division begin working on hybrid theropod genomes.MSRN
  • June: Yasmina Fadoula begins taking performance diving lessons.CC
  • July 5: The celebration of life for Charlotte Lockwood is supposedly held starting at 9:00am at St. Anne’s Church.FK

    • This event never occurred, as details about Charlotte’s death were fabricated after the fact.JWD
  • According to Zach Mitchell, this was the last time Claire Dearing saw her nephews until 2015.JW
  • Peloroplites is described.


  • February 10: One of the last video logs made by Charlotte Lockwood before her death. By now, Maisie is eighteen months old. Charlotte has used a pathogen-borne gene modification to cure Maisie of their shared genetic disorder, but does not have the time to cure herself before she passes away. Sir Benjamin Lockwood and Iris Carroll create a story in which Charlotte died in a vehicular accident on June 31, 2008 to keep her research and Maisie a secret (human cloning is illegal in the state of California). Her celebration of life, according to Lockwood family records, was held at 9:00am on July 5 at St. Anne’s Church, but of course this never actually took place. Maisie’s existence is hidden from most people, and the select few who do know about her (but not Charlotte’s research) are taught that Maisie was cloned by Sir Benjamin in an act of grief at his daughter’s death. Only an extremely small number of people who Lockwood absolutely trusts know the real truth.FK,JWD
  • April 9: A hybrid animal was hatched. Further information is restricted by Masrani Global.MSRN
    • Note: All records of this event have been removed from the Masrani Backdoor website, indicating that it may not be canon.MSRN However, this date falls within the probable timeframe for Experiment E750.CC
  • On or Before May 15: A female Carnotaurus hatches on Isla Nublar.DPG
  • With the announcement of the first official Carnotaurus destined for Jurassic World, the genetic engineering controversy is stirred up again. At a public lecture, a man named Jack asks Dr. Ian Malcolm whether he thinks genetic engineering should be banned, and Malcolm states that doing so would be impossible. Another audience member, computational genomicist Dr. Amelia Everett, converses with Dr. Malcolm about his book and whether it was known that Jurassic Park would fail; Malcolm states that he didn’t “know” this, just merely predicted it and saw his prediction proven accurate. He goes on to claim that concepts like fate and karma are explanations to instill a sense of meaning into a universe that is extremely difficult to predict. They end with the final question: whether the course of the future can be corrected.JWA
  • June 6: Simon Masrani states that he believes Henry Wu has an answer as to where genetic engineering will go next.MSRN
  • Eventually it becomes clear that E750, belonging to the entirely new genus and species Scorpios rex, is unfit for the park due to its ghastly appearance and unpredictably violent behavior. It is also highly venomous; Wu’s staff develops an antivenom. Following an incident in which the specimen attacked and nearly killed Wu after breaching containment, Masrani demands its destruction. Wu does not comply; he keeps it preserved in cryonic stasis, alive but frozen solid, to use it for later research and determine what went wrong. Only Wu’s top-ranking staff know about this; the hybrid’s tank is kept secret by being held in a wing of the field genetics lab that is incorrectly marked as under construction. His efforts to build a park-ready hybrid theropod resume with new tactics.CC
  • Anchiornis is described.


  • On or Before May 15: A female Apatosaurus hatches in Jurassic World.DPG
  • On or Before May 15: A female Baryonyx hatches in Jurassic World.DPG
  • Sinoceratops is described.
  • Concavenator is described.
  • Kosmoceratops is described.
  • Claire Dearing and Eli Mills meet at a fundraiser, either this year or next year. Mills is currently managing Benjamin Lockwood’s estate as well as the Lockwood Foundation.FK


  • Tatsuo Technology is acquired by Masrani Global.MSRN
  • On or Before April 21: Kadasha is born to Dennis and his first wife.BBR
  • On or Before May 15: A female Stygimoloch, nicknamed “Stiggy,” hatches on Isla Nublar.DPG
  • Teratophoneus is described.
  • October 28: A notice is pinned for North Mount Sibo Genetics Centre lab staff at 9:58am regarding the operating procedure for InGen’s CQS gene sequencers.JWA


  • An InGen facility called Martel comes under construction in Siberia in order to extract DNA from animal remains in the permafrost dated at 20,000 to 40,000 years ago.MSRN,CC
  • The Mascom Tanius 6J smartphone launches.MSRN
  • The I.B.R.I.S. (Integrated Behavioral Raptor Intelligence Study) Project begins development under Hoskins’s guidance. Owen Grady is chosen to head this study. Subjects selected for the project are generally found to be too aggressive and unpredictable, however, and so new specimens must be engineered for it.MSRN,JW,FK
  • On or Before May 15: Blue hatches, followed by Delta, Echo, and then Charlie. Other theropods bred for IBRIS did not survive.MSRN,JW,DPG,FK
    • Since Blue was about eight weeks old as of IBRIS Day 176, she hatched about seventeen weeks into the program. The earliest she could have hatched, therefore, was late April (this being the case if IBRIS began on January 1).FK
  • A Troodon formosus named Jeanie is hatched at some point in time for a research program related to IBRIS. She is housed in Facility 4 and studied by Dr. Kate Walker, assisted by Dr. Martin Riley. Research into the emotional capacity of dinosaurs is accomplished using a device affectionately named the “Dino-Decoder.”JWL
  • On or Before May 15: A female Pteranodon hatches in Jurassic World.DPG
  • Approximate date at which Kayla Watts could have joined the U.S. Air Force.JWD
  • Two Indominus rex hatch in the Hammond Creation Lab.MSRN,JW
  • Day 176 of IBRIS: Blue demonstrates clearly higher levels of emotional intelligence than her siblings, comforting Grady when he appears in distress (while her sister Delta attacks instead). Blue shows strong loyalty to Grady and has established herself as the leader of her sisters.FK
    • Because 2012 was a leap year, the 176th day of the year was June 24. Since IBRIS began in 2012, this is the earliest day on which this training session could have taken place. Blue and her sisters were about eight weeks old at this point in time, while the project itself was in its twenty-fifth week.FK
  • July 10: A project review meeting for an NMS project is held, with Dr. Wu and computational genomicist Dr. Amelia Everett in attendance. Earlier this week, Dr. Everett and her superior Dr. Svetlanda Mashir completed mapping the Velociraptor genome. The project is now proceeding with protein isolation and live trials; a specimen was recently hatched with genetic alterations resulting in elevated mesotocin levels. A/B testing is underway, and the specimen is responding well to its conditioning. Wu promotes Everett due to her success; she now reports directly to him, with Dr. Mashir out of the loop.JWA
  • September 20: A notice is pinned for all Genomics staff at the NMS Centre at 11:36am regarding the protocols for entering Analysis.JWA
  • November 23: A notice is pinned for all Genomics staff at the NMS Centre at 16:35 regarding the protocols for exiting Analysis; from now on the server room foyer will remain locked by default to prevent re-entry. Employees must log out in order to open the exit.JWA
  • On or Before December 19: Brooklynn begins her vlog channel “Brooklynn Unboxes the World” at age 10.CC


  • Masrani Oil is commissioned to build the Cerberus Array, a set of wind turbines, off the coast of the UK. The array powers 450MW of electricity from 120 turbines.MSRN
  • Lewis Dodgson replaces Jeff Rossiter as CEO of Biosyn.DPW
  • May 17: Owen Grady recognizes that the Velociraptor pack dynamic is more complicated than originally assumed. He requests that his old friend, Barry Sembène, be invited to join the project. Sembène soon arrives from France to Isla Nublar.MSRN,FK
  • June 2: A review of the NMS behavioral genomics project is held between Drs. Wu and Everett at 11:00am. Masrani is excited by the progress made by Dr. Everett and has signed off on the operant security measures for a trial installation at the Center. He also signed off on their plans to inhibit the growth of two new raptors, provided that they, like the original from last year, are kept secret from the public.JWA
  • Nasutoceratops is described.
  • September 13: An email reply timestamped 19:35 from Jurassic World employee Carm Ricci to H. de Vries covers some new upcoming technologies in development at Masrani Global. The main focus is the Virtual Interface Assist, a kind of universal wrist-mounted remote that will permit employees to access many technologies remotely. Simon Masrani wants to roll these out to all his employees soon; a prototype has already been produced at the NMS Genetics Centre. One major criticism of the technology is that it enables one-click email access which allows all employees to see one another’s emails (therefore eliminating privacy). It is also highly expensive, and presents a security issue since anyone can access any terminal remotely at any time. Due to the issues surrounding the device, it falls into development limbo and is never cleared for production.JWA
  • Throughout this year, Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index increased by 14.87%.MSRN


  • Either early this year or late last year, Tiff and Mitch go on an expedition, but Tiff forgets to pack the night vision goggles, much to Mitch’s consternation.CC
  • On or Before May 15: A female Gallimimus hatches in Jurassic World.DPG
  • On or Before May 15: A female Sinoceratops hatches on Isla Nublar.DPG
  • Masrani Oil begins development of 3-bladed wind turbines, with projected completion of 2016. Masrani Global is also commissioned to build wind turbines in South Africa, the Philippines, and southwest Australia. Aerospace Dynamix collaborates with them on this $48-million project.MSRN
  • InventiCon 2014 is held. At this event, Masrani Global Corporation unveils the XL25 wind turbine by Aerospace Dynamix, and the support this garners allows the project to move into Phase II.MSRN
  • July 2: A notice is pinned in the NMS laboratory system at 17:03, a summary of the AV conditioning trial results.JWA
  • July 3: Simon Masrani attends a demonstratory incubation by NMS staff. Present are Drs. Wu and Everett; the latter does not bother introducing the former.JWA
  • July 7: A review of the NMS behavioral genetics program is held between Dr. Wu and Dr. Everett. They discuss Simon Masrani’s presence at the recent incubation and the fact that Dr. Everett was not introduced, despite her exceptional performance working on non-coding identifiers. She is angry with Wu for leaving her anonymous.JWA
  • August: A hurricane in the East Pacific severely damages Masrani Oil’s Platform L-12, causing three of the legs to collapse and completely removing the derrick. Internal damage poses extreme threat to the rig’s crew, though no deaths are reported. A total of $12.5 million dollars in damage are caused.MSRN
  • October: Repairs begin on Platform L-12. Sixteen mooring lines will be installed to replace the original twelve, and the new lines are said to b 50% stronger than the old ones. Plans are in place to, five years from now, replace L-12 with a semisubmersible platform.MSRN
  • November 15: Martel is finally completed. It consists of a rotating crew of nine scientists and 45 excavation crew. The project was intended to last 18 months. The site drills into the glacial ice at 42 locations, and is believed to be situated over woolly mammoth carcasses preserved within.MSRN,CC
  • November 18: Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index is $174.35* 0.34 ⇑ 0.20%.MSRN
  • November 20: Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index is $175.02* 0.67 ⇑ 0.38%.MSRN
  • December 2: Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index is $177.28* 1.17 ⇑ 0.66%.MSRN
  • December: The weather satellite Glinda is decommissioned, to be replaced by a new satellite called Ervic. While Glinda operated for 15 years, Ervic should last for 35 years. Glinda burns up in Earth’s high atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean.MSRN
  • December 16: Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index is $182.45* 5.17 ⇑ 2.83%.MSRN
  • December 24: Simon Masrani is booked for the next six months and will be unable to see the Indominus until afterward. He currently estimates May or early June.MSRN
  • InGen now houses world’s most complete genomic library.MSRN
  • Dreadnoughtus is described.


  • January: Simon Masrani announces a $225 million boost to InGen funding, which will be distributed across the course of the next three years. Much of this will go to Security. He also publicly reveals Indominus rex, though most members of the public are not privy to the animal’s name or appearance. The Indominus is explicitly named and described on Masrani’s corporate blog and the Jurassic World website, but these appear to be limited-access sites since most of the public only knows that Jurassic World will be bringing a new theropod into the park by the end of the year. Still, this announcement causes ticket sales to skyrocket.MSRN,CC
  • January 10: Vic Hoskins advises InGen Security that Mascom will be installing sensors in the north of Isla Nublar beyond the restricted area on January 30.MSRN
  • January 22: A pinned notice for all NMS Creation Lab staff is posted, timestamped 7:58, regarding the security modes (Night and Day Modes) in the laboratory with a reminder that it switches to Night at 7:00pm, and that the first person inside should switch it back to Day Mode manually.
  • January 30: Mascom engineers install scanning hardware across northern Isla Nublar.MSRN
  • The weather satellite Ervic is put into orbit.MSRN
  • February 6: Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index is $182.21* -1.38 ⇓ -0.76%.MSRN
  • February 10: Dr. Everett posts a notice for the NMS lab staff about the space access keycard at 16:00, reminding staff that it is only to be used in case of emergency and not for replacing one’s own keycard; it should be returned at the end of the day.JWA
  • February 15: Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index is $186.23* 0.24 ⇑ 0.13%.MSRN
  • March: Masrani Oil and InGen enter talks about retrieving genetic material from a peat bog rich in carbon and iron in the UAE, dated to the late Cretaceous through the mid-Miocene. Henry Wu writes in a scientific journal that InGen’s genetic database could be used to help Medixal Health with disease research.MSRN
  • March: InventiCon 2015 takes place. Masrani Global Corporation has a larger presence this year, as Simon Masrani himself appears to demonstrate the virtual reality technology his companies are working on. The Mascom Tanius 7 smartphone is unveiled.MSRN
  • March 28: Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index is $183.02* 0.28 ⇑ 0.15%.MSRN
  • April: Masrani Oil is rebranded as “Masrani Energy” to reflect its trend toward sustainable technology.MSRN
  • April 15: Dr. Nikita Horn sends an email to NMS Incubation Lab crew at 14:50 regarding the new freezer filtration system, which connects the freezers via a vent and monitors both simultaneously. If the doors are not firmly shut, both freezers could be damaged.JWA
  • April: Paleontologists discover evidence of intraspecific combat in theropods.36 An article on the topic is written by Dr. Alan Grant; it gains traction on the Jurassic World fan forum with users such as Darius Bowman. Since Darius shows such excitement about this discovery as well as the chance to visit Jurassic World, his father Frederick Bowman gives him a gift earlier than planned: matching Velociraptor tooth necklaces for both of them.CC
  • Karen Mitchell and Scott Mitchell begin their divorce proceedings. They do not tell their children, but Gray discovers it anyway by reading the mail and searching the internet for the names of the lawyers that are contacting the Mitchell parents.JW
  • April 27: Dr. Everett and S. Harris have an email conversation around 14:09 regarding an output error; CQS-27 is giving an unusual reading which Dr. Everett determines is due to an unfavorably high signal strength.JWA
  • May: Intended date for the completion of the Indominus paddock. It is unknown if it was completed on time.MSRN
  • May: Hatchery tours are given in Jurassic World. Darius Bowman and his father planned to visit Jurassic World at this point, but Frederick Bowman passed away due to an illness before they could make the trip.CC
  • May 23: Mia Everett meets with Simon Masrani in defiance of Dr. Wu’s orders, hoping to get recognition for her work. This ends up relaying details of her research with Wu to Masrani that Wu had hoped would remain confidential.JWA
  • May 28: A notice is pinned to the NMS email system at 11:35am warning that only qualified technicians should be permitted to interact with the server room in any way, otherwise data corruption, fire, serious injury, and resultant legal action are likely.JWA
  • May 29: F. Stein sends an email to Hendrick de Vries at 16:20 regarding the newly-installed environment management system for the NMS Genome Lab’s Server Access room.JWA
  • May 30: Dr. Wu and Dr. Everett have their final meeting regarding the NMS raptor project. Everett denies having met with Masrani a week prior, though Wu does not believe her and assures her that the Board of Directors will be in touch if disciplinary action is deemed necessary. Wu demands an explanation as to why she went to Masrani, since Masrani does not understand the full implications of the research Wu is overseeing at the NMS Centre; again Everett expresses her desire to be recognized, and Wu rebukes her before storming out.JWA
  • June 15: Aiden Foster sends E. Durand to the secure warehouse, but does not give him the access code, instead claiming that he will discover it along the way. Durand emails Freya Jostad at 9:48 to ask her, suspecting that he is being hazed because he is new to the company. Similarly, Jostad does not give him the code, telling him he will “figure” it out by letting his imagination “soar.”JWA
  • July: Intended date for the opening of the Indominus exhibit.MSRN By this time, the older of the two animals had cannibalized the younger. Due to the creature growing larger than expected, her exhibition was delayed until January of next year and the holding paddock had to be expanded. The animal also began to anticipate where her food would be delivered and almost tore off a worker’s arm during feeding time; Claire Dearing made the executive decision to feed it by crane instead to avoid similar incidents.JW
  • August 3: A monthly update is sent to the NMS staff by T. Fischer timestamped 17:12 regarding the altered raptors’ behavior. They have found that when raptors focus on their target, their peripheral awareness diminishes. These raptors also have a poor ability to detect concealed visual stimuli, unless their attention is drawn to it or the stimulus is directly ahead of them. Finally, the raptors have highly acute hearing, responding to and quickly locating any and all sounds within range.JWA
  • The Gutierrez cattle ranch falls on economic difficulties. They are approached by Mantah Corp administrator Kash Langford, ordered by Daniel Kon, with a deal to save the ranch if their daughter, Sammy, steals trade secrets from InGen. The family declines this bribe, but Sammy reaches out to them afterward and accepts it. She becomes one of the Camp Cretaceous attendees with their help.CC
  • Jurassic World plans for the first year of Camp Cretaceous. Only six attendees will take part this December, with five of the six teenagers being influential or connected. A competition is held to select one random participant via VR video game; the winner is Darius Bowman. The camp’s head counsellor is Roxie, who is assisted by Dave.CC
  • August 22: The last part of an email conversation between Jules Montgomery and Luc Olivera is timestamped 22:41; it concerns Olivera’s request for time off, which he would have spent with Montgomery. His request was denied, and in order to avoid discussing the sensitive nature of his work, Olivera lies and claims he has met someone else. Montgomery blocks him.JWA
  • August 23: An email conversation between Luc Olivera and B. Caravantes ends with its final reply timestamped 19:20; it involves Caravantes sending sympathies to Olivera’s unfortunate romantic situation with Montgomery and an invitation to go out for drinks.JWA
  • September: Zia Rodriguez studied pre-veterinary medicine at the University of California at Berkeley, intending to become a paleoveterinarian for Jurassic World.DPG
  • September: Release date for Mascom’s Tanius 7 smartphone.MSRN
  • September 3: Dr. Everett sends an email timestamped 13:15 to Morina Akiyama; it is a joke about fracal recursion.JWA
  • October 5: Park administration sends out a pinned notice timestamped 9:36 with an updated list of emergency contacts for the NMS Centre.JWA
  • Kurt Reed is appointed Head of InGen Security’s Special Ops division, presumably by Vic Hoskins.JWL
  • October 11: A batch of Ankylosaurus eggs begins incubating in the Jurassic World field genetics laboratory.CC
  • November 17: Dr. Horn issues an email to the entire Incubation Lab staff at 15:37 regarding seedlings that have gone missing from Botanics, requesting that the thief return them in exchange for avoiding disciplinary measures.
  • November 23: Dr. Mashir issues an email to the entire NMS Genome Lab staff at 9:36am regarding the analysis backup system, which is still experiencing failures of the overnight subroutines. Machines must be manually backed up until this is fixed.JWA
  • November 27: M. Santos reports that the service elevator is stuck in safety mode and is not operating correctly. Jake Miller replies in an email timestamped 10:22 that he is on his way.JWA
  • November 30: M. Santos sends an email timestamped 8:59 to Residence Security at the NMS Centre. It describes the maintenance staff who will be working on the Center’s geothermal power plant. Maintenance will be using the plant’s main entrance only, and Security is instructed to not give out December’s elevator access code.JWA
  • December 4: Morina Akiyama sends a mass email to the NMS Genome Lab at 16:20 including information about an update to the sterilization firmware. The system now runs 15% faster and has an updated access code.JWA
  • December 10: Hendrick de Vries emails Dr. Horn at 16:54 at her request with means to keep lab data safe in the event of an island evacuation, including regularly changing passwords and PINs, removing sensitive data from all networked devices, and destroying all VI Assist devices.JWA
  • December 16: A notice is posted to the Jurassic World email system by Josh Barnes, PhD, timestamped 14:40, regarding a lost plush in the Welcome Concourse of the NMS Centre. He claims he is asking for a friend, asking for the plush to be placed in the Supply Room if found.JWA
  • December 18: Karena Ruotsalainen sends an email to the NMS Creation Lab staff at 15:33 regarding a lost soft toy which she intended to give to her nephew. She believes it was last in the lab’s changing rooms.JWA
  • December 19: Six teenagers arrive at Ferry Landing for Camp Cretaceous: Kenji Kon, Sammy Gutierrez, Brooklynn, Yasmina Fadoula, Ben Pincus, and Darius Bowman. A minor incident occurs with a female Compsognathus escaping the Compy Pen. During the night, three campers (Darius, Kenji, and Brooklynn) trespass into the raptor training yard and are put in danger, rescued by Dave.CC
  • December 20: Darius and Kenji are assigned to shovel dinosaur dung rather than face expulsion from the island, while Brooklynn has gotten off with a warning. The remaining campers tour Dr. Wu’s field genetics laboratory in Sector 5, where they witness the female Ankylosaurus Bumpy hatch three weeks premature. Brooklynn and Sammy both separately investigate the lab for different reasons; Brooklynn is caught by Wu and the campers are kicked out of the lab. At the same time, Kenji offers Darius a view into the off-limits Carnotaurus paddock, where they have a run-in with one of the male carnotaurs which they nickname Toro. During the night, Sammy delivers a USB flash drive to a drone, which smuggles the data to Mantah Corp Island. A facility has been built there, almost completely through automation, at the order of Daniel Kon without the approval of the Board of Directors. Many dinosaurs and DNA samples have been smuggled to the facility; Sammy is the latest of many corporate spies. The facility is administered by Kash D. Langford, one of exceedingly few employees to know about the facility at all.CC
  • December 21: Dr. Ellie Sattler posts a new column about microfossils online.CC
  • December 21: The campers are given a tour of the Sector 5 herd using gyrospheres. A thunderstorm cuts the tour short and the counselors move to assist the Rangers. Lightning spooks one of the Sinoceratops, and the campers attempt to herd it back but cause a stampede; in the process the gyrosphere driven by Darius and Brooklynn lands in a deep mud pit and sinks. The other campers utilize a Sinoceratops to drag the sphere to safety, and Sammy takes a skin sample from the animal while no one is watching. While editing a video of the events, Brooklynn notices Sammy taking the skin sample in the background.CC
  • An incident occurs in which Jeanie escapes Facility 4 and enters Gyrosphere Valley, harassing herbivorous dinosaurs and two tourists in a gyrosphere. The incident is resovled by Jeanie’s handlers and ACU under Kurt Reed.JWL
  • December 22 through the rest of the year: See 2015-16 Isla Nublar Incident.MSRN,JW,CC,JWL
  • Late December: Masrani Global COO Richard Wiesner sends an urgent memo throughout the corporation as he and the other remaining leaders attempt damage control after the incident. An emergency board meeting is held.MSRN
  • December 22: Masrani Global’s NASDAQ share price index is $158.12* -3.36 ⇓ 2.08%.MSRN
  • December 23: An email from A. Onsario to S. Harris timestamped 11:21 arrives; it was probably sent before the evacuation and was delayed due to technical issues during the incident and shutdown. The email is a notice that file compression has rendered the text on the schematic for the NMS power plant illegible. This is the third time Onsario has requested the schematic from Harris, and the maintenance team is said to be falling behind.JWA
  • December 24: Date at which Simon Masrani would have obtained his helicopter pilot’s license.JW
  • Late December: Jeanie reproduces through parthenogenesis, laying two eggs without a mate.JWL
  • Daniel Kon is promoted to President of Mantah Corp. after the fall of Jurassic World. He now has far more power for overseeing the secret facility on Mantah Corp Island.CC
  • Late December: Following the incident, Claire travels with Owen Grady, but the two eventually end their relationship and go separate ways. After this, she briefly moves back to Wisconsin to stay with the Mitchells. Eventually she moves out into an apartment on her own in San Francisco.EoC,FK
  • Late December: Claire Dearing speaks at a public testimonial regarding the incident at Jurassic World. She acknowledges that fallout from the disaster will spark outrage, but that this anger should not be directed at the animals. She speaks out against attempts at weaponizing the dinosaurs as InGen Security attempted. Henry Wu and InGen are under investigation for bioethical misconduct, but as Wu is nowhere to be found, he cannot represent himself. During the trial, a paper trail is uncovered leading to the discovery of corruption in the 2003 rollback of Gene Guard Act regulations. It is discovered that higher-up InGen members bribed the officials behind the rollback. An anonymous hacker under the username “JUR@55!_H@K3R” also leaks documents pertaining to the illegal creation of species prior to the rollback, finally revealing the real reason behind the ecological collapse on Isla Sorna in the early 2000s. Many of the responsible members of Masrani Global who engaged in corrupt practices are tracked down and arrested.DPG
  • December 27: Email from A. Newman to T. Newman timestamped 12:03 reaches the NMS Centre, including a simple note from their son George. It also includes an access code for the elevator to the geothermal plant.JWA
    • In the actual film canon, this email could not have been sent any later than December 22.CC
  • December 28: The evacuation notice from Park Management reaches the NMS Centre at 16:59. A message between S. Harris and Dr. Everett regarding the evacuation and backing up the analysis system is timestamped 17:08. Another message, this one a conversation between Dr. Horn and Hendrick de Vries regarding the evacuation and the fate of hatchlings in the NMS nursery, is timestamped 17:26.JWA
    • In the actual film canon, this email could only have been sent on December 22.CC
  • With the fall of Jurassic World, Biosyn Genetics under Lewis Dodgson begins revamping its mining facility in Biosyn Valley to instead function as a research and development headquarters coupled with a de-extinct animal sanctuary. The entire valley area is made Biosyn property, likely displacing its residents. A huge dam is acquired by Biosyn, becoming the only dam of its size not managed by the Italian government. Dodgson has Ramsay Cole in mind as his second-in-command.JWD


  • Continuing from last year until June: See 2015-16 Isla Nublar Incident.CC
  • Mantah Corp breeds the hybrid Spinoceratops by modifying Sinoceratops DNA with Spinosaurus genes.CC
  • March: Kurt Reed and an InGen Security detachment land on Isla Nublar to covertly capture Jeanie. Her nest is discovered, but the eggs are left behind as they are deemed unnecessary to the mission and therefore a waste of resources to keep.JWL
  • March: The United States Congress opens up inquiries into bioethical misconduct performed by InGen and Dr. Henry Wu. Congress also opens up an inquiry as to the possible violation of the Gene Guard Act around this time. Some employees of Masrani Global Corporation step forward to present proof of corrupt practices. Wu’s laboratory is raided and all his assets are seized; he is also stripped of his credentials. He remains hidden from the authorities with the help of Eli Mills.DPG,FK
  • March: See March 2016 Atacama Incident.JWL
  • March: See March 2016 Isla Nublar Incident.JWL
  • April: A female Brachiosaurus hatches at the Mantah Corp research facility; her DNA originated from an Isla Sorna specimen. This is the dinosaur which will later be named Firecracker.CC
  • June: See June 2016 Isla Nublar Incident.CC,FK
  • June: Through their mutual contact Lana Molina, Lewis Dodgson and Daniel Kon enter into negotiations for Biosyn to purchase V-55 neural interface technology and dinosaur assets from Mantah Corp.CC
  • June: See June 2016 Mantah Corp Island Incident.CC
  • Dr. Mae Turner contacts American authorities, who arrest Daniel Kon upon his arrival to the United States. He is fired and imprisoned for embezzlement, but tells no one about Mantah Corp Island. The campers return as well, reuniting with their families; they are dubbed the “Nublar Six” by the news media. Kenji, and the others, aid Dr. Turner in maintaining Mantah Corp Island as a hidden research facility and sanctuary.CC
  • Though Dodgson does not receive the dinosaurs he purchased from Mantah Corp, he has obtained DNA samples and V-55 chips, so he takes the partial loss and uses what he did manage to acquire to start building Biosyn’s new facility.CC
  • Using the recovered DNA sample, Wu is able to complete the miniaturized version of Indominus which he and Hoskins had been planning. It is accomplished by increasing the proportion of Velociraptor DNA incorporated into the genome, as well as adding genes from several new modern animals. The resultant hybrid genus is called Indoraptor.Guide,FK
  • Viavenator is described. InGen had already discovered this genus by the early 2010s.FK
  • November 18: DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office holds a Proposers Day for its Insect Allies program, which suggests the use of plant viruses to genetically modify crops using agricultural insects as vectors.46 This will be followed by similar Biosyn research in the coming years.JWD


  • Year by which Masrani Energy had hoped to mass-produce the first FAA-approved ethanol-blended airplane fuel.MSRN
  • February: A shift in the Middle America Trench subduction zone opens fissures underneath Isla Nublar, causing Mount Sibo to become active for the first time since 1525. Plant life and other biological matter begins to combust in the region near the mountain as the temperature rises. The Costa Rican Institute for Volcanology (CRIV) reports that there is no threat to the island. The volcanic status level (VSL) of Mount Sibo currently is set at Magnitude 1.DPG
  • February: The Martel excavation concludes.MSRN
  • March: Claire Dearing founds the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG) in San Francisco’s Mission District. Around thirty volunteers have already joined, including Zia Rodriguez and former Jurassic World IT member Franklin Webb. Marches have been organized and Claire has contacted Congress in support of dinosaur rights. One of the marches takes place outside Masrani Global offices, demanding that action be taken to provide veterinary services to Isla Nublar; corporate officials state that they lack the resources.DPG
  • Dennis and Mariana, parents to Kadasha and Mateo respectively, are married. They will have a son together within a year or so.BBR
  • June: Mount Sibo’s VSL is set to Magnitude 2.DPG
  • A Biosyn vessel in the Gulf of Fernandez, posing as a tourist ship, is apprehended by the U.S. Coast Guard for trespassing. Biosyn agents pay off the captain of the Coast Guard ship and his crew; the official cover story is that the Coast Guard heroically aided a civilian vessel in distress. Biosyn threatens legal action against other parties that threaten to reveal their espionage. The ship was likely carrying specimens acquired from Isla Sorna which had been hidden away by Masrani Global, including a mated pair of Tyrannosaurus known to have lived in Biosyn Valley as part of its first generation.DPW
  • September: A helicopter flies illegally over Isla Nublar, approaching Mount Sibo. The passengers witness lava actively roiling within the mountain’s crater and report it to the authorities. The CRIV investigates using harmonic tremor readings, satellite thermal scans, and seismic equipment to determine that Mount Sibo is becoming more active. High-energy particle scans of the crust under the island reveal previously unknown high-pressure magma chambers. If the chambers were to be breached, a catastrophic eruption could occur, burning the entire island. The DPG begins planning a mission to evacuate the dinosaurs to safety.DPG
  • October 5: Mount Sibo’s VSL is set to Magnitude 3.DPG
  • December 8: The DPG website goes live.DPG
  • December 21: Claire Dearing sends an email to the DPG’s followers, inviting them to support the cause further. The Costa Rican Department of Biological Preserves and local lifeguards are already willing to volunteer for the mission.DPG


  • Original planned date for the opening of “Treetop Gazers,” a Jurassic World attraction that would have put Brachiosaurus on display.MSRN
  • January: The Costa Rican government pulls all remaining research teams and technology from the area near Isla Nublar as the eruption appears to be getting closer. It is predicted to occur on June 22 based on current data. Masrani Global has still made no effort to assist.DPG
  • February 4: The DPG website is updated with content written by Claire Dearing, Franklin Webb, and Zia Rodriguez. Franklin Webb hacks the Jurassic World website, using it to further spread public awareness of the danger posed to Isla Nublar. By this time, dozens of dinosaur species have become extinct on the island, including Metriacanthosaurus and Edmontosaurus. The Mosasaurus is reported missing.Web,DPG
    • In the weeks following the hack of the Jurassic World site, all references to the mosasaur having escaped were scrubbed from the site, and its status was changed from “Missing” to “Endangered.” Later additions to the website would acknowledge that its status was unknown, despite avoiding directly stating that its location was also unknown.Web
  • February 8: The DPG has fully moved into the Mission District headquarters.DPG
  • February 17-18: See February 2018 Isla Nublar Incident.JWA
  • February 23: Zia Rodriguez publishes an article on the DPG website covering the history of the Gene Guard Act.DPG
  • March 5: The National Science Observer publishes an article in favor of Claire Dearing as an extinct-animal-rights activist. It is shared by the DPG.DPG
  • March 21: Zia Rodriguez and Franklin Webb introduce themselves to the DPG’s followers in a new article.DPG
  • March 26: The DPG’s Juliette C. publishes an article covering the history of Masrani Global Corporation, including the resignation of six board members over the past year (two of whom were indirectly responsible for the creation of the Indominus).DPG
  • April 18: Increased activity is reported in and around Mount Sibo.DPG
  • May 15: The DPG opens its “Adopt a Dinosaur” page to promote awareness and gather support.DPG
  • June 1: Zia Rodriguez publishes an article on the DPG website, “The Importance of Paleo-Vets.”DPG
  • June 5: Klayton S. publishes an article on the DPG website, “Saving the Carnivores of Isla Nublar.”DPG
  • June 6: The DPG website opens a kids’ page.DPG
  • June 9: Extinction Now! opens a website and starts a Twitter account to counteract the DPG. On the same day, the DPG released a video debunking some of the beliefs against saving the dinosaurs; the creation of Extinction Now! social media immediately afterward is likely not a coincidence. The DPG also posted thanking its contributors for their help, which led to the first public confrontation between the DPG and Extinction Now! social media accounts.DPG
  • June 10: Increased activity is reported in and around Mount Sibo.DPG
  • June 11: Ross S. of the DPG writes an article, “Investigation: The Old Park.” It finally discloses details to the public about the 1993 incident which had been hidden or skewed by InGen.DPG
  • June 18: Emma E. of the DPG writes an article titled “The Sibo Effect” about the ecological effects Mount Sibo is having on the island. Based on scientific investigation by the DPG and the Phillane Institute of Volcanology, the eruption (initially predicted to occur the 22nd) could take place any time between two days and two months from today.DPG
  • Pteranodons are sighted diving into Lake Mead in Nevada.MC
    • This was originally set in the month following the 2018 incidents (below), but later additions to the canon have instead established that it must take place in the days preceding the incidents.MC,DPW
  • June 22: The CRIV upgrades Mount Sibo’s VSL to 4.DPG
  • Dinosaur-rights protests occur outside the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.MC
  • The Mosasaurus is recorded in the Hawaiian Archipelago, where it allegedly causes the death of a male surfer on the North Shore of O’ahu during the Big Wave Surfing Competition. It attacks a second surfer during a breaking news report on the incident, prompting the evacuation of the beach. This incident is reported on by Bo Kalani and Rebecca Ryan, in addition to dozens of social media users.FK,MC
  • June 22 through June 25: See June 2018 Isla Nublar Incident and 2018 Lockwood Manor Incident.FK
    • Claire publishes an article on the DPG website, entitled “New Developments…”, following her meeting with Benjamin Lockwood on June 22.DPG
  • June 25: Nineteen dinosaur sightings are already reported in the Folsom area, including five different species.DPW A group of Compsognathus investigate the home of an elderly man, a flock of Pteranodons aggressively flank a passenger jet, and two park rangers in rural California are chased by a Stegosaurus.MC Darius Bowman sights a Brachiosaurus near his home, just a few miles south of the Lockwood estate, which Brooklynn had been investigating.CC
  • June 25: The United States Emergency Broadcast System issues a nationwide emergency alert. Rebecca Ryan’s husband, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife employee in northern California, witnesses a territorial conflict between a Triceratops and an Ankylosaurus while responding to a call from the Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary. The Tyrannosaurus is found to have broken into the zoo, engaging in a territorial display against the zoo’s pride of lions. Zookeepers usher the cats and visitors to safety while local and national authorities herd the tyrannosaur into a nearby ravine outside the zoo; it flees into the pine forests nearby with the authorities in pursuit.FK,MC,DPW

    • A calendar seen in the Jurassic World motion comic originally established this event place during a month that began on a Sunday; this placed it in July. It is said to be on a weekday, later in the week. However, the Dinotracker site has since established the date as Monday, June 25.MC
  • Dr. Ian Malcolm is called before Congress to testify a second time regarding the Lockwood Estate incident.FK
  • A Baryonyx and case full of dinosaur DNA samples are transported out of the United States to Russia via airplane.FK
  • A juvenile Allosaurus and three other unknown cargoes are transported through Monument Valley, Utah via truck convoy to an unknown destination.FK
  • Owen Grady and Claire Dearing travel north along the Pacific coast with Maisie Lockwood. They sight three female Pteranodons traveling in the same direction.FK Eventually they move into Grady’s cabin in the Sierra Nevada range, which he finishes building.JWD
  • June 26: Three female Pteranodons are sighted at the Vegas Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada at night. A man is attacked during the incident, sustaining potentially fatal injuries when dropped into a fountain during a squabble between pterosaurs.FK,MC
  • Blue arrives near Simi Valley, California.FK
  • August 18: Kofi Annan passes away in Bern, Switzerland, aged 80.12
  • September 9: Planned date for supporters of the Defend Isla Nublar Organization (DINO), working with the DPG, to meet at the DPG’s Mission District headquarters for transport to Washington, D.C.DPG
  • September 10: Planned date for a march on Capitol Hill carried out by DINO and the DPG to attempt to gain support from the US government to save Isla Nublar. The march would start at 6am on the corner of 12th Street SW. As Mount Sibo had already erupted by this time, it is unlikely that the march took place.DPG
  • December 24: Internal message sent to Biosyn legal counsel regarding the opportunity to collect de-extinct animals from the wild with government approval, the necessity of purging evidence of prior wrongdoing from Biosyn archives, the importance of tracking down and potentially recruiting Henry Wu while keeping him in the dark about Biosyn’s prior interference, and a summary of the 2017 encounter with the U.S. Coast Guard. Wu is considered an asset for furthering Hexapod Allies, a secret Biosyn project intended to use hybrid locusts to revolutionize agribusiness.DPW,JWD


  • January: The Department of Prehistoric Wildlife is formed.DPW
  • Moros is described.
  • Biosyn is given sole collection rights to wild de-extinct animals found in the United States, and other countries begin to follow suit. Captured animals are transported to Biosyn Valley, where the company headquarters are now accompanied by the Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary.JWD
  • At some point, Biosyn hires Dr. Ian Malcolm as a guest lecturer. Malcolm has written another book, titled How The World Will End.JWD
  • Three Compsognathus are sighted on a ranch in Allendale, Wyoming. They are filmed chasing a young child. DPW agents are dispatched to capture and relocate the small theropods.BBR,DPW
  • March 10: A Stegosaurus wanders onto the highway west of Diablo, Washington. At 3:09pm local time, it causes a vehicular accident in which a car goes off the road.BBR,DPW
  • Unconfirmed dinosaur sightings are reported from near a school in Oakland, California.BBR
  • June: One of the escaped female Allosaurus, now fully grown, and a Nasutoceratops family are involved in an incident at Big Rock National Park in which they threaten campers. The incident also confirms the first-known dinosaur hatched on U.S. soil since the release of the animals into the wild. Following the incident, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service begins tracking the allosaur’s location.BBR,MC While reporting on the Big Rock incident on-site the following day, Rebecca Ryan becomes involved in the event’s aftermath as she finds herself in between an Allosaurus and the government helicopter pursuing it. The results of this encounter are currently unknown, though her crew’s news van suffered serious, likely permanent damage.MC
  • Efforts to capture the eldest Tyrannosaurus by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service begin.JWD
  • A Parasaurolophus is filmed near a river by flyfishers.BBR
  • While filming great white sharks hunting fur seals off the coast of New Zealand, boaters also film the Mosasaurus as it hunts for prey. It is recorded feeding on a great white shark which had just captured a fur seal.BBR
  • Wedding guests in Pinewood, Minnesota catch on film a hunting Pteranodon, which had been attracted to the doves released during the ceremony and preyed upon one.BBR,DPW
  • With de-extinct animals and their associated technology becoming easier and easier to access, a global black market proliferates. In Malta, the Amber Clave becomes one of the biggest black market hubs, servicing Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.DPW,JWD
  • Planned date for the replacement of Masrani Energy’s Platform L-12 with a semisubmersible platform.MSRN
  • Biosyn contracts ex-Air Force pilot Kayla Watts, a known smuggler operating in Mombasa, to transport de-extinct animals. She was chosen out of a list of eleven smuggler candidates.DPW Biosyn also obtains animals from the black market through the broker Soyona Santos.JWD



  • February 28: Kayla Watts is paid in cash for an asset delivery by Biosyn Genetics. This was her 9th payment request sent to the company, suggesting it was her ninth delivery run (or, alternately, that Biosyn failed to pay on time repeatedly).DPW
  • August: A survey of Americans is conducted by Optimum Polling to determine the public’s feelings about wild dinosaurs. The results show:JWD
    • Destroy them – 30%
    • Allow to live in wild – 28%
    • Move to sanctuary – 27%
    • Rebuild Jurassic Park – 13%
  • September: The wild dinosaur public opinion survey continues:JWD
    • Destroy them – 31%
    • Allow to live in wild – 29%
    • Move to sanctuary – 29%
    • Rebuild Jurassic Park – 11%
  • October: The wild dinosaur public opinion survey continues:JWD
    • Destroy them – 32%
    • Allow to live in wild – 28%
    • Move to sanctuary – 30%
    • Rebuild Jurassic Park – 10%
  • November: The wild dinosaur public opinion survey continues:JWD
    • Destroy them – 33%
    • Allow to live in wild – 28%
    • Move to sanctuary – 30%
    • Rebuild Jurassic Park – 9%
  • November 9: A herd of Apatosaurus has established near Toronto, Ontario and regularly causes traffic jams on the Kingsway.DPW
  • November 12: A security camera on a government building in Málaga, Spain is destroyed by a curious Pteranodon.DPW
  • Hexapod Allies moves on to its next phase: releasing genetically-modified locusts into the American Midwest. This at first starts with small swarms of a few hundred, which are supposed to die off without breeding excessively. However, since they cannot eat Biosyn engineered crops (a safeguard to protect profits), they eat everything else, and their genetic modifications have made them longer-lived and more prolific than anticipated. The swarms grow rapidly in size and consume vast amounts of cropland. Because they affect independent farmers first, the media ignores them for now.JWD
  • December: The wild dinosaur public opinion survey continues:JWD
    • Destroy them – 34%
    • Move to sanctuary – 30%
    • Allow to live in wild – 27%
    • Rebuild Jurassic Park – 9%
  • Over the course of this year, 37 dinosaur-related deaths have been reported in the United States. Meanwhile, Biosyn’s revenue for this year is up 12% for a total of US $36.5 billion.JWD


  • January: Dr. Ellie Sattler, concerned about the growing locust plague, begins studying its spread. She realizes that while the locusts are extremely destructive, they will not touch Biosyn crops. She becomes suspicious and investigates further.JWD
  • January: The wild dinosaur public opinion survey continues:JWD
    • Destroy them – 35%
    • Move to sanctuary – 30%
    • Allow to live in wild – 27%
    • Rebuild Jurassic Park – 8%
  • February: The wild dinosaur public opinion survey continues:JWD
    • Destroy them – 35%
    • Move to sanctuary – 31%
    • Allow to live in wild – 26%
    • Rebuild Jurassic Park – 8%
  • March: The wild dinosaur public opinion survey continues:JWD
    • Destroy them – 35%
    • Move to sanctuary – 32%
    • Allow to live in wild – 26%
    • Rebuild Jurassic Park – 7%
  • The wild dinosaur public opinion survey will continue through at least July, but changes in public opinion seem to have slowed down.JWD
  • April 23: The DPG comes under investigation by U.S. federal prosecutors, special investigation services, and emergency wildlife authority taskforces for national and international breaches of the Prehistoric BioSecurity Act of 2005. Their properties and publications are seized by the government. The investigation’s reference number is LNMD1NC0N43DG.DPG
  • A pair of Quetzalcoatlus begin nesting on the One World Trade Center in New York City, leading to debate among New Yorkers on whether to allow the animals to stay. For now, the controversial decision to preserve the pterosaur habitat remains in place.JWD
  • May 12: DPW agents respond to a sighting of five Compsognathus in Brazil, which were rummaging through trash and disturbing neighborhood dogs.DPW
  • May 13: DPW agents respond to a sighting of a juvenile Allosaurus near a road in Morelos, Mexico.DPW
  • May 14: DPW agents respond to a sighting of three female Pteranodons on a road near Chilca, Peru.DPW
  • May 15: Possible sighting of multiple Troodon pectinodon in Masuleh, Iran, the first appearance of this species in almost thirty years. Locals reported clicking vocalizations and a merchant was bitten, suffering hallucinations and running away from the village; he disappeared and was probably killed. DPW agents are unable to find a species in their records that matches the villagers’ descriptions and continue to investigate.DPW
  • May 16: Town officials in Arizona stop smugglers attempting to bring a Parasaurolophus out of state and contact the DPW. Agents arrive on scene to check on the parasaur’s health and transport it to a paleo-sanctuary.DPW
  • May 17: A DPW anti-poaching operation rescues a juvenile Triceratops and two Pachycephalosaurus from inhumane conditions at a poacher camp, transporting them to a secure facility for treatment and eventual relocation.DPW
  • May 19: Residents in Shoeburyness, England report outdoor pet deaths due to theropod activity, which local residents had ignored. The DPW criticizes residents’ unwillingness to appropriately respond to the presence of predator animals in their neighborhood.DPW
  • May 20: A hiker in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park reports Tyrannosaurus prints and other signs to the DPW.DPW
  • May 29: At one minute past midnight, a trail camera at Grand Mesa captures footage of a male Allosaurus, and the DPW dispatches a team to investigate. Later that day, the DPW investigates a photograph of an unknown theropod (actually a Herrerasaurus), which they cannot identify easily. This is the first sighting of the animal in nearly thirty years.DPW
  • May 31: Residents of Oregon and California are advised to take caution by the DPW due to reported Tyrannosaurus activity.DPW
  • Spring: While meeting with a supposed seller to expose the dinosaur-smuggling conspiracy within the DPW, Brooklynn is attacked by a female Allosaurus which was deliberately released in an effort to end her investigation. She is greivously wounded but survives with the loss of most of her left forearm. She goes into hiding and is declared dead.CT
  • June 2: The nephew of a cattle rancher in Guárico, Venezuela reports a small family group of Gallimimus to the DPW. By the time the photo is shared, the animals have been rounded up by local authorities, and relocation is in progress while experts search for other populations near farmland.DPW
  • June 3: The DPW reports the successful capture of a Baryonyx which was found by a trail camera in Ibarbengoa, Spain. Relocation is underway.DPW
  • June 4: A beachcomber discovers a large animal tooth on the shores of Cape Perpetua, which experts identify as a Mosasaurus tooth. The DPW advises that other locals should be on the lookout. A team is also dispatched to relocate a Baryonyx from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.DPW
  • June 5: The DPW receives a report of a Stegosaurus in Orlando, Florida near the condor exhibit at Disney World.DPW
  • June 7: A pair of Quetzalcoatlus are sighted circling around the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario.DPW
  • June 8: After receiving complaints of an Allosaurus and lack of warning signs around Crater Lake, Oregon, the DPW dispatches its local team to find the animal and place proper warning signage.DPW
  • June 10: Rock singer Chris Daughtry is now permitted to release footage in which he, while filming a promotional video in Bicentennial Park in Nashville, Tennessee, was attacked by nesting Pteranodons. Prior to this the video had been allegedly suppressed. On the same day, the DPW also receives footage of a young Ankylosaurus in the woods near Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon.DPW
  • June 11: Compsognathus attempt to break into a home in Cleveland, Ohio; the DPW advises residents to try and keep the animals out.DPW
  • June 24: Brown-colored Compsognathus, possibly a regional variant in drier parts of the world, are reported to the DPW.DPW
  • June 27: Multiple Sinoceratops reported to the DPW from Gresik Regency in East Java, Indonesia.DPW
  • Biosyn Genetics reconstructs the entire genome of Moros intrepidus and clones the species.JWD
  • September 7: Bernard Shaw passes away in Washington, D.C. of pneumonia at age 82.12
  • October: Blue lays a single egg, which hatches into her parthenote daughter Beta.JWD
  • Autumn: Rainn Delacourt poaches Parasaurolophus from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, as their powdered bones are worth a fortune on the black market as a supposed folk cure. Fish and Wildlife works to safely relocate the animals and discourage poaching; Owen Grady finds work with them.JWD
  • Autumn: Realizing the hybrid locusts are stronger, longer-lived, and breeding more prolifically than anticipated, Henry Wu starts searching for a way to end the plague. Dodgson supports his efforts, not wanting to have the destruction traced back to Biosyn and himself. Referencing video logs recovered from the Lockwood estate, Wu discovers that Charlotte Lockwood created Maisie and used a viral vector vaccine to cure a fatal genetic disorder in Maisie before passing away herself. Wu tries to apply these techniques to the locust swarm superorganisms, but he fails. To further his research, he requests that Dodgson bring him Maisie and any parthenote offspring Blue has produced. By cross-referencing their genomes, he hopes to find the modified parts of Maisie’s DNA and complete the puzzle. Information about Maisie’s existence leaks to the media, probably through Dodgson, who hires his trusted broker Soyona Santos to capture their targets. Santos hires Carolyn O’Hara and Rainn Delacourt to do the job.JWD
  • Autumn: Ramsay Cole begins taking action to end Hexapod Allies, telling Dr. Ian Malcolm about the project and trusting that he will be able to recruit help from outside.JWD
  • Autumn: The oldest living Tyrannosaurus rex narrowly avoids capture by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the Skyline Drive-In Theater, but is captured a short while after and transported to the USFWS transport hub in Pennsylvania. Her ultimate destination is the Biosyn Genetics Sanctuary.JWD,DPW
  • Autumn: Claire Dearing and her remaining DPG allies film evidence of de-extinct animal breeding and abuse at the Saw Ridge Cattle Company in Nevada, rescuing a sickly juvenile Nasutoceratops there. They narrowly escape capture by the ranch’s owners. The evidence is submitted anonymously to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; after this, Rodriguez and Webb convince Dearing that this is no longer the best way to enact change.JWD
  • Winter: Dr. Sattler obtains a live giant locust from the Peréz ranch in West Texas, providing her with a genetic sample that she studies. She discovers genes hybridized into the locust that had gone extinct in the Maastrichtian age. She is contacted by Dr. Malcolm, who invites her to Biosyn headquarters; Sattler goes to Utah and recruits Dr. Alan Grant as well.JWD
  • Winter: Delacourt tracks Owen Grady back to his cabin after observing Blue and Beta in the area. His hunters have trapped the area near Blue’s nest, but O’Hara pressures him not to finish the job until Maisie is captured too: he has spotted her at Grady’s residence.JWD
  • Winter: Maisie encounters Beta and Blue, prompting Grady to try and locate the nest. Maisie, put out at not being allowed to come, storms off toward town. Beta is captured by Delacourt’s hunters, and soon Delacourt aids Carolyn O’Hara in kidnapping Maisie. Grady witnesses these events but cannot stop them in time. Blue, enraged, wounds him. Grady vows to rescue both Beta and Maisie. He and Dearing head across the state in the hopes of getting help from Franklin Webb, who now works in the CIA Dangerous Species Division. Meanwhile, Delacourt prepares Beta for transport to Valletta for further transport to Biosyn, while O’Hara does the same with Maisie separately.JWD
  • Winter: Webb identifies Delacourt for Dearing and Grady, getting them quietly to Malta where they will meet with Barry Sembène. At this time, Sembène is working as a deep-cover anti-poaching agent for French intelligence. Delacourt has an exchange to make in the underground market tomorrow, and both the French and American intelligence communities are preparing a sting; when they have him, they will get Maisie’s location.JWD
  • Winter: Drs. Sattler and Grant arrive to the U.S. Wildlife Relocation Facility for transport to Biosyn Valley. The tyrannosaur leaves just before them.JWD
  • Winter: Hybrid locusts begin to occur in Europe and Africa.JWD
  • Winter: See 2022 Valletta Incident.JWD
  • Winter: See 2022 Biosyn Valley Incident.JWD


  • Spring: Henry Wu uses a viral vector vaccine to terminate the hybrid locust swarms, alleviating damage to the world’s agriculture.JWD
  • Spring: Ramsay Cole testifies as a Biosyn whistleblower before the U.S. Congress, with Drs. Malcolm, Sattler, and Grant supplementing his testimony.JWD
  • Spring: Biosyn Valley has been designated a global de-extinct animal sanctuary by the United Nations, who now administer the valley’s operations as Biosyn’s power is curtailed.JWD
  • Spring: Kayla Watts rebuilds the Midnight Oiler; she names it the Midnight Oiler 2.JWD
  • Spring: Beta is returned home to Blue. They depart into the wild.JWD
  • July 30: Planned date for a pit fight between an adult female Allosaurus and a Carnotaurus in the Amber Clave, 8:00pm local time. Tickets were sold at 20 euros each, with the combat marketed as “the fight of the year.” Since both animals intended for the fight had escaped the prior winter during a raid by French and American intelligence, it may never have taken place.JWD
  • September 1: Jimmy Buffet passes away in Sag Harbor, NY of merkel-cell carcinoma at age 76.12


  • Planned decommission date for the Mascom weather satellite Ervic.MSRN


  • InGen’s 99-year lease on the Muertes Archipelago expires.MSRN,DPG


Canon Sources

JNMJurassic News Magazine, Universal Studios (1992).

DDDinosaur Detectives (1991). Fictional book by Dr. Alan Grant. The exact date of in-universe publication, and the date on which the film-used prop was produced, is unknown; however, the book’s foreward is a quote from Richard Attenborough dated 1991, so this is likely the year in which the book was canonically published.

JPHandbookInGen Employee Handbook (2011). Released along with Jurassic Park: The Game. It includes a large amount of information directly lifted from the InGen IntraNet website, which is considered canon to the now-retired Jurassic Park ride rather than the true film canon. This introduces the IntraNet to the film canon in some respects, but like other aspects of the 2011 materials it is considered soft-canon. For now, the IntraNet is not cited as a source here and instead is a source for the ride canon specifically.

TTITour The Island (2011). Interactive page released along with Jurassic Park: The Game. Like the game, it is considered soft-canon, having lower priority and able to be overwritten by the franchise’s storytellers if they so choose.

JPJurassic Park (1993). Date on which the film takes place is based on statements made in later marketing. The prologue scenes begin during the first week of June, with the film’s main events beginning on June 11.

JPTGJurassic Park: The Game (2011). This game takes place in conjunction with Jurassic Park and so its date is based on the film. It is considered soft-canon, meaning that it is generally assumed that the game’s events more or less occurred in the film canon but that it is not completely accurate. Storytellers for the franchise may overwrite aspects of the game’s story and replace it with a new version as they see fit.

TLWThe Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997). Date on which the film takes place is controversial and interpreted mainly from props and supplementary materials. Props confirm Hammond was fired on May 26, 1997; the roleplaying book released for The Lost World confirm that Ludlow’s meeting at Hammond’s residence took place on this day as well, and that the Gatherers prepared for depature on the next day and landfall on Isla Sorna was made the day after this. Other dates of exposition events are given in the roleplaying book as well. The events of the prologue cannot have occurred any earlier than December 14, since a newspaper confirming Kofi Annan as the Secretary-General of the United Nations was seen during the prologue.

SurvivorJurassic Park Adventures: Survivor (2001). Date on which the novelization takes place is based on the film Jurassic Park ///. While canon consultant Jack Ewins has described the junior novel (but not the other books in the Jurassic Park Adventures trilogy) as soft-canon, the official story may be altered by franchise storytellers in the future.

JP3Jurassic Park /// (2001). Date on which the film takes place can be estimated based on in-film evidence. A computer file related to the scan of a raptor skull Billy Brennan used to make the resonating chamber replica shows that the scan itself was taken on July 16, 2001; Brennan says that the scan was taken while Dr. Grant was in Washington, D.C. (a trip which he had just returned from). He may have arrived back to the dig site as early as July 17, therefore traveling to Isla Sorna on July 18.

EoCThe Evolution of Claire (2018). Date on which the book takes place is estimated based on dialogue in the narration. The book is said to begin nine months before Jurassic World’s opening day (aside from the opening narration, which is implied to take place in early 2018), and since Jurassic World opened on May 30, 2005, this would place the book’s events at a starting date in August at the earliest. An exact day has not yet been given by Tess Sharpe; in fact, the timeline given by the book implies that the plot was intended to begin at the start of the American summer vacation season, and that the “nine months” statements may have been an unintended error on the part of the author. Jurassic-Pedia chooses to use the August date rather than the June date until Sharpe or another authority on the canon clears up the matter. Sharpe considers this book to be soft-canon, though director Colin Trevorrow considers it hard canon.

JWHandbookJurassic World Employee Handbook (2018).

MSRNMasrani Global Corporation official website (2014 – 2015).

WebJurassic World official website [no longer exists] (2014 – 2018).

DPGDinosaur Protection Group official website and social media (2017 – 2022).

EN!Extinction Now! official website [no longer exists] and social media (2018).

JWJurassic World (2015). Date on which the film takes place was confirmed to be during the winter holiday season in the film, and in December specifically in viral marketing. In-film evidence, specifically the phase of the moon seen in the film, was originally used to estimate the date as December 18; marketing for Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous has since given a concrete date for the film’s events, December 22. The brief prologue was not originally given a date, but was later confirmed in viral marketing to take place in 2012. Colin Trevorrow has referred to the film as a “week-after-Christmas movie,” but this is not a statement on the in-film date so much as it is probably a rejection of the film as belonging to the Christmas movie genre.

JWLJurassic World Live Tour (2018 – 2023). Dates on which the show takes place are estimated based on the film Jurassic World; character dialogue confirms the post-2015 scenes as taking place three months after the incident. This show was intended to be canon when it was first created, though it was quickly changed to soft-canon by Colin Trevorrow due to pressure from fans.

CCJurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (2020 – 2022). Date on which the series takes place was originally based on the film Jurassic World, and marketing for Season 2 confirmed the exact date of the main events of Season 1 to be December 22. The time frame for later seasons has been more ambiguous, with Season 2 taking place over the course of about six to eight weeks (a crossover with the Live Tour identifies the second season’s time skip taking place in early-to-mid-March), and Seasons 3-5 explicitly taking place about six months after the events of Jurassic World (including one episode of Season 3 which takes place concurrently with the events of the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom prologue). The finale of the final episode takes place the morning after the climax of Fallen Kingdom. The interactive episode, The Hidden Adventure, takes place in between Seasons 2 and 3, though the episode has multiple possible story paths the viewer can choose and none of them are considered the “true” canon.

JWAJurassic World: Aftermath (2020 – 2021). Date on which the events of the game take place are confirmed in-game to be February 17-18, 2018. Note that some in-game dates are incorrect, since the game placed the events of the Jurassic World incident on December 28. While the actual date of December 22 was not confirmed until shortly before the game was released (and therefore might not have been disclosed to the game’s creators), the fact that Christmas music was playing in an airport in Jurassic World confirms that the film always did take place before Christmas Day. In addition, this game is another soft-canon addition to the franchise. This means that while some version of its events may have occurred in the official story, the existence of said events is not concrete.

GuideJurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Survival Guide (2018). This book was released in advance of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and is non-canon; it cannot exist in-universe since the mission to Isla Nublar funded by the Lockwood Foundation was confirmed less than twenty-four hours before its departure, and Grady’s involvement was not confirmed until even closer to departure. Because of this, the DPG and Owen Grady would have not had time to write a survival guide. However, the background information about the story given in the book is assumed to be soft-canon.

FKJurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018). Date on which the film takes place was established in viral marketing, except for the prologue, which director Colin Trevorrow gave various dates for until finally settling on six months after the events of Jurassic World. This date was concretely confirmed in the third season of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.

MCJurassic World Motion Comic (2019). Date on which the events of the comics take place are based on the film Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, in-comic evidence, and the short film Battle at Big Rock. Episodes 1, 2, and 3 take place during parts of the Fallen Kingdom closing montage (Episodes 2 and 3 occur back-to-back with viral marketing establishing the date as June 25), and Episode 4 takes place the day after the Big Rock incident. Since the second and third episodes take place immediately after the Lockwood Manor incident, Episode 1 establishes the Mosasaurus sighting in Hawaii to occur during or shortly before the events of Fallen Kingdom rather than afterward.

BBRBattle at Big Rock (2019). Date on which the film takes place was originally based on in-film evidence. It is said to be a holiday weekend in the year following the Lockwood Estate incident in 2018, and the character Greg states that there will be a meteor shower. In 2019, the only weekend holidays with meteor showers taking place were Easter and Cinco de Mayo. Despite this, the viral media marketing team for Jurassic World: Dominion opted to assign the events to the month of June, which neither of these holidays take place in.

MLAMaisie Lockwood Adventures (2022). Dates for these books are given explicitly in the text. Both take place in 2020, with Off the Grid occurring in the late summer while The Yosemite Six takes place at the beginning of the American academic year. A third book was planned, but was canceled by Universal Studios in the beginning of 2023. Author Tess Sharpe considers the books soft-canon.

JWDJurassic World: Dominion (2022). Date on which the film takes place is not specific other than being winter into spring, and the film takes place over a fairly long range of time. The first act, from the DPG activists breaking into the Saw Ridge Cattle Company until the departure to Biosyn Valley, explicitly takes place over a few weeks; there is still snow in the Sierra Nevadas, which typically begins to melt in April (though snowfall can occur in the mountains as late as June). Showrunners for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory have specified that this part of the film takes place in winter 2022. The incidents in Valletta and Biosyn Valley all take place over the course of a single day, the day after Maisie and Beta are kidnapped. By the time Beta is brought back to the Sierra Nevadas, the snow has melted and there is greenery consistent with spring or early summer, suggesting a considerable time skip. A graphic used during the NowThis news segment in the beginning of the film shows data trends extending into July 2022, but it is clearly winter and spring in subsequent parts of the film. The springtime scenes of the finale, based on the fact that the winter scenes are said to take place during the later months of 2022, occur in the spring of 2023. Includes the Prologue, which takes place at least partly at the very end of the Maastrichtian age. In-film text states that this was 65,000,000 years before the present-day segment of the Prologue; it would actually occur around 66,043,000 years before (give or take about 32,000 years). Segments of the Prologue depicting other scenes may take place at a variety of times during the late Cretaceous, although the filmmakers appear to have intended them to be contemporaneous.

DPWDepartment of Prehistoric Wildlife official website and social media (2022). Unlike other viral campaigns, the website updates are not canonically simultaneous with the depicted events, since some of the sightings include segments from the closing montage of Battle at Big Rock which took place in 2019.

CTJurassic World: Chaos Theory (2024 – ). A calendar seen in the series confirms that it begins during September 2022, though the precise date has not been given.

SocialOther information provided through the official Jurassic World social media outlets, rather than accounts and websites that are meant to exist in-universe.

WG“Word of God,” meaning the franchise’s official storytellers have confirmed this information in interviews, social media posts, or other forms of communication to fans.

Real-Life Sources
Paleontology, Geology, and Archaeology

1All times at which certain species evolved or became extinct are taken from the geological record.

2The geological ages of islands in the Gulf of Fernandez are estimated based on the age of Cocos Island, which is located on the same tectonic plate.

3Bioarchaeological evidence confirms the domestication of these animals at this point in time.

4Both archaeological remains and oral history confirm that the Bribri people have lived in Costa Rica since at least this point in time.

7All dates at which species were scientifically described are taken from the historic paleontological records in which the species’ discovery is documented.

28The Dinosaur Heresies: New Theories Unlocking the Mystery of the Dinosaurs and Their Extinction, Robert T. Bakker, 1986

29Predatory Dinosaurs of the World, Gregory S. Paul, 1988

36Pre- and postmortem tyrannosaurid bite marks on the remains of Daspletosaurus (Tyrannosaurinae: Theropoda) from Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada


8DNA was first isolated in 1869 by physician Friedrich Miescher. At that time, he referred to the substance as nuclein. The structure, identity, and function of DNA were not yet understood.

13Embryologist Hans Spemann and his student Hilde Mangold performed the first somatic-cell nuclear transfer procedure using frog embryos in 1928, a crucial step in the invention of artificial cloning.

33Official records from Stemagen.

41DNA sequences from the quagga, an extinct member of the horse family.

44Genome Construction Between Bacterial Species In Vitro: Replication and Expression of Staphylococcus Plasmid Genes in Escherichia coli


11Official date on public record in real life.

12Dates given on birth/death certificates in real life.

15The Soviet Biological Weapons Program: A History, Milton Leitenberg, Raymond A Zilinskas, Jens H Kuhn, 2012. Not mentioned by name in the film, but this is the original source for the idea that the Soviets used disease-bearing rats as weapons during the Battle of Stalingrad.

16Constitution of the Republic of Costa Rica

22Official CNN records.

43Into Thin Air (1997), Jon Krakauer


45BigDog – The Most Advanced Rough-Terrain Robot on Earth

46Insect Allies